What A Player!

November 22nd, 2023

Historic Bucs game.

Joe was so enraged Sunday night how the Bucs didn’t think enough of rushing 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy as he was on his way to having the best game a 49ers quarterback played since the legend Joe Montana in 1989, the Bucs preferred a milk carton on the field (Joe Tryon-Shoyinka) rather than a guy who has three sacks in his last two games (YaYa Diaby).

Joe totally overlooked a Bucs work of greatness on the field of Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara.

Bucs safety Antoine Winfield just completely tore apart the 49ers. While it is never a good thing to have a safety lead the team in tackles, Winfield did his best to try to help turn the game for the Bucs.

Winfield racked up 16 tackles. That is a Bucs franchise record. No one in Bucs history has had a day like that on defense.

Winfield plans to give the same effort each week like the pro he is. If folks don’t put out like Winfield did Sunday, there may not be any playoffs to talk about other than the games the Bucs watch from the comfort of their own La-Z-Boys at home.

“It’s getting serious – it’s getting down to the wire,” Winfield said Monday. “Coming down to these final games, we’ve got to make sure that we get some wins under our belt so we can make this playoff push. That’s pretty much the message of it.”

Damn, 16 tackles. That is crazy. But Winfield that good.

So, Tristan Wirfs in the first round in 2020 and Winfield in the second round. Just on those two picks alone, that draft class has a chance to be historic, not just for the Bucs, but for the NFL.

21 Responses to “What A Player!”

  1. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    This is one recurring theme about the Bucs… .they make all rookie, journeyman, and average Quarterbacks look like the second coming of Joe Montana.

    It just ticks me off that the Bucs coaching is so consistent at underachieving or being losers that you can pretty much earmark that they will continue to keep on doing it over and over and over again.

    Not Since John Lynch, have the Bucs had an amazing Safety……that’s pretty pathetic considering John Lynch has been gone forever from this Franchise.

  2. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    If Antoine Winfield hits the Free Agency……HE WILL be the highest paid Safety……..and possibly set a Free Agency record for highest paid FA Safety contract ever……..WHY?????

    Because a TRUE impact Safety in the NFL is rare…….and Antoine Winfield is that guy!!!!

    The Bucs need to keep this guy until he retires…..don’t let him leave the Franchise like John Lynch did!

  3. BucU Says:

    Bowles = Defensive genius.
    That’s laughable.

  4. mick Says:

    3rd season for JTS he’s a bust

  5. mick Says:

    16 tackles by our safety explains why Purdy averaged 13.3 yards per pass.

  6. ShakeandBaker Says:

    Anthem he will get resigned. Lynch was old when the Bucs let him go. He put in a couple of decent years but was past his prime when they let him walk. This guy hasn’t even hit his prime.

  7. Onetrickpony Says:

    Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, somebody tell me why coach loves this guy so much,please.

  8. DungyDance Says:

    Get Winfield a long term deal in the off season. Top of his class and always professional. Build other players around positive influence like he has.

  9. BFFL Says:

    Lot of tackles that need to be made after white either runs the wrong way or gets blocked by receivers.

  10. LVMYBUCS Says:

    We still have good players we just need a coaching staff that can identify talent and get rid of scrubs like Dean and Davis. Fire Bowles and the rest of these clowns and get a vet coach in here that knows what he doing

  11. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Getting Wirfs and Winfield in the same draft is legendary. Unfortunately a draft like that makes you wonder WTF happened in the 2021 draft?

    Licht had a press conference before that 2021 draft where he said the Bucs had no needs and would draft for depth. It blew my mind at the time, and looking back now, he got exactly what he shopped for. JTS – reserve, Trask – who knows?, Hainsey – reserve, Darden – no, Britt – reserve.

    Jason Licht & The Long Game
    April 15th, 2021

    The Bucs suddenly find themselves in uncharted territory. They are drafting for depth. They are drafting for development. They are drafting for 2022, and beyond. They are anything but needy

    and Licht himself said:

    “It’s a luxury we have this year that we can pick who we think is going to be the best player in two years. In today’s day and age, everybody wants it two be in two games, but we’re going to take the long view here and bring in the player that we’re going to be happy with for the long haul.

