Down Go The Slimy Saints; Bucs Are Alone In First Place

December 22nd, 2023

Slimy Saints coach Dennis Allen.

As Al Michaels said on Amazon in the immediate aftermath of the slimy Saints’ loss to the Rams last night.

“Tampa for the moment is in the driver’s seat.”

The Bucs (7-7) now have a half-game lead in the NFC South with the slimy Saints (6-8) losing last night 30-22 to the resurgent Rams (8-7).

The Bucs could lock up the NFC South with two more wins, a win Sunday over the Jags and a win a week from Sunday against the slimy Saints ought to do it. Both are home games.

The Dixie Chicks are currently a game and a tiebreaker behind the Bucs so they would need the Bucs (and slimy Saints) to collapse.

A win Sunday over the Jags, who aren’t playing so well of late and Trevor Lawrence’s status is uncertain, would be a huge win for the Bucs toward an unprecedented third-straight NFC South crown for the franchise.

57 Responses to “Down Go The Slimy Saints; Bucs Are Alone In First Place”

  1. Beeej Says:

    If we go 2-15, but the TWO are the Taints, is ok

  2. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Let’s see if the Bucs want to take care of business or not. Both the Jags and Saints games are very tough but winnable and both at home. I have no confidence in Bowles but a 9-8 season and not getting blown out by Dallas or Philly would be a slight improvement. If they lose the next 2 then fire everyone.

  3. adam from ny Says:

    In the drivers seat…


  4. ‘79 Defense Says:

    They win the next two, clinch the division, play Mayfield the first half of the final game and lead, pull him in the second half and lose… to enter the postseason again with no momentum at 8-9. —That still leaves a sour taste from last year.

  5. ‘79 Defense Says:

    My mistake… we win two more and have a winning record. …Still having nightmares about last season.

  6. Adrnagy Says:

    This goes for the “joebucsfan” … what’s in it for you ?
    More clicks , more visits , more ads ? You are more negative than positive.
    Considering we the Bucs have had
    1st yr offensive coordinator. New at position.
    1st yr new Qb
    New chemistry in offense
    Rebuilt / shuffle oline
    No pass rush.
    1st yr Defense players at position.
    No leadership on defense (suh, jpp)
    No salary cap.
    1st yr HC making decisions.
    Just to mention some BS.

  7. Adrnagy Says:

    Should I keep going …
    1st yr Starting RB
    Injuries in secondary throughout the year.
    1st yr Ryan Neal safety.

  8. MadMax Says:

    F the aints!! Count on another loss against us….coming right up!

  9. Let em Bake Says:

    A Trevor-less Jag unit won’t hurt.

  10. SB Says:

    I wish I could give Beej a ‘like’ 🙂

  11. Crickett Baker Says:

    The Jags played awful in their last game and their play-calling sucked. It won’t take much to beat them if we play like we did and they play like they did.

  12. Saskbucs Says:

    The Bucs really should win out. Jags can still prove tough but Carr and the Saints suck. Let’s see if they come to play.

  13. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    What I’m amazed at is almost none of you expected the Bucs to win more than 4 games & now they could make the playoffs yet you give no credit to Baker Mayfield. Some of the non-winning teams they’ve beaten would have been winning teams if the Bucs & Mayfield hadn’t beaten them.

  14. adam from ny Says:

    by the way…that cam jordan dude is kinda washed

  15. David Says:

    I have noticed a nasty trend with Baker Fans. Baker Fans you are trash as your qb with attacking savagely any fans who criticize your trash qb. You guys are not Bucs fans. The real Bucs fans know there is no super bowl HC/Qb in this team. Wining NFC South with a game or two over .500 is not a formula to win now or next season. Bucs have not defeated any teams this season with wining record and they will get blow out in the first round. Good luck selling season tickets with Bowl and Baker next season if they some how survive this season.

  16. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    F the saints. F Cam Jordan.

  17. Tb bolts Says:

    Jason baker is .500 on the season… he has done nothing but be inconsistent. He played his best game of the season against green bay and NO ONE knows which mayfield is going to show up this weekend.. or the next weekend. So maybe wait before you pop the champagne. And since were complaining about ppl not getting their do props… MIDFIELD was defended this entire season as each and every one of his teammates (minus the kickers) took blame for his WEAK performances. Mayfield strings a couple wins together and were all supposed to lick his feet? How about see how the rest of the season plays out

  18. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    David Says
    “I have noticed a nasty trend with Baker Fans. Baker Fans you are trash as your qb with attacking savagely any fans who criticize your trash qb. You guys are not Bucs fans. The real Bucs fans know there is no super bowl HC/Qb in this team.”

    David, I’ve been pretty open about my disdain for Mayfield and Bowls, right?

    So believe me when I say…you are wrong.

    First, having different opinions does not rule out being fans.

