Baker Mayfield And End Zone Targets

December 30th, 2023

Impressive stat.

There seems to have been a whole lot more chatter the past couple of days that Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales might be a one-and-done kind of a guy in Tampa.

No, it’s not because the first-year playcaller is not getting the job done. It’s because he is getting the job done too well.

Before Baker Mayfield came to the Bucs, he was known almost as much for his picks as he was his touchdowns. Often in his career, his interceptions damn near equaled his touchdown passes.

With the Bucs, that has come to a halt, especially in the red zone. And Joe has to believe one reason is Canales.

For example, look at what the PFF tribe dug up. This season with the Bucs, when Mayfield has targeted receivers in the end zone, he has 16 touchdowns and zero interceptions.

That’s right. Whenever Mayfield has thrown into the end zone this season, he’s yet to be picked off. Incredible.

Does Joe think Canales, with his offense being dangerous in just a handful of games this season, is ready for a head coaching gig? Maybe that’s a year premature.

What Joe does know is the value of NFL quarterbacks. Owners are businessmen. They look at quarterbacks as investments. Major investments.

When a guy like Canales has a track record of getting the most out of guys at quarterback, that makes him a very attractive head coach candidate. Given his positive energy and always-sunny demeanor, Canales would be a wonderful frontman for an organization someday.

If Joe had an underwhelming quarterback under contract or was planning to draft a quarterback, Joe would want to at least talk to Canales.

And here’s a curveball: If Canales leaves, would he bring Mayfield with him?

And if you are Mayfield, given that you are putting up career-high numbers (Mayfield is two touchdown passes and 229 yards passing away from career-bests in each category), sticking with Canales might mean an additional $100 million or so or more down the line in future earnings.

57 Responses to “Baker Mayfield And End Zone Targets”

  1. Tye Says:

    It would make great business sense If Canales get a shot at a HC gig to convince Baker to go with him…. They have prove that they work well together and the new team would not have to go through the awkward phase of waiting until the QB learns the system and language…
    It would be a smart career move to get away from Bowels who will only stunt their success…
    Bucs life indeed…. UGH!

  2. Let ‘em bake Says:

    An interesting possibility. New coaches are usually named well in advance of free agent signings and the draft. I don’t see Canales leaving… yet. One more year. But, Atlanta fits the bill.

  3. Dave Pear Says:

    Keep Canales and tell Todd Canales is now the head coach and he reports to Dave.

  4. Tony marks Says:


    2020 Browns Baker Mayfield – 26 TDs and 8 ints

    Look familiar?

    2023 Bucs Baker Mayfield – 26TDs and 8 ints

    So ahem–

    Did Canales Get in a time machine and coach Baker in 2020 then?

    How about another reality without time travel needed? Emerging out of his rookie and sophmore year Baker was coming into his own as the first pick.

    THen he got injured , unwisely tried to play through it, had to have surgery and struggled the year after. Has canales helped with play calling etc – undoubtedly – jsut as Mcvey did when he went to the rams and THERE revived his career. Did he MAKe Baker into a solid Qb?

    Horse Pokey

    I like how the media spins their being UTTERLY wrong. HUndreds of thousands of baker fans AND BOWLES ( who wanted him here before Baker even met Canales) were wrong about Baker being a good QB (in bad systems under mulitple bad cocaches) but Canales made him one only after he got here.

    Just admit the media doesnt know squat more than the fan base and many ( if not MOSt) times intelligent fans can see what you guys can’t.

  5. Tb bolts Says:

    Midfield has yet to beat a good team. Jags are in shambles. We really want to talk about tagging midfield who can only beat layups and had a seven game losing streak? Go ahead and sign him and enjoy years of mediocrity. Bucs will get mega exposed first round of the playoffs. Panicky happy feet in the pocket is all we’ll see. Next please.

  6. David Says:

    Here you go Joe re-posting articles comparing trash Baker to the greatest player perhaps in US History with 7 super bowl. Who gives damn about any qb stats let alone Baker’s the journeyman stats.
    What has he done in NFL for the past 6 years. Has he won a damn thing ?
    Joe this is just an embarrassing article. Trash Baker hasn’t even won the division or a play off game for Bucs to start comparing this trash qb to the GOAT.

