Baker Mayfield And His Injuries

January 10th, 2024

How hurt?

Man, this video doesn’t look good.

After Sunday’s game in Carolina, where Bucs quarterback Baker Mayfield played with hurt ribs and took shots and injured an ankle, Mayfield could barely walk off the field.

NFL Network reporter Sara Walsh shared video on NFL+ that she shot of Mayfield walking off the field after the game.

The guy looked like he was in serious pain. Walsh noted that often after a Bucs win Mayfield is jogging off the field, yelling and hollering and interacting with fans. Not in this video.

Mayfield walked off the field like he was Frankenstein, only a flash of a smile with a coach. No interaction with others aside from a hug from a coach and lofting a football in the air to acknowledge the Bucs fans who hung out after the game.

Joe remembers FOX sideline reporter Shannon Spake saying in the second half that Mayfield was in such pain, all Mayfield did during a Stinking Panthers possession was sit on the bench, head hung low while breathing deeply as if searching for inner strength to get back on the field.

Joe thinks it’s a darn good thing the Bucs are playing the Eagles on Monday night. Mayfield is going to need all the rest he can get.

Wonder what Bucs coach Todd Bowles thinks of the father of his step-grandson right now?

70 Responses to “Baker Mayfield And His Injuries”

  1. IrishTony Says:

    Mix him a Kenny Stabler cocktail before the game and he’ll be fine😀

  2. Onetrickpony Says:

    He is sucking it up for the incentives,for his family.
    Tough sob

  3. Popcorn Mike Says:

    As I’ve said here several times, you shouldn’t put off til tomorrow what you should’ve done today, in other words, if the Bucs had beaten the Saints, they could’ve rested Mayfield against the Panthers. In this case Mayfield could’ve had an extra week for ribs to heel and also he wouldn’t have a bad ankle because he would’ve been in that game. Nonetheless, it’s done, I hope this will be motivation for the Bucs for future game like that one against the Saints and just put Trask in there and let’s go out and win this game

  4. garro Says:

    I rewatched the play that he came up limping from and I don’t see how he hurt his ankle at all on that. Did not look like he twisted on it at all.

    Hope it isn’t serious.

    Go Bucs!

  5. heyjude Says:

    I hope Baker is getting a lot of care and rest this week so he is ready on Monday night. At least he has several days to recuperate. In 2022 (Panthers), Baker had a left ankle sprain injury and I think he missed games at that time. It could be a recurring issue to a weak area.

  6. bob in valrico Says:

    Nobody can question Baker’s toughness, its off the chains. That said, the punishment he sustained, might aggravate an already sore and possibly inflamed
    area impacting his recovery. Its wakes you up at night with a sharp pain if you move. Deep breaths hurt and the force of the hits and repetitive hits make it harder to recover. I hope he has a speedy recovery and the training staff has some tricks up his their sleeve.

  7. rickym Says:

    Warrior. Unbelievable that many fans who post on this site cannot find a way to embace this player. What more can a player do to lead his team. Top ten stats in the NFL all whiole pLaying with a medicore offensive line and the worst rushing attack in the NFL.

    All he does is play his heart out every single game. He never blames his teammates for a loss. He consistently deflects praise and points to his teammates instead.

    I really don’t understand what more anyone would want in an NFL QB. He will be an unrestricted free agent after this season and the Bucs will have to wait years to find another like him if he chooses to leave. Sean Payton is armed with WAL-MART money and many others will be bidding for his services.

    Good luck to this player wherever he lands.

  8. Miller5252 Says:

    We might not be playing the Eagles of last year, but we ain’t playing the Panthers either. Not a trask guy at all, but if Baker is gonna play like he did last week against the Panthers go ahead and play Trask. Mayfield should have thrown 3 picks in the first half. When we get blown out with Baker as the QB both him and Bowles will booed out of town.

  9. Fred Says:

    Great article. Too bad it didn’t say anything

  10. Lynchmob47 Says:

    He looked injured before the game, then the ankle. I think he could have come out when we went up 9….so any further pain and injury is on whoever decided to keep playing him. Todd? Or Baker? If it was Todd he needs to be fired for reckless endangerment. If it was Baker, I’m not gonna yell, just gonna say how foolish and stupid it was. If he is afraid of losing job, or wanting the money, I get it. He was gonna get the money with the win. Didn’t matter who finished. Now we’re in playoffs with a serious hurting Baker. So now what. Are we trying to win or just trying to save and keep a job. The real conversation everyone is avoiding whether you love or hate Baker, is when is enough. Thus game will on Monday night, for all the world to see, what decisions will be made. Todd will be exposed if he continues to play Baker if he is hurt or struggling because of injuries. I am betting on a win regardless of Baker, Trask, or Wolford. I believe we move on to next stage. Let’s go

  11. heyjude Says:


    Well said. Agreed. Baker does play his heart out. You are right, another team will want him. He does love it here, his words. So that is a good sign.

