Baker Mayfield Just Fit In

December 23rd, 2023

Winning over the Bucs.

It seems like Baker Mayfield played this perfectly.

Joining a playoff team that just lost the greatest, Tom Brady, to retirement, Mayfield just wanted to be one of the guys.

That’s the way Chris Godwin described it. Appearing yesterday on “Good Morning Football,” seen weekday mornings on NFL Network, Godwin was asked how Mayfield not just because the starter, but resurrected his career.

Mayfield came with no pretenses and did his best to fit in with the Bucs, Godwin said, without trying to mold the Bucs or force his new teammates to change their ways to fit his wants and desires.

“Actually, it didn’t take much for him to win us over,” Godwin said. “From the time he came in, you understood what kind of guy he was. You knew he was a competitor.

“He joined to fit in. He didn’t come in with any arrogance behind him with the things he has accomplished. He just came in and tried to get to know the guys. And slowly over time, we all got more comfortable with him.

“We realized, he’s just a baller, man. He’s going to go out there and he’s going to fight, play in and play out. That’s what you always want in a quarterback.”

So now Mayfield has the Bucs two wins away in these next three weeks from an NFC South title and a home playoff game. The Bucs are getting hot at the right time, winning their last three games entering Christmas weekend.

If the Bucs can win tomorrow, it would set up a matchup next week where the Bucs could win the division by beating the slimy Saints. How cool would that be?

70 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Just Fit In”

  1. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Build around him for the future

  2. Bojim Says:


  3. Oneilbuc Says:

    Lvmybucs. Baker Mayfield is not the future of the bucs so please stop saying build around him. He will be 29 years old next year he’s not a franchise quarterback. He’s not going to get better he will always be average at best at this point of his career. You guys are hilarious with the statements like this lol 🤣 . Just remember Fitzpatrick and Todd Bowles went 10-6 the first year and the next year the Jets was 5-11 is that what you want for the bucs?? And also remember that we are 0-6 against teams with winning records and Baker Mayfield was bad and all of those losses. He was also bad even against the games we won. Baker Mayfield had only 2 good games this whole season and some of y’all want to bring him back because of 2 games. It’s time to move into the future and Baker Mayfield is not the future of the bucs !!

  4. August 1976 Buc Says:

    You still draft a QB. next year. Baker, has a lot of grit, a good teamate. But to this point in the season, 7-7, 500. That is not something to write home to momma about. He has had moments over his short career. I like Baker, but still, if you can get QB, next year you do it. With that being said, it is fun to see whats happening. BTW anyone laying money on the Baker Bucs winning 4 post season games and hoisting the Lombardi? lol Well maybe R Munch lol Just kidding Rod. No one most likely is. So yes, Baker is a good teamate, but Super Bowl Winning QB in 2024, no. So again, the Bucs will be looking for a QB for Baker , to beat out. again next year. Trask looks so like yesterdays news lol

  5. Mike C Says:

    Oneilbuc, you wanted to keep Winston and didn’t want Brady….. your credit is no good here.

  6. Mike C Says:

    In fact, Bucs should put you on the payroll, just doing the exact opposite of everything you suggest, Bucs would probably win the SB every year 😀

  7. geno711 Says:

    Oneilbucs Says:
    March 17th, 2020 at 11:10 pm
    Brady had a QBR of 54 in 2019 good Job Tampa bay this is why we will be at the bottom again this year .

    Oneilbucs Says:
    April 4th, 2020 at 6:35 pm
    People love to say that Bill Bilachect couldn’t win without Brady they keep bringing up the Browns . The Patriots has a winning record without Brady .

    Oneilbucs Says:
    March 17th, 2020 at 10:19 pm
    Lol Abd Brady is just picking up his last checks . And B.A did the same thing and told Brady that it’s no state taxes here just come and make your money and go home just like me . PS you better hope Jamies don’t go to the Patriots because he will win .

  8. Bucsfan77 Says:

    No Mayfield is not a franchise QB, but is no Brady or Mahomie, but I would put him on par as Brad Johnson, which we did win a superbowl with. You don’t have to have to have a Brady to win, you just have to have a loaded team.