  7. David Says:

    I wouldn’t reveal Baker’s first season with Cleveland so much. The 40 years old, Joe F. is 4W-1L in Cleveland with the same coach and less talents. Trash is a trash and it wouldn’t be converted to a gold.

  8. Tony marks Says:

    David Says:
    December 30th, 2023 at 12:47 am
    Trash is a trash and it wouldn’t be converted to a gold.

    Good job David! Usually your posts are ridded with logic errors and nonsense but your last one only had two small errors and that just spelling – thats it. I’ve fixed it for you

    “Trask is a trash and it couldn’t be converted to a gold.”

    Kudos on the improvement though.

  9. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Baker certainly can do well without Canales. The question is, does he want to?
    The oc carousel he’s been on has, no doubt, brought some dizziness. If he had to choose between planting roots in Tampa, or following Canales and his system, and the renewed success it has brought him…. I dunno.. a long term deal w/ Canales as hc? My guess is he’d follow Dave. Probably moot.

  10. Capt. Tim Says:

    Tony Marks,
    Lol. Thanks for helping David. He needs it. His post are frequently nonsensical logic and grammatical torture sessions.
    Poor kid is so in love, its ridden him off the rail.

  11. Joe Says:

    Here you go Joe re-posting articles comparing trash Baker

    “This Joe” isn’t. Think you may be referring to Cowherd.

  12. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    There is nothing to substantiate the talk about Dave Canales leaving for a head coaching job…or even him being offered one.

    A couple talk guys mention it and JBF has not let it go since.

    Here’s what I think:

    • Canales has barely learned how to be an offensive coordinator
    • Being an OC is 100% different from being a head coach. Canales is not ready for that, and IF he were made a head coach, he would fail…because he isn’t ready.
    • If there is a head coaching change in Tampa, replacing Bowles with Canales would be a huge mistake. Should Bowles be replaced? Depends on this year’s results. I’m just saying Canales should not be the one to replace him.
    • Think back to Dirk Koetter, and how the same sort of panick arose with him. Glazers valued him more than Smith and was afraid of losing him. So Smith was rightfully fired, and Koetter was wrongfully promoted, resulting in more losing.

    I’ve said it before and I will say it again: Any decision made out of fear is the wrong decision.

    Every. Time.

  13. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    As to Bowels, I was certain for most of the year that he would not keep his job past this season.

    Now I’m not so sure.

    If the team wins a game in the playoffs, he may be retained.

    The man is one of the most boring coaches I’ve seen, and for most of the year, he’s been horrible at clock management and the mistakes were all over the place.

    But the last two games showed something new…not just winning, but the players turned a corner.

    Could we have been misjudging Bowles?

    With the team being healthy and productive suddenly…we might actually be looking at a run in the playoffs. I’m not sold on them winning a ring…but the NFC is weak enough that they could end up playing for a ring.

  14. David Says:

    Baker fans;
    Saints are another trash team that Baker usually win agains. Watch out if he loses any of the next two games ? What are you going to do when your trash boy loses to another trash qb, Derek C. ? Are you going to blame that loss on the worst NFL Back up, Trask or Toilet Bowl or OC as you have done for the past six years ? You are only a few weeks away from getting your butt out of this blog on to another city following your trash qb.
    Why you and your trash midget qb’s are so afraid of qb back ups ?

  15. David Says:

    Baker fans we all know and can prove how trash Baker has been based on his history and stats in NFL for the past six years.

    We had no idea how trash Baker Fans are and have been until they called Trask as Trash with zero NFL history or record.

  16. David Says:

    Baker fan says: “My guess is he’d follow Dave” .
    LOL. Baker fans unintentionally admitting that Baker will be on his way to a new team and playing for his 10th coach in six years. Why ?
    Cause he is trash.