    Second, the way things are aligning:

    • Mayfield finally has a very, very good game…one in which he actually looked like a playoff quarterback. Yeah, it took a lot of games to get there…but…it clicked for him against Green Bay. Can he keep doi ng it? Remains to be seen…but…
    • The Offensive Line has been improving from game to game, and against Green Bay, they also looked Playoff ready.
    • Mayfield, btw, played a statistically perfect game in a place that no visiting QB has ever done before.
    • Going into that game, the Packers had the same record as us.
    • The run is finally starting to work.
    • And this is the biggest point of all: The team is suddenly getting healthy. That’s huge, because teams that are healthy at the end of the season usually do well in the playoffs.

    So…it’s starting to feel like ‘the stars are aligning’…like Arians used to say.

    I mean, they still have a few games to play, and anything can happen..but…

  19. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai you are absolutely right. I agree with everything you said. Let’s see Baker light up the Jags. I’m not completely convinced yet but I liked what I saw

  20. J Says:

    David, I love how you’re critizing those who are critical. Kinda silly.

  21. #99 the big fella Says:

    David is a like a pimple on your nose. You just wished it would go away!

  22. WillieG Says:

    Bucs in the driver’s seat facing a backup QB? Bucs lose Sunday. Sorry, hope i’m wrong but I’ve seen this scenario play out too many times. The outcome was never good.

  23. Allbuccedup Says:

    Beat the Jags and Saints division title. I have to say Bowles is the best coach in the division. If the Bucs win the division again he will be the only head coach not fired in the division.

  24. Lakeland Steve Says:

    David, as a “true” Bucs fan and obviously a football genius I’m surprised you even have the time to post in here. Did your Mom buy you a new phone that you can actually send messages on? Last we heard from you, you were living in your Mom’s basement commenting on pornhub videos all day long. Surprised you even have gotten over your shortcomings so quickly. So just continue visiting your favorite porn sites secretly commenting on other men’s junk and leave football conversations to the real men. You know the ones who actually have a job and work for a living. Instead of being envious of Bucs fans just go back to your pathetic life on the dark web talking about your “real” envy issues. Given your comments we all know what your real hang up is. What’s your Mom fixing for you tonight? Meatloaf?

  25. DungyDance Says:

    Saints went for it on 4th down 3 times and got burned each time. One instance was early in the game on 4th and 5 midfield. In other words, way too aggressive (bad coaching). Don’t be too quick to say the Saints suck, they easily could have won if these idiotic play calls weren’t made. We’ve got our work cut out for us.

  26. gotbbucs Says:

    Long live Dennis Allen

  27. NYbucsfan Says:

    I am ok if we keep everyone but Todd! Let’s be honest we had the easiest schedule and he still looked like a terrible coach 90% of the time. I don’t care about how much cap money we had. This year was a gift to him.

  28. Baking with Canales Says:

    We got this!

  29. Since76 Says:

    Everything is aligning for this team to get into the playoffs even though they don’t deserve it right now. If they don’t get in or are defeated in the first game ….time for a new coaching staff. And if we get the pre-greenbay version of Baker he can go with them. It would be time to get better. Like I said everything is going their way. Easy remaining games. It’s all on them. Let’s go win.

  30. Larrd Says:

    A QB who loses a fumble and throws incompletions is not statistically perfect. The QB ratings are a joke.

    Baker has played very well all year, putting the team in position to win nearly every game.

  31. Oneilbuc Says:

    I have to agree with David I see where he’s coming from if you are about winning superbowles than Baker Mayfield and Todd Bowles has to go. You ain’t winning a superbowl with those 2 . If you are about the name on the back of the jersey more than the bucs winning a superbowl than yes you will want Baker Mayfield and Todd Bowles back next year. I’m about superbowles and just remember Ryan Fitzpatrick and Todd Bowles went 10-6 and the next year their fan base wanted both them back and they went 5-11 I believe and it will be the same way with us next year watch and see!!

  32. Boise Bucs Fan Says:

    Wouldn’t be so sure about the Jags. Bucs have a history of making backups look like pro-bowlers

  33. DungyDance Says:

    ^^^ Isn Rappaport reporting Lawrence likely not to play.

  34. Sacker58 Says:

    Let’s see,the last time the bucs went on a three win run they got full of themselves and started doing the rowing thing in the end zone and then got themselves punished for three weeks.
    This team doesn’t seem to do so good when the spotlight shines on them.
    Seems like they can’t handle prosperity.
    We will see how bad they want it now.
    This is do it or go home time.

  35. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Dennis Allen went for it on 4th down with a minute left in the half from the 50……Saint’s were down 10-7……he failed and the Rams scored a TD… over….bad decision from a bad coach.

    Things are falling into place for our Bucs…..let’s take advantage.

  36. Jonbucfan Says:

    I’ve always said Baker gave us the best chances to win. I also stated R. White would improve this year being a solid fantasy pick up! Both are true. This team at best was predicted to have a 4 win 2023 season. All year I’ve been reading BS post about tanking to get #1 overall pick or Trask supposedly having a better off season…waah!!!!!! Now the same people are complaining about possibly making the playoffs but not having a SB winning QB or team??? WTF?

