Baker Mayfield Really Should Be “Comeback Player Of The Year”

December 27th, 2023

Up for NFL award?

The feel-good crowd is pushing for a guy who is coming back from a life-changing event, not a football event. If we are awarding football awards, then Baker Mayfield needs to be in serious discussion.

It seems the touchy-feely crowd wants Buffalo safety Damar Hamlin to win “Comeback Player of the Year.” Sure, Hamlin came back from maybe the dead, a tremendous medical recovery.

But what about football? Hamlin was a nothing player and still.

But what about Mayfield? The Bucs’ signal-caller was left on the NFL scrap heap. All but given up on. Now, Mayfield is one win from giving the Bucs an unprecedented third-straight NFC South title and two wins from delivering a 10-win season.

Cody Benjamin of CBS Sports doesn’t believe Mayfield’s comeback is complete.

Winner: Baker Mayfield’s redemption tour

A week after picking apart the Packers and hours after reports indicated Tampa Bay is willing to bring him back in 2024, Mayfield delivered another gift of a performance on Christmas Eve, averaging more than eight yards per attempt in an efficient win over the slumping Jaguars. If you would’ve told any Bucs fan before 2023 that Mayfield would have this club at 8-7, they’d be happy.

That wasn’t an “efficient win.” That was a blowout. The Bucs led 30-0 before taking their foot off the pedal.

If Mayfield can lead the Bucs to two more wins, 10 for the regular season, Joe doesn’t know how Mayfield isn’t a serious candidate for “Comeback Player of the Year.”

Mayfield was one step from being a backup quarterback. He’s now about to become a playoff starter.

81 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Really Should Be “Comeback Player Of The Year””

  1. Defense Rules Says:

    Can we please have this talk AFTER we finish the season?

  2. Hammerhead Says:

    Agreed. Go 10-7 then don’t even care.

  3. Buc4evr Says:

    Agreed, go 10-7 then we can talk.. Bucs better be focused on the Saints this week.

  4. Larrd Says:

    The haters will say “not yet!” then “old news!”

    So weird!

  5. Tackleblockwin Says:

    Baker is a huge part of our turnaround. However, there are many players on this team that have improved as well. Plus, our OC is improving. I don’t recall this much improvement within a season in a long time. If we could only solve the secondary.

  6. Georgia Redneck Says:

    Mayfield has had a good year so far. I hope it continues. Then he should qualify for the award. If so, I’d offer to resign him, but not to an exorbitant contract. Too much history to ignor.

  7. Jeagan1999 Says:

    Baker IS our QB! Sign him to a 5yr, $150 mil contract!
    We will win a SB!

  8. SufferingSince76 Says:

    With all due respect to Hamlin, he was not responsible for his “comeback” other than being in good physical condition. It is a feel good story for sure and he will most likely win the award, but it will have to be a departure from the actual purpose of the award.

  9. SlyPirate Says:

    3 thoughts on Mayfield …
    1. His success is Licht’s doing. Licht understands it takes 52. Mayfield is having success because he has a good OL and Pro Bowl receivers.

    2. He’s matured. Coming in we heard about the TO. Is TD:INT ratio is 2nd best in the NFL. His matured. Something Winston could never do.

    3. Only Buyer = The Bucs. No other team would make Baker their starting QB. He’s only had success with the Bucs. I expect a team friendly contract around $25/year for 3-4 years. A contract that allow us to resign Evans and Win.

  10. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Using the Hamlin standard….any player who suffered a season ending injury should be a candidate if they perform well.

    Mayfield should be a lock…..but you know how it goes.

  11. BucfaninMi Says:

    No Bucs get any awards it seems. They had Tom Brady won a SB! But Aaron Rodgers got MVP anyway.

  12. Leighroy Says:

    Tampabaybucfan, that’s not the correct definition of the Hamlin standard in this case. He didn’t just have a season ending injury, the dude came |__| this close to dying on the field.

    The standard every year actually literally is a season ending injury, but once every 3 or 4 years a guy resuscitates his career like Baker has and earns it deservingly. I think he’s earned it already, I have to admit I was impressed w September but then had given up on him 4 weeks ago. He should earn it for his December alone!

