Gamblers Smell A Trend With Bucs

November 27th, 2023

Shrinking public faith.

It seems the way a growing number of Bucs fans have lost what little confidence they had in Bucs coach Todd Bowles is shared by the wagering public.

This morning when Joe learned meddling Stinking Panthers owner David Tepper canned coach Frank Reich, with the next Carolina game against the Bucs, Joe checked the point spread.

The spread was Carolina +5.5 at Hard Rock Bet. Shortly after noon today, Joe checked the Stinking Panthers-Bucs point spread again. It already dropped by a full point to Carolina +4.5.

Why? History may be a barometer.

Days after Carolina canned Matt Rhule last year, the Stinking Panthers held the Bucs to a field goal in a 21-3 upset.

Apparently, gamblers smell a trend.

And this drop in the point spread even came before Bowles said in his day-after presser that he wasn’t sure if Bucs quarterback Baker Mayfield’s ankle would be well enough to play on Sunday.

So yeah, it appears gamblers have almost as little faith in Bowles as Bucs fans have. And that’s not a good place to be. Either that, or there is some back-channel intel floating around that Mayfield’s ankle is worse than the Bucs are letting on.

BetMGM still has the point spread at Carolina +5.5. As always, please wager responsibly.

62 Responses to “Gamblers Smell A Trend With Bucs”

  1. Buc4evr Says:

    Fire Bowles today so the Bucs have a chance of beating the Panthers….

  2. Letsbucinggo Says:

    If the bucs lose to the Panthers sunday I believe the Glazers may break from history and show him the door. If you lose to the worse team in the nfl at home its a no brainer.

  3. PC Says:

    Hammering the Panthers +5.5 as a short term investment.

  4. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:


  5. Lord Cornelius Says:

    it is scary lol. The Steelers went like 2.5 seasons without 400 yards on offense before firing Matt Canada, and immediately had 400+ yards of offense the first week he was gone. If that doesn’t show that a coaching change matters I dunno what does.

  6. ElioT Says:

    Bo Nix here we come!

  7. BrianBucs Says:

    That would be a dream come true for Bucs.
    If the Glazers decide to keep Bowles for another season then Ray Jay will look like a Ghost Town on Sundays next year

  8. Craig Says:

    I think he will be gone the day after the season is over, not before.

    I wish he would be gone sooner but he wears two hats and it would cost the Glazers too much to replace him now. They should be working the phones now though, because after this season there will carnage for a lot of coaching staffs.

    I have not got enough faith in Hot Toddie to be sure the Bucs win another game this season, partly because he needs to shuffle the roster of starters and his brain just won’t go there.

  9. WyomingJoe Says:

    The reason why I made a ton of money enabling me to retire at 45 is because gambling is for chumps. Believe me, only chumps and idiots (same species) listen to “professional” gamblers and their gophers. The game is rigged three different ways and, unfortunately, the only to beat it is to sell your soul, and that doesn’t end well. So, root for our Bucs to go on a win streak and enjoy the fun because the line means nothing.

  10. David Says:

    Great news, Bucs fans there is good chance Trask will make his first NFL start to finish the season at 6-0. He will beat the busted no.1 overall qb. I guarantee it.

    Toilet Bowl will be forced to start Trask.

  11. unbelievable Says:

    I always trust Elephant Sports Picks when I’m wagering… and they’ve been 100% spot on with every Bucs game this year.

  12. David Says:

    I t might be little too late but unfortunately, it would be a good chance for him to save his coaching by starting Trask and win the division. I still think Baker and Trask are the best of qb’s in this bad divsion. Trask with two years of experience is much better than, Young, David C., Ridder and Levis. He will beat them all if the defense holds up.

  13. SB~LV Says:

    It ain’t just the players… from the owners on down including all the check cashing hangers on … the whole vibe of the franchise is not a winning attitude.
    The Glazers managed to rent 2 Super Bowls, yeah they were wonderful experiences for Buc nation but just before both times the franchise was teetering on collapse. Hardly built from planning and momentum.

  14. NE Fan Says:

    SB-LV, when you put a habitual loser in charge of your team only bad things can happen.

  15. Jack Sparrow Says:

    I have TOTAL CONFIDENCE in Todd Bowles making Bryce Young looks like a HOF…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  16. NE Fan Says:

    Here’s an idea, fire Bowles, bring back leftnut. What’s the worse that can happen you lose 6 more games over 5?

  17. Hodad Says:

    How would we win without Mayfield? Oh, that’s right, we’re not winning with Mayfield. Guess it doesn’t make a difference with, or without.

  18. HC Grover Says:

    We smell the Bucs on Dale Mabry. But it does not smell like a trend….more like a Dead Skunk on the road in the middle of the night….Phew.