  9. SlyPirate Says:

    Blah, blah, blah … beat the Jags, Saints, and Panthers … then we can talk.

  10. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Onelibuc: So you’re saying you want Trask to be the starter?

  11. Beeej Says:

    All I heard from Oneilbuc for 3 years was how bad Brady was washed

  12. ghost Says:

    Oneilbuc one of the top 3 biggest clowns on here 🤣🤡

  13. TBChucky Says:

    We’ve played our way out of the top QB picks, and honestly have much bigger problems on this roster than Baker.. Yes, like people said above, let’s see how the season plays out. I have no problem bringing Baker back. He obviously wants to be here. But that might not matter if Bowles gets canned. I do think we can win with Baker. Is it a coincidence that Baker’s play started trending up once we finally got a little production out of our running game? I’m interested in seeing how the season plays out, which I definitely didn’t see happening a few weeks ago..

    Go Bucs!!

  14. Confido75 Says:

    I was hoping things would start to gel by mid season with a new QB and a new inexperieced OC. It took them longer than expected, but I’m starting to see these guys gel. What we need to see is how this offense performs against real competition, not against the dumpster fires of the NFL. This will prove if this offense has progressed or not. However, given BMs stats and leadership in the locker room, why would you not keep BM. He wants to be here and has stated how much better this franchise is than CLE and CAR. The guy was drafted by CLE. I feel for any QB drafted by CLE. CLE has this impressive ability to take the most talented and gifted players and destroy them. CLE is where careers die for QBs!

  15. godlovesbucs Says:

    Build around him? If we give him contract, it will likely have to be big money. Derek Carr got 4 year 150 mil. You give Baker a modest QB contract, you are talking about a 3 year 100 mil contract. What money do you have to build around him with? That would mean no Evans. No Winfield or wirfs.

    Baker is perfect for this team at 6-8 million. He will kill this team at 30 million…

  16. Tim Says:

    Mayfield can win here with the right pieces. On offense I believe the biggest needs are LG, maybe C and maybe a later round QB. The biggest needs are all on defense. NT (to spell Vita), MLB, OLB, CB SS. Whether or not you get them in the draft of FA remains to be seen. Licht’s prove-it contracts have worked out pretty well in the past. I’m sure he can find a couple more of those.

  17. Tim Says:

    Also I agree with the Brad Johnson comparison, however I think Baker throws a prettier spiral than Brad used to.

  18. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    Mayfield just needs a stable “home”.

    Since entering the NFL he’s been like a foster child, bouncing from one abusive or neglectful home to another. A kid with a ton of promising abilities being stunted by his environment so he’s been unable to grow and flourish.

    A revolving door or parents (coaches and coordinators), constantly changing systems, etc.

    He finally gets to the Rams with a good leader but was always going to be “second best” as long as they had Stafford. McVay wanted to keep him but felt he wouldn’t be happy as a backup (over-qualified for the position…happens in the job market all the time).

    Give him a stable environment with coaches and players around him and maybe we’ll see real growth, bad habits changed and potential realized.

  19. Beeej Says:

    “Baker is perfect for this team at 6-8 million. He will kill this team at 30 million…”

    A quality starting qb for what we pay him is a fluke. The only way to KEEP doing that is draft a rookie, start him, hope he doesn’t suck (last park is, improbable) We could probably get by with either paying him $30 mil for a few years, else franchising him, to see if his play is a real or not

  20. The Truth be Told Says:

    I’ve said it from day one how lucky the Bucs were to have the opportunity to have him start for their team after Brady leaving. He won’t ask for the world now that he’s made it here. He’ll sign a very team, friendly contract and have the peace of mind of knowing he’s found a home for the next 5 to 10 years. He deserves it. Anybody that doesn’t like Baker Love to ask them why not? He has all the intangibles that you want in a quarterback. The defense has been putrid around him and yet he’s got us contending for division title regardless of the record. He’s the one that’s kept it all together this year. Thank you, Baker .