  37. HC Grover Says:

    The Stainks game will be fun. Cant wait for the MayBowles duo to clobber them. Bucs are going to start putting up 40 plus points.

  38. Ed Says:

    For Bowles, next 2 games will prove to management and fans if he has wised up and moved away from a passive offense to an attacking one. Everyone and the world can see that the offense has to go through Mike Evans, Chris Godwin and Rashad White, with Mayfield getting them the ball.

    Cade Otton is the 4th option. Its as simple as that. Get them the ball and the Bucs are going to put up 25-30 points. Its up to Bowles and Canales to make that happen on the field.

    The defense is average with a great turnover maker with Winfield and his ability to tackle strip. The pass rush isn’t very good. Kicking White off the field has made their run defense 100% better. Devin was knocked out of position by blocks and opponents ran right at him. He is useless vs the run. Britt is solid.

    Its either the next book in Todd Bowles’ legacy or the last chapter in the current book. For the Tampa Bay Fans I hope we see the attacking Bucs on offense and continuing to play the hot hand on defense, meaning no White, no JTS and no Ryan Neal. Britt, Diaby and McCollum are trending up. Bowles/Canales are trending up. Just 2 more good games guys.

  39. Jeff’s grandpa Says:


  40. HC Grover Says:

    Stennie at LG and Godwin in the slot was all it took.

  41. RamblingRhino Says:

    Never been a saints fan, I Have been a Cam Jordan fan, except when we play the Saints. Great DL player we should have drafted!! Thanks Rockstar….
    Sole place in First in the NFC South!

  42. ScottyMack Says:

    Hmmm … I keep seeing everyone saying that if the Bucs beat the Jags and then the Saints, they win the division. The way I crunch it, if they beat the Jags, they don’t need to beat the Saints at all. A win against the Panthers seals the deal regardless of the outcome of the Bucs – Saints game because we will still have the tiebreaker advantage against the Falcons and the Saints.

  43. Mike Says:

    Bucs on the rise and the Falcons and Saints falling off…. very nice! Let’s Go Bucs!

  44. Debbie Says:

    Hey sacker 58, we like the rowing thing. Obviously it makes your team nervous. When we see it, we know the team is on fire. We want to win it all. Winning the south gets us the first playoff game at home, a big advantage. Then onward to what we all want. Keep the momentum going. We are Buc fans here.

  45. David Says:

    Baker fans you are as trash as him. Stop trolling as Bucs fans.

  46. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    For some reason I really want them to get to 10 wins. I think they can! I hope they have a reason to go for it. Losing to Carolina would suck.

  47. geno711 Says:


    Baker and Bowles have a better chance for a Super Bowl than any Winston with any other head coach in the history of pro football.

  48. vadertime Says:

    Reality check. The NFC South is the basement dwelling division in all of NFL. This was true last year and it’s true this year. We still have 3 games to go, but barring an epic collapse down the stretch we should make it into the first round of the playoffs. I just hope that winning streak guided under Baker’s bettering performance is not an illusion. I would be just happy to make it into the playoffs. Bowles getting fired at the end of the season would make me ecstatic. Go Bucs.

  49. BillyBucco Says:

    Lawerence is practicing today.
    They really don’t know if he will go.
    Ian Rappaport is saying it is looking good for him to play.

  50. Tucker Says:

    Even if they win the next two games would still like to see a change at hc for next season seat should still be on fire just a couple gamea ago everyone was calling for bowels head dont think much should change regardless how the season ends in a terrible nfc south.

  51. YaYa Winfield Says:

    Sorry Tucker but if they win 5 or 6 out of their last six games Bowles goes no where. In fact, some are even saying he will be up for coach of the year. He ain’t getting fired if the Bucs win 9-10 games this year.

  52. Shane Callahan Says:

    David doesn’t know anything about football.

  53. Shane Callahan Says:

    I don’t understand why trolls like David who aren’t rooting for the Bucs keep posting on this site. I don’t truly don’t get it.

  54. Shane Callahan Says:

    There’s something wrong with folks who constantly criticize a team they don’t root for. It’s weird. Go to the site of the team you’re actually rooting for and stay there.

  55. Don'tBmad Says:

    David’s a clown

  56. Blue Diamond Says:

    Baker certainly had a great game in GB, as did the Defense. I “think” that Bowles may have let Canales totally run the Offense, while Bowles concentrated on the D.
    However, Bowles has a long way to go to be a HC. And I would still like to see Trask work with the Starters to show how he would do.

  57. orlbucfan Says:

    Creeps like David post on here cos it gets the almighty $$clicks. BB, spoken like a true Bucs fan. Thumbs up!! Adrnagy, you’re missing something. Bucs have team captains on O and D. You’re forgetting LVD. How could you do that? So, the Aints lost. Well, well, well. Good riddance!!!