  12. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Get him a flak jacket, a dose of the good stuff and keep Ko Kieft next to him for additional protection.

  13. bulldog Says:

    This is terrifying news for Bowles, Joe, Joe, Ira, and the Bucs media hype machine that sold us on Baker. They’re terrified of Kyle playing, lighting it up, and exposing them for their gross incompetence at quarterback evaluation – if not outright fraud in concealing the starting job promise made to Baker when he signed.

    No other NFL team would have given the starting job to a midget career .449 journeyman bust who was outplayed in training camp by a young second-round 6’5″ quarterback. It just doesn’t happen. Except in Bucs world.

  14. Usedtocould Says:

    Maybe a little dramatic description, he certainly looked more spry than I do when I have to pee in the middle of the night. Baker=hope.

  15. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Bulldog, genuine question here – have you any experience of evaluating quarterbacks? Have you seen Trask and Baker as regularly as the bucs coaching staff this year? Do you have any insight beyond watching games on a Sunday like everyone else here?

  16. Tb bolts Says:

    Bakers fangirls are loaded up for monday. The excuses are going to fly. Pathetic. Injuries or not this dude sucks

  17. bulldog Says:

    UK, genuine question here. Were you at training camp? No, you weren’t. But Joe was. Every day. And yet Joe – a Trask basher extraordinaire – wrote on two separate occasions after training camp ended that Trask “outplayed” Mayfield in training camp. Look it up in the JBF archives, read it, edify yourself, and get back to me.

  18. StormyInFl Says:

    “UKBuccaneer Says:
    January 10th, 2024 at 6:44 am
    Bulldog, genuine question here – have you any experience of evaluating quarterbacks? Have you seen Trask and Baker as regularly as the bucs coaching staff this year? Do you have any insight beyond watching games on a Sunday like everyone else here?”

    No he doesn’t.

    But he probably went to UF. Or slept in a Holiday Inn Express. I’m sure that makes him Much better qualified than the experts who’ve evaluated QBs for years. Tom Moore is still on the staff and he has decades of experience. But Joe Gator Fan knows more….

    He Can’t accept that his favorite couldn’t beat Mayfield out, so instead has to rationalize it by spouting some ridiculous conspiracy theory instead.

  19. SB~LV Says:

    He was not playing well last game with the rib injury, now he’s got bad ribs and a busted wheel. Tough decision for the coaches, but if he is off early in the game put Trask in!

  20. Defense Rules Says:

    bulldog … ‘UK, genuine question here. Were you at training camp? No, you weren’t.’

    OK bulldog, GENUINE question here. How can yours be a GENUINE question if you answer it for him? Appreciate the morning laugh though. Those are getting harder & harder to come by in Bucsville.

  21. Tb bolts Says:

    StormyinFl is still pissed that Trask lit up whatever college he roots for lmfao. Keep hating my guy and enjoy mediocre mayfield playing like trash for the third game in a row.

  22. SteveK Says:

    Well put, popcorn Mike!

    Of Bowles and Baker took care of business at home in week 17, then we could’ve rested last weekend.

    They’re not back unless they win this game. Anything less is meh.

    Maybe back-to back to-back division championships would have a better ring to it if we played in any other division! We won last year at 8-9 and this year at 9-8.

    For the price of QBs, I’m not paying Baker unless he wins a meaningful home game in January. They had the chance to win that game two weeks ago and failed.

  23. SteveK Says:

    Credit to baker for being tough, just not that good!

  24. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Rickym fully agree.

    For everyone that bags on Baker, if he isn’t the qb next year learn to enjoy:

    * The 2024 version of Kenny Pickett
    * The free agent version of Kenny Pickett (Sam Darnold, anyone?)
    * The third best qb in the draft and no 1st round picks until 2027
    * Kyle Trask. He has to be great. I saw articles where he didn’t throw practice interceptions, and he showered with Tom Brady!

