Lavonte David, Jamel Dean Out For Colts Game

November 24th, 2023

Legendary Bucs linebacker Lavonte David.

When the Bucs’ defense takes the field at Lucas Oil Stadium on Sunday, it will be without two starters.

After practice today, Bucs coach Todd Bowles said Lavonte David and Jamel Dean won’t suit up. They are nursing injuries suffered in the loss to San Francisco, per Scott Smith of

David suffered a groin injury. Dean blew out his ankle and foot.

The loss of David will be major. Joe saw with his own eyes more than once last week in Santa Clara when Devin White got juked out of his horseshoes on a run, David was right there to put a ballcarrier on the ground.

David has been a force for this season, playing like he is 23, not 33. Losing David, in Joe’s mind, is a major loss to a struggling defense — with coaches for some strange reason that don’t want their best pass rushers on the field.


27 Responses to “Lavonte David, Jamel Dean Out For Colts Game”

  1. ElioT Says:

    Devin White’s time to shine!!!

    L M A O!!!

  2. MegaFailure Says:

    No suprise about ol brittle bones dean. The tank is on

  3. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Time for a healthy offense to do it’s part.

  4. David Says:

    Joe, based on your report this will be a loss unless the offense scores 3 TD or more. What ? Did I just ask Santa for a xmas miracle ? After all it wouldn’t be too bad to use this loss as a turning point in the season to dump, GM, HC and bench Baker. All these members are dead load. Start fresh next year with our young players including Trask that could easily be a next Joe Borrow or Brock Purdy. At least Trask doesn’t have a losing record yet. Why ? You know the answer.

  5. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    well that doesn’t give me the warm and fuzzies

  6. Steven007 Says:

    David, the problem with that is if we end up having that bad a season, Bowles is gone. Would a new coach want to start off his new regime with Trask? I doubt that.

  7. David Says:

    This is what GM traded his highe draft qb for ;
    Baker’s record up to now;
    35W-44L, 61% completions, 117 TD, 70 INT

    For this reason and the 2023 losing season, he and HC should be dismissed.

  8. David Says:

    The new coach might want to draft his own qb at the bottom of first round ( due to our record) but Trask will easily beat him in the training camp. Trask will be under cheap contract next year. Unless he asks to be traded but I am sure he will stick around as valuable option for Bucs as they will not be able to afford the garbage, Kirk Cousins. There are not many good veteran free agent qb’s out there. It’s time to rebuild and stop this madness/fiction that we have a super bowl team without a veteran qb. Tom B. is gone. There is no other easy way but to build your own farm of young players to choose from.

  9. teacherman777 Says:

    I have live-streamed every game since he was drafted.

    I honestly cannot remember him ever missing a game.

    LaVonte David is one of the GOATs.

  10. Pewter power Says:

    We’ll have to move on at some point but David is one of my favorite Bucs. Dean well I’ll be surprised if he finishes out his contract. Dennis please because Britt runs like he has cement shoes

  11. Woodenman Says:

    Give it a rest David!

  12. Duane in Sanford Says:

    LVD is a big loss in a game we need. Do we get to see Dennis? The Baker talk is too cute. He doesnt and shouldnt move the needle in either direction, so why the wasted angst? Once again, when the running game stalls, and the defense gives up the booty to a qb I dont even know atm, Baker will have a performance that doesnt really lose them the game. Its going to come down to adjustments Todd Bowles chooses to make. He needs his guys to step it up this week. Save your energy for then.

  13. #99 the big fella Says:

    David, I agree give it a rest! Your hatred for Baker is obvious, we don’t need to hear it every day

  14. Defense Rules Says:

    Lots of JBFers were raving about Dennis this summer (until he got hurt), so this’ll be his time to shine. Same with Diaby. Same with Merriweather probably at Safety, assuming Izien stays at Nickel. Gut feel is that Davis won’t last very long, so both Delaney & McCollum should get lots of snaps. Bet that Hayes, Isaac, Watts & Greene get some quality snaps too. Tons of youngsters out there.

    Good news is that Colts will probably try to run-run-run on us. I would hope that all these youngsters are better at stopping the run at this point than they are at pass defense (even our old heads aren’t doing very well there).

    I still chuckle when I think of how many folks said Secondary would be our biggest strength on defense this year because of our experience back there. Ya right.

  15. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    Without the safety blanket, we’ll possibly see DW45 look even worse our there.

  16. dmatt Says:

    Let’s rest David because we r going to need him in the upcoming games, especially against Falcons, Packers, n Jaguars, in that sequential order. I quit counting Dean as a starter because he’s fragile, brittle, n passive, which means he’s either injured or when starting, he’s mia. At 6’1 205 4.3 forty, his physical attributes don’t mean a hill of beans if he don’t put it to use. He should be an aggressive Rod Woodson type playmaker. I’ve watched Dean over the years n he’s never made an all pro play or int that put him in the elite class of cbs. Majority of his ints have been hand given to him n many of the pass deflections he has should’ve been down right ints. IMO, he lacks the mental aspect of the game.

  17. TonySoprano Says:

    I simply don’t understand how a professional athlete in his prime can be so frickin brittle. As that why Licht was only bidding against himself for Dean’s services when giving him that massive contract? Because the dude has osteoporosis?

  18. HC Grover Says:

    Bowzo average record is .400 and dropping. Worst coach in the NFL

  19. Doughboy Says:

    Everyone, starting offense and defense ought to be injured against the 49’s trying to win!!!
    If someone right now isn’t throwing their body around trying to win games they need to go.

  20. orlbucfan Says:

    Well, well, well, thank god, LVD is getting a much needed rest!! Guess who will have to show up?? Mr. Devon White, yeah, the absent one who needs to be cut loose after this season. The one making noise about his money. Like really? What has he done for the team lately, paraphrasing Janet Jackson. Also, Canales better get with it calling the right plays for the offense. This will be a fun game to listen to on Bucs Radio Sunday.

  21. orlbucfan Says:

    HC Grover, you are either not a Bucs’ fan, or just plain stupid. Plus, you are bor-ing.

  22. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Love how fans call other fans not fans because they don’t like what is said. Orlbucfan Grover IS a Bucs fan but his made up names and coloquialisms are quite boring but his TEAM POSITIVE is super funny because it antagonizes the super sensitive “guys” up here!

  23. unbelievable Says:

    4 – 7 here we come

  24. realistic-optimistic Says:

    David is playing great ball at 33 years old. And he covers up a lot of DWs mistakes. He’ll be missed in the upcoming game(s). Do we know if it’ll be Dennis or Britt? I’d rather see Dennis get some snaps.

  25. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Man gunna miss LVD but hey maybe we get to see SVD. Dude was a ball hawk in camp. Wish it was DW45 missing the game and not LVD. FREEYAYA

  26. D-Rok Says:

    I’m shocked nobody else caught it:

    When Joe said, “last week in Santa Clara when Devin White got juked out of his horseshoes on a run, ” I almost spit out my coffee.

    That was hilarious!!!

  27. D-Rok Says:

    Furthermore, Joe, it seems like you did a reverse-personification there, as if to intimate that while his horse wears his cleats, DW wears his horse’s horseshoes. Leaden cleats. Got it.

    Good stuff man in an otherwise cringe-worthy season, making this fan chuckle.