49ers May Be “Complete” But Bucs Weren’t Last Year

November 15th, 2023

49ers chatter.

So the Bucs have a helluva challenge on their hands this week.

The Bucs go to NoCal to face perhaps the best team in the NFC, the 49ers. Joe is hoping it will not be the 35-7 bloodbath it was there last year.

Yesterday, Bucs linebacker Lavonte David hopped on the “Jim Rome Show” heard on CBS Radio and seen on CBS Sports Network. There, David made no bones about it. The Niners, he said, are damn good.

“They are the most complete team we will see all season,” David said. “They’ve got a couple of guys back in Trent [Williams] and Deebo Samuel. They are back to a complete team.”

And they are a physical team. A very physical team. Last year Joe was at the Bucs-49ers game on a chilly, rainy Northern California afternoon. And man did the 49ers beat the Bucs up physically.

At one point, Joe thought the team either tuned Tom Brady out or just threw in the towel. Or both.

As Mike Ditka would say, the Bucs got the snot knocked out of them. It was the worst physical pounding Joe witnessed the Bucs absorb since they traveled to Minnesota in 2017 and about a third of the team seemed to have come back in a sling or a boot.

Evan Closky of WTSP-TV Channel 10 makes an interesting point. While David said the 49ers are a complete team, the Bucs last year when they played the 49ers were not a complete team.

Of course, the Bucs will need all hands on deck for this one. San Francisco is dangerous in every way, offensively and defensively.

If Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales tries to run 25-30 times up the middle and not target Mike Evans or Chris Godwin much, the Bucs are doomed.

What disturbs Joe is that since the Bucs beat the Cowboys to open the season last year, every time they have faced a physical team (except for Tennessee on Sunday, which is downright terrible team) the Bucs had their lunch money taken from them and chased out of the park.

If Joe is to consider the Bucs a good team, not only do they have to win Sunday, the Bucs have to do some ass-kicking of their own.

39 Responses to “49ers May Be “Complete” But Bucs Weren’t Last Year”

  1. BFFL Says:

    Better put Vita on trent Williams or it will be another blood bath around the left edge

  2. ATLBucsFan Says:

    Won’t happen Joe. This is not an ass kicking team. They don’t do well against physical teams. Period.

  3. David Says:

    This offense is pathetic, dink and dunk to their second best receiver White, I meant to say running back. LOL

    Joe, you are right on. Bucs will not beat any good teams by not getting Chris G. or Mike E. involved. they need to be involved early and often to open up the running games. We will lose uly If 49er’s stacks up the box with no running game.

    We will need to score high against 49ers by long balls. Otherwise they will blow Bucs out of over the Golden Gate Bridge into the water. If they do not trust Baker with long balls then why is he a starter ???????????????

  4. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    All these feel good stories this week just bc they beat a bad team will be forgotten after the beat down this coming Sunday. I have no confidence in this team or coaching staff.

  5. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I think the defense will do a decent job but, I can damn near guarantee the game will be loss by bad offensive play, stupid penalties and turnovers and bad game management. Let’s just admit it Mayfield, although playing a lot better is still over and under throwing open receivers. No running game. I hope they start the game with some slants, screens and maybe this will open up the run just a little. We can’t keep going 3rd and 6,7 or more because we’re getting 1or 2 yards trying to run up the middle on first and second downs With Tennessee yes but not with teams like the 49s

  6. Oxycondomns Says:

    I could see the bucs beating 49ers then not making playoffs. Its a bucs life

  7. pewter941 Says:

    The Eagles are the best team in the NFL, they are the best team we will face all season, than the 49ers, than the Lions.

  8. David Says:

    So far Baker has been only trusted as a game manager as e has been through out his career. He has been limited to short passes as Toilet Bowl is so concerned for him to turn the ball over. Baker inaccuracy in throwing long ball has even been hampered and worsen by intentionally overthrowing receivers to evade interceptions.