  13. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Of course there’s the feel good factor for Hamlin, but I think there’s another factor working against a “privileged” Mayfield too.

  14. DungyDance Says:

    Awards… pffft. Going 10-7 and making the playoffs is the award. Don’t care about all these other platitudes.

  15. Bojim Says:

    Hamlin will get it. Mayfield should get it if he wins two more times and a playoff game. But the NFL wants Hamlin.

  16. Razor Ramone Says:

    In Pre historic times Cowherd did a local morning radio show with Hubert Mizell .

  17. Pewter power Says:

    In serious contention? He should be the front runner. Can’t think of anyone else worthy. Yeah everyone all over the country was rooting for Hamlin so yea if he wins the the award is as useless as pro bowl voting

  18. Tony marks Says:

    🙂 🙂 for thsoe who don’t know Colin has been a straight up hater in regard to Baker for years. Earlier this year he basically was saying Baker should retire and do college TV. Thats why some of the twiiter replies are calling him out as a fraud

    Looks like everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon now but You can tell Colin is still a hater with all those backhanded claims.

    Come back player should be someone who comes back in his PLAY so sure baker shoudl be considered – when the next two games are in the rear view mirror.

  19. Mark hardt Says:

    So a guy Who played in 5 games this year with no interceptions and no sacks beats out a guy who was injured/cut last year, has taken every snap, and has a top 10 TD to interception rate? It would make a mockery of the award. Hamlin should win the Payton award for his example to Children that you can recover from setbacks to succeed in life.

  20. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Hamlin hasn’t done anything on the field this year it’s pandering to give it to him so of course the nfl will pandering goodell

  21. WyomingJoe Says:

    Let’s finally settle this. ALL QBs NEED A GOOD OFFENSIVE LINE AND TALENT AROUND THEM TO BE SUCCESSFUL! Not only Baker. Every QB.

    It seems like the media suits and some of the commenters on this site, give Baker back-handed compliments like: “He can be a good game manager but needs a lot of help to be successful.”

    See what happened to Mahomes and Allen this year when they don’t have an over abundance of talent around them?

    Give that story line a rest already.

  22. RustyRhinos Says:

    Hey Colin Blowharder, “Like the Philadelphia Eagles, he’s at his best when nobody believes in him.”

    Except that Baker Mayfield “Plays for the Buccaneers” and we know how well we are “interesting (Thanks Tom!) or RESPECT
    (Thank you Queen of Soul) in the national football media. Nice that we are again showing up in these conversations. Thanks, Colin, Kay, GMFB, C. Simms, Baldy.

    Baker is a good QB who has had some difficult beginnings in his NFL career. In his first 3 seasons, he had a new OC. Sent to the Panthers right at the beginning of training camp another new OC, so the new 250-mill Browns QB could sit out the first of many games for them. He was cut from the Panthers and went to the LA Rams and had to learn another OC’s plays. Now he is here with the Buccaneers. again a new OC, this one had never called plays in an NFL or college game. I think this is a good marriage. Canales and Baker, Trask, Wolford. Baker has learned 6 NFL offenses in his time in the NFL. This gives him great insight into attacking NFL defenses from many different alignments, with many different skill players. Canales is a very good QB WR Passing game coordinator type OC, who wants to follow what he has seen on display in front of him his entire NFL and college career. Run the ball use motion be excellent at a handful of running plays, work play action passes into the run, and be creative in the motions and formations for pass plays. Baker gives Canales an extra set of eyes on the field to see what is being changed, and who has abilities to make changes to the play to what he sees will work. I would like to see Canales and Baker, Trask, and Wolford work together a few more seasons in a row.
    With a few quality GM choices on C/G T, DL, CB, S, and RB we are a tougher team to beat than we are now.

    Yes, I would vote for Baker as “comeback player of the year”.
    I hope we do resign him, to a team-friendly QB contract. One that does not handcuff us to one big contract, but provides Baker some stability to hang around for a while, and get yearly revenge against the other teams in the NFC South, who dismissed him.


  23. ocala Says:

    Baker deserves it.

