Bucs Are Not A Power Running Team

November 25th, 2023

Not a power runner.

Come playoffs or being the first Bucs team not to make the playoffs since 2019, the Bucs seem hellbent on proving everyone with working eyeballs wrong.

The Bucs are bound and determined to be a power-running team. They are not a power-running team. They are a passing team.

Hell, even Bucs starting quarterback Baker Mayfield has said that publicly.

Despite three of the league’s best weapons in the passing game (Mike Evans, Chris Godwin and Rachaad White), the Bucs are gonna prove us all wrong and run between the tackles.

(And keep YaYa Diaby on the bench — but that’s another story.)

This just fries Joe’s mind.

The Bucs are the worst running team in the NFL. Have been since last season. Yet someone in authority at One Buc Palace either doesn’t get the memo, doesn’t monitor stats or cannot watch game tape.

Rich Hribar of Sharp Football Analysis documents just how sorry the run game is.

Tampa Bay is last in the NFL in rate of runs to gain five or more yards (27.4%).

Plenty of NFL coaches would give their left testicle to have Evans, Godwin and White and build a passing game around them.

The only coaches that would want Chase Edmonds, Sean Tucker, Sneak Vaughn and White to pound the ball between the tackles are coaches who are working in the USFL.

Can someone help the Bucs out and point out that Mike Alstott is not walking through the front door of One Buc Palace?

This is quickly reaching the point of irresponsibility. Don’t the Bucs want to win games? Isn’t the playoffs important to them?

Do the Bucs trust Mayfield that little?


30 Responses to “Bucs Are Not A Power Running Team”

  1. Bucsfan951 Says:

    “ Tampa Bay is last in the NFL in rate of runs to gain five or more yards (27.4%).”

    Honestly, and it ain’t the whiskey talking, that is about 15% more than I would have guessed.

  2. Pewter power Says:

    Don’t worry Bowles defense will force us to be a pass heavy team and catch up on the scoreboard.

    Todd Bowles is the guy who decided to take the ball out of Brady’s hands so not to risk a turnover. Bowles is going to run himself out of the league, he’ll be lucky enough to ever be an interim the rest of his career

  3. Tbbucs3 Says:

    If it wasn’t for Baker consistently bailing this team out in 3rd and long this offense would look just as bad as it did last year.

  4. RagingBrisket Says:

    Bucs are not a power running team? Compelling
    Anything else you want to admit while you give the oline and Jason Licht a pass?

  5. Mike C Says:

    Jason Licht? Dude put a team together like 40 mil under budget!

  6. Onetrickpony Says:

    No QB can have success without protection and a running back, along with that comes a decent defense. Right now to me it looks like JL is asleep at the switch, and nothing will change until we get a decent head coach. I can’t even say our OC is 100% at fault, because nothing has seemed to change from her last one, which tells me it is all on Bowels. Anybody can see he has his hands all over this and would neuter any QB in there

  7. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘This is quickly reaching the point of irresponsibility not using a seldom-seen collection of talent the right way. Don’t the Bucs want to win games? Isn’t the playoffs important to them? Do the Bucs trust Mayfield that little?’

    Interesting collage of 3 questions that appear to be following a somewhat-biased opinion? After watching Brady-Evans-Godwin-Brown-Gronk-Fournette (supported by a strong, experienced OLine) bring a Super Bowl championship to Tampa Bay in 2020, not sure that I’d call Mayfield-Evans-Godwin-Palmer-Otton-White (supported by a relatively inexperienced OLine) a ‘seldom-seen collection of talent’.

    We are, however, a poor running team, for a number of reasons that’ve been beaten to death already. Not exactly sure though that I’d call us a ‘passing team’ either. Bucs net Yards/Passing Attempt is only 6.1 yards, ranking us #13 in the NFL. Admittedly much better than the lowly 3.1 YPC we average running the ball however (#32), but still just mediocre. Combine the 2 of them, for a putrid 4.9 Yards/Play overall average (#22) and that rightfully spells a 4-6 record. At best.

    Bucs were never gonna beat the Eagles (9-1), Lions (8-3), 49ers (8-3) or the Bills (6-5). They’re more physical, much more experienced and they whooped us. We COULD have beaten the Falcons (4-6) and Texans (6-4) with better coaching IMO (allowing 2 long scoring drives in the last minute is revolting). Fact is though that we blew both games, that we’re 4-6 right now, and are pretty well beaten-up. Worse yet though, in a season where we need to see GROWTH, we’re back-sliding. Losing 5-of-our-last-6 ball games might be a clue?