  25. Dom Says:

    Baker has to figure this out because you can’t play hurt and suck. This is the playoffs. If all he is capable of is the level of play he had vs the Panthers, then he shouldn’t play. His toughness is admirable but all he is doing is hurting the team by playing

  26. Defense Rules Says:

    StormyInFL … ‘He can’t accept that his favorite (Trask) couldn’t beat Mayfield out.’

    I don’t think that’s it with most Bucs’ fans at all. For most Stormy, there are several factors at play here IMO:

    1 – Kyle Trask was a 2nd Rnd pick back in 2021. Name 1 other healthy 2nd Rnd pick who’s only gotten THIRTEEN snaps in THREE years. It’s either a waste of a 2nd Rnd pick OR there’s something else going on here that us fans aren’t able to see.

    2 – Kyle Trask looked pretty good to Joe & many others in this past training camp. He’s got the size & accuracy to capitalize on the strengths of our 2 primary receivers, Mike Evans & Chris Godwin (ie, intermediate & deep passes). Yes he’s a pocket passer, but our OLine seems to be much better suited for pass protection than run blocking, so that should actually work in his favor.

    3 – Kyle Trask doesn’t ‘fit’ what Todd Bowles wants done with this offense (neither did Tom Brady, but I digress). Bowles has shown that he stubbornly sticks with what HE wants (can be a good or bad trait). Baker Mayfield was HIS GUY from the git-go, just like Blaine Gabbert was BA’s GUY (as Brady’s backup).

    4 – Kyle Trask has 1 more year as a Buc, while Baker Mayfield will be a free agent shortly. There are quite a few teams in need of a QB right now, and Mayfield will get some substantial offers (probably in the $30 mil range for multiple years). Bucs aren’t in a position to pay that right now because of higher priorities (Winfield, Wirfs & Evans for starters).

    I think most fans like Baker Mayfield for his ‘moxie’ and grit, but at the same time see him as being ‘inconsistent’ from game to game. He struggles against the better defenses (personally I would expect that most QBs do). Fairly good with the short stuff, but the intermediate & deep passes have caused him problems this year. Sadly that’s where our strength lies (certainly not in in the running game). Most so-called ‘Traskies’ just wanted to see him get an OPPORTUNITY to show what he’s got. If there’s nothing to see there, fine; move on. But if there is, we’ll have just solved a huge problem for several years.

  27. NE Fan Says:

    The guy needed an excuse for his poor play. Don’t worry Bucs fans the limp will not appear again unless the Eagles are kicking his arse. Faker Mayfield.

  28. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    There is a very thin line between playing with pain and playing stupid……it shouldn’t be left up to Baker.
    It’s the coaches job…. Canales & Bowles to evaluate Baker in the last practice…..if he’s on target…… and makes the throws…..OK…if not, you don’t start him.

  29. Buc Prophet Says:

    That is Mayfield every year. He gets injured, it’s what he constantly does. What some call Moxie, others call a 6 to 8 yard QB scramble and takes 2 or 3 hits. Same thing will happen next year.

  30. SB~LV Says:

    Baker 0-8 in passing over 10 yards last game
    That ain’t 2024 NFL
    The Eagles will be pressuring the QUARTERBACK all game because they don’t respect the Bucs ability to put points on the scoreboard!

  31. StormyInFl Says:

    @Defense Rules –

    My comment is directed at the idiotic portion of the fanbase who have been crying about this since the day they signed Mayfield.

    Your points are valid but, I vehemently disagree with the ‘Trask won the competition/it’s a conspiracy to keep him down’ nonsense. Trask was up and down in preseasons (games – jets good, steelers bad, ravens good) where Mayfield was solid in both games he played (Steelers and Ravens).

    As for the offseason – Trask looked like hot garbage in OTAs and up until TC. Also, those who like to point out the JBF ‘Trask outplayed Mayfield’ stories have been told time and again (even by JBF) that they’re taking it out of context. Doesn’t seem to stop them.

    I actually don’t want to root against Trask and I’m not. Just pointing out the over the top whining about it that’s gone beyond ridiculous with some of these posters. It’s damn near every post – even the ones that have zero to do with the qb position at all. The over the top contingent makes it hard.

  32. Since76 Says:

    So who is to blame for his bad play. Isn’t someone on the team accountable when a player can’t perform due to injury. I don’t think he’s hurt that bad personally. It’s just another excuse for poor performance.