  24. pmarcello Says:

    I think Baker couldn’t give hoot to any back handed faint praie from the fake news asayers who have tried their best to run him out of the game these pat couple of years.

    No I think Bakers contemplating awarding/rewarding himself and hi teammates with a Lombardy Trophy. He has a clear path in front of him and I believe the veterans with rings on this team have decided to throw in with him.WATCH IT HAPPEN FOLKS1

  25. Cobraboy Says:

    Let’s see how the rest of the season plays out before crowning anyone.

  26. Cobraboy Says:

    @Jeff’s grandpa: Hamlin is the PC/woke pick for CPOY.

  27. Since76 Says:

    Sorry it takes more than 3 good games at QB. He has looked really good for two weeks now but 2 games does not make a comeback player of the “year”. If he was more involved for more of the wins I would consider it but it’s for the “YEAR”. He’s had 2 good games let’s see how it plays out.

  28. Bucfan Says:

    Of the 7 losses, 4 are a direct result of lousy coaching. More agressive play calling is what started the turn around. NOT running on 1st down 99% of the time sure helped. Set up the run with the pass and the wins started coming.

  29. bucnjim Says:

    95% of all experts and media had the Bucs (Mayfield especially) winning less than 5 games. Some as low as 2 wins total! Should Baker be considered freaking absolutely!

  30. #99 the big fella Says:

    Any minute now David and NE Fan will chime in with the hatred for Baker..

  31. adam from ny Says:

    2 more wins and a total of 10 wins, seals the deal for baker as comeback playa of the year…

    this team really has leveled up and even the nfl has them ranked 10th in the power rankings right now…

    seems the nfl is getting behind baker and the bucs – what’s going on in tampa is a good storyline for the league as well

  32. m milligan Says:

    Bucs have fine tuned offense. Got the tight ends involved, pitching ball to white on edge, wheel routes and over the middle, getting ball to palmer and hart. Remarkable improvement compared to early on.
    BM balling it out, he could give a sht about award and frankly so do I.
    Buc’s could very easily take down cowboys and then who knows.

  33. Tony Marks Says:

    Since76 Says:
    December 27th, 2023 at 9:33 am

    Sorry it takes more than 3 good games at QB. He has looked really good for two weeks now but 2 games does not make a comeback player of the “year”. If he was more involved for more of the wins I would consider

    Thankfully you and other haters here get no vote

    You were all singing wins and losses are a QB stat but Now that the record is winning at 8-7 ?

    oh he’s only had three decent games.

    We can al l see though that nonsense.

  34. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    What award is Taylor Swift up for?

  35. Jmarkbuc Says:

    What about Flacco?

    Off the couch and into the playoffs…

  36. Crickett Baker Says:

    Great comments on here, and good article, too.

  37. D Cone Says:

    Back from the Dead -380
    Back from Couch. Thrown in. 3-1 336 yds /Gm 2.5 TD/Gm 60%+ in RZ +400
    Back from Back Up at CLV and CAR +1000

    Better odds than MVP

  38. orlbucfan Says:

    Go hunt up the post-game video of the Bucs locker room after they beat Atlanta. That was an emotional turning point. Check out the players. The main stars are Todd Bowles and Tristan Wirfs. BM is cheering in that video along with the whole team, BM helps the Bucs win 2 more games (they will win at least one), he deserves that award. However, he’s a Tampa Bay Buc so he won’t get it. Now, how well has the Bills’ player played?

  39. Beeej Says:

    Hamlin has ONE tackle this year, ONE target, ONE reception allowed.

    I mean, I’m happy the dude’s not dead, but those #’s don’t qualify for ANYthing of the year

  40. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    A little off topic, but it still involves Baker.

    After the spectacular throw by Baker and even more amazing catch by Durham, we need to see more of Durham at TE.

    He’s a Gronk like physical clone.

    He run blocks and sets the edge extremely well and his pass pro is very good as he’s replaced Wells in that package.

    After that route and catch we need more Durham.