  17. BillyBucco Says:

    Man you guys are out there!!!
    This isn’t the wisest of times to talk trash about Baker.
    He is writing his story and shortly we will have more information about his longevity.
    Lose this next game and the SKY isn’t falling bit its all of a sudden raining again.
    I guess it depends on how they lost.
    Personally, If don’t see how they lose!!!
    They won’t be able to rush the QB with 4 and blitzing without Lattimore covering ME13 is dangerous.
    Try to commit MORE to stopping the pass and R. White might get his 1,000 this week.
    As a fan, I would rather see us shore up defense in free agency and draft a C and TE. Maybe a QB in round 3 as a project.
    Wouldn’t surprise me at all for them to have the same 2 QBs next year in year 2 of Canales offense.
    I just DONT see him taking any ole HC job.
    Panthers and Falcons NO
    STEELERS now that is something he should consider.
    As far as what is wise is another year as OC and winning playoff games.
    If that should happen THIS YEAR then he can write his own ticket. Teams DO project great HCs or you are too late.
    As far as what I THINK will happen, MAYBE 1 playoff win, but I think they are about 4-5 players away from TRULY being a playoff team.
    Lets just hope QB isn’t one of them.
    It doesn’t HAVE to be if they draft the trenches right.
    Evidently a washed up 38 year old is good enough for Clevland.

  18. JD Still Says:

    2500 of Mayfield’s 3500 yards of passing have gone to three elite receivers , Mike Edwards ,Chris Godwin , and Rashad White, what if Tampa is stupid enough to sign Mayfield to a long term, big money contract and those three decide to look for greener, (money) , pastures ? Mayfield , at best, is just a dime a dozen , pedestrian, middle of the pack quarterback, even with those three elite receivers, he only averages about twenty points a game , right behind New Orleans in the lowly NFC South , and nowhere near the production of actual elite QB’s at Philadelphia, Dallas, San Francisco, or Detroit , ( and look what 40 year old Joe Flacco has done at Cleveland with basically the same support Mayfield had there before he was fired), The Titanic was considered a great ship , until it was learned too late , it wasn’t, but even then , the Titanic only sank once , not year after year, after year, to remind the owners of what a horrible mistake they made, ( Those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to make the same mistakes in the future),

  19. JCLV Says:

    Joe says:

    Before Mayfield came to the Bucs, he was known almost as much for his picks as he was his touchdowns. Often in his career, his interceptions damn near equaled his touchdown passes. With the Bucs, that has come to a halt, especially in the red zone. And Joe has to believe one reason for that is Canales.

    Don’t mean to call you out, but this is just plain wrong. It’s disappointing that by now, Joe hasn’t realized the media narrative about Baker has been grossly inaccurate. As to the red zone, I am pretty sure that there is only 1 QB (Brady) with better red zone statistics of tds to interceptions than Baker since he came into the league (Rogers is close). In the 3 years prior to coming to the Bucs, in the red zone, Baker had O interceptions to 39 tds. His rookie year, it was 20 to 0.

    Even in his worst year (2019), the tds to interceptions in the red zone were 15 to 4. That year he did only have one more td than interceptions. Since then, there was only 1 year Baker threw more than 8 interceptions and that year he was injured and wearing a harness.

    Since 2019, Baker’s tds to interceptions are 77 to 37. In his last full healthy year (2020), he has the same 26 to 8 he has this year. Finished the last 12 games that year at 20 to 3.

    Overall, in the red zone, Baker has thrown more than 88 tds to 5 interceptions. Other than 2019, the only year Baker has had a red zone interception was this year. Baker and Canales have worked well together, but in the red zone, nothing has changed and overall not any better or different than his last full healthy year. Outside media has pushed false narratives about him throughout most of his career, sad it continues.

  20. Proudbucsfan Says:

    David, you must be a raving alcoholic. I didn’t understand a word you said in that post. Put the bottle down and back away from the keyboard, call it a knight and sleep it off.

  21. David Says:

    Oops, sorry Baker Fans I was wrong calling you trash while calling Trask a trash.

    Now, I know for sure you are trash when you compare and believe your trash qb is better than the GOAT and will win a super bowl for Bucs. in his two years with Bucs.

