More Snaps For YaYa Diaby And Markees Watts (Less For Joe Tryon-Shoyinka)?

November 15th, 2023

“Happy” with rookie pass rushers.

Joe is not a decades-trained NFL football coach. So, at times, nuances of the game sail right over Joe’s head.

Take Joe Tryon-Shoyinka. The Bucs first-round pick in 2021 has not shown a measurable difference in his play than when he was a rookie, not that Joe can see.

So Joe found it more than curious that today when Bucs coach Todd Bowles was discussing the production on Sunday of rookie Markees Watts in his NFL debut, and the growth of rookie outside linebacker YaYa Diaby. Bowles suggested both could get more snaps.

Does that mean less for JTS?

First, Bowles was asked about Watts’ debut, which Bowles said he earned by driving Luke Goedeke and Tristan Wirfs crazy in practice.

“He’s gone against Luke and Tristan every day,” Bowles said this afternoon. “We gave him the ‘Pass Rusher of the Week.’

“He has been giving [Goedeke and Wirfs] fits. And since he was giving them fits, and they’ve been blocking well in ballgames, that’s a credit to [Watts]. So we said, ‘He deserves a shot. Let’s see what he can do on Sunday.’

“He went out and did the same thing [he has done to Goedeke and Wirfs]. So, we really like where he is at right now. He’s coming along good.”

Asked if Watts has earned more snaps, Bowles said he has.

Bowles was then asked about Watts and fellow rookie Diaby and if both will get more playing time now that they have demonstrated abilities on the NFL level and could represent the future.

Bowles basically responded by saying they’ve earned more snaps.

“Still developing but we like all three of them [including Calijah Kancey],” Bowles said. “We like all three of them. We like all three of them right now. We like the way they are. We like the way they are developing.

“Obviously, they have to continue to be healthy and do all the right things to play. They are heading in the right direction so we are very happy about that.”

Again, Joe may be missing something with JTS. His snaps should have been reduced already.

Let’s compare how JTS has done in the first nine games of 2022 to this season.

2022 (first nine games)
2.5 sacks
4 tackles for loss
6 QB hits
3 QB hurries
3 QB knockdowns
9 QB Pressures
20 tackles

2023 (first nine games)
3 sacks
6 tackles for loss
5 QB hits
3 QB hurries
3 QB knockdowns
9 QB pressures
25 tackles

So where exactly has there been any measurable improvement? Are we supposed to get excited that JTS has an average of one more tackle every two games this season? One?

Joe has a difficult time believing the Bucs are happy and content with how JTS currently has developed, given the draft capital and Team Glazer loot the Bucs have invested in him.

In just 11 snaps on Sunday, Watts came in and made at least two impact plays, one of which led to an interception.

In Joe’s mind, since the Bucs are fighting for their playoff lives, the Bucs need guys on the field that deliver impacts now, not someone you hope may make an impact in the future.

JTS’s numbers in his 2.5 years as an NFL starter are consistent: consistently underwhelming for a first-round pick.

Joe would rather see Watts and/or Diaby on the field more.

At least with Diaby and Watts, you have signs of hope for the present.

40 Responses to “More Snaps For YaYa Diaby And Markees Watts (Less For Joe Tryon-Shoyinka)?”


    JTS = Big fat BUST!!!!!

  2. Rod Munch Says:

    JTS is what he is, and that’s a ‘meh’ starter. He’s not awful, he’s just not good, either. He’s just a place filler – but he is on pace for nearly 6 sacks this year, a career high. Again, not worthless, but you’d like more production. I do think he could still be a late bloomer, he was super green coming out college, and is still improving – albeit it slowly.

    With that said I agree with wanting to see a lot more of YaYa, who seems to make plays when he’s on the field. He just looks the part, really does remind me a lot of JPP when he’s out there.

    As for Watts, I think the more he plays, the more he’ll be exposed – but who knows, I could be wrong and I’m certainly not rooting against him – maybe he’s another Jacquies Smith and just comes in from nowhere and has some amazing production in limited snaps.

  3. Marine Buc Says:

    Every player is a specific tool that needs to be utilized properly by an experienced and wise carpenter in order to get the job done.

  4. Marine Buc Says:

    I would like to see Yaya as the full time starter and JTS and Watts used as strategic pass rushing specialists…

  5. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Great article Joe!! 100% agree!!! Let them loose Sunday…Go Bucs!!

