“It’s Time For Him To Play”

December 12th, 2023

Where does Devin White stand?

Has Buccaneers captain Devin White been pushed aside permanently?

Consider the facts, and what Todd Bowles said today.

As Joe reported, White was a no-show at Sunday’s game in Atlanta. Despite being a team captain and having a free trip on the team jet filled with incredible food and his beloved teammates in a must-win game, White did not attend.


Yes, White has a foot injury. Joe was told it’s real but not something “serious.” Interestingly, about a week ago, JoeBucsFan.com columnist Ira Kaufman said publicly he thinks it’s likely White has played his last game as a Buccaneer. Kaufman called it a highly educated guess born from inside information.

Fast forward to Tuesday on the Buccaneers Radio Network. Head coach Todd Bowles was talking about the rise of his team on their two-game winning streak. He suggested players have learned how to battle through injuries.

“The mental toughness has kicked in,” Bowles said. “I think guys have kind of put some of their injuries aside and understand how they have to play. And they’re playing for each other and there’s a lot at stake and these guys are showing up.”

So should Joe think that Bowles thinks White should be playing through his injury?

Regarding the guy who replaced White on Sunday, K.J. Britt, Bowles talked about him and didn’t menton White at all.

Bowles said he chose Britt over rookie SirVocea Dennis for various reasons.

“A little more knowledge of the defense [than Dennis],” Bowles said. ” … K.J., he’s a natural born leader. We’ve been watching him for a while now and it’s time for him to play.”

Joe would wager that if Britt had been filling in for Lavonte David, for example, then Bowles would have described Britt’s play in the context of David coming back soon and Britt was ‘holding down the fort’ until David returned. Instead, it sounded like Bowles forgot about White.

Joe doesn’t believe White is done, but Joe certainly wouldn’t bet on it. Something doesn’t smell right, and Joe isn’t referring to the leftover fumes from White asking to be traded 10 months ago.

43 Responses to ““It’s Time For Him To Play””

  1. Tony marks Says:

    Ira is probably right. White isn’t getting the contract he wants and by now knows that. To not be seriously injured and not travel for what is essentially a playoff game says it all. He’s in the bucs reaer view mirror and he knows it.

  2. RuKa Says:

    I am still amazed how, after all that happened in the off-season and his attitude, Todd made everything in his power to make him a team Captain…

    Is this the attitude you wanna see in a Captain?
    Is this the example you want your other players to follow?
    Is this the leadership you want in your locker room?

    The standards of this team have plummeted so far since Todd was given the reigns of this team… No wonder the team looks so uninspired and lost every Sunday…

  3. ATLBuc Says:

    If it is true that he’s leaving it would have been nice if we could have gotten something for him in a trade

  4. Birdie Says:

    Next man up

  5. gotbbucs Says:

    “K.J., he’s a natural born leader. We’ve been watching him for a while now and it’s time for him to play.”

    Not that I really believe anything that Bowles says during the week, but if he’s to be trusted here, this sure sounds like Britt is now the starter.

  6. dmatt Says:

    Bowles spoiled White n it has backfired. Players n position coaches alike are probably complaining behind closed doors about the number of tackles he missed n how he’s garbage in pass defense. I heard Kancey say during an interview that he, Dennis, n Ya Ya have a good relationship n are all about the future of the team. He also went on to say, coach often says man ur gap n do ur own job without trying to do too much. DWhite. hint,hint. If DWhite thinks he’s going to be paid in full next year, then he need to go into concussion protocol ASAP.

  7. Jmarkbuc Says:

    I’ve tried to like Bowles, but it’s a hard pass.

    He is not HC material. He says and does some really asinine things. Too many.

  8. Jmarkbuc Says:

    I mean seriously..

    “The mental toughness has kicked in “? WTAF? There’s 4 games left.

    Doesn’t say much for his coaching all year long.

  9. Nutterbuccer Says:

    Been bashing Bowles alot lately. But gotta give the man credit here. Very happy to hear him talk up KJ Britt and not make excuses for devin White.

  10. CleanHouse Says:

    I think they should have made white an outside linebacker all along. Seek and destroy, not as much thinking

  11. ElioT Says:

    2-0 in must win games vs. run heavy teams WITHOUT Devin.

    He’s not an asset, he’s a liability.

    See you late 45!

  12. stpetebucfan Says:

    Bowles deserves a lot of the grief he gets here but not in this case. It’s not his fault that DW45 is lacking character. At this point nobody wants him in the foxhole with them.

    Lots of talk about locker rooms bailing on coaches. Has anyone heard of the locker room turning against a player. I think we’ve seen examples in the past.
    Maybe DW45 has simply worn out his welcome here. At least he did it before gouging the Bucs for Big $$$. He’s already made enough money to retire.

    He’s earned over 30 million in five years. That’s a lot of horse feed. Maybe he just is “youngry” anymore. I don’t know that I would be…30 million could support all my desires forever!!!

  13. BAKERSBucs Says:

    30 mill in the bank interest alone at today payout is minnimum 5% that’s 150.000 month u can’t live on that wtf

  14. BucsFan81 Says:

    Sounds like Diva White is done. If his injury is not that serious he needs to have his butt on the field that’s why he is getting paid 11 million this season. I hope this organization gets rid of the dead weight this off season. To many people on this team getting paid big money and under performing or always injured.

  15. Christopher Schiefen Says:

    What’s really amazing is we have no pass rush, and that’s the thing he does best. Let him earn his contract(elsewhere) doing that & help the team (now).