  21. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    Geez. We beat the Panthers, Falcons, and spiraling downward Packers. We have a real test tomorrow and it may not be pretty. Our D is a disaster and any time we play against a good D we get man handled.

  22. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    Plus Mayfiled has desire. He wants to learn, get better and most importantly, he’ll fight like hell.

    Look around the league at the bunch of weenies who feel “entitled” (Mac Jones, Zach Wilson, etc) because they were 1st round picks. Punks compared to Mayfield who was #1 overall.

    That “fight” is the intangible that they don’t measure at the combine. Dude has heart.

  23. Steven007 Says:

    Let’s be honest, the majority of us thought this season would be a bridge to a new coaching staff and likely an early first round quarterback pick. Not what we hoped for, at least me, but what we thought would probably happen. I for one have been pleasantly surprised to be not only competitive but in position to win the division and host a playoff game.

  24. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Fishhawkbuc: Yes, other than the Jags being 29th in the NFL in passing yards given up, they’re the 1985 Bears defense. 🙄

  25. Oneilbuc Says:

    Mike C. Yeah and what did Brady do wants AB and Gronk left my point actually !! And go look at the teams that’s superbowl contenders none of them have a mediocre quarterback. And go look at their ages and the ones that’s closer to 30 go see how long they been with their teams and how many teams they played for. And yes I want the bucs to build a dynasty and Baker Mayfield ain’t going to get us to the NFC championship and he especially ain’t getting us a superbowl. We are 7-7 playing in the worse division in the NFL and y’all acting like we’re dominating the NFC . Lol 🤣🤣 you are the biggest clown 🤡🤡 if you think we going to a superbowl with Baker Mayfield!!

  26. Oneilbuc Says:

    Beej. Yes you did hear that from me and now look at the out come and I told y’all that would happen. Brady haven’t came to one bucs game all year and now you think we can win a Superbowl with Baker Mayfield lol 🤣🤣 that’s funny 🤣🤣!! And again Brady showed he was washed up once AB and Gronk left. Facts!!

  27. Rayjay1122 Says:

    That there above comment sure nuff is some passionate hate. Sounds like national talking head regurgitating honestly. No original thought. SMH

  28. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    It’s funny that Godwin takes a shot at Brady and no one notices.

    “He didn’t come in with any arrogance behind him with the things he has accomplished”

    Who might that describe?

  29. NE Fan Says:

    Of course he fit in, average QB on a average team. What changes was Baker was going to make, the majority of the team has a ring, Baker dies not!!!

  30. Since76 Says:

    If we keep baker we need to be better everywhere else. Much better. Per this season the team must carry Mayfield 12 of 14 games. He actually lost one of the two games he played well so I’m throwing him a bone. So if the bucks decide to keep him they have to hit home runs in the draft and free agency to pull out of this mediocrity unacceptable crap show we are in.

  31. SlyPirate Says:

    “Baker just fit in”

    So Matt Gay

  32. NE Fan Says:

    Oneilsuckyall, I. 2021 Gronk missed 5 games due to fractured ribs and punctured lung. Godwin went out with an acl, AB got the boot from BA and Lenny went down with a hammy. Yet they still one, what is your moronic point again?

  33. NE Fan Says:

    How can anyone compare this team to the 1 SB team with Brad Johnson? Sapp, Brooks, Allston, Dunn, Keyshawn etc. Nit even close.

  34. Show Me the TDs Says:

    NE Fan, ewe right like a idioot.

  35. Chad Says:

    Since 76, if you can say baker has lost one or two games by himself, I can say that the defense has lost one or two games as well, Houston being a big one. Keep baker focus more on o-line and defense and keep letting the offense jell.

  36. WyomingJoe Says:

    LVMYBUCS: Build around Baker is exactly what the Bucs should do. Don’t believe losers like Oneilbuc and NE Fan who do nothing but try to poison the fan base. What Baker accomplished against the Packers is nothing new to him. My personal favorite is what he did against Joe Burrows and the Bengals in 2020. He completed 22 passes in a row and threw 5 touchdowns. The last TD with seconds left to win it.