    Uh, wait. I think Tom won the super bowl for us in his first two years before you and your trash qb came in town. LOL.

  22. David Says:

    I give up. Baker is the best qb in NFL with the best possible stats including the red zone TD’s to INT’s.
    The million dollars question has he won any trophy in NFL ?

    Over the course of his career, Mayfield, on average, has completed 61.4% of his passes and has thrown for 3,258 yards, 20 touchdowns and 13 interceptions per season. He led a team to the playoffs once — the Browns in 2020 — and is 1-1 in the postseason.

    That is the stats of a journeyman at 40W-46L so far.

  23. garro Says:

    I have been a fan since the beginning. Thus I may be a bit more scheptical than some here. But if Baker/Canales/Bowles go out and lay an egg against the Taints?

    A lot of this “chatter” disappears.

    Go Bucs!

  24. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    @buccaneer bonzai
    I agree with you. Canales is shaping up to be a good coordinator and I will follow his career as he seems to be smart and a good guy. He is too inexperienced at this time for HC and he seems aware of his own shortcomings and works hard to overcome them. Maybe 2 years from now and Bowles leaves (on his own accord or fired) then he will have enough experience to be the Bucs next HC.

    Bowles is boring and his clock management is bad. The Bucs win Sunday and we can “quietly” sing some praise for Bowles, Canales, Baker, the Oline, and the defense.


    The repost of cowherd was good. Interesting to see how this year you can see the stats of the top qbs are similar. The Orlando sentinel had a good article comparing Mayfield to Carr and how their stats are VERY similar but narratives skew the public opinions in opposite directions. Carr was given $150 million and Baker was given $4 million but they have similar stats.

    You ask the question if Canales leaves, would mayfield follow? What if it’s both are better because they need each other for now with the Bucs surrounding them. I don’t think either would leave right now. Mayfield needs Evans, Godwin, White and the offense and defense to be “good.” Mayfield seems to have found a home and likely doesn’t want to uproot his family when he has built good will with the team, coaches and owners. As for Canales, his personality indicates to me that he would not want to leave the Bucs and the offense he has just started. Partly out of loyalty, partly out of a desire to get the offense to be the best it can be, and partly because he knows he needs more experience before taking the leap to HC. If someone offered Canales a HC job he would have to convince the new team to pay mayfield and this would help mayfield get more money and stay with Bucs. As much as he is essentially putting up his best stats, he isn’t Lamar Jackson, Mahomes, Burrows and not Brady so people aren’t showing up for him and owners want a hot name QB for money.

  25. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    I don’t think he’s ready for HC and I don’t think he thinks he’s ready for it either. The dude just got his first gig this season! He’ll for sure end up there but let the man un pack and kick back for a minute. Sweet Jesus everybody is always in a big freakin hurry. Go Bucs!

  26. Dave Pear Says:

    Now we understand that this David is a raging alcoholic and probably imagines that Baker stole his girlfriend in high school and then beat the snot out of him for harassing her. The DTs are a terrible thing. This David should stop posting until the tremors and hallucinations subside.

  27. BucU Says:

    This Mayfield vs Trask is embarrassing really. The media just winds u up and sits back and watches the fireworks. Pathetic. We have a big game Sunday remember??

  28. Beeej Says:

    Baker is VERY effective, does incredibly well under pressure, and his team mates love him. I believe a fair % of this owes to Canales, but I can’t imagine any team tapping this young guy for HC

  29. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    This stuff all runs in concert. The entire band must play well for the desired end result. Thats the way I see it anyways.

  30. Mike C Says:

    Baker is The Best, better than Brady……. did someone’s head explode, lol take a pill or 70 David hahaha

  31. Fansince76 Says:

    Wow that scenario would suck giant arse!
    Losing both Baker and Canales, damn thanks joe for bumming me out the day before New Years eve day!

