Bucs Select No. 26 In The Draft

January 22nd, 2024

Bucs GM Jason Licht.

Helluva fun season. Lots of ups and downs and drama and frustrating moments and exhilarating highs. The winning, however, came with a cost.

By advancing to the divisional round of the playoffs, the Bucs sank to the bottom third of the NFL Draft order. Such is the price of success.

Per NFL.com, the Bucs will select No. 26 as a result of this weekend’s playoff games.

So, picking in the mid-20s is not good for drafting a quarterback. However, this year the draft is deep with first round quarterbacks. So perhaps Bo Nix or Michael Penix or J.J. McCarthy slip to the teens Would that be enough to motivate Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht to trade up for a quarterback?

Yes, Joe thinks the Bucs ought to bring back Baker Mayfield. It’s asinine to think a quarterback who led his team to the divisional round of the playoffs shouldn’t be brought back.

You see Houston or Green Bay or Buffalo talking about running off their quarterbacks because they also lost this weekend? Get real.

Bringing Mayfield back would not prevent Joe from drafting a quarterback in the first round. Let the kid sit. It worked for Aaron Rodgers and Jordan Love.

If Mayfield proves to be that guy, great, you have one helluva trade chip. If Mayfield falters, you have your next quarterback on the roster.

80 Responses to “Bucs Select No. 26 In The Draft”

  1. Anon Says:

    Gotta pump the brakes on Jordan Love. He’s a product of scheme and still messed things up far more often than not this year.

    What works is holding the QB’s hand down the field like so many coaches can these days. But establishing the run, punting, and relying on defense is more important I guess.

  2. bob in valrico Says:

    We do not have the luxury of drafting another QB at no. 1, IMO. That is if we can sign Baker to a deal that lets us keep our core players. Let Licht work his magic and build the O line to improve both our run and passing game. We also need to upgrade our pass rush and find a quality safety to pair with Winfield.

  3. Buc4evr Says:

    If we can re-sign shake and bake, then we need some Linemen. O or D line, best available.

  4. Onetrickpony Says:

    Let him sit?
    We’ve been letting Trask sit for so long, he’s got splinters in his butt. What are we going to do with another one?

  5. Bucs Guy Says:

    Re-sign Baker and build the trenches. We need more of a pass rush and better blocking. Get a proven G in FA. Draft a DE/OLB in the 1st rd and a C in the 2nd rd.

    Also need to re-sign Evans, McLaughlin, LVD and Winfield.

  6. MadMax Says:

    Good spot for a RT. goedeke is a backup, heck he might not even be that….he whiffed so much Baker didn’t have a chance on some plays.

  7. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Onetrickpony is correct… Anyway we have many holes to fill. It’ll be an interesting draft for sure.

  8. Joe in Michigan Says:

    My early take on the draft:

    1) The Bucs are okay at QB. Maybe a guy later with potential.

    2) Pass rusher in the early rounds.

    3) Right Tackle, a long-armed monster (I think Goedeke’s best position would be Right Guard, Mauch might make a good Center with Jensen’s tutelage). I know there’ll be a “Don’t fix what’s not broke” pushback, but the O-Line needs improvement any way you look at it. Maybe 2nd or 3rd Round.

    4) A DB who can cover and catch the ball. How many potential interceptions were dropped by Bucs DB’s the last few years? A LOT.

    5) Left Guard and Tight End also need upgrades. Maybe free agency?

    6) ILB? I’m hopeful that Dennis will be a player. maybe draft another one.

  9. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Pass Rush, Pass Rush and Pass Rush. Center, Left Guard, Corner, MLB. BPA

  10. Hodad Says:

    I wouldn’t trade up for a QB, but if a good one fell to us at 26 we should do it. Trask right now is the only QB on the roster signed for 2024. At some point the Bucs have to add more talent to the room. Baker could be great next year, he could also get injured. Better have another pitcher ready in the bullpin.

  11. DBS Says:

    Save money on Dean and Davis. Constant injuries , lack of interceptions . To much money out for that kind of production.

  12. OHBucFan Says:

    25 variables before we find how who Licht picks. He has no idea right now who will be available. Lots to choose from. D-line, OLB, OG, RB, CB, Safety. Lots of holes.

  13. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    We don’t need a qb we can have 2 ready to go if we’re smart. Get Baker some interior beef eaters and he will be better. The 1st picks in the draft need to be linemen on both sides of the ball either a great DE or center. If Vea doesn’t lose some weight we need a new nose guard all that extra weight is dragging him down.