  12. Teflon Don Says:

    Bowles must not want to be around next year if he is going to continue to play JTS over YAYA. Put your best players in if you are trying to win it’s really that simple

  13. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Wirfs and Winfield was a fantastic draft. JTS was a reach, one good year of college production and then came COVID. But 2021 was screwed up for a lot of GMs, due to lack of info

  14. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Next year could be very special with a Couple of wise moves. This gm has the ability to wait, making the best move at the right time. Trusting that the immediate needs will be addressed, the biggest obstacle will be the schedule. Bucs drew afc south, nfc north this year…they will not Be as fortunate next year.

  15. D-Rok Says:

    Unlike our current defensive coaches, it’s obvious Winfield’s father has been coaching him up.

    16 tackles is insanely good, most likely since he had to make deep tackles his teammates missed.

    Wonder if Winfield Sr. would come coach at Tampa?

  16. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Winfield is a dawg. You gotta pay the man. He will be a great leader in the secondary for the new guys that replace Neal and Davis. Dont forget the genius of Todd Bowles to play him out of position last season.

  17. Pittbucfan Says:

    Imo this upcoming draft needs to be on the defensive side of the ball with a rb1 being an exception. Hopefully the rookies on the oline mature and Mr. Ryan Jensen returns.

  18. Dwayne Cone Says:

    Perhaps they want to give JTS as much time to prove himself in game action before moving him down the Roster and potentially on from him next season.

    Most sacks are created by a great play somewhere in the middle and forcing the QB to retreat to the Edge.

    JTS and YaYa numbers are pretty similar but I am no sure on the Number of each one’s snaps.

    One thing I am sure of is Bucs are 14th in Sacks (28% by others than D-Line), 18th in Pressures, and 21st in Hurries. More than just JTS that a finger can be pointed at.

    With a little more Pressure up front the back end wouldn’t be left out to dry and have more picks.

    Defense held SF to their average points on a purdy QB day.
    Bucs scored 5 fewer than average of 19.2 against SF. I guess that’s not bad as their ceiling against the Titans was 20.

    Defense for the most part will keep them in it. Unfortunately the Offense can’t go out and win it.

  19. MelvinJunior Says:

    They should go ahead and pay him ASAP… For Now. Hopefully, he can stay healthy and continue playing at an ALL-Pro level for the next 4-5 years, & THEN try moving him for (hopefully) a BOATLOAD of PICKS… High-Picks!!!! It’s a shame that he WON’T be able to retire, after playing his entire career in a Bucs Uniform… You just canNOT afford to PAY ‘Top’ $$$$$ for the Safety Position. Hopefully, we will be looking to ‘lock-up’ our future FRANCHISE QB and WR(‘s), etc. by then… And it sure would be SWEET to have THAT kind of an asset, that could bring about THAT kind of Draft Capital for a team (hopefully) looking to COMPETE.

  20. Rod Munch Says:

    Again, why wasn’t his contract done? They can resign guys early that are not 1st rounders, right? Or am I forgetting some rule against it?

    Every week he gets more expensive.

  21. Ed Says:

    winfield and David are my favorite Bucs. Evans would be up there too but his lack of concentration on key third down drops has him dropping a step below WInfield and David who bring their “A” game every week. Evans is good for an “A” game every 3 games and in between he plays from good to average. His numbers are great but he appears by his body language and expressions to let things get to him on the field.

    Winfield and David just play all out all the time. Hoping Mike gets it going these last 7 games and that the dumb coaching staff of the Bucs learn how to feature Evans and Godwin instead of R. White, Otton, Palmer and Thompkins.

    Evans/Godwin= 98 receptions. White/Otton/Palmer/Thompkins= 110 receptions. Bowles/Canales failing to get the ball to the best players is an indictment on them not recognizing that they cannot move the offense forward
    throwing to the wrong players when they have underused All Pro’s and a future
    Hall of Famer that need the ball.

    It just is awful watching the game plan of this offense. It’s very structure is designed to fail and it has. 300 yards a game in today’s NFL with receiver’s being allowed to run without contact is pathetic.