  19. Choppy Says:

    If Baker is out I would feel comfortable making a short term investment by taking the Bucs.

  20. ByeChampaBay Says:

    Maybe I missed the memo but I’m still unclear what happened to Bruce Arians. He steps down immediately after winning a super bowl? Was this by choice or was he “voluntold”? I’m sure Bowles is a decent guy and seems like a good defensive coordinator, but I’m wondering what the motivation was for putting him back in a HC spot after a history of not doing well as HC…

  21. Fire the HC Says:

    You Traskers have no clue, Baker is NOT why the team is losing.
    Heck, he has efforted the team to several of their wins.

    The O-line is subpar
    Pass rush is in consistent
    WR’s Drops are too high
    DB’s out of position in both zone and man coverage
    Effort on Def is missing #45 (juked by uncle Rico)
    And horrible coaching are why this team is losing.
    1st and Goal QB sneak! really that’s the call? FFS
    Clock management is abysmal
    There is no fire on this team and that starts at the top.

    Heck, Carlton Davis the CB was making the biggest hits on D (someone on that squad has heart)

    Its time to let someone else take the reigns and try and salvage something out of this season.

  22. Tony Marks Says:

    David Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 1:47 pm
    Great news, Bucs fans there is good chance Trask will make his first NFL start to finish the season at 6-0. He will beat the busted no.1 overall qb. I guarantee it.

    LOl…I love it. anything less than 6-0 and I would laugh you off this blog 🙂 🙂

  23. Pewter power Says:

    It honestly couldn’t be any worse without baker. Trask doesn’t have passed knocked down at the los so there’s a positive

  24. HC Grover Says:

    I hop Bowzo is able to keep his ,400 win average up this year. We could win 6 ot 7 an could Go All The Way in the playoffs. He is just getting warmed up for the playoffs! Posithink.

  25. Dave Pear Says:

    Easy money. Bet the farm on the Panthers. Todd will make Brice Young look like CJ Stroud when he was looking like Dan Marino.

  26. Fred Says:

    Bring Gruden back! Do it!!

  27. Dwayne Cone Says:

    96% of the Moneyline Bets are on Tampa.

    Panthers have scored from 10-24 points with 17 being scored most often.
    Being good against the pass they held Texans to 13.
    This is the kind of games that the Sports Book’s make a Bundle or take a Bath.

    Betting the spread has 60% taking the points.

    No underlying story here just a couple of bad teams playing each other.

  28. BucU Says:

    Bowles has run this team into the ground. What a colossal failure he is as a HC.

  29. sasquatch Says:

    TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 1:27 pm


    NO. Hell no.

  30. SB~LV Says:

    Run ME run !

  31. SlyPirate Says:

    ROOKIE QB + BOWLES DEFENSE = Vintage Joe Montana
    Bowles makes rookie QBs look like HOF. Young goes for +400 Yards and 3 TD

    2 WINS – 3 LOSSES
    Bowles gets his teams ready to lose at home. Visitors love Tampa

  32. Allbuccedup Says:

    Good news Bakers MRI negative. Bad news Bowles just lost that excuse for losing sunday.

  33. SB~LV Says:

    We were having these very same head coaching discussions this time last year

  34. Pewter Pride Says:

    Start Trask, fire Bowles, hire Harbaugh, problems solved.

  35. Popcorn Mike Says:

    The Bucs probably will lose against the Panthers. It wouldn’t be a surprise. There’s not much to comment on about the Bucs lately. It been the same thing for the past 7 weeks. Offense inconsistent, bad defensive calls and bad D play, penalties that kill scoring drives, can’t score td s in the red zone , very frustrating to watch a team that I have followed since 1976

  36. Buc50 Says:

    Losing to the Panther would actually put us out of our misery.

  37. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Need to start by firing the entire coaching staff and GM Licht. Then cut, release or trade lots of dumb, lazy, overpaid players. A new competent HC and GM can rebuild in 3 yrs. Fans just don’t want to see bad coaching and busted coverages and miscommunications all the time, not to mention lifeless, no energy play every week.

  38. DFW Buc Says:

    Only trend is that for the last two years, we have had a coach who has consistently shown to be in over his abilities. He has not improved his record over the first half of the season year over year. Pathetic.

  39. Bobby Says:

    Just looked it up, Bucs moved up to number 9 pick in the 2024 draft. Legit question, Anyone feel free to correct me but I think I recall Joe Bucs fan posting a story in the off-season saying that another source stated the Bucs were going quietly tank this season. Is that what we have been seeing for past 5 to 6 weeks? Other NFL teams are tanking. Why wouldn’t the Bucs then. Last week They didn’t play YA-Ya enough and that and other things may have made winning difference in that game. Yesterday’s game had more interesting decisions too.