    Last night was one of Bakers best games. He did as good as he could with Evans drops and the edge blitzes which killed us and kept points off the board. Though he threw that last int on an I’ll advised throw I put 50% of that on Blowles for wasting 30 seconds on the clock by saving that last timeout letting the clock run all the way down. We would’ve had time to run a couple plays before 2 minute warning without having to rush the play. I blame Cornales for not giving more protection and that 1st pass in bounds. All three get the on the int.
    The interior oline has been the weak link of the offenseTrain up Palmer, Moore and Otton and with Evans and Godwin here or receivers are good. Offense will be even better

  14. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Won’t we get a 3rd round pick when we let DW walk?
    Are there any others that would yield compensation?

  15. nick houllis Says:

    BOBinVALRICO- you said it best. we don’t have the luxury of drafting a QB to sit on pine, we are now officially a contender for Super Bowl in 2024. We won’t be overlooked next year. not with 3 straight division titles.
    Center- Ryan Jensen miracle, or address it
    Edge Rush- add a monster
    RB-add a Gibbs type player

  16. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Let’s just pretend we drafted Mayfield and are giving him his second contract. He’s our guy. Build around him.

  17. Allbuccedup Says:

    Shaq is shot need an edge rusher plus wrong side of 30.

  18. adam from ny Says:

    y’all have lost your minds…goedeke is the starting RT next year

  19. Boss Says:

    We are,screwed picking this late. BPA…but we really need OL and WR

  20. adam from ny Says:

    depending on what the zyon longer term vision is…they might part ways with one of our two top corners…

    but yesterday, late in the game, gave you a taste of what life with zyon at corner could be against a top team – and that’s something to worry about

  21. MadMax Says:

    What you smoking adam? Send some my way smdh

  22. adam from ny Says:

    we are not screwed picking 26th…

    look at every player’s draft pick status who played for the bucs yesterday…every one of them…

    we have guys from number 1 in the draft to 7th rounders…or at least 6th rounders…

    so we are not screwed…

    they’ve gotta buckle down, do homework and draft well…as well as scoop up the proper free agents and undrafted gems…

    licht and the gang are pretty good at it too…


  23. adam from ny Says:

    sydh at what max?

    tell me

  24. Larrd Says:

    Why even mention quarterback? Baker/Trask is a great setup IMO.

  25. adam from ny Says:

    ok max i see…

    yeah goedeke didn’t play well yesterday – i get that…

    but yeah he’s the starting right tackle next year no matter what –

    alligator arms and all 🙂

    sorry bruh – live with it

  26. Oneilbuc Says:

    Move up and draft a quarterback we ain’t winning nothing with Baker Mayfield next year will be the same results. Remember y’all wanted Brady back last year and look how it turned out. If I’m Licht I would move up draft a quarterback and then draft a another Defensive lineman or o lineman.

  27. adam from ny Says:

    the book ends are staying book ends…

    the interior 3 might change a lot…

    mauch to center or a new center…

    potential new guards on both sides…

    but we have our book end tackles moving forward for a bit

  28. adam from ny Says:

    what are you guys huffing first thing in the morning ??

  29. adam from ny Says:

    the oline looked shabby when it came to creating a pocket and giving baker time yesterday – that was uber obviouso

  30. adam from ny Says:

    omg it’s like talking to a wall…

    anyone who thinks we don’t have our 2 tackles set in stone moving forward for the foreseeable future (pending the big wirfs resigning)…simply do not understand the bucs

    omg let me go drink coffee, people are on all night bucs benders after the playoff loss


    bottom line is both goedeke and wirfs had successful years in their first year at their positions…RT and LT…and will also only get more comfortable…and better

  31. adam from ny Says:

    also i’m starting to think we find a way to keep both dean and carlton because….

    have you looked at our full schedule for next year ?

    we are gonna need those dudes to blanket guys as best they can…

    interceptions or not…

    we play all the top squads…

    zyon looks good but he’s not ready for that………….yet

  32. adam from ny Says:

    i’m convinced we are not going quarterback at all…

    we have trask sitting there like a jordan love…

    if things go haywire with baker, or an injury, we have the veteran trask who has taken no snaps, lol, to come in as relief…

    and he has quietly worked under the tutelage of tb12 for a couple years…at some point he could potentially become a post baker option…

    unless at this point he wants out…

    he’s slowly becoming the bucs new ryan griffin 🙂

  33. lunchmeat Says:

    This is still a rebuilding football team.
    Best Available Athlete at #26.
    But first, we keep our elite guys. Licht, Evans, Winfield, Wirfs in that order.
    Mayfield is not an elite QB, and never will be. He is a good starting QB, and should be paid like one. If somebody else wants to theowfranchise-QB money at him like Seattle or the Giants did, I can live with somebody else.