  32. bob in valrico Says:

    The competition for the starting QB is over folks. Did Baker win the job outright
    or did he get it because of his experience and Bowles belief in him. I lean toward the latter, and given the fact that Baker had to play through the focus on the improvement of both the run game and O line gelling. He has withstood intense pressure and made plays when he had to earlier in the season. The last
    two games when the offense was finally opened up, he had two very good games.
    More can be learned as the season progresses. But there really is no basis for a true Buc fan to call him “trash.
    Since Trask sat behind Brady for three years, and lost a chance to start this year, there is also no factual basis to call him trash either.
    A couple of play’s is neither proof that can play in the NFL or that
    he is trash. You play the game on the field, folks.

  33. Beeej Says:

    David has the worst case of B.D.S. (Baker Derangement Syndrome) I’ve ever seen

  34. tbc 1 Says:

    Bowles is looking more like a leader and should be back next year along with Canales and Baker-Evans-and very important Winfield Jr.-Just think with some luck in the draft what we can do building off this season.

  35. SufferingSince76 Says:

    How about you guys talk about football instead of each other. Your posts are repetitive and boring. Clearly, you are singular player fans and not Buc fans. You can try to argue you’re a fan, but your posts prove otherwise. Beat it.

  36. adam from ny Says:

    check this out guys:

    i just found a cam jordan interview on youtube posted in the past day where cam talks saint and bucs…

    the name of the clip if looking it up is:

    “cam jordan talks saints, bucs”

    he is wearing a bright green sweatshirt in the interview…

    this dude jordan made the dumbest quote of the year in the interview…

    he said, verbatim:

    “it is what we are, you know we are 7 and 8, and we’ve gotta figure out a way to get to 9 and 7”



  37. Beeej Says:

    Well … most college athletes weren’t there on academic scholarships

  38. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Some things Baker and Bowles have in common is the first place they applied their craft ( Browns and Jets) can both be considered to some degree clown shows.

    Both experienced some form of success there (Jets 10 wins with Fitz, Browns first playoffs in decades) before falling out of favor.

    Now, with probably their last chance slipping away at 4-7, both are performing their job at maybe their best level ever.

    We could be witnessing the greatest redemption story in NFL history. Or, we could be really bummed out Sunday afternoon as it all comes crashing down. Either way, going to be an interesting few weeks.

  39. adam from ny Says:

    he wasn’t talking crap in the interview tho…he was giving the bucs respect

  40. #99 the big fella Says:

    David, today proves either you are a alcoholic, mentally challenged, or both
    I have never seen a person that is so set out to bash Baker as much as you do.
    Did baker steal your girlfriend in your dreams and you are holding it against him?
    When we win the division and go to the playoffs maybe you will go back to your daily coloring book sessions and stay off this site.

  41. Beeej Says:

    David Says:
    December 30th, 2023 at 2:32 am
    Baker fan says: “My guess is he’d follow Dave” .
    LOL. Baker fans unintentionally admitting that Baker will be on his way to a new team and playing for his 10th coach in six years. Why ?
    Cause he is trash.


    I’m sorry this is happening to you

  42. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    David is desperately clinging to Wins to discredit Mayfield. Hey Bud, last i checked Lamar, Dak, Josh Allen and Joe Burrow have 0 Rings. They must be trash too. Have another drink

  43. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    I think David needs a grandpa

  44. Formerbrownsfan Says:

    All the Baker haters. 1 guy n here I think is 12 because the other not word he uses is “trash”. Hey JD, Baker had 4 HC Coaches and 3 OC in his 1st 3 seasons. Not much stability or support. Drafted by a horrible organization that was 1-33 before he took over 3rd game of his rookie season. The turnover argument is old, Josh Allen lead the league in turnovers since 2018 at the start of the current season.

  45. Since76 Says:

    Mayfield has had two good games in a row. Great. He had one other good game and bucs lost. That’s not a lot of good games. Not from where I sit. He has a lot to prove yet. Before these last two games he was looking down right awful. Let’s see where the season goes.

  46. Todd Says:

    That wouldn’t make Todd Bowles “proud” … that would be a kick in the balls. Canales wouldn’t do Bowles dirty like that. Not how he’s wired, methinks. I predict he’ll demonstrate his worth for two more years…with Baker…and then take over the Cowboys!

