Thousands Of Unsold Tickets For Bucs-Falcons; Resale Tickets Starting At $35

October 19th, 2023

Limited Bucs buzz is hitting Team Glazer’s wallet.

Last Sunday was a throwback 1970s-theme Buccaneers home game with the orange gear and all the retro touches around the stadium.

This Sunday will be a 2010 throwback.

Back in 2010, it was commonplace to see 10,000 to 20,000 empty seats at Tampa Bay home games despite a winning Bucs team on the field. Team Glazer even allowed home games to be blacked out of local television because the owners refused to purchase unsold tickets at a discount rate. NFL rules back then called for no home-game TV broadcast without a sold out stadium.

Joe remembers the big December 2010 home game against the then-mighty Atlanta Falcons. The Bucs were 7-4 and Atlanta was 10-1. The Bucs had about 13,000 unsold tickets.

Tampa Bay blew a 24-14 fourth-quarter lead, sparked by a 102-yard kick return that featured a brutally missed routine sideline tackle by Bucs wide receiver Maurice Stovall. The Falcons won 28-24.

This Sunday, the Falcons are back in Tampa for a big NFC South clash. The unsold “cheap” seats are $70 plus fees and many thousands of tickets are available for the 1 o’clock kickoff.

However, ticket resellers and are loaded with Bucs-Falcons tickets being sold for less than $40.00. So it’s safe to say this is a very low-demand game.

The great news is the average Joe probably can attend with a friend or loved one for less than $100, including a parking spot near the stadium lots. Also good news is Sunday will feel like the first Bucs home game of the season — the first game not overflowing with fans of the opponent (Eagles and Lions).

The bad news is this edition of the Bucs — sans Tom Brady — hasn’t captured the hearts and wallets of the locals like it has in past years.

Winning Sunday, and eventually beating a team with a winning record, should go a long way toward changing that reality.

51 Responses to “Thousands Of Unsold Tickets For Bucs-Falcons; Resale Tickets Starting At $35”

  1. SlyPirate Says:

    Two Reasons … But Really Just One
    1. No Star Power. TB12 is gone and so is Gronk, JPP, Suh, 4Net, and BA.
    2. 6 Points. Fans like scoring. The 3-4 worst scoring offense is a bad product.

    Ultimately those two things manifest in a LACK OF BELIEF. I’m there, too. This team isn’t going anywhere with this OC and probably this HC. Bowles is a great DC. Too good, because his style defeats his own team’s offense.

  2. Jack Clark Says:

    “Thousands Of Unsold Tickets For Bucs”

    That’s an easy fix, just win more games and stop embarrassing fans. Nobody likes to spend their hard earned cash just to watch a bunch of losers

  3. Lt. Dan Says:

    “…a very low-demand game.” This is exactly the formula I will use in week 18 to go see Bucs @ Panthers. Should be tickets dang near free. Charlotte is exactly four hours south of me.

  4. fred Says:

    Fans that live in Tampa and don’t attend games shouldn’t have anything to say. I heard that the eagles game was like 70% eagles fans that’s not good man and its likely true I came down to the Ravens game last yr and I was surrounded by Ravens even at the hotel smh

  5. Boss Says:

    3 Things

    1-Todd Bowels—–he is a proven loser and need to convince fans otherwise before they come back.

    2-Tom Brady —–At least we always had a chance of coming back with TB at the helm. It was expected!, and he always delivered…no matter how bad the team or gameplan

    3-Hope——It only comes from time to time