  34. MadMax Says:

    Jeeze post monster…. Yeah you’re on something for sure.

  35. Beeej Says:

    Trask has another year left on his rookie deal, we can probably sign Baker for $30 or so, I see no reason to waste resources on another QB who won’t get to play

  36. Ed Says:

    Right tackle is the least of our worries but center, right guard and left guard are.
    Too many games pressure came up the middle in passing situations. Too many running plays blown up when they ran up the middle.

    Dropping Barrett and White is a given. I don’t know if Vea. Dean, Davis or Godwin can be moved in trades but if any of them could, that would open up some money to bring in some better pass rushers on the defensive line in free agency and some more draft capital.

    First priority through draft free agency is the improved both offensive and defensive lines. Add some more speed at tight end and receiver. Got to get a real running back, someone with more burst and vision than White. White blew some pass rush pickups that Baker Mayfield was blasted on.

    Looking back at yesterdays game, the lack of bringing pressure vs Goff, the sacks Mayfield took from unblocked pass rushers and Dean’s dropped interception were the plays that had they been executed by the Bucs, they most
    definitely would have won that game. But the Lions made the plays when they needed them to get the leads in second half.

  37. SB~LV Says:

    The absolute best thing about this season’s strong finish is the ability to attract FA’s !
    Need a XLL mofo @

  38. Bubby Says:

    Today, I’m a baker fan but at the beginning of the season I felt not rolling with trask and not resetting a bit was a mistake. Heading into 2024, we’ll likely be in worse shape than 2023 personnel wise. If we keep baker, no way we can draft another qb at 26. We are stuck, again.

  39. Since76 Says:

    If the bucs keep Baker don’t waste a pick this year on a QB. The bucs will be cap restrained and lose free agents. Wait till the end of next season when we will pick much higher in the draft. Use the draft picks to replace the free agents we lose as a result of signing Baker. That way after Baker fails without the team around him he had this season we draft his replacement. This is where the ugly begins.

  40. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    But but but but what about trask it’s his final year of contract but but but he’s great

  41. BucsFan81 Says:

    Trading up for a QB what are we collecting QB now. If we resign Baker no need to draft anyone with Trask on the roster. This team has a lot of other needs at the moment than to throw away a first round pick that would probably just sit on the damn bench for years see Trask for example.

  42. Weebs10 Says:

    Can’t wait to see this team in year 2 of Canales scheme. Baker’s gonna set career highs again next year. Gotta keep big M1k3 though! Arrow is pointing up!

  43. Why Not Says:

    Unless an amazing quarterback magically falls to 26 (it happens), then we need to focus on strengthening our interior O-line. D-lineman are always a need, and we need a running back. Look at how Gibbs impacted the Lion’s offense. He’ll just get better.

  44. TomBucsFan Says:

    Reload the roster. We need a Edge, SS, CB, OG, OC, TE, WR 3 … Go Bucs

  45. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    The one thing Baker lovers and haters alike need to do is not let dollar figures influence their opinion. The deal that Daniel Jones got would have been a good one for Lamar Jackson just a few years ago. When you hit the market makes all the difference.

    The true measurement is cap impact.

    And let me end on a positive. I LOVE our qb contract situation compared to every team in our division right now, and just for fun the Cowboys too.

  46. Cobraboy Says:

    Big F’n Uglies, please.

    C, 2 G’s, the Bigger and Uglier, the better.

    No more dancing fools.

    Go Ugly, and go Early.

  47. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Pick the best C/G at 26……then a TE in round 2 & a RB or S in round 3…..

    It’s time we spent some draft picks on our offense.

  48. First Name Greatest Says:

    Not a great spot for Licht, he has struggled selecting good players when he choosing later in the rounds versus the top to middle of the draft.

    Good season but need a GREAT Offseason to build off this season

  49. Lord Cornelius Says:

    I think our roster needs are too great to just waste a high pick that could be a starter now on a QB. We can win this thing next year if we make the right moves and Baker just continues to play like how he did in the playoffs. But we need that super bowl defense and a better o-line/run game.