    This offense was averaging 12 points a game in their four losses in a row.
    There is a chance we will play Cowboys or 49’ers in playoff gain, therefore we need to try Trask after we get blown away by 49ers this Sunday.

  9. UKBuccaneer Says:

    David, where is the slightest modicum of evidence that Trask making his first NFL start, would be an upgrade over BM?

  10. Tony Marks Says:

    I see the Defense playing a serviceable game but against the niners still enough points will be scored. So I will be watching the oline and pass protection. I think they are over rated and been bailed out by having an escape artist at QB.

    IF the pocket is disintegrating fast and baker is running and twisting for his life then yeah – could get ugly real fast. If they hold up then I see the game as being a lot more competitive than the naysayers say.

    Canales needs to show the full scale of his creativity, I’d rather lose trying creative play calling than lose in dumb fashion trying to play the same way with those run plays on 1st and 2nd downs.

  11. Tony Marks Says:

    David Says:
    November 15th, 2023 at 12:42 pm
    So far Baker has been only trusted as a game manager as e has been through out his career.

    Wow…lol…. ever since the win Sunday the lies have been flowing fast and free. Anyone can go look up Mayfield in Cleveland on YouTube and see the ball flying For TDs.

  12. Dwayne Cone Says:

    Newton’s Law.
    Early October there was High Praise of 31 of 39 for 322 5 TD’s and 0 INT. Passer rating of 140.7

    Since then. 28 of 50 for 375 1 TD and 1 INT. Current passer rating is 107.7

    In the next month it will move closer to His average based on career numbers. could get better. Could get worse.

    I would look for that but I figure I will give that as much time as he does his second and third receiver in the progression. None.

  13. Dwayne Cone Says:

    On Third Down.

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    “What disturbs Joe is that since the Bucs beat the Cowboys to open the season last year, every time they have faced a physical team (except for Tennessee on Sunday, which is downright terrible team) the Bucs had their lunch money taken from them and chased out of the park.”


    What did the Bucs have in that 1st Cowboys game? Arians on the sideline.

    Want the team to show some intensity and life? Pay Arians to go stand on the sidelines again — not that Arians would want anything to do with this current team.

  15. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    This is silly and lame. All teams are “physical”. Name me one team in the league that is a “finesse” team. You are implying the Bucs are. Every team that has beaten us this year you called physical. You could say that about any team beating any other team. We have Wirfs, Vea, David, Winfield, Evans. Even Mayfield will hit you. You can’t get more “physical” than those guys at their positions. We play McCaffrey this week. Is he physical or finesse? Brock Purdy? Deebo? Jose, I just think you could come up with a better descriptor than that.

  16. Joe Says:

    This is silly and lame. All teams are “physical”. Name me one team in the league that is a “finesse” team. You are implying the Bucs are.

    Yes and no. Every team may be “physical” to a degree. Some are way more so than others.

    Look, Joe was there and saw the game with his own eyes in Santa Clara. The Bucs got the shiite kicked out of them physically last year. As in players were totally blown up and out of plays like a college team playing a high school team. Same with the Cowboys game in the playoffs.

    Anyone who believes the Bucs didn’t get the crap beat out of them physically by the 49ers and Cowboys (in the playoffs) last season must have been watching a basketball game instead.

  17. Seattle Buc Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says: “David, where is the slightest modicum of evidence that Trask making his first NFL start, would be an upgrade over BM?”

    1. He outplayed Mayfield in training camp.

    2. He played so well away against the Jets in preseason that he forced Bowles to cancel his planned announcement of the starter. Bowles was shïttïng bricks because he knew he was contractually obligated to give the job to Mayfield.