  16. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Devin Who?

  17. Drunkinybor Says:

    “It’s time for him to play.” Todd Blows…. That says it all. If it’s time for him to play then it’s time for someone else to sit. Bye Devin don’t let the door knob hit ya where the good lord split ya.

  18. Charles E Bishop Says:

    It maybe and probably is the last that we’ll see from White for the team but that being said there’s still four games and he’s legally still under contract with the team so that means he’ll probably more than likely be traded to help with other needs for the team this next off season more than likely he’ll bring some kinda picks in the draft for the team or they can just let him go and get nothing but honestly to me I can’t value you him cause he really didn’t pan out or really do anything to solidify that he’s worth anything cause he hasn’t really shown me nothing with all the hype that he come into the league with that he was going to be this big something and on higher level and better than the rest and the only thing that has solidified his career and any success is that he had the opportunity to play right beside in my opinion one of the best to ever play the game and at the LB position in Lavonte David he got the opportunity to play beside greatness other than that he never lived up and hasn’t shown any really talent other than here and there making a few sacks and few good tackles but nothing to prove that he’ll be more than anything other than average in this league!

  19. MelvinJunior Says:

    Do we still acquire that 3rd Round Comp Pick by moving on!?

  20. SlyPirate Says:

    The never-ending Bowles is a HC charade. Only if this wasn’t the NFCS.

  21. westernbuc Says:

    Bowles doesn’t sound like a guy who’s going anywhere

  22. Buc4evr Says:

    White is in the “rotation” for the rest of the year, then he is history. Doubt he starts unless KJ is hurt.

  23. Mike C Says:

    Sly, the Giants have a shot as well as a second NFC south team, the whole Conference is ripe with mediocrity.

  24. Arn evans Says:

    Don’t let the Door hit you in the Ass. Got his Ring He could care less about Anything But getting his Money

  25. UGotRobbed Says:

    He’ll sign with a division foe and become an all world TB killer…lol

  26. Big Red Says:

    Rooting for Bowles. LFG Bucs. If Devin White returns, I hope he blitzes the passer like a bat out of hell. Shame he hasn’t quite lived up to expectations. Elite athletic ability.

  27. Deadwood South Dakota Says:

    Quitter and did anybody in the press ask toilet bowl why we can’t get enough players on the field?

  28. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    D White hasn’t been the same since his father passed mysteriously last season.

  29. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Potential 2024 Draft Picks

    Inside Linebacker(s):

    -Edgerrin Cooper ILB |Height: 6’3″ | Weight: 230 lbs | 40: 4.52
    -Payton Wilson ILB | Height: 6’4” | Weight: 230 lbs | 40: 4.50

    Payton Wilson is a world-class prospect, though his history of injuries could potentially limit his full potential.

  30. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Charles Bishop – I’d like to buy a punctuation mark.

  31. teacherman777 Says:

    For the people complaining about not trading him.

    He was only worth a 3rd or 4th rounder during this season. Maybe not even that!

    But someone will sign him, and we will get a compensatory pick anyway.

    So relax.

  32. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    He is one biscuit away from being a nice fit at nose guard.

  33. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    And to think Bowles made him captain. The blind leading the blind.

  34. Davenport Says:

    Put 45 on IR and tell him to go home. Britt is his 2024 replacement and cannot be put back on the bench.

  35. Marine Buc Says:

    D. White hasn’t been the same since his father passed away…

    I wonder if that has affected his attitude towards playing football and his passion for the game?

  36. 1#bucsfan Says:

    If Britt keeps playing the way he did then let DW45 walk. I really like what I’ve seen in SVD and now Britt who has bin here a few years is showing up we will be fine as long as we sign LVD for another year or 2. He’s playing like a 23 year old not 33

  37. Joe in Michigan Says:

    CleanHouse Says:
    December 12th, 2023 at 10:14 pm
    I think they should have made white an outside linebacker all along. Seek and destroy, not as much thinking.
    If you overlook the facts that White overruns plays, isn’t a good tackler, loafs at times, and isn’t a good football player maybe you find a different position for him. The Bucs already have a good athlete/bad football player at OLB in JTS, they don’t need another one.

  38. Joshua porter Says:

    Should have traded white when someone actually wanted him . Now all we get is a middle linebacker that stays in his lane and actually tackles someone rather than just running as fast as he can and pull them down ( when he don’t miss all together). Go bucs

  39. Allbuccedup Says:

    Licht should have traded him the beginning of the year its too late now as usual Licht never trades anyone he thinks there worth a lot more than they actually are i.e. OJ Howard. By the way is he still in the nfl?

  40. Saskbucs Says:

    I was way late to this party but have to agree with many posters that are saying White should have been used as a rusher this whole time. Chase the QB but stay in your lane for run fits.

  41. Tom horn Says:

    Teams will see how he acts when he doesn’t get his way and they don’t need the drama. His contract just got smaller.

  42. Ruckus Says:

    I had high hopes for white on defense, why is he sitting? Why he not being a good teammate? Why why why? Help your team and maybe you might get your stock up and get your money or trade to a team that will want you?!?!? Cmon devin!!

  43. Rachel Riley Says:

    If all you negative Betty’s would actually go look at Devins high school football games on YouTube, then y’all would know what the game changer is capable of doing!! Go look at YouTube ppl!! I watched him play in high school and he is a beast!