    Should have probably had like 8-9 TD and 1 INT if not for drops, at like 9 YPA. Dude balled out.

  50. Costa Rica John Says:

    Make sure Canales stays.
    Sign Baker and Mike Evans.
    Sign Lavante David and look for his replacement in the draft. David won’t last forever.
    Sign Winfield and draft a Safety to compliment him.
    We will need more lineman on both sides of the ball. You can never have enough good players in the trenches.
    In Licht I trust.

  51. ToesOnTheLine!!! Says:

    Trask is there for another year. Assuming the Bucs and Mayfieid can agree on a contract (plus Trask on roster), I highly doubt Tampa uses a first round pick on a QB. I think with so many teams hiring new coaching staffs (most all those teams are QB needy), plus the teams keeping their coaches but maybe aren’t satisfied with what they currently have as a starting QB (maybe Giants, Steelers, Vikings?), there may be a run on a lot QB’s drafted higher than they should be? If that scenario happens then #26 might still grab some top 10-15 talent that slid because so many teams drafted a QB? Let’s hope.

  52. Ultra ClodHopper Says:

    It was a fun season. I predicted 5 wins so as far as I’m concerned we’ve been playing with house money for a long time.

  53. Funderstruck Says:

    Maaan, that Peter King got something right! He said the Bucs wouldn’t be 16th and he said they wouldn’t be 9th.

    Is 7th better than 9th? Can someone ask Mr. King?

  54. Jerry Says:

    I wouldn’t trade up far for a QB unless a good one falls. The trenches need more beef. That should be the priority.

  55. tbc 1 Says:

    2 corners-o line-pass rushers-we have enough talent on offense

  56. Mike Says:

    Picking this far back is a perfect spot to find a top Center, which we desperately need.

  57. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Those suggestion to waste a first round pick on a QB is just incredibly stupid…..

    Apparently nobody saw Jarred Goff have 7 seconds to throw while Ryan Neal was running around clueless yesterday (and all season)…..the Qb is not the problem and needs to be resigned.

  58. stpetebucfan Says:

    As usual I’m with Cobra…sign some big uglies.

    While I always supported Baker getting the nod out of camp I do not think Trask has yet had a chance. He’s a freaking 2nd rounder! He’s still on a rookie contract! He’s affordable and might actually be a very good QB. I do not know but the Gators here certainly believe that.

    The game yesterday was not lost. The Bucs didn’t really beat themselves the Lions are a freaking good team. But the place where the Bucs really got schooled was in the trenches…both sides.

    Go for the BPA at C..G..and edge rusher through the first four rounds.

    I want to see the Bucs become the dominant team in the league in the trenches!

    Do that and there is enough talent…INCLUDING QB…to win another SB.

  59. Mike Johnson Says:

    Fans say we need a QB, another receiver, another this and that. But if you were a student of Buc Football this season. You know we need two strong Defensive Bookends. Shaq and Joe-tryon gotta go…Period. Our glaring problem reared its head yesterday. No sacks and no rushes. I don’t even think Goff was touched once. Bucs desperately need a pass rush next season or its, rinse and repeat.

  60. AScam Says:

    Mayfield was drafted in 2018. Love was 2020.

    The OL was pretty much a non-existent yesterday. Get him some help. We don’t need a posse of QBs hanging around.

  61. stpetebucfan Says:

    Since we’re now talking draft…let me toss this out for thought.

    It’s crazy because it would require Devin White to have been humiliated enough this year to pull a Baker and “gamble” on his career.

    I just saw the first of dozens of “prognistications” of FA value. This was for the top FA LB’s becoming available. LVD was the #2 most valuable FA DB on the list. I kept scrolling to find DW45…he was in SEVENTH spot. IE He’s not going to get the top LB money despite White or his agent’s arrogance.

    Soooo…what if the team and White agreed to try and let him be the next Shaq.
    White’s best talent is rushing the passer…his biggest liability is playing in space whether tackling or covering. IF the took Shaq’s spot he has a “chance” to thrive IMHO.

    IF DW45 and his agent are smart enough they would realize that anybody who can deliver double digits sacks will earn a great payday. DW45 is never going to be the top LB…but as the hybrid OLB/DE who main responsibility is getting to the passer he may yet recoup some of his true value.