  6. Buccos Says:

    There has been improvement from JTS from last year, however not very much. I would not be afraid to look behind door #2 if I was Bowles. He needs to empty out the cupboard and see what he has that can help him right now. I don’t care about next year. Bowlee won’t even be here next year if he doesn’t win the division. Many NFLers have stated that the Bucs have the most talent in their division. Let’s not waste it with talk of next year

  7. adam from ny Says:

    bowles play it safe mentality is just so un-dawg like…

    just unleash the gawd dam dawgs !

    people could be saying: vvvvvvvv

    “who let the dawgs out?…………………..todd bowles did”


    i have seen some of the greatest qbs of all time literally get eaten alive in the pocket – let the dawgs hunt


    there’s gotta be a time a team eats crock turdy alive and spits him out – let sunday be that day – he ain’t all that

  8. adam from ny Says:

    can you imagine what trent williams would do on a steady diet of jts

    omg he’s just a snack for trent

  9. Buc4evr Says:

    I bet JTS is either cut or demoted next season.

  10. Cleanhouse Says:

    What happened to Anthony Nelson- I thought he was one of our best pass rushers. Sneaky Good, long arms, fast, strong

  11. geno711 Says:

    adam from ny Says:
    November 15th, 2023 at 2:35 pm
    can you imagine what trent williams would do on a steady diet of jts

    omg he’s just a snack for trent

    I get it, But does anyone play well against Trent Williams when he is healthy.

    I am guessing that neither YaYa or Markees will have any impact against Wiliams either.

  12. Mike Johnson Says:

    Bowles keeps saying Joe Tryon is playing well. He likes the guy for some reason. He needs to start somebody else at DE.

  13. unbelievable Says:

    I mean at the end of the day he’s in bust status, BUT-

    there are measurable differences in those stats…

    Another half sack, a few more TFLs and a few more tackles. It’s not much, but it is measurable, by definition. He’s inching along and looks to be near his ceiling, which is disappointing. He’s a part time role player at best. Always near the play, but hardly ever making the play. However, I would have thought he had more than just 9 QB pressures this year. My untrained eye thought he had more.

  14. unbelievable Says:

    That said, this is just yet another example of how much of a stubborn clown Bowles is. Your rookies are doing more in less snaps. So give them more snaps.

  15. G8rH8r Says:

    JTS always late to the pile..

  16. ModHairKen Says:

    At this rate of improvement, he will have 11 sacks in the 2033 season.

  17. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I think the Bucs should stop trying to draft DEs and trade for one like they did with Rice and Paul. They have had a terrible record drafting DEs and developing them stick to drafting OL receivers and LBs 😊😊

  18. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    This is EXACTLY the reason this clown of a HC needs to go. Sticking with a favored player at the start of the season and leaving other more productive players on the bench is something no descent HC does.

    JTS is a huge flop. We can all see. Bowels can’t.


  19. Woodenman Says:

    I agree Popcorn.

  20. Chris Bucs Fan Boise Says:

    We are the Aldi of Football teams so keep expecting cheap players in important positions

  21. Hunter Says:

    Watts > JTS

    Diaby > JTS

    Gill > JTS

    Nelson >JTS

  22. Capt.Tim Says:

    JTS- bust.
    Logan Hall- may be a bust. Has shown a few signs of life.
    Kancey- talented, but too tiny for NFL linemen. Will always be hurt.

    Not nearly enough return from our top picks. And worse part, these misses create gaping holes in our D line.

    Barrett is still our only real pass rusher. We gotta get him help.
    Defense starts and stops with the pass rush, in the 2023 NFL.
    You heat up the QB, and suddenly your secondary and run defense look great.

  23. Capt.Tim Says:

    So many of you guys nailed it.
    We have 4 better pass rusher, who will be sitting on the bench, while Bowles waste time and space with JTS.

    One of many reasons why Bowles fails as a coach, and has to go.

  24. billyboy123 Says:

    Shaq wasnt that good either until he came to the bucs! some people take longer but yeah right now hes below average JTS looking at you

  25. billyboy123 Says:

    Shaq wasnt that good either until he came to the bucs! some people take longer but yeah right now hes below average JTS looking at you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Surely, you can’t expect Bowles to express disappointment with JTS…..he’s a first round pick on his rookie contract……to publicly disparage him could be demoralizing for JTS…..

    TBBF says……Hey, JTS……get your a$$ in gear and don’t let a UDFA outperform you!!! (But that would be privately)

  27. Buc4evr Says:

    Bucs add S Jaquan Johnson to practice squad. Veteran from the Bills.