    The point I’m making is that he’s still young and the Bucs only need a few players to consistently win games. Hey, the Bucs should have had two more wins if the D played a little better. Baker also could be second in the NFL if 3 TDs he threw weren’t dropped in the endzone.

    Keep winning Baker. Keep winning Bucs. Don’t believe the Haters out there.

  37. NE Fan Says:

    Show me the tds@ is what you wrote a different language, I have no idea what you’re trying say. It’s not uncommon for YOU ALL southerners to speak broken English.

  38. Since76 Says:

    Chad….not saying he was responsible for losses. He doesn’t win them either. The team around him has to be better than an effective QB would need in most games. He’s not a game changer. Dilfer needed the bucks and Ravens D to be a winner. So we have have Dilfer now build that bucks D. Because you will need it to get to the Dungy era winning.

  39. DS Says:

    Still draft a qb look at the buyers remorse Seattle has lol

  40. Beeej Says:

    If we only had Jalen Hurts for $250 million (who sits right with Baker in stats)

  41. Gipper Says:

    Baker haters you won’t like this but reprinted below is a story yesterday from CBS called: “The Top Free Agent Signings of 2023”

    This is not surprising to those of us who have been saying what a terrific job Baker has done. Confirms what Bowles, Evans, Wirfs and Canales have been saying. RodMunch, David, BelleGlade read it and take it all in:

    Of all the quarterback moves this offseason, Mayfield turned out to be the best offseason signing that made an immediate impact. Pairing Mayfield with offensive coordinator Dave Canales has paid massive dividends, as Mayfield has completed 63.5% of his passes for 3,315 yards with 24 touchdowns to just eight interceptions and a 94.7 passer rating.

    Mayfield is putting up similar numbers to the 2020 version that led the Cleveland Browns to a playoff victory (62.8%, 3,563 yards, 26 TD, 8 INT, 95.9 rating), which is all the Buccaneers asked him to do in an offense with Mike Evans and Chris Godwin as his top pass catchers.

    The Buccaneers are leading the NFC South because Mayfield has given them above-average quarterback play. Mayfield is eighth in touchdown rate (5.2%), 10th in interception rate (1.7%), and ninth in quarterback rating (94.7%). Not bad for the 37th highest-paid quarterback this year.

  42. NE Fan Says:

    Seriously, Hurts has 542 rushing yards.

  43. Crickett Baker Says:

    I agree with Glass half–and Baker could be asked to take a contract that doubles his salary and incentives. Who wouldn’t take that?

  44. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Baker can take the team where you want to go. Last playoff win for CLE was 94. Last one on the road was in 69. Tanned that Steeler a$$ in the playoffs (watching Raping Roethlisberger crying on the bench was priceless). On the road at KC one bad call on a headshot to Higgins ruled a fumble instead of ball on the 1/2 yard line away from sending the Chiefs packing. Not “elite” but he’s pretty damn good

  45. WyomingJoe Says:

    GIPPER: Good stuff. Keep up the fight against the Haters out there that want nothing more but to see the Bucs fail.

  46. Cobraboy Says:

    Oneilbuc is still fapping for the return of ATM.

  47. Gipper Says:


    Thanks. It seems obvious but many bloggers to this site just repeat a bunch of nonsense they have heard from the media. Those of us who followed Baker in Cleveland know the truth. This guyer is a football player. Got a horrible deal from awful ownership in Cleveland. Knowledgeable Cleveland fans loved the guy and wish they still had him.

  48. Badbucs Says:

    Baker will get Geno Smith money somewhere. Hard to swallow with our cap issues but it is warranted.

  49. WyomingJoe Says:

    Baker has already made it clear that he wants to stay with the Bucs. It also means that he would be willing to provide the Bucs with a team-friendly deal, probably in the 20M/year for three years, plus incentives.