  62. Dan the Bucs fan Says:

    I think it’s pretty obvious to anybody who understands football. First round we should go oline we can get a very good offensive lineman at 26. We also draft lineman better then any other team in NFL. Our GM was a olineman he knows what he is doing. We beef up that oline in round 1 if we can run the ball just a little bit better it helps so much.

    Round 2 we got to get a cornerback who can cover. Our biggest problem on defense is we play zone too much because we don’t have corners who can play man. Draft best cover corner available and help that defense improve next year.

    Just these rookies having a off season to improve in weightvrolm etc will help alot.

    Future it bright in Tampa Bay! Schedule will be harder next year we will be better though and ready for it. We played weak divisions this year next year those divsional are better.

    NFC south will be better as well.

  63. Rob Says:

    Build the OL. Draft a LT or RT with the 26th pick or trade down a few spots for an additional 2nd or 3rd. Next is either DL or DB.

  64. Buc_Buc Says:

    I can’t think of a position we need to draft less than a QB.

    Number one priority is oline. The only reason we could pass this year is BM’s savy at avoiding the rush. And it’s Amazing we passed as well as we did without a running game 80% of the season. You throw a rookie is that mess? He is either getting hurt or all confidence lost. Develop even a top 15 run game and cut the sacks in half and we are in the running for a Super Bowl.

    Second glaring need is pass rush. Our secondary is ok, but even elite corners can’t stand up to top ten qbs sitting untouched in the pocket for 7 secs.

    In fact I’d go oline and rush DE with our first four picks.

  65. Zman Says:

    Always BPA, we have a lot of holes to fill. I would love for Verse or Kool Aid to fall a bit and move up. Good products from big schools. They also fill needs. I think Keon Coleman could be there. I like Ladd McKonkey. Everytime I watched him he was money. Think Welker or Edelman. 2nd or 3rd? I would love Bowers, but he’s top 10. No I’m not a Bulldog. I just watch CF and say man he needs to be a Buc.
    BPA, always.

  66. Canabuc Says:

    I think our best use of our draft capital would be to target the trenches in this draft. First of all I would not touch our tackles I think they both played very well this year and would leave them where they are. I think we could benefit from drafting either a guard or center in the second round and getting the other position in free agency where there should be an opportunity to upgrade. I think Cody Mauch will develop further and can stay either a guard or Potentially be looked at as a center position.

    Where I think we also need to invest is in the secondary as aside from Winfield Junior as well as a developing Zion McCollum I think I have seen enough from Dean and Davis to know that they are both injury prone and erratic and are getting paid too much to continue paying beyond the guaranteed part of their contract. Ryan Neil needs to go Devon White will not be resigned. So given that typically in the first round top tier tackles edge rushers quarterbacks and probably receivers will be gone by the time we pick it will be a perfect time to invest in a top-tier corner or safety with the first pic followed by a top-tier guard or center which will often be available in the second round. We could then double down and get another interior lineman in the third. Alternatively if there is a good defensive tackle or if an edge rusher falls in the first round or there is an ability to trade up a few spots I would consider in that direction and then take a safety in the second round and Oline in the third.

  67. K_bassuka Says:

    Buf, Hou and GB have good QBs much better options than Maybefield Joe!

  68. Usfbucs Says:

    Man reading some of these comments here some want to get rid of the entire team that was a few plays away from being in the NFC championship game.

  69. BPBucsfan Says:

    Skip the QB. We need some more studs on defense and some extra help on the O-line. After all, we have Trask at backup, and we all know he’s the second coming, so we’re all good there!

  70. Steven007 Says:

    St. Pete, the problem with your White scenario, which is a decent one on its surface, is that white so far has almost exclusively had success up the middle on a blitz. Every time he lines up as a non-blitzing lineman he has gotten stonewalled by even average offensive lineman. He’s a decent blitzer but it has to be with the element of surprise. At least that’s been my observation and that of others that should be more expert than mine.