  33. Bojim Says:

    I don’t care which of our QBs plays Monday as long as we win. I like Trask but this is Baker’s team right now. But if his performance is suffering he should (but wont) take himself out and it looks like the coaches won’t either. Monday will be real interesting.

  34. Joe Says:

    you shouldn’t put off til tomorrow what you should’ve done today, in other words, if the Bucs had beaten the Saints,


  35. Slacker Says:

    If baker is too hurt to push the ball downfield, he’s more of a burden than anything. That’s what I seen last week and it hurt the offense.

  36. Tony marks Says:

    Actaiilly he looks a lot better in that video than he did earlier in the game. He’s not favoring the limp anywhere near as much and seems to be putting considerable weight in his walk on the ankle. He’s pretty much walking like a soccer player at the end of overtime and shootouts.

    IF even a little better walking on it today I dont see the ankle keeping him out

    Ribs takes 3-4 weeks I read but most people don’t have the constant intervention of medical staff like an NFL QB does.

    HOWEVER if he is anywhere near what he was like last week – its Trask time.

    – just put the kid on a short leash. He starts throwing picks you yank him and see if Baker can gut it out. IF kyle can FINALLY earn his paycheck for once against a greatyl fading Eagles. then you have baker at near full strength the following week.

    If Kyle can’t do that against a suspect passing defense then he confirms again – He sucks. 🙂

  37. NE Fan Says:

    This is the NFL, if you’re the starting QB and the team is down to one or done, you shoot up and play or fight for your spot on the national pickleball team. Was there any doubt Mahomes was playing in the 2020 SB or even Brady for that matter? Lawrence played against the Bucs where he could of easily sat. Good or bad move, it’s the only move. Trask is unproven.

  38. Capt. Tim Says:

    Yup. Bakers proved all he needs to. Ifbhe hurt- rest him.
    Lets march ole noodle arm Trask out there.
    At least we can go out laughing. And end the trask era.

  39. Tony marks Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    OR there’s something else going on here that us fans aren’t able to see.


    Thata aoiut the only thing that adds up in your book post.

    However that thing fans don’t get to see is what the coaching staff does. so in the abscence of a conspiracy theory which are for dummies ( no matter how many times you try and sell the theory in different words as you jsut tried to do) – they get the benefit of the doubt.

    Trying to sell Kyle’s inability to move as a beneift because our oline sucks less at passing than run blocking is just total NONSENSE. Its NEVERr a benfeit when a QB can’t escape the rush. lolol – Stop the CAP!

    THis is why Trask supporters are irrational and why the rest of the fan base and even the joes roll their eyes at you. It requires someone with the sikill level of a top five QB or the GOAT to overcome an inaiblity to avoid the rush. Your real narrative is that Kyl isn against all odds precisely that – the saviour of the franchise Elite QB held back by th evil empire of coaches – that for some inexplicably ( additional conspiracy) reason 32 teams passed on in the first round and 31 passed on in the second.

    Finally as to contracts . – Kyle s has only a year to go – which is another wayf of saying – in terms of Games that matter Kyle is only one or two gams from being just like Baker – a player playing on an expiring contract thati will cost much more at th end of it

    So its all a wash. That time is a blip in the NFL.

  40. Craig Says:

    If any player is hurt enough to be detrimental to his team, he should choose to sit.

    It is not a team player who handicaps his own team.

    I don’t care who it is. Devin White has done it, so has Rachaad White.

    By the way, the Trask I saw in camp was not noodle armed. He has spent three years adjusting himself to play in the NFL. Is he the answer? I don’t know, but he should play, at some point, so we can see what he can do.

    He threw one pass to Godwin in the end zone. Godwin had a defender on his back and could not get his other foot down. If he had, a lot of the conversation would be in a different direction.

  41. Stanglassman Says:

    UKbucfan- You got your answer through all the bravado and assholeshness. No he has none. Just talking out of his As-s. But..but.. Joe said Trask played better 2 times during training camp. . . Hilarious.

  42. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Hey Bulldog, what did Joe say about Trask and Baker’s performances in preseason games? It’s all in the archives – I’ve posted quotes a few times now. I presume you’ve read them?

  43. Cobraboy Says:

    The playoffs are NOT where you see what your underachieving rook QB has to offer.

    I say rook because he has not played meaningful snaps in an NFL regular season game outside one goal-line play when Mayfield got hurt.

    I’m not anti-Trask. I just prefer experience in a playoff run.

    Fingers crossed Mayfield gets healthy, otherwise, the Iggles are just gonna tee off on a stork statue with no meaningful game experience.