    The real questions IMO aren’t ‘Don’t they WANT to win games & make the playoffs?’ but rather ‘CAN they win games & make the playoffs?’. Every single game for the rest of this season will be a struggle, even against Carolina. Far too much inexperience on this team in light of our continuing injuries to say ‘Yup, we got this’.

  8. dmatt Says:

    Remember folks,thanks to BA’, this is the reason Bowles was grandfather in as head coach. Bad mistake. Let’s not forget Bowles reputation as Jets head coach. A zebra don’t change its stripes. Bowles inherited two all pro receivers from BA who helped push the ball down the field to average 27-30 points a game but Bowles selfishness want to prove to the league that his “won’t risk it, won’t risk it” philosophy will work much better than the “no risk it, no biscuit” philosophy of BA. Bowles is an example of Stupid is as Stubborn does. And that’s the reason we were a below 500 team last year as well as this year. I’m sure the owners are reviewing the stats, lack of production, decline in points, personnel decision, poor game management,etc. Com on folks, Bowles is not Head Coach material.

  9. Fred McNeil Says:

    Actually, DR, my friend: Joe is right on. When they insist on slamming the ball up the middle knowing full well it probably won’t work “don’t they want to win?” Is a legitimate question. True, lack of a run game makes passing much harder, but at least it gives us more of a chance. When Bowles leaves in JTS over Yaya you have to ask yourself: Are they trying to lose? When they play our corners who excel in man coverage in soft zones 15 yards back I wonder to myself are they tanking? Do these guys want to win or not?

  10. Hodad Says:

    So how many times should the Bucs be throwing a game Joe? Baker passed the ball 45 times last week, and we still only scored twice. Should we drop back every play? Tell us Joe, from your vast O.C. experience, what’s the right number of pass plays per game that will turn this offense into a scoring machine? Cut Vaughn, Tucker, Edmonds, and add three more receivers, Joe’s the new O.C., and we don’t run the ball anymore. That should work.

  11. mick Says:

    “This just fries Joe’s mind.”

    Joe’s mind though is not fried by the Bucs staying with a bust veteran quarterback on a 1-5 losing streak. Joe actually likes it. But then, he has a record of liking a lot of quarterback mistakes in the past, so there’s that.

  12. mick Says:

    Hodad Says: “So how many times should the Bucs be throwing a game Joe? Baker passed the ball 45 times last week, and we still only scored twice.”

    Good catch. Baker is 13th among all NFL quarterbacks in pass attempts – only 12 quarterbacks have thrown more passes than Baker. He’s just not very good. He’s certainly not a franchise quarterback we should be WASTING A SEASON ON!

  13. mick Says:

    Just like a good running game sets up the pass, a good passing game sets up the run.

    Now, Mayfield has thrown more passes this season than all but 12 quarterbacks. That’s right, he is 13th in pass attempts among NFL quarterbacks. And, he has one of the best – if not the best – receiving duo in the NFL.

    So, why has our passing game not led to an improved run game? Something is wrong with our passing game, but what is it? Do Joe and Ira ever ask these questions? Or are they too busy writing articles bashing our #9 ranked defense?

  14. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    How many more losses before Bucs Nation sees Trask under center?

  15. Voice of Truth Says:

    Game 11 and we are still trying to find our way in the run game 🙏🙏🙏

    Todd has never met an OC he can’t bludgeon into submission

    Looking forward to a few more 2nd and 8 dive plays with no lead blocker Sunday

    It has been so effective thus far!!!!!

  16. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Power running team? The Bucs aren’t even a mediocre running team. Bowles is a proven loser. Period. Thanks, BA. Thanks, Glazers.

  17. HC Grover Says:

    This game is billed as a ‘close’ one. Right up Bowles game scheme. It should come down to which team is worse. Can they outblunder Bowles? Penalty and turnover ratio will be major. If as close as predicted clock managing may be important too.

  18. mick Says:

    Since76 Says: “I don’t think Mayfield can get them the ball.”

    He does not see the field well. Never has.

  19. Onetrickpony Says:

    You are wrong, all of you.
    Coach thinks we can run the ball.
    (Rolling my eyeballs)

  20. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bucs were never gonna beat the Eagles (9-1), Lions (8-3), 49ers (8-3) or the Bills (6-5). They’re more physical, much more experienced and they whooped us. We COULD have beaten the Falcons (4-6) and Texans (6-4) with better coaching IMO (allowing 2 long scoring drives in the last minute is revolting). Fact is though that we blew both games, that we’re 4-6 right now

    Agree with this. Given the cap issues and all the youth, I’m not really disappointed with the 4-6 record. It’s basically what we expected. The biggest problems all stem from poor coaching and team/game mismanagement.