    3. He can see downfield. 🙂

  18. adam from ny Says:

    this game is huge…

    huge huge huge…

    can’t say it enough…

    the way the texans game could define the season and prove to be the game that did the team in for the year…

    this game…yes this game — is bigger…

    if the bucs can somehow, some way, go out there a win – this can be the turning point in the season…

    -a signature win
    -putting the 0-4 2nd quarter of the season behind them
    -puffing out their chests and peacocking
    -and then uber ready to take on the 7 game soft schedule waiting in the wings

    this game is friggin huge…it’s a hugeroonie!

    it’s literally a tone setter for the rest of the season – and puts to bed an 0-4 stretch with 2 wins in a row and the potential for more…

    this game can shift the season

  19. Cobraboy Says:

    It may not be a blood bath.

    More like a blood shower.

    Hoping for a miracle.

  20. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Remember folks, the Bucs are paying Mayfield $3 or $4 million for 1 year so I guess they want to get their money worth 😊😊. I don’t know what Trask can do, haven’t really seen him play in many high competition games. Anyway the Bucs are gonna have to do something at QB and most likely HC. I’ve watched the Glazers every since they bought the Bucs and they’re known to made some big time moves. Let’s admit it, the Bucs are not playing to the level of talent they have on this team. My god, we’re like 9 games into the season and it the Sam thing every week

  21. SlyPirate Says:

    Pummeled. Shlacked. Annihilated. Bitch Slapped. Embarrassed. Crushed.

    Kyle Shanahan is an inventive, new age coach who has a plan for every situation, prepares his team, and adjusts on the fly. Bowles is a stale, has been that … well tends to get outcoached every game. And Canales is still wearing a his coaching diapers. The 49ers superior talent, homefield advantage, and coaching will overwhelm the Bucs.


  22. Capt.Tim Says:

    Hey David.
    “Dink and dunk offense”
    You dont look at stats, do you?
    Or watch the games?

    Just sit in your room, candles lit. Lovingly staring at your poster of
    “ Kyle noodle are Trask”
    Adoring post on JBF wont get Trask on the field. It will be a complete disaster for that to happen.
    But the constant Trask love does nauseate the football fans on here.

  23. Ed Says:

    I like the offense the Niners run, they can run the ball, they can get it downfield, Samuels gives them all types of options catching and running and Kittle is a beast at tight end. They are not predictable like the Bowles/Canales offense is.

    Purdy did show a tendency to turn the ball over when McCaffrey was out and he had some bad interceptions.

    The only way the Bucs can stay in this game is to sell out like they did against the Titans but they have to get to Purdy and not let him escape to find wide open receivers. Bucs should put Dean on Ayouke man to man and let Lavonte match up with Kittle down the middle of the field. There is no real answer for McCaffrey, he will get his yards but keep him from breaking away.

    Tough game, Bucs have got to be a heavy underdog. They will have to bring the kind of attitude that Philly and the Lions bring or else they get blown away.
    Mentally they have to be mean and nasty. Get JTS and that horrible safety off the field please and start finding a way to get Godwin involved. You don’t pay a WR the money the Bucs are to target him 5 times a game.

  24. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Got to take away the middle of the field on defense. CMcC , Kittle and Deebo will kill you there. Purdy doesn’t have the arm strength for tight windows on sideline throws.

    Offensively, Wirfs and Goedeke have to hold up against Young and Bosa. 49ers depend on the front 4 to bring pressure, if they cant there are opportunities.
    Gonna be a helluva test. But they lost to CLE with PJ Walker at QB.

    Hope they can squeeze out a lead going into Q4 because Purdy panics and chokes in that situation.

  25. David Says:

    Baker’s was sole responsible for Bucs four losses in a row. Why ? You don’t believe me. Check his ESPN stats in those four games. Worst than a high school qb.

  26. Oz Len Says:

    All the Baker haters are getting in a frenzy hoping for a blowout this Sunday. If the Bucs get behind by 21, I wouldn’t mind seeing Trask in there against Bosa and Chase to see how he giraffe walks out of that.