    I can think of no better way to destroy fan and player confidence than throwing a rook into the fire of a playoff game against a team that 1) hates the Bics, and 2) is desperate for redemption.

  44. David Says:

    I am not angry and don’t give rat’s ass if plays with injury or Baker performs as he did in their last two games as long as Bucs win. But He mainly played to pick up his $1M incentive in wining the division and jeopaerdizing I am just amazed how these trash Baker fans post so proudly after the past underperformances by their trash boys as he won the division for Bucs after a decade. Baker fans have been comparing him and calling him the young Tom B. I wonder what would they call him if he performs well and Bucs win against Eagles. Uh, wait perhaps in the locker room not on the field.

  45. realistic-optimistic Says:

    @DR with the mic drop. lol

  46. No More Bowels Says:

    The Buccos win despite Todd Bowels horrible coaching and scheming. Let’s see if Eagles are finally ready to turn things around or if Bowels strikes again.

  47. Cobraboy Says:

    Good Lord, David.

    I know of no one who has called Baker Mayfield “the young Tom Brady.”

    It’s perfectly fine to not like a given player, but NOT OK to create a LIE that justifies your immense casual fan-ness. That smacks of deranged sociopathy.

    Mayfield got us here, for better or worse, and I have no idea, or even a hard opinion, about if he should be The Man going forward.

    I suspect you’ve never had cracked or serious bruised/cartilage-damaged ribs, much less tried to perform repeated athletic movements with that condition.
    Now, if the coaches think Mayfield is too hurt (which is different from injured) to effectively perform as a top QB in a playoff game, they will have no choice but to go with another QB. I’m not optimistic about winning probabilities with a healthy Mayfield against a reeling but talented team in the playoffs and would be even less optimistic if Trask or Woolford was QB.

    I am not convinced the Iggles are crashing and burning, and would continue spotty self-destructive play into the playoffs.

    We shall see.

    That said, this team has exceeded my expectations already. I was thinking 6-11, so 9-8 and a playoff game is a bonus (at the cost of higher draft picks.)

  48. Oz Len Says:

    Thanks, Trash David for today’s Trash Report

  49. Whodat Says:

    You guys are unbelievably uninformed. The Carolina Panthers defense finished the regular season as the 4th best defense overall in the NFL. The Philadelphia Eagles were 26th. Everyone keeps saying the Panthers were awful and the Eagles are going to be so much tougher for the Bucs to score on. NOT.

  50. Robbie Says:

    I agree with several of these post but @bulldog you nailed it. Again I think Baker is a greedy mf not even letting Trask take a few snaps this season so he can get a better offer next year and move on since the bucs organization has mishandled his career.

  51. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    Enough with the “midget Mayfield” nonsense. It’s not like he’s Doug Flutie out there or even Kyler Murray. Dude is 6’1″ same as Mahomes, taler than Brees, and several other QBs. I saw a graphic showing zero correlation of QB height vs batted passes. Trevor Lawrence either led the league or was damn near the top a year or two ago in batted balls and he’s 6’6″.

    Vision is about the only thing that comes into play regarding height and a couple of inches here or there aren’t nearly as important as your o-line creating passing lanes for you. The big guys are aware of the routes and where they need to “steer” their guys. They aren’t just a bunch of fat guys rasslin’ other fat guys. They have jobs to do besides keeping the QB upright.

    JJ Watt once said that he prefers taller QBs because they’re easier to see over the blockers (when asked about Kyler Murray’s height or lack of) and he swatted down passes from pretty much every QB he faced, short or tall.

  52. Chris Says:

    I’m really sick of hearing the “inconsistent” label
    Being put on Mayfield. NO QUARTERBACK has a good game every game! People need to start watching other football teams week t9 week, and try and find a QB that is great every single week. It doesn’t exist.

  53. Sacker58 Says:

    A sore baker is better than a healthy Trask,sorry for saying.
    Anyone see how many times baker avoids sacks?
    Trask doesn’t move as well as baker in the pocket and baker has the experience of seeing g five years worth of blitzes and defenses that has been thrown at him.
    Experience counts.

  54. Student of the Game Says:

    Anyone reading this thread, read what Whodat posted again. Ignore anything about Trask. It’s just nonsense at this point.

    It’s playoff time now. 1 game seasons. The team that is most prepared to stop what the other guys does best and on offense best prepared to take advantage of other guys defensive tendencies wins. Can not get behind early.