    If they sign Baker but still draft a QB, that means that Trask is probably history, or relegated to 3rd string. I believe that would be unfair to Trask, and that he should/would be traded.

    Glass Half Full Guy is accurate when he talks about how Baker was never in a stable environment. The kind of stable environment that JUST ABOUT EVERY SUCCESSFUL QB IN THE NFL IS!

    Because of that, Baker has never reached his potential. Maybe he can with the Bucs… no matter what his Haters say.

  50. WyomingJoe Says:

    GIPPER: What the Browns did to Baker was a sin. But, what the heck, it only cost them 3 First Round picks, plus a few hundred million dollars. Btw, that Slimeball that the Browns dumped him for is getting what he deserves. Fate seems to even things up!

    Let’s keep winning.

  51. unbelievable Says:

    Oneilbucs: consistently wrong year after year, yet still consistently arrogant in his wrong opinions.

    Never change bro.

  52. Gipper Says:


    Thanks, again. The Haslam’s are not reputable people. Many of Jimmy’s FlyingJ and Pilot execs went to jail for stealing money from truckers in the rebate scandal. Jimmy claimed he didn’t know about it. Cleveland loves to bash Pittsburgh but the Rooney Family has class something that the Haslam’s will never be able to buy. Baker has class too and has handle himself well ever since the Browns went out of their way to stick it to him.

  53. Mike C Says:

    C L O W N 🤡 hahahaha!!! And everyone knows it lol

  54. SavageBucsguy Says:

    I think Baker will be way better when we get a new HC next year…but still draft another QB.
    I’ve been saying this all season…GET RID OF BOWLES and we’ll be a better team

  55. orlbucfan Says:

    I really don’t give a fast flying F%%k about all the negative crap on here. I know who are the halfway intelligent REAL Buc fans on here. I’m one of them. I didn’t know anything about BM until he came here. I was impressed with his FEISTINESS and intelligence. I also don’t think Bowles is a loser. I hope RJS is packed tomorrow. It better be cos it’s Tampa vs. Jacksonville. We don’t get many of those interstate games here. I’ll be checking in tomorrow night on my beloved Bucs. May the best team win!!

  56. NE Fan Says:

    It will be packed with Jacksonville fans.

  57. RichieRich Says:

    So funny seeing these clowns with her comments he’s nothing to write home about blah blah blah blah blah, his first year in this offense he’s probably going to have about 30 touchdown passes 10 interceptions over 4,000 yards one of the best seasons any quarterback has had besides Tom Brady in buccaneer history and you clowns are saying don’t he’s nothing to brag about. I guess you prefer the 13 touchdowns and 11 interception seasons from your other quarterbacks. Btw it Baker finishes with those kind of stats he’s coming back and he’s coming back with a guaranteed contract for about 3 years so harp on that clowns

  58. orlbucfan Says:

    NE fan, guess you’re bored. How does it feel to see your team as the bottom feeder, you pathetic ahole. Bucs will win tomorrow and finish out 10-7. They won’t get to the SB. So what? They won it 3 years ago, retard with your relic of a QB.

  59. c-spann Says:

    Baker is not the future here. Sure the stats look decent, but the eye test tells me something different when watching the games. He always seems to miss open targets every game. If he can play the last 3 games like he played in GB, then maybe he has turned a corner. But alas, we are Bucs fans and history tells us that Baker will turn back into his usual pumpkin self.

  60. Jake Says:

    Well here we are, looking dangerous at the right time. Baker is playing
    his ass off, the defense called on a lot to be all you can. I am ready for now
    and where we can go. Both of the Bucs trophies started out sneaking in.
    GO Bucs. Yeah!!!

  61. Mr. Editor Says:

    That interview might have been done to make up for Mrs. Godwin’s critique of the offense.

