The Almost-Touchdown On The First Drive

November 30th, 2023

Bucs OC Dave Canales moans aloud when asked about failing to score from the 1 yard line on Sunday’s opening drive.

Almost. Just a little bit away. Almost.

The Bucs almost scored a touchdown on their very first drive of the game last Sunday at Indianapolis. It would have been Tampa Bay’s first opening-drive TD of the season.

Almost. Unfortunately, almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Asked about that drive today at One Buc Palace, Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales groaned out loud. It’s not a reminder he wants.

“I was trying not to think about [first touchdown on an opening drive this season] in the moment,” Canales said. ‘Here it goes!'”

Mike Evans caught a 19-yard pass from Baker Mayfield near the goal line and then rolled over a defender for what looked like a touchdown initially.

Nope. Evans was ruled down at the one.

After an offsides penalty on Indianapolis, the drive melted down from there. Predictably.

“Once we were there, I was like, ‘We’ve got to be able to get this,'” Canales thought at the time.

Mayfield tried a sneak up the middle and got hurt and had to leave the game.

“Not on a sneak!” Canales said to himself.

Then on second down, Aaron Stinnie got flagged for a false start. Canales said from his vantage point on the Bucs sidelines, he thought Stinnie came off the snap “smooth” and didn’t jump, but confessed the refs had a much better angle than he had.

“What can you do?” Canales sighed.

From the Colts-5, Rachaad White tried to run up the middle and got three yards.

“We have run the ball fairly well inside the five recently,” Canales said.

On third down, Kyle Trask, in for Mayfield, threw a pretty ball that looked to be just about perfect. There again, almost. Godwin was unable to get a second foot down and he juggled the ball out of bounds.

Remembering this afternoon about having to settle for a field goal despite having first down from the half-yard mark, Canales closed his eyes, leaned back and let a loud groan, “Uuuuhhh!”

We can all relate, Coach. We can all relate.

“I try not to make a judgment on the game on those scenarios,” Canales said of the near-miss touchdown. “‘OK, that was one situation. We came away with points.’

“Our biggest thing is get points, however many, however you can in those situations.”

The Bucs will face the Stinking Panthers on Sunday, hoping to finally snap that touchdown-less streak on their first drive of the game.

Joe just wants to moan out loud just like Canales. Most of the season has been that way for Joe.

61 Responses to “The Almost-Touchdown On The First Drive”

  1. TexasBucsfan Says:

    He is paid to get the job done! He failed again. Why would anyone hire an offensive coordinator without any experience. OH yes, I know, the head coach. Hopefully. neither one will be here next year

  2. Derek Says:

    They are horrible at scoring touchdowns.

  3. Tony Marks Says:

    “Not on a sneak!” Canales said to himself.”

    Not sure what Canales is thinking there –

    having your qb, not your running back, run into a line is supposed to be low risk for an injury?

  4. Craig Says:

    It looked like the Colts Baker was on Godwin’s back during that pass. I don’t know if it should have been flagged, but that extra weight caused Godwin’s step to be out of bounds.

    That is what happens in red zone play, but that pass raised some expectations. It was a pretty throw for coming off the bench and trying it.

  5. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Many didn’t quite understand why Canales was hired By Bowles when so many very good OCs were out there at that time. Well, think about it, I think they knew it could easily be a one and done in Tampa. Lately I know the last 3 loses wasn’t on Canales. The play calling was decent. At the 5 yard of the red zone a penalty set the Bucs back to to 15 then Mayfield throw an interception. After that the same ol play from the Bucs penalties, bad throws and you know the rest of the story

  6. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    I’ve let out many a uggggghh myself. Go Bucs!

  7. Beeej Says:

    When we get in a situation like that, I just expect a yellow flag

  8. Defense Rules Says:

    How many times have we seen the Eagles in that exact same position (inside the 1-yard line) and run a successful QB sneak. Actually it’s more like they get the entire team behind Hurts and just push him over the line.

    Bucs lost 27-20 to the Colts. We left 4 points on the field on that particular series. No excuse for not punching it in when you have 1st down at your opponent’s 1-yard line.

    But in the 4th qtr the Bucs drove down the field and had a 1st & goal from the Colts 6-yd line. Here’s how that miserable series went …

    o 1st & 6 … Mayfield sacked (-6 yards).
    o 2nd & 12 … Pass complete to Otton for 7 yards.
    o 3rd & 5 … Mayfield sacked again (-1 yards)
    o 4th & 6 (with 4:13 to go) … McLaughlin kicks a FG; now 27-20.

    Bucs left ANOTHER 4 points on the field. Had we scored TDs on BOTH of those 2 drives, we more than likely would’ve won the ballgame. In the first case we had 4 downs to make ONE yard. In the second, we had 4 downs to make SIX yards. Call it what you want Dave, but I’m of the opinion that bad play-calling AND p1ss-poor execution is at fault.

  9. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Trask should be the designated QB sneaker. Use him like a Tebow

  10. WyomingJoe Says:

    Sure, Trask threw what Joe called “a pretty ball, just about perfect.” However, if Mayfield threw it it would have been described as a lousy throw because Godwin was open. A double standard exists within the Trask cult.

  11. Jason Says:

    Canales got the job because he was the only one who would take it. I believe he was like the 8th choice. Lol.
    Now all he needs is a bigger hammer and eventually he’ll get that square peg in the round hole.

  12. Voice of Truth Says:

    I like how Todd yapped about getting “his guys”as coaches, then proceeded to hire a rookie OC after being turned down by multiple people….

    How is Monken doing in Baltimore Todd????

    Wonder why he didn’t want to come here….

  13. Tony1775 Says:

    What we get trying to make a cute hire of a no name OC.

  14. unbelievable Says:

    As usual, Defense Rules nailed it.

    And let’s not forget how masterful Brady was at those QB sneaks when we needed a yard or less. Why can’t Mayfield do the same?

    And why have no other teams been able to emulate the Tush Push the way Philly does? Seems to me that it’s fairly obvious how they line up / how the o-line blocks it…

  15. BucsFan2520 Says:

    Tampa is the place where two types of coaches go. The failed coach looking for a second chance or the young inexperienced coach looking to gain experience to eventually leave for the job he really wants. The glazers love them because they take less money and have no leverage. It’s a common theme here. We were lucky with Brady and a flash in the pan with Gruden.

  16. Rod Munch Says:

    The play calling on the opening drive was excellent until it got to the one, then it just got really stupid. You’re at the half foot line, and the one thing you’re good at is running up the gut for 0.2 yards.

    Really, really stupid beyond belief.

    Just hand it to White four times in a row, right up the middle, even the Bucs can get a half foot in that situation.

    Overall I was never high on Calanes, but I’ve mostly liked what I’ve seen. Most of the issues is with the QB who just doesn’t throw it to guys who are open downfield that much, and instead just dumps it off. Exactly like Baker’s tape showed from the last two years. And while Baker hasn’t been nearly as bad as in his past, he still does most of the things that got all his coaches fired – and are about to get Bowles and Canales fired.

  17. WyomingJoe Says:

    Unbelievable: Of course, Baker didn’t run the QB sneak the right way! And, of course, Trask would have scored if HE was in the lineup. What BS! First of all, why the hell are we trying a sneak when we rapidly moved the ball 70 yards in the previous 4 plays? That’s just stupid.

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    WyomingJoe Says:
    November 30th, 2023 at 7:53 pm
    Unbelievable: Of course, Baker didn’t run the QB sneak the right way! And, of course, Trask would have scored if HE was in the lineup.


    Considering Trask is 6 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier, and had two years to learn from Brady on how to run the sneak, yes, it’s very fair to say he’d have successfully moved the ball 2 feet and not got himself injured on the play.

  19. Stanglassman Says:

    Popcorn It has to work both ways. Canales wasn’t their first choice. Who wanted to come to a team that had 250 million dead cap money, a cast-off Qb and for a a head coach who was more than likely going to be fired at the end of the season? Monkin coached here loves the town and Bucs players and still picked the Ravens. They asked lots of candidates who wouldn’t even interview. The Bucs have a better shot this year offering the Dolphin or Houston’s OC a HC job. There’s a lot more candidates this year who are more likely to come take on the HC job than last year the OC.

  20. DS Says:

    Funny part is when they didn’t score that drive I knew the game was over

  21. WyomingJoe Says:

    Capt’n Munch: You continue to amaze me with your ignorance of Baker Mayfield. You saw he play the last two years? He was hurt the entire 2021 season, then played with the worst team in the NFL (the Panthers) in 2022. Then on to the Rams. Funny how Mcvay (arguably one of the best young coaches in the league) thought highly of Baker and wanted to sign him. And funny how in his first game with the Rams, with just 1 1/2 days of learning their playbook, he was able to throw EVERY PASS… short and long with precision. Honestly, I can’t explain why he isn’t duplicating that touch on the long ball with Tampa, but neither can you! It could be him, the receivers or the line. I know you don’t hope this, but I hope the Bucs solve this puzzle during the next 6 games.

  22. Jack Clark Says:

    At least the Baker Mayfield fans aren’t as bad as the Tom Brady fanboys

  23. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Tom Brady fanboys says Hack Lark. If you can’t root for an all time great who helped The Bucs win a 2nd Super Bowl then I’m not sure what to tell ya. Your comments seem to be foolhardy more often than not.

  24. Jack Clark Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    November 30th, 2023 at 7:01 pm
    How many times have we seen the Eagles in that exact same position (inside the 1-yard line) and run a successful QB sneak.

    unbelievable Says:
    November 30th, 2023 at 7:41 pm
    As usual, Defense Rules nailed it. And let’s not forget how masterful Brady was at those QB sneaks when we needed a yard or less. Why can’t Mayfield do the same And why have no other teams been able to emulate the Tush Push the way Philly does? Seems to me that it’s fairly obvious how they line up / how the o-line blocks it…

    You guys are comparing apples to oranges. Jalen Hurts can squat 600 pounds and is running QB sneaks behind a pro bowl center Jason Kelce. Tom Brady wasn’t able to run the QB sneak effectively after our pro bowl interior linemen got injured. The difference between Jalen Hurts and Tom Brady QB sneaks was that Jalen Hurts just uses pure brute force while Tom Brady was patient and waited to lunge for a small gap that opened up. Baker Mayfield gets ABSOULTELY NO PUSH from our sorry as interior linemen and Baker Mayfield is weak so he can’t brute force his way into gaining one yard from running a quarterback sneak unless the defense is not prepared for it.

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    Putting Baker ‘The Bust’ Mayfield in the same conversation as the GOAT, just proves that being a Baker Boi is a mental illness.

    It’s like the dummies telling me that Baker is just as good as Herbert and Mahomes. LOL!

  26. Jack Clark Says:

    Winny Testaverde Says:
    November 30th, 2023 at 8:24 pm
    Tom Brady fanboys says Hack Lark. If you can’t root for an all time great who helped The Bucs win a 2nd Super Bowl then I’m not sure what to tell ya. Your comments seem to be foolhardy more often than not.

    You and NE Fan are the perfect examples of Tom Brady fanboys nobody likes. You are not Bucs fans, you are only here because you’re obsessed with Tom Brady. You Tom Brady fanboys think you’re better than everyone because he won 6 Super Bowls in New England. Well how are the Patriots doing without Tom Brady? Worse than the Bucs?! HA! Cry me a river. Tom Brady is my favorite quarterback of all time but I don’t act like he can do no wrong and criticize him when he makes mistakes, plus I been a Bucs fan way before Tom Brady got here. That’s the difference between real Bucs fans like me and a Tom Brady fanboys like you

  27. David Says:

    Chris G. had enough room to catch that ball from Kyle. He jut dropped it. He acknowledged that he should have caught that ball. I don’t blame him. I think he was shocked that he is getting targeted in end zone.

  28. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Hack Lark is getting upset! I’ve been a Buc fan since the 70’s you tulip. But I sure appreciated what Brady brought to the table/franchise. Your “black belt” in keyboard karate is impressive…you’re no doubt a hit with the ladies and at parties…where the over/under for you having or attending either is .5 .

  29. Jack Clark Says:

    Winny Testaverde Says:
    November 30th, 2023 at 8:43 pm
    Hack Lark is getting upset! I’ve been a Buc fan since the 70’s you tulip. But I sure appreciated what Brady brought to the table/franchise. Your “black belt” in keyboard karate is impressive…you’re no doubt a hit with the ladies and at parties…where the over/under for you having or attending either is .5 .

    If you really been a Bucs fan since the 70’s then you wouldn’t have been sensitive enough to feel the need to defend Tom Brady fanboys like yourself. My “black belt” keyboard karate classes are $150 per month, but I’ll give you a special discount since yours is too sloppy and needs work. Classes start tomorrow 😂

  30. ElioT Says:

    Apathy is setting in.

  31. BucsFan2520 Says:

    Rod Munch – I think you have conversations with yourself on here. You make stuff up just so you have a reason to bash mayfield. We get it, you want trask because you know better than everyone else including the team.

  32. Tampa bay Says:

    Start KYLE TRASK

  33. D Cone Says:

    Tush Push works because Hurts can squat around 600 pounds. Guys line up behind him to stop him from pushing one of his lineman into the goal post.

  34. Beeej Says:

    Brady gave up on the goal line sneak early in that final season, without Jensen it didn’t work anymore

  35. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    WynonaJoelina stop your Fakerboi tears! He’s so discriminated on this website oh boo hoo!😭 Please Justine Timberfake cry me a river! That throw was great and wouldn’t even had been Fakers fault it was all Godwin’s. Mike Evans has made catches off passes just like that in the same spot. It should’ve been a td no matter who threw it. Such a girlieman

  36. EEK Says:

    if he called the qb sneak and it wasn’t an audible, that was atrocious

    Trask had his moment to shine, he hesitated and then threw Godwin out of bounds

    of course, they had to waste a down with another garbage run call for zero yards

    this team hurts my eyes and is so unfun to watch

  37. Bobby Says:

    If The Glazers just gave this coaching staff one more off-season and by the end of next season we will have scored on that opening drive right…, seen enough, moving on. New coaching staff please….

  38. Bobby Says:

    By the way the Bucs making the playoffs this season in the worst division in the NFL doesn’t tell me we should keep this staff into next season. Because if our measuring standard is against mediocre teams in the NFC South and our success against those teams determines that this staff stays into next season.Then we will not be contending for another SB anytime soon. This coaching staff here is going to coach us out of a top 7 pick is what is going to happen. Then we all be debating on this platform all off-season 2024 as to whether the strong push the Bucs may make towards playoffs season was worth it. I’ve been a Bucs fan for so long I’m already seeing what is going to happen after this season. This plan sucks.

  39. Dave Pear Says:

    Todd Bowles sets the tone. Brilliant scheming in his mind, a concept of old school keep it close football. But he can’t teach, can’t root out mistakes, exudes no confidence that lasts, and has woofing underachiever Devin White on the field and can’t even tackle Gardner Minshew.

    Todd is the Bucs right now. No one should be surprised at 4-7 or 4-13.

  40. Dave Pear Says:

    This team has one chance. Come out against the Panthers like it’s the beginning of the 2nd half against Atlanta week 14 when the Bucs were down 17-0. That’s when they went on their 8-0 Super Bowl run.

    They won’t. Because, you know, Todd. He’d rather see his vision of football chipped away at rather than adapting to necessary activities for winning.

  41. HC Grover Says:

    Get these Bums OUT! Good Grief.

  42. Crickett Baker Says:

    I remember a game wherein Godwin had 15 catches in one game. Yeah, it was 4 or 5 years ago, but STILL. What has happened? Baker is better than a whole bunch of other QBs we have had, so it’s not him.

  43. Bobby Says:

    2 other older names to consider, just putting them out there Jon Gruden and Steve Mariucci. The Glazers chased Steve a while ago and failed. I know he has been broadcasting for a long time now. But outside of his tenure in Detroit he comes from success. In fact he comes from the 49ers coaching tree and history shows how well that worked out. So why not consider Steve Mariucci again?? Many on this platform talk about wanting an offensive coach to be the next. I just gave you 2 names who have success on there resumes with offensive football. Hey just putting it out there. Go Bucs!!

  44. RGA Says:

    WyomingJoe, come clean and tell us your relationship to Baker Mayfield.

  45. Rod Munch Says:

    I pointed this out elsewhere, but the Bucs had to trade to get both of their SB headcoaches (they had to give the Cards a 6th for Arians), and they should look to do so again if someone coach, with a proven record, is on his owners nerve.

    I haven’t paid enough attention to the rest of the league to know who that might be, but it needs to be an offensive headcoach – not just a coordinator in this situation.

    If you can’t find, then just stick with Bowles for one more year, since you’ll want to tank anyways, and Bowles is great at that job.

  46. Dave Pear Says:

    I’m on board with whoever Jason Licht picks to be the next head coach. He got Arians to unretire and then got Brady, won us a Super Bowl. The next one is gonna need to be like post 2018 Eagles, but look at them now.

    You go, Jason! You go!

  47. Rod Munch Says:

    Dave Pear Says:
    November 30th, 2023 at 11:44 pm
    I’m on board with whoever Jason Licht picks to be the next head coach.


    I like Licht as far as personel goes, but his coaching tastes are not to my liking. He got very lucky with Arians, but that was also a no-brainer.

    I’m pretty sure the Glazers will be very hands on with the next head coach – and I am pretty confident they’ll want to make a big splash.

  48. Bobby Says:

    Just looked around the internet, Jon Gruden is probably going to get another job with some NFL team in like a month. Why not here back with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Bucs need offense as you all say on this comment board. Why not Jon Gruden!!??

  49. Oz Len Says:

    You Trask fans… Yesterday I posted links to the combine reports of Mayfield and Trask but Joe deleted it. If you google NFl Combine report with each of the quarterbacks’ names you will see everything the pro scouts said about each QB coming into their rookie years. It’s right there why Trask isn’t playing. A few tidbits, he is slow in the pocket, he can’t escape pressure, he favors his left knee which throws off his long passes and his reads are slow. Look it up.

  50. Crickett Baker Says:

    Bobby (and anyone else who mentions Gruden)–Along with calling a Glazer a “P” word depicting a cutish kitty which resulted in having his name almost immediately removed from our Ring of Honor, his very name is most likely an unmentionable word in our Owner’s presence.

  51. Tony Marks Says:

    WyomingJoe Says:
    November 30th, 2023 at 8:09 pm
    Capt’n Munch: You continue to amaze me with your ignorance of Baker Mayfield.


    you were almost right WJ. You just went too far with the last three words above. Remove them and you got Mush.

  52. Tony Marks Says:

    Mush says:

    he still does most of the things that got all his coaches fired –


    I Think the worse ones were Coach Mcvey and Coach Stefanski. I wonder what they are doing these days.

    oh wait…they are still coaching the same teams

    Captain Rod “Mush” Knownothignham for the comedy win again. 🙂 🙂

    That why we still read him folks. Can’t get better comedy

  53. German Buc Says:

    If someone should come from the bench to run a QB sneak it should be manbeast Vita Vea. Case closed.

  54. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Hark Lark mumbled/bumbled:

    If you really been a Bucs fan since the 70’s then you wouldn’t have been sensitive enough to feel the need to defend Tom Brady fanboys like yourself. My “black belt” keyboard karate classes are $150 per month, but I’ll give you a special discount since yours is too sloppy and needs work. Classes start tomorrow 😂
    Winny’s retort:

    It’s a deal…$150 seems like a fair price. I’ll pay your Mom directly…it can go towards December’s “rent” for you dwelling in her basement while typing out tough talk, hard hitting analysis and knee slapping comedy.

  55. DJB Says:

    I have read all the comments and have learned that Brady spent 2 years on the back fields teaching Trask the QB sneak – hahahahaha

  56. SlyPirate Says:

    if you want to pick up 2 yards or less bring Vea in as RB or FB.

  57. pmarcello Says:

    Listen up you dirty dozen talking turd Baker bashers. If you found a QB who could walk on water across Tampa Bay He till wouldn’t be able to fix your lousy team. On top of that I’d bet my last dollar that you same trolls would be the first guys in line screaming to have him Crucified. Brain dead idiot morons. Joe should ban you all from his site because you ruin it for everybody elr.

  58. unbelievable Says:

    @WyomingJoe – I said nothing about Trask being able to do it better… (though his larger size and weight could possibly help)

    I just don’t understand why we (or other teams) aren’t trying to block it the same way with the o-line going super low and everyone else just pushing for forward. Then again, our interior o-line is soft AF.

  59. Oz Len Says:

    California dreamin’, Tom Brady is the one exception to the rule and Brock purdy may turn out to be the second exception to the rule, in the whole history of the NFL.

  60. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Ozzlen why are you bringing up his combine #s Cuzzo? Don’t mean anything now. Thought you had a win but California Dreaming snatched your glory by posting more of what you ignored about the young man’s report. What a nightmare huh? By the way who are you???

    Of course Whinona Joelina and Tonya Smurfs came up here cat scratching guys eyes out because it’s about Trask. They hate anyone who has even a remote chance of taking any shine away from their love king. It’s not a good look for grown “men” to have such a GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip on someone who don’t even know you exist and probably would never want to!!!

    Hey pee nightly mello why so upset over words about a grown man??? You mad bro? You Joelina and Tonya should get together and check out your Seventeen Magazine I think they’ll have an article and pictures of your crush Faker Bayfield!

  61. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Ozzlen why are you bringing up his combine #s Cuzzo? Don’t mean anything now. Thought you had a win but California Dreaming snatched your glory by posting more of what you ignored about the young man’s report. What a nightmare huh? By the way who are you???

    Of course Whinona Joelina and Tonya Smurfs came up here cat scratching guys eyes out because it’s about Trask. They hate anyone who has even a remote chance of taking any shine away from their love king. It’s not a good look for grown “men” to have such a GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip on someone who don’t even know you exist and probably would never want to!!!

    Hey pee nightly mello why so upset over words about a grown man??? You mad bro? You Joelina and Tonya should get together and check out your Seventeen Magazine I think they’ll have an article and pictures of your favorite qb Maker Bayfield!