  28. Jeff Says:

    Joe Tryon-Shoyinka? Who in the hell is that? Never heard of him.

  29. Joe Says:

    Surely, you can’t expect Bowles to express disappointment with JTS…..he’s a first round pick on his rookie contract……to publicly disparage him could be demoralizing for JTS….

    If he mentally wilts because of the truth, then you don’t want him infecting the locker with that virus.

  30. TheMIGHTYVH Says:

    Can we please forget about JTS? And LH? There are many others but I am pressed for time.

  31. Voice of Truth Says:

    JTS is the definition of “lacks functional strength” – curse of death for a player at the LOS 90% of the time. He just overruns a play or gets manhandled – every once in a while he falls into a tackle or someone gets pushed into him and he gets the credit for the play he didn’t make

    YaYa is the picture in the dictionary next to the definition of functional strength

    Watts looks like he is shot out of a cannon he is so quick

    JTS should be the 4th in rotation, behind Anthony Nelson as well who plays far stronger and smarter

  32. dmatt Says:

    If Bowles put his pride before admitting to the destruction of a bust, then, oh well. Quit sheltering that guy n call him out, put up or sit. JTS is below average of an nfl player physically n especially mentally.
    Three pointers against Texas:

    He could’ve ran the titans int on 2 point conversion attempt back for a td but if u review the tapes he was reluctant to run it back as if he was anticipating the refs to blow the whistle for dead ball.

    On Strouds td on the goal line, JTS could’ve stop him at the goal line had he put his body in to wrapped him up on the tackle, he tried to chip block him.

    And, Strouds fumble caused by Shaq could’ve been recovered by JTS instead he tackled Stroud when it was obvious the ball wasn’t in the qbs hand.

    I was done with JTS last year against the bengals when he denied the easiest int ever, batted an under hand soft pass away. This guy is not nfl ready physically nor mentally. So, let Bowles keep waiting for a miracle.

  33. Irishmist Says:

    “We like all three of them. We like all three of them. We like all three of them ” Was he wearing red slippers and clicking his heels together while saying that?

  34. Since76 Says:

    He’s a bust and organizations don’t like to admit it with high ones. Soooo. Make him a back up and move on.

  35. Kidfloflo Says:

    Irishmist, haaahaa!! I was thinking same thing!!

  36. Tony Marks Says:

    IMO Bowles came into the season with a sales pitch in mind to keep his job – improvement and development .

    I can’t wrong him for that when everyone was projecting under five wins. However now we are in a race for a playoff spot. The run game and other improvement projects have to take a back seat.

    all this sticking with players not producing indicates Canales and Bowles haven’t made the switch in the selling point for them continuing next year.

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    ModHairKen Says:
    November 15th, 2023 at 3:11 pm
    At this rate of improvement, he will have 11 sacks in the 2033 season.


    I think he’s a guy that might end up reliably getting you like 8 sacks a year, maybe have one career year of 12 sacks down the road.

    Maybe not, and health will mean a ton, but he just seems like a guy who everyone will give up on, and he’ll leave here and go somewhere and have have a fairly productive run, and end up playing like 12-years. Sort of like how everyone game up on Adrian Clayborn, and he ended up sticking around for a long time while being a productive player.

    Again, I could be wrong, but people yelling about him being a bust don’t know what a bust is. He’s on pace for 6 sacks this year, if he does that, then he’s got 14 in his first 3 seasons, again, not what you’d want to see, but that’s a guy who starts for a lot of teams.

  38. BillyBucco Says:

    Quit comparing JTS. To Shaq as a guy who came on late.
    That was an issue with Denvers staff MOT recognizing talent.
    Kind of like Watts going somewhere in a few years and blowing up.
    He backed up Von Miller. He might have started a “few” games if Miller got injured, but they viewed their skillset the same, and Miller is, well, Von Miller with like 130 career sacks.
    JTS on the other hand has been a starter and can’t produce.
    Big, Huge, Monumental difference.

  39. garro Says:

    Joe, when I add to that the fact that teams have sometimes run right at JTS and Diva White. Some of the tackle numbers don’t represent real production. Rather the opposite.

    Get these guys some more snaps Todd.

    Go Bucs!

  40. matthew a veal Says:

    when jts wouldnt play in the covid year, you have to question his heart, in spite of his gifts. that was a bad one on bowles, bruce, and licht