  47. Bojim Says:

    Not next year.

  48. Gipper Says:


    Be careful or ChiBuc will verbally spank you. He has to approve content.

  49. orlbucfan Says:

    Fansince76: Joe is just trying to get a rise out of the crew on here cos it translates into $$clicks$$. Canales was getting killed and slammed on here earlier this season. I was one of the frustrated culprits. Now that he and his Offense have gotten to know and trust each other, his gameplans are opening up. He owes this OC opportunity to Licht, Bowles, and the Glazers. He’s not going anywhere next year. I am psyched about tomorrow’s game. The West Coast COC has got to be crapping in their pants. This is perfect football weather, and RJS will be packed, and the $$$$ flowing. Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Mark hardt Says:

    I grew up a Browns fan but left Akron when I was 18 for Xavier Cincinnati ROTC and the Army after that. I have been in St. Pete since 2008. My Browns fandom is on hold until that criminal Watson leaves. I am all in on the Bucs this year. Dorsey who picked Mahomes at KC also picked Baker for the Browns. I recall reading in Dorsey saying it was the leadership he saw in college which swayed him for the 1 pick. Baker brought the Browns back from 1-31 to the playoffs. He also had an immaturity back then and he clashed with the current Browns coach. I believe that coach did not shut Baker down With the injury because he wanted Mayfield to hang himself with his own rope. It worked. Ironically, the 230 million Watson had done nothing for the Browns and an old Italian cast off Flacco is picking up the mantel for DeVito and saving the Browns. It would be a great story for Baker to knock off the three NFC Elites of Philly, Dallas than Niners to make it to the SB. Meeting Mahomes, the guy who forced him out of Texas Tech would be a good story. Even better to play his old team the Browns in the Super Bowl. The battle of the cast off QBs. Flacco would have to beat the team formerly known as the Browns and a team he won a super bowl with (Ravens) when he was still a young man. A sports writers dream match up.

  51. SlyPirate Says:

    Why wouldn’t Washington, Arizona or New England hire Canales, Mayfield, and Evans. Use that high first to nab a ton of picks and talent.

  52. sasquatch Says:

    If the offense continues recent strong performance into playoffs, I’d consider elevating Canales in Tampa and waving goodbye to Bowles, rather than lose Canales.

  53. ScottyMack Says:

    TB bolts says: “Midfield has yet to beat a good team”.

    Really good/great TEAMS beat good teams. Plenty of really mediocre QBs on great teams have had great years, beaten good teams and won Superbowls.

    They are important, for sure, but a QB can’t do it by himself. Just ask Mahomes this year … he’s only beat one team with a winning record this year and lost the other 3 times. His defense won that game for him, incidentally.

  54. Saskbucs Says:

    The fact is, surroundings are what matter for a QB. I would say there is a clear cut top 3… maybe 4-5 QBs in the league who can carry an offense for a bit, run, make all the throws. For the next 15-18 QBs… give them a decent OL, a good play caller playing to their strengths and some weapons, they will do what Baker is doing. It’s basically happening with Stafford, Purdy, Baker. Stafford has better arm talent but you swap those 3 guys around teams and likely nothing changes.

    This is the whole argument for Baker though, who took the Browns to the playoffs and now likely the Bucs. He isn’t in that top 5 but he’s not in the bottom 12 either.

  55. Aaron Says:

    I’d rather see what Canales can do in a 2nd season after the league has some film on his offense and an offseason to adjust to it.

  56. Proudbucsfan Says:

    My comment didn’t get posted probably because I mentioned someone and alcohol but I’ve seen someone post with Crystal Meth in the comments your moderation is BS

  57. BakerBucs Says:

    David,David,David I only read 1 of u r post because that’s all u need to read the others are blah,blah,blah u must really hate life,come the end of February try ,& get a hold of trask ask him his honest opinion of baker I wud bet he does not feel or talk about baker the way I do I never heard anyone that venomous about anyone except Donald j Trump so we all know what u r about man it is terrible to be you.plz answer 1 honest question r u married cause no 1 wud believe anyone wid put up with u,MORONIC U R