  62. RichieRich Says:

    Somebody just posted if he plays three games like you played in Green Bay, after he just had the best game besides Aaron Rodgers in the history of lambeau Field. So this guy needs him to have a perfect game every game in order to turn the corner? Lol he doesn’t meat his eye test, perhaps he should watch the game film and see the pinpoint bullet throws he made. He’s a 9th grade quarterback in the NFL right now, he has the most TD passes on the road and is in the top five touchdown passes. The team was not expected to do anything they should be eight and six after that Texans debacle that had nothing to do with Baker. So whether he meets his eye test or not if he continues what he’s doing he’s going to come back to the bucks or somewhere else and make a lot of money.

  63. RichieRich Says:

    No it wasn’t by Mrs Godwin her problem was with Bowles not Baker, move them back to the slot where he should have been playing that’s why he’s been so much more productive lately

  64. garro Says:

    I have to admit that for anyone to follow a legend is a daunting task.

    Baker has done better than many could have. Most would have melted under the pressure. That is some major mental toughness.

    Go Bucs!

  65. c-spann Says:

    @RichieRich as long as he doesnt come back to the Bucs!

  66. Barrett Newton Says:

    Oh and if any of you question my statement I just made. I’m from the hometown of Lee Roy Selmon. And my dad was his coach. Sit down and keep studying the vagina. Merry Christmas again!

  67. Don'tBmad Says:

    Oneilbuc you talk like an actual liberal…..married the “I don’t think Baker’s good” narrative and will go to the grave being wrong.
    Buc’s were picked close to dead least before Mayfield was named starter and he might take them to the playoffs…..Tampa is far better without fans like you on the forums or in the stands you suck and need to be traded.

  68. BillyBucco Says:

    NE Fan is a disgrace.
    How many times have you said you were leaving?
    Then, you bad mouth Southerners like anybody in Tampa is actually from Florida.
    What about the Bucs do you actually KNOW outside your Lovers years of playing?
    I’m NOT on a computer or I would find the countless first few weeks of, Well NE would beat them worse, or look at who we have played etc.
    Your team SUCKS. PERIOD.
    You should fit right it there so MOVE ALONG.

  69. Franklin Says:

    If BM is asking for anything over 15M a year, I say let him go somewhere else and then sign Drew Lock at 8M a year. Drew is a much better player than he used to be, has a much higher ceiling and can be signed for cheap. If he doesn’t pay out, then you will be in a spot to draft a QB. You aren’t in a good spot to draft one this year, but if they think they want to take a chance on a 4th or 5th QB drafted, then that is good. Let the 2 fight it out for the starting job.

    BM to me seems a lot more like a Geno Smith with having a ok year to win a new contract then fizzing out (just like how he fizzed out in Clev) than he is like a Josh Allen who finally gets it.

  70. lanshark Says:

    In the “bad old days” teams would draft a QB, and let him sit and learn for 2-4 seasons… then he would become the starter around age 27 or 28. No one except maybe Roger Staubach was an instant starter. That was always the way it was, until about 10 years ago, when it became the trend to draft a guy high, and expect him to be a ‘franchise qb’ (a term invented in ~2008 – look it up!) right away. A couple pulled it off – Mahomes, Manning, and a few others. Heck, even Brady sat for a few years learning. Most of the rest were busts, mostly because the teams/fans wanted instant results and didn’t get them. Often because the teams that drafted QBs high are by definition TERRIBLE TEAMS.

    So Baker is now right in that same age/experience range, but with a LONG history of playing, albeit sometimes very inconsistently. He’s ready to ‘break out’ and play more games like his Green Bay performance. He’s more like Drew Brees or Brett Favre or even Russell Wilson than you guys think.

    TB is NOT a TERRIBLE TEAM… but they are not (yet) a GOOD/GREAT team either. So, yes, build around Baker. TB drafted some studs on defense, but the secondary is weak, and the LB corp is a bit aged. And we need 1-2 offensive linemen and a backup, probably another TE, maybe (Otten shows good at times).

    TB will also still be in cap hell for next season… They need the money to keep Wirfs, Evans, and Winfield. If you wanna draft a QB in the mid-to late rounds with the idea he will take over from Baker in 2028 or 2029 or so, that’s not a bad plan.

    Hopefully Todd Licht is smarter than most of the people who are commenting on this thread.