  41. The Gunny Says:

    First of all, the NFL does not define what qualifies for a comeback player. Next, a player received CPR on the field of play after making a tackle while we watched.
    Whether he was a good player or not he is good enough to play in the NFL and came back to play. So to compare Baker’s 4 good games to Hamlin’s true comeback is laughable.
    Now, you tough guys who rail against “touchy feely” things in real life probably had life changing or in this case, life saving events that you had to recover from and got back on your horse…. but I doubt it.

  42. Gipper Says:


    Your comments are basically flattering re Mayfield but I do want to correct something you wrote that has been repeated by a lazy sports media. Baker wasn’t “cut” by the Panthers, he asked for and was granted his release so he could sign with the Rams after Stafford got hurt last year. The Rams loved him but had committed huge sums to acquire Matthew Stafford so Baker made a deal with Bucs. This is going to hurt the Baker haters but when the Bucs win the next two and Baker ends the season 30TD 10INT, not just Comeback but he is going to be Pro Bowl for this season. Sorry Haters.

  43. Weebs10 Says:

    Hamlin went from bottom of the roster player to bottom of the roster player. I don’t think he should get the award but oh well. Just keep winning, Bucs! Sign Baker, retain Mike and Winfield, and keep building the trenches!! We can keep our stranglehold on the NFC South for another 3 years!

  44. Beeej Says:

    “So to compare Baker’s 4 good games to Hamlin’s true comeback is laughable.”

    Had he only 4 good games he wouldn’t be nearly in the top 10 in the league

  45. mg Says:

    Hope he gets it, but must play well ending the season.

  46. Gipper Says:

    Tampa Bay can win MULTIPLE Super Bowls with Baker Mayfield. He proved himself in a big time Oklahoma program and being awarded a Heisman Trophy. He was selected by an astute judge of talent, John Dorsey as 1st player picked in 2018. Dorsey previously selected Pat Mahomes and built the Chiefs before going to Cleveland. Hope that is clear. Finally, no QB does it by himself. Sure that no less of an authority than Tom Brady would agree.

  47. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Winston, Tebow, Leinart, Torreta, Bradford, Troy Smith, etc…were just as successful in college than Baker and some even more so than him.

    Keep the focus on the NFL level. It’s all that matters, and Baker is ballin at that level currently. College is irrelevant.

  48. Ken Browns fan ..Baker Bro Says:

    He should they wont,the guy from Buffalo what has he done since coming back….look at Baker Mayfield rippin it up

  49. The Gunny Says:

    Baker has risen to rank no. 12-9 subjectively but at the close of November he was ranked 20th-16th. I hope he continues to rise because as he goes the Bucs go.
    So yeah @Beeej, the woes prior to December were not entirely on Baker as the whole team is fully on that offensive side of the learning curve. The solution to the original thread would be to Recognize not award players that take one on the field. That way folks who are upset that it is in the “worthy” category can bet on who gets the CBPOY based on stats…am I wrong?

  50. Gipper Says:


    OK NFL level it is. Baker with next two games like last two, is going to Pro Bowl. Hope that is after Bucs Super Bowl but realistically not this year. Thanks for grudgingly coming around to Baker. Some of the other posters here will never come around. Hurts their petty egos to much to admit mistakes. One great thing about this blog is everyone is on record. Some of us never forget.

  51. Gerald Says:

    Comeback player of the year will be tough for Baker. Hamilin survived death on the field. He’s definitely a Pro bowler this year. Bakers played 1 hell of a season from game 1. He’s been the glue all year for this Bucs team. He clicked with Mike. Hes Avoiding sacks and making tough runs especially early in the season until the line and run game came together. He’s avoided lots of costly turnovers and has taken care of the fooball all season for the most part. He’s been clutch coming down the stretch in lots of games this season. Hes near the top of the league in 3rd down convention, TD/INT ratio. The guys playing his tail off. Clowns on here talking about He’s only played a few good games. This guy has been money in multiple ways all season. Eat Bakers Pie you fake Trashk fans. I’m glad Baker has made your season miserable. GO BUCS!

  52. m milligan Says:

    Negitive BelleGlade,
    BM holds 2 of the top 3 college seasons of all time. Those listed do not compare.
    Had CeeDee Lamb, Mark Andrews and Hollywood Brown the last yr of eligibility.
    But I agree, yesteryear. Glad to see him back to his old ways. May look off defenders and secondary as well as anyone in the league.