  27. AtlBuc Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    November 15th, 2023 at 1:30 pm
    David, where is the slightest modicum of evidence that Trask making his first NFL start, would be an upgrade over BM?

    Where was the slightest evidence Stroud would be a good QB? Where was the slightest evidence Bryce Young would be a good QB? Where was the slightest evidence Brock Purdy would be a good QB? Believe it or not, every QB in the league had to take their first snap at some point. Before that, no one knew whether they would be good or bad. So, stop it with the we don’t know if Trask can play crap.

  28. AtlBuc Says:

    Oz Len Says:
    November 15th, 2023 at 4:45 pm
    All the Baker haters are getting in a frenzy hoping for a blowout this Sunday.

    I can guarantee the most bucs fans the want Trask to play do not want a loss on Sunday. Most of us don’t hate Baker. He has done some good things. But I think I speak for at least some of us in saying that we want optimum play from the QB position like, completing simple passes, pushing the ball downfield and hitting on long throws.

  29. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Most fans want the bucs to win, regardless of who’s under Center. And the guy that gives us the best chance of winning right now, according to the guys who watch both QB’s every day of the week – is Baker Mayfield.

  30. Obvious Says:

    There it is. Seattle Buc just put it together.

    The truth is WE DON’T KNOW if Trask is better. He may well be 10x’s better BUT this IS NOT the game to figure that out. WAY TO STRONG of an opponent to play around at QB.

    Now if that physical 49ers team plants Mayfield so hard that he can’t get up, WE’LL BE FINDING OUT!

    GO BUCS!

  31. Kidfloflo Says:

    Spread is 10.5, anybody here see us covering?? I don’t unfortunately

  32. AtlBuc Says:

    Most fans want the bucs to win, regardless of who’s under Center. And the guy that gives us the best chance of winning right now, according to the guys who watch both QB’s every day of the week – is Baker Mayfield.

    Are you referring to the same guys who watch YaYa everyday in practice yet start JTS? Or, the same guys who watch Ryan Neal in practice every day yet start him over 30 until last week? Or, the guys who watched Feidler every day and continued to start him over Stinnie? Or, the same guys who have been watching Markees Watts give Wirfs trouble in practice since camp and is just now giving him playing time? Forgive me if I don’t share your confidence in the coaching staff’s ability to put the right players on the field.

  33. Tony Marks Says:

    AtlBuc Says:

    Where was the slightest evidence Stroud would be a good QB?


    lol…..It s getting to the point where it might be time for a new TV show

    Traskies Say The Darndest things.

  34. Beeej Says:

    “David Says:
    November 15th, 2023 at 4:38 pm
    Baker’s was sole responsible for Bucs four losses in a row. Why ? You don’t believe me. Check his ESPN stats in those four games. Worst than a high school qb.”

    19/37 206 5.6 0 1 (arse-kicking)
    27/42 275 6.5 1 1 (DEF blew it in last minute)
    25/42 237 5.6 2 0 (arse-kicking, but was close in the end)
    21/30 265 8.8 2 0 (back and forth, DEF blew it i last minute)

    Those numbers don’t tell me the losses were his alone

  35. Capt.Tim Says:

    This is a football post, not a dating site.
    Go oogle noodle arm somewhere else

  36. David Says:

    Baker fan go over stats again.
    He threw 4Td and 3 picks during the losses against, Bills, Eagles, Lions, Atlanta

  37. David Says:

    No TD against Lions. Lol

  38. Maniacxlll Says:

    What r u talking about? The only full d… may consider a chance to win in a clash vs 49s… This team is downgrade against the last year because of Brady. Canales is more or less good, but Bowls is still here… to annihilate any Canales improvements… So, good like with “correct” coaching!

  39. unbelievable Says:

    I’m sorry but anyone who thinks the Bucs are winning this game is lying to themselves.

    Physical teams beat the snot out of us. Always.

    Last time the Bucs actually looked tough and physical was week 1 of last season.