  40. Bobby Says:

    Fred commented on here and said Bring Gruden back too, there is another person who said, why not consider it?? Bet Gruden would comeback with a vengeance do everything he possibly could put a winner out there. Bet he is bit more humble these days. You know the popular opinion is Gruden won SB with Dungy’s team. I yes with Tony’s defense. Brad was already there. But Gruden revamped much of the personnel on offense that initials off-season. Joe Jurevicius and others on offense were Gruden’s picks he brought and the offense won mostly with defense but also with Jon’s scheme and offensive play-calling. Anybody remember Tony Dungy and Mike Shula and Clyde’s frustrating offensive scheme and play calling. It was sooo conservative. Fun watching the run game. But passing was not a adequate until Gruden got here

  41. Rod Munch Says:

    Last week, right after the Bucs got done celebrating their 13 point loss to the 49ers, cheering themselves by talking about it as a moral victory, the point spread was Indy -1.5, then by Tuesday it was Indy -2.5.

    Same this week, if it’s -4.5 now, by Sunday it will be -3.5 probably, against the worst team in football, at home.

    That’s pitiful, and tells you everything about the Bowles and Baker duo.

  42. David Says:

    Man is going to be a disaster this Sunday if Baker does not play. Why ? We probably lose and end our winning streak. Uh, wait sorry, I misread L’s for W’s without my glasses. So we still lose with or without Baker? No, the difference is we can absorb a loss better with Baker. Cause, we will lose with only a few mistake here and there vs a loss with Trask with many mistakes. See how you lose games will help or hurts your record. So Baker has to play.

    This is like Toilet Bowl teaching us how to convert horse poop to horse manure vis versa every week in justifying Baker as starter.

    Hey Toilet Bowl, we’re not winning with Mayfield. Guess it doesn’t make a difference with, or without. Please fire this dude get ride of Baker. He will be worst than cancer for the team if he is benched.

  43. Curse of Gruden Says:

    January 8, 2024 can’t come fast enough. This guys a dead man walkin’.

  44. Greg Says:

    ByeChampaBay Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 2:49 pm
    Maybe I missed the memo but I’m still unclear what happened to Bruce Arians. He steps down immediately after winning a super bowl? Was this by choice or was he “voluntold”? I’m sure Bowles is a decent guy and seems like a good defensive coordinator, but I’m wondering what the motivation was for putting him back in a HC spot after a history of not doing well as HC…

    Arians wanted to get Leftwich and Bowles head coaching gigs. One of the ways coaches evaluate each other is the success of their coaching tree. Proteges going on to great things. There’s no way to know what happened behind closed doors but the timing of his retirement leaving the Bucs too little time to get a coach before the draft was highly suspect and borderline unethical.

    Personally, my theory has always been that the Bucs got stuck with Bowles by Arians. Bowles then proceeded to put Leftwich outside of his comfort zone with changes to the offensive philosophy that ran counter to the personnel on hand and voila’ our current situation. We’ve had almost identical results with 2 offensive coordinators.

    Marpets retirement and Jensens injury was the nail in the coffin.

  45. SlyPirate Says:

    What’s with “Bring back Gruden”?

    Gruden can’t build a team. He destroys rosters and drafts horrible talent. He’s a great offensive mind but doesn’t know defense. If you want to bring back anyone at this point, it would be Arians or Dungy.

  46. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Buc50 like the comment

  47. JackStanton Says:

    I said during pre season, with Bowles and Mayfield our season was ready over. The Glazers should have been shopping for a new Coaching staff to include a real GM. They need to find a .600 QB Who can play for 3 to 5 years and who can start training a future franchise leading QB. BUT the main thing is quit hiring for the politically correct box checker. Hire a coach who knows how to inspire players and to motivate them, someone to teach them success comes from within. Right now they believe they are a .30 team and it shows. It all comes down from the top. In the world of programming it is called GIGO (garbage In garbage out) exactly where we find this team, a failure of leadership.

  48. Oddball Says:

    I smell something too. Smells like $h1t football.

  49. HC Grover Says:


  50. Richard Says:

    It’s time to bench Mayfield, this team needs a spark and maybe just maybe Trask can surprise. If he disappoints, then we all know. It’s on to either the draft or free agency. Kirk Cousins will be a free agent if he’s healthy. I really want to see Trask get a legitimate opportunity.

  51. RGA Says:

    I’ve been a Licht supporter, if he does not pressure the head coach to play his 2nd round draft pick, I’ll have to abandon my support for Licht. Bakers is scrappy as hell, he gives all out effort, he’s just not a talented QB. I’ve said it many times, the franchise goes nowhere with Mayfield at the helm. Time look and see what the other guy can do. The time is now!