  53. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Yeah I’d be down with that if he wins a playoff game for us

  54. Craig Says:

    Only two problems with it.

    1) Darrel Hamlin, who literally died last season and came back from the dead to play again

    2) Joe Flacco, who was zoning out with Doritos and NFL Networks, until he got up yo save the Browns season.

  55. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    BakerGulper please what you said hurts no one. If he follows the stats he’s put up so far 30 tds and 10 ints for the year Bucs fans will say he deserves the Pro Bowl and probably be mad if he doesn’t get it. Being that it’s as much a popularity contest as much as earned honor, there’s enough of you disillusioned fanbois to his greatness that you should be able to get him in.

  56. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Cobraboy if Hamlin was white you wouldn’t say that since you want to bring up your political views/ slant

  57. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    The Carolina Panthers would destroy all 4 teams in the college football playoffs this year. Michigan, Alabama, Washington and Texas would be massacred by the worst team in the NFL this year in the Carolina Panthers.

    Because of the parity in tge NFL, the worst team can beat or be competitive against a top team.

    The NFL has no Homecoming games against The School for the Deaf and Blind like there is in college to pad your stats and win big like there is in college.

    That’s why college stats/records anre irrelevant.

    Just an FYI, that list was all Heisman Trophy Winners with some who won championships, but as pretty as all of that is, it’s still irrelevant.

  58. BakerBucs Says:

    there were so many post on this site that I have nothing to add u guys covered it all really well I appreciate common sense there r a few on this site that clearly lack that quality we all know who they are

  59. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Most of them are the fanbois of college Alma Maters

  60. BelleGladeBuc Says:

    Baker fans.

    The issue is settled.

    Baker the Bucs QB of the future if he signs a TB12 type contract which will allow the Bucs to have more talented players on the roster.

    Now that that is settled, I have a new mission for you.

    The Bucs have a 6’6”, 260 lb Gronk clone TE who can make acrobatic catches and run and pass block in Payne Durham.

    That’s your new mission, if you choose to accept it.

  61. Rod Munch Says:

    Baker has been playing great these last couple of games, but again, I ask, what is he coming back from?

    Comeback player of the year was meant to reward players coming back from injuries – not for guys who have just not played well.

    So what is Baker coming back from?

    I’m not a Baker fan, but this has nothing to do with Baker – it has to do with people ignoring what these awards were meant to honor.

    Just go out and get in the playoffs and stay hot, that will get Baker something a lot more important than a dumb misnamed award.

  62. Gipper Says:


    Good. That’s settled. We are all in favor of Gronk 2.0. Payne Durham and Otton look like players.

  63. m milligan Says:

    They need to go out and get the W THIS wkend. True Panthers are better than advertised and do not want to get in that situation.
    If indeed they pull this off, I would like to see Trask get the start, probably be a bunch of guys sitting. Not much of a chance for him but I think most would recognize the same. No reason Palmer and Hart should sit.
    I didn’t know Durham was that big.

  64. Beeej Says:

    “So what is Baker coming back from?”

    Teddy Bridgewater status

  65. Mark hardt Says:

    Neither Flacco nor Hamlin will play all 17 games like Baker will. The award is a joke anyways so don.t expect it to be fair. Give Hamlin the inspirational human of the year award and Flacco the AARP senior athlete of the year award.

  66. Cobraboy Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Cobraboy if Hamlin was white you wouldn’t say that since you want to bring up your political views/ slant


    So PC/woke is now a rayssis thingy? If I’m not woke/PC I suppose I’m all those “ists” the woke toss around like condoms at a 3rd grade sex ed class?

    Hamlin “came back” from a vax injury and played…what?…3 games or something?

    That’s your definition of CPOY?

    Clearly opinions vary…

  67. Beeej Says:

    Ought have given Rodgers an award for being among the first to refuse the vax

  68. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Come back player of the year? What?
    That SOB is MVP, all day long.