    Leaning too much on poor performers at the expense of promising young players. Refusing to capitalize on every opportunity available (call timeout and try to score? nah). Stubborn adherence to scheme over player skill.

  21. WyomingJoe Says:

    Mick: Please stop drinking long enough and watch some tape of Mayfield throwing the football. The footage is easily accessible. He can, and has, made every throw. How many TDs have been dropped so far this year? I count at least 4! That would place him in the Top 5 among QBs this season. His overall numbers, despite not having a running game, are in the Too 13. He’ll probably end up in the Top 10 by season’s end. Mayfield isn’t the problem but he could and will be the answer. So, stop talking nonsense.

  22. BucU Says:

    The coaching here is the worst in the league. I’m sick of the ineptitude. I’d rather go to the dentist then have to watch this garbage product Bowles and Licht have tried to sell us.

  23. stpetebucfan Says:

    I see the cause for alarm and while I do feel for the mess Bowles was left for this season it’s hard not to blame the ENTIRE coaching staff, not just Bowles.

    I agree with all that D.R. posted although I would chance “could” to “should” have won the games against Houston and Atlanta. The old saying “snatching defeat from the jaws of victory” may be a cliche but it’s spot on. Not only did the Bucs waste a win they wasted Baker’s best game and big comeback. How would that have fired up the team if it had ended on Baker’s last TD drive? Enough even perhaps to beat the hapless Falcons?

    This team SHOULD be 6-4 not 4-6 and I have to lay that at the feet of the entire coaching staff. Perhaps I’m being too harsh in the sense that maybe they’re all forced to do what Bowles tells them to do…especially Canalas.

    Bottom line and final question. This team clearly had the talent to go 6-4 and it’s NOT Baker Mayfield’s fault. HE had them in position in Houston.

  24. Jeff Says:

    Not a short, medium or long range passing team, either. Pretty much don’t do anything on offense. Now the defense, it allows all three. Clueless Todd’s got that down pat.

  25. Jack Clark Says:

    “The Bucs are bound and determined to be a power-running team. They are not a power-running team. They are a passing team. Despite three of the league’s best weapons in the passing game (Mike Evans, Chris Godwin and Rachaad White), the Bucs are gonna prove us all wrong and run between the tackles.”

    Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. When Dave Canales said he was gonna keep running the ball between the tackles even though it wasn’t working I knew he was insane. The only person more insane than Dave Canales is Todd Bowles for telling him to do that 😂 Our best runs have been outside of the tackles and I completely agree with this woke Joe about building our passing scheme around Mike Evans (deep routes), Chris Godwin (mid-range routes), and Rachaad White (short routes and draw plays)

  26. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    “The passing game to open up the running game” works but it needs to be the right passing game to loosen up the defense. I truly feel the running game hinges on getting Godwin involved early and often out of the slot and also his ability to block at the second level. And our passing game should feature lots of pre-snap motion, not lazy shifts but actual motion.

    From “A Bronx Tale”…”Would you rather be respected or feared?”. Name one player on our offense that opposing teams FEAR. Sure, they respect Evans, Godwin, Wirfs, etc. But do they “fear” them? Nope. The only “receiver” we have that can make people miss in the open field after the catch is R. White and he’s not anywhere near as elusive as a McCaffrey, Deebo or Cheetah.

    The coaches should be driving that fact home every practice. “Nobody fears you! Prove them wrong” And I would love to see some of that “discipline” Bowles keeps stressing so when we DO get a nice run it’s not called back due to a penalty.

    Going out on a limb and predicting R. White gets his first 100 yard rushing game against the Colts.

  27. Jmarkbuc Says:

    These problems start with Bud Licht.

  28. Buccos Says:

    You are exactly right Joe and this falls on the head coach without a doubt. The head coach determines what type of offense that you run, the philosophy, and what style fits best with his personnel. Canales should devise the different plays but as far as being pass heavy versus run heavy and which players are featured that falls on Bowles. This could end up being a wasted season if they don’t figure it out soon

  29. Dave Pear Says:

    Two words.

    Todd. Bowles.

  30. orlbucfan Says:

    I respect DR but I don’t agree with everything he says. The Bucs would have upset the Bills but the refs stole it. They stunk against Atlanta cos of Canales. They are not a power running team. They are a power passing team. Again, the fault is Canales for not calling the correct plays. Plus, I’m over the Brady worship. Bucs would have won the 2020 SB with a QB like Mayfield. They had assembled the best team on BOTH sides of the ball in their history. That is a fact and actual fans know it. Turnover Winston was the one glaring weakness.