  55. BakerBucs Says:

    Popcorn says & bulldog says more like b”””it says just to say what a couple of creeps u r.Moron why haven’t the other 31 teams after Trask why didn’t BA tell bowles to play him he had 2 draft chances has been on the bench for a good reason.he is stationary target & I guarantee he wud be in the hospital or on concussion protocol he is not the answer for anybody we have a top 10 tier QB that can take the hits trask did not stand a chance in hell maybe belicheck will take him in the. cfl some day

  56. NE Fan Says:

    Chris, Lamar Jackson

  57. BakerBucs Says:

    Post me the day Trask has perfect passer rating in the nfl.that joker was on the 1 yard line & cud not complete an easy TD HE FAILED terribly we ended up losing that game because of Trask & that was the game where bakers bad ankle came into play

  58. SteveK Says:


    “Post me the day, Baker wins a January home game for division, or scores points at 2-15 Carolina!”

    Baker Bois should be Chase McClaughlin Feet fans!

  59. SteveK Says:

    Baker Bucs,

    I am glad you saw Trask come in for one whole play and get to make a decided conclusion.

    How many points did baker put up last week?

    Did we beat the saints in week 17?


  60. vadertime Says:

    Baker, take a step back and relax. Don’t jeopardize your future by taking risks and playing injured. You’ve done enough for the organization take care of yourself so can be back in fall 2024. Bowles must go. Go Bucs.

  61. Rod Munch Says:

    The excuse making begins…

    Baker only threw for 27 yards at the half because he was injured, if he wasn’t injured he’d have had 41 yards.

    I don’t want hear this nonsense, it’s the playoffs, everyone is hurt – go out and win the game, then after the season is over and you drop the Lombardi, tell everyone you broke your thumb in week 15. That’s when you can tell me about your injuries.

  62. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Trask could make a playoff appearance

  63. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Can you imagine? Eagles knock Baker out of the game and Trask comes in and gets a playoff win?

    That would be an interesting story huh?

  64. SteveK Says:

    Thank you, Rod Munch, amen brother.

  65. Tony marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    I don’t want hear this nonsense, it’s the playoffs, everyone is hurt – go out and win the game/


    Thats how we feel about QBs that can’t impress their coaches enough to get playing time. Its the NFl . Thats how you get your career going. You are not even injured so your fans have no excuses.

    You came into the league knowing the ropes – that you would be required to make yourself necessary to your organization. IF you eat pine then that s on you for not doing that job in impressing them. No inventing conspiracy theories or blaming the coach. Your job was to impress and you don’t? That fails is on you – no one else.

    Meanwhile back in the real world only biology incompetents think injuries shoudn’t affect physical performance. They ALWAYS do and theres nothing magical about any playoffs that change that reality. Modern medicine can mitigate pain but other symptoms don’t just disappear. So it all comes down to severity not unscientific illogical football memes.

  66. Donald G Says:

    Some guys play through pain Baker obviously is one of those people. If cant go 80% to 90% play Trask. We all saw how off Baker was against the panthers.I know I know they are a top 5 defense but he was simply just off. A few drops didnt help either. I just want to win.

  67. Mike Johnson Says:

    Luv Baker. He’s playing for pennies by NFL standards. And is probably playing in a lot of pain masked by painkillers just to get bonuses and incentives. I do believe the guy is pretty banged up. Its conceivable he does not have a lot left in the tank for Philly. They know he is hobbled and will be coming at him hard. Pay The Man next year Bucs!

  68. Marky Mark Says:

    Jameis Winston and Trask were drafted because the Glazers thought local heros would sell tickets. After Winston Licht said why dont we try something different. Lets bet the best available FA. So tney got a Michigan guy and won the Superbowl. That was a watershed moment. Trask was not drafted because he was any good. He was drafted to keep Gator fans interested. Once Brady left Licht went to the best available FA well again and made the playoffs. Trask is a leftover from a failed local hero past.No way he ever plays.

  69. Donald G Says:

    A 2nd round pick for Gator fans You are an IDIOT

  70. Marky Mark Says:

    You would not say that to my face Donald because i would punch yours. What a coward you are hiding behind a fake name and digital bits and bytes. The Glazers are businessmen. The concept is called a loss leader. They calculated the extra ticket sales and merchandise would be far greater than a second rounder. Besides the draft is a crap shoot from 1 to 7. Ryan leaf was a first round bust and Brady was the 6th round Goat. The round # does not guarantee success or failure.