  52. Bucsmarley Says:

    Have to agree it’s time to see what Trask has. We all know what mayfield is. He’s a fiery competitor that can win you 3-6 games a year(perfect backup). Not saying Trask is the answer but if you never play him you will never know. I hate the gators and admit Trask was very good for them. So we draft him and sit him on the bench. He comes in yesterday cold and threw a beautiful pass to Godwin. For anyone that says it was overthrown rewatch the tape. Perfect pass in the hands. You can even see Godwin telling Trask after that it was on him Look I don’t expect him to look like tb12 in his prime but no one thought Purdy was anything either. Baker knew if he didn’t come back in the game that he had a great shot of losing his job. Bad coaching for sure allowing a hurt qb who struggles anyways to come in and risk his career. To late Todd you must be fired. Know all you BF fans can bitch at me but you know the truth.

  53. WyomingJoe Says:

    Let’s see, Mayfield or Trask? I’ll take … Mayfield and it isn’t even close. You think Baker’s the problem? If you do then you’re delusional. Of course, most of you hater’s on this site are delusional, so…

    Btw, this is probably the worst time to play your boy Trask. Because if he loses to the worse team in the NFL, his fledging career is over. So, careful what you wish for, lol.

  54. Rod Munch Says:

    If you read Panthers blogs (shockingly, there are some), the Bucs are now the team that EVERYONE says is a game they should win. Even the Panthers fans are saying his is their most winnable game of the season.

    That’s how far the Bucs have fallen with Bowles and Baker. They’ve become the team that the worst team in football thinks they should beat.

  55. RGA Says:

    Wyomingjoe, Mayfield’s offense is a disaster, you like losing do you? 6 losses in the last 7 games, throwing dink and dunk, totally inaccurate beyond 10 yards down field. I’m not a Gator, I want to see the other guy. Mayfield is destined to be a career back-up, he’s not it, it’s a failed experiment. There will not be a second contract coming his way in Tampa.

  56. RGA Says:

    If Mayfield is signed to be the Bucs future, season ticket holders will be abandoning ship.

  57. RGA Says:

    Let’s see Mayfield or Trask? I’ll take a chance on the other option over a player whose on his 4th team in just over a year, a journey man that’s losing football games left and right. The Carolina Panthers cut him for goodness sakes, THE PANTHERS.

  58. FortMyersDave Says:

    Rod, you mentioned on another post that this Bowels team is like a 5- or 6-win Perkins team from the late ’80s, I agree, start 3-1 and finish with 5 or 6 wins, classic Perkins back in the day. I remember those years, yeah they would upset someone like the Bears or Bills after losing to a 2-8 Rams or Saints team but they would also tend to beat the other bottom feeders in their division (back then, sweep the Pack and Lions) which boned them out of getting Barry Sanders, Neon Deion and Derrick Thomas and ended up with Broderick Thomas so by following your logic the Bucs will probably find a way to beat the Panthers twice and insure that they fall just far back enough in the draft order that they will miss out on the generational talent coming out and perhaps hurt the team’s chances of landing a decent head coach after Bowels is launched. It’s a Bucs’ life…..

  59. Sir Fresh Says:

    Bowel has no clue on how to win, you’re on the three yard line first quarter and you kick a field goal….

  60. Rod Munch Says:

    FortMyersDave – yeah, I was saying all summer here, that for whatever reason this team reminds me of a Ray Perkins based team. Looking at their schedule, I thought they’d get off to a fast start, before finishing 5-12. I used the 1990 team as the exact example of how I thought things would go, and that team was 3-1, before collapsing.

    This is why I also thought they’d beat the Eagles – so I didn’t get the game by game right all season, but I did have them 3-1, and right now, had them at 4-7, winning only this next game vs the Panthers for the rest of the year. However, as stated, it wouldn’t shock me if they lost this game, but if they did, that means they should win that Jags game, since that’s what Ray Perkins would do – and Todd Bowles is a modern Ray Perkins, just with less personality.

  61. Becky Says:

    How many times do you know- nothing’s need to have it pointed out to you why this team has alot of issues, but Baker isn’t one of them? I am actually hoping Baker can’t play next week, because I am tired of watching him destroy his body for ungrateful dumbasses. and also so we can watch Trask gets his ass kicked, and finally show you that he is not what you think he is Sorry Trask, not personal just honest.

  62. Day1BucFan Says:

    There was a telling stat about Bucs have 3rd highest blitz rate BUT 31st in QB hurries. Bowles isn’t smart enough to adjust his strategy and we don’t have the players he needs after JTS and Logan Hall busts.

    Our best strategy is to lose out and hire lions OC.

    And seriously Joe needs to talk to BA and ask WTF!