  71. firethecannons Says:

    The win against Panthers–9 to 0 felt like a brutal loss.The win versus the Eagles was awesome. The loss against the texans was a gut punch. I was not embarassed to be a Buc fan

  72. Hopein1hand… Says:

    As a Bucs fan since Vinny Testaverde was drafted as a savior then proceeded to suck so amazingly he made Dilfer look good and Winston look like C J Stroud I compulsively start my draft evals mid-season, regardless of the team’s record or place in the draft order. I love seeing most of us in agreement on team needs here and the prevailing wisdom be draft BPA. Team needs and BPA opportunities can meet and I hope that is how it shakes out for the Bucs. Everyone knows this draft has a plethora of sought-after QBs but the Bucs are good there. Plus I am not as enthusiastic as most about this class of QBs. Daniel’s has been my #1 since week 3 and Nix (or whoever Sean Payton selects will be the second best performer from this class. There is an abundance of hog mollies available to shore up/transform the Bucs OL. I hope to see the Bucs pick that way early. There are also a good number of RBs with vision and/or power available in the mid rounds. Licht is as bad at drafting RBs as he is good at drafting OL so I hesitate to suggest burning the Bucs 2 or 3 on one but just fixing the interior OL is not going to make this team like Bowles and Canales need it to run. There are also good CBs and WRs up near the top I would pull the trigger on but not much at S, LB or DL and nothing at all at TE worth a Bucs pick so the Bucs seem stuck with the TEs they have. Licht, Spytek and their crew do great work and I’m sure there are gems at all positions hidden for the time being. It was a fun season but like many other Bucs fans this is my favorite time of the year.

  73. unbelievable Says:

    Way bigger needs:


    (assuming we sign Mayfield)

  74. Jwbuc94 Says:

    I like the idea of dropping back in the draft picking this late. 1st/2nd round talent starts to intertwine that late in the first round. Drop back into the second and load up on developing O and D line.

  75. Esteban85 Says:

    How good was the lions 2023 draft huh? Gibbs, Laporta, Branch, all starters by the end of the year and Laporta was a damn pro bowler. We need a draft like that where we hit on rounds 1,2&3. Oh wait didn’t we have starters on picks 1,2&3 from this last draft? That’s right. Mauch will get better, Kancey is the future and ya ya knows how to play ball. Great job JL, let’s go out and get another great draft

  76. Sacker58 Says:

    We already have a not ready forpri.etime qb on the roster with Trask.
    We need a center badly as hainsey will be adequate filling in.
    We need a wide receiver 1 if mike doesn’t stay and couple linebackers

  77. stpetebucfan Says:


    “white so far has almost exclusively had success up the middle on a blitz. Every time he lines up as a non-blitzing lineman he has gotten stonewalled by even average offensive lineman”

    Excellent Point! My scenario is pretty much a pipe dream anyway. I also suspect Bowles has seen enough of White to realize where his skill set lies.

    I guess it just seems sad to see a guy who was money during the SB run simply disappear. I’m not really sure how much is talent, still finding a position, personality/bad agent but there are “parts” of DW45’s skill set that intrigue me.

    Bottom line it’s all probably moot anyway. I think Bowles is over DW45’s attitude.

  78. Charles E Bishop Says:

    Honestly being a huge Bucs fan, I believe you give Mayfield a contract to be the starting QB for the organization! Especially when a legend and probably the best WR the organization has ever had in Mike Evans, and he says he wants to also return to the organization and that he wants Mayfield to be his QB! That’s saying something within it’s self! & I hope Tampa is smart & makes that happen! I also believe they should draft a young QB in the draft to learn the system & the game with the talents and experience of Mayfield and Evans and the coaching staff as well! They may be able to draft Bo Nix, Penix, or McCarthy in the 1st rnd. Honestly I hope they get Bo Nix if possible! But if not and none of those QBs are available for Tampa! There’s is one QB that I believe is just as talented and that’s Spencer Rattler! He’s athletic, has a good arm, and makes smart decisions! He’s tough! He has heart! He Works hard! & He puts it on all on the line & gives a 110% each & every game! He’s somebody the Bucs should think about looking at! Cause honestly they also need to look at getting a RB in the early rounds to help balance out the offense and help open up the passing game more for whomever the QB may be!

  79. mark2001 Says:

    Anon. Love looks to be the real deal… I”m just not sure about his ability to throw on a dime 50 or 60 yards down the field. But think he has all the other atrtributes. He is no more a “system QB” than 90% of the QB’s in the NFL are. Most all of them have systems built around their strongest skill set.

  80. vadertime Says:

    We don’t need a QB and at 26, the pickings are slim. Use that to either get a WR/TE or use it to beef up the offensive line so that Baker isn’t getting sacked 4 times per game. I’m not sure we will be able to afford both Evans and Baker, so a WR/TE might be a good replacement in case Evans leaves in free agency. Fire Bowles and hire an offensive-oriented coach. I hear Vrabel is available. Cheers and Go Bucs.