  69. maccafan Says:

    Hamlin will win, better story for the NFL. Mayfield is not liked by most of the sports media, and they will find ways to downplay any good performance from him. If Bucs win the division, they will say the division sucks. Mayfield has “perfect” game at Lambeau Field, the Packer defense is awful. The talking heads will point out that Mayfield has top notch receivers like Evans and Godwin and credit them more than Baker. Meanwhile guys like Purdy and Tua have some pretty good people to throw the ball to every game -lol.

  70. Gipper Says:

    DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:
    December 27th, 2023 at 1:56 pm
    Cobraboy if Hamlin was white you wouldn’t say that since you want to bring up your political views/ slant

    Still trying to untangle what you mean by this. On the other hand, it is pretty typical of all your other posts–just, mercifully, shorter.

  71. Beeej Says:

    Russel Wilson benched, I can’t imagine Payton wouldn’t be looking at him

  72. Kidfloflo Says:

    No other team would make him a starting QB next year!?? I’ll take that bet sly pirate

  73. m milligan Says:

    Kidflo, ur an idiot, hide and watch, I can think of 4-5. Ram’s will be looking I guarantee u, provided McVey doesn’t retire, $’s and Hollywood, get st together

  74. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Coming back from the dead>>>>>>>>anything…seriously…there’s nothing anyone can do to beat that

    Baker deserves the talk for sure but do not expect him to win.

  75. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Perspective Salary Cap hell 70 million dead salary cap money and this team is about to have at least a winning record. That alone is astounding, and on top of that possibly a division title. How many teams that have been in this situation done as well as this team has? All mosty said was it was worth having Brady even thoigh salary cap hell was coming. As much as this team has lost over the 48 years since they started, to actually have a winning season, let alone a division title, is a modern day miracle. Thats the reality that Baker is part of. Comeback player or not, the Bucs are prospering when teams just do not. Thx J Licht for signing Baker, the Bucs are actually relevent in late Dec 2023 and Jan 2024. Salary cap hell F U baby lol lol

  76. Wes Hall Says:

    Who gives a damn about a bullsh** award. Give Baker what he deserves and what the majority of you jagoffs said he shouldn’t get. A decent contract!!!!!!!! And an opportunity for Tampa to get him and possibly win another Tampa Superbowl. Friggin Morons.

  77. m milligan Says:

    Got to get the W Sunday and get 2 wks to heal up.

  78. garro Says:

    “given to a National Football League player who has shown perseverance in overcoming adversity, in the form of not being in the NFL the previous year, a severe injury, or simply poor performance.”

    I don’t see how Baker does not fit this definition folks. Some pretty big names in NFL history have won it. But mostly guys who have played at a high level as described. After bad seasons or injury.

    Damar Hamlin was 12th in Come back player voting last year BTW. Starting 13 games with 1.5 INTs and 63 solo tackles. Not rated in the top 32 safeties this year. Only five games and 2 tackles. Does he qualify as a comeback player with five games and 2 takles and not in the top 32? Great that he recovered physically, but…feel good story.

    Flacco was not re-signed by the Jets and was put on the Browns practice squad in November. Does he qualify as a comeback player after 4 games? Another feel good story. But he has got back to a starting QB like our own Baker Mayfield.

    Geno Smith won it last year with no injury involved. Great numbers in 17 games though. Canales?

    Baker over Hamlin and Flacco in my book. Especially if he continues to play like he has the last two weeks.
    A) He’s played every game
    B) He’s played at a high level
    C) He was given up for dead by almost all of the NFL (and many Bucs fans) after last year.

    Go Bucs!

  79. BakerFan Says:

    The only thing that 2 tackles should qualify you for is the unemployment line. Get real, performance matters, not because you pass the toilet paper moved under the nose thing.

  80. Stan says Says:

    I have said from day one go back and check my record Backer is the guy that can lead this team our Buccaneers. Give him a running game like most quarterbacks need and he could possibly be not only comeback player but MVP If the Bucs with a playoff game or 2. This dude has the grit of a linebacker. Love Baker hope the bucs resign him long term he only 28 people.

  81. Kidfloflo Says:

    M Milligan read my post again before u call me an idiot