Rachaad White Talks About His 100-Yard Day

November 26th, 2023

Rachaad White took a pretty good rushing day into the fourth quarter, and then he busted loose a 38-yard run on 3rd-and-2.

White popped the run wide right after taking a step up the gut, where most of his runs go. The Colts defense bit inside on 3rd-and-short and White bounced to daylight.

It was his first rumble of more than 20 yards this season. He finished with 15 carries for 100 yards.

Joe talked to White about his first big rushing day of the season at his locker after the game.

White surprisingly showed up on Saturday’s injury report with a bad knee. White didn’t detail to Joe what happened to his knee, but it was somewhat significant. He praised Bucs trainers and said his knee “held up.”

White was most happy about his long run because it sparked the team today at a key time, though he was disappoined the Bucs settled for a field goal.

Joe asked about the sputtering Bucs offense and White said it’s mostly about inconsistency.

“It just, you know, it’s tough when you play behind the sticks a good amount,” White said, noting the Bucs have too many negative plays with penalties, sacks, etc.

“We keep saying that, but we just got to clean up, man,” he added.

Today, the Bucs couldn’t blame the running game. That reality makes putting only 20 points on the board against a nothing special Colts team all the more disappointing.

Joe also will throw some love a No. 2 running back Chase Edmonds for his one carry for 11 yards.

23 Responses to “Rachaad White Talks About His 100-Yard Day”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    Glorious just Glorious. Best loss he ever had.

  2. Buc50 Says:

    He got some holes today and he hit them with some urgency. He’s very good in space.

  3. HC Grover Says:

    Look just face it. They suck. Bozo is a born loser an should of been fired last week.

  4. T. McGee Says:

    He’s a keeper. For the next staff.

  5. Why Not Says:

    White’s game today puts him on pace for 864 yards….in 17 games. On the bright side, maybe it’s the start of a trend.

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    Sure he had 100 yards, but did you see him get stuffed 2 yards behind the line of scrimmage when he was tackled as soon as he got the ball? The fact he didn’t break that tackle and pick up 50, shows that he’s a bust. Zack Moss would have broke that tackle.

    This game is just more proof that he’s a bust and needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

  7. Voice of Truth Says:

    He’s a good 3rd down back….

    Colts are #25 D against the run – nothing to see here really

  8. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bucs interior OL still needs work. It was nice to see them open some holes against a poor run defense though.

  9. ElioT Says:

    God… at this point, who gives a crap.

  10. steele Says:

    “100 yard day” in which 38 comes in one play means it was for the most part a 62 yard day, and a “better than his usual” but this does not in any way mean that he is “the man”, as he constantly believes he is.

    Getting stuffed behind the line, tip toes, slow to get moving, long striding, no real quickness, needs space and blocking— that’s him. So please. He is a peculiar neither here nor there 3rd down option at best, and only useful if on a loaded team with a legit feature back, a legit #2 near-feature back, and a great OL. None of which this Bucs team has.

  11. Jack Clark Says:

    Wow! Amazing what Rachaad White can do when he has some decent run blocking and space to run.

  12. Rod Munch Says:

    The Bucs had 298 yards of offense today.

    That was a meh day for Brady and Winston in passing yards, and Mayfield didn’t even get to 200 yards today, in a must win game, in the year 2023. Mayfield only gets 20 points today, and that was only because the defense gave him the ball at the Colts 20, without that, you’re looking at 13 points again.

    Literally all Mayfield has to do is throw it in the general direction of Evans and he’ll get you 200 yards and 20 points by himself, and he can’t even do that right.

    Are we really going to have to sit through even more of this garbage before he’s finally benched?

    This season is literally a worse cast scenario so far. Mayfield does just enough at the beginning of the season that people think he’s not complete trash – and then drags down the team in a hopeless, bottomless pit with him. There’s a reason that Mayfield gets all his coaches fired, and you’re seeing why.

  13. Rod Munch Says:

    steele – yeah, put Mayfield on the 2007 Patriots and he’d get you more than 20 points a game!

    It’s about time someone else here told da truth!

  14. George Lapp Says:

    Fire the entire coaching staff now, the season is already gone

  15. ElioT Says:


    I think they’ll let Baker start until they’re mathematically eliminated, which unfortunately won’t be soon due to how horrible this division is.

    Not a Baker hater, but this dude is not the future.

    Bucs need to draft the future QB.

  16. Dave Pear Says:

    When your best contributes to a lousy loss it has to suck.

  17. Larrd Says:

    One good game opt of 27 or so. I hope he keeps it up!

  18. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Hey Rod, whatever you do, don’t compare your poster-child Winston’s career stats to Mayfield’s.

  19. unbelievable Says:

    @steele – 62 yards on 14 Carrie’s is still 4.5ypc, not a bad day at all.

    Unfortunately the QB, OL, and WRs not named Mike Evans stunk it up all day long. and they paired that with a soft, sloppy, pathetic defense.

  20. steele Says:

    As for his big 30 yd run, it was a broken play essentially, and he was slow even in open field. Not a bad day, an average day, but he is what he is. Meanwhile, the guy on the other side named Jonathan Taylor showed what a feature back should do. Notice short area quickness and finishing power.

  21. Architek Says:

    What a train wreck of a team!

  22. Rod Munch Says:

    ElioT Says:
    November 26th, 2023 at 7:52 pm

    I think they’ll let Baker start until they’re mathematically eliminated, which unfortunately won’t be soon due to how horrible this division is.

    Not a Baker hater, but this dude is not the future.

    Bucs need to draft the future QB.


    Yeah, agreed, I don’t see any changes coming.

    As for Baker, while he hasn’t been as bad as I first expected, but he’s also proved he isn’t the answer, and he has no contract for next year, so there’s no reason to continue playing him. See what, if anything, we have in Trask and prepare for next year.

  23. Ed McSherry Says:

    Rachaad also had yet another breakout run called-back on yet another O-line holding call “after the play.”

    100 yards rushing with the worst O-line in the NFL.

    Another thing: if anyone happen to notice Derrick Henry and how he looked when trying to run up the middle with no holes? It’s not “a good look.” Every RB looks weak and indecisive when they’re stuck in that situation, it’s just the way it is. Basing an opinion on an RB from “how they look” when there is zero to work with is bogus and not too bright: they all will look as if they’re puppets on a strong being pulled-around. You can’t say Henry isn’t a big, strong type of RB, and he’s no exception. Rachaad has to deal with this behind a terrible 0-line, and ordered to go up the middle by horrible coaching/play calling.

    Rachaad also had two targets, and caught two for ten yards. Best “catch percentage” in football.

    Now with multiple combined 100 yards games, now with the rushing 100 yards Sunday to prove another point.

    Rachaad White is a rush-finesse, receiver RB like Kevin Faulk and then James White who were Brady’s “secret weapons” throughout his career: thank the GOAT who you can be sure lobbied to draft Rachaad to the Buccaneers in the first place.

    Oh, anyone mention yet that he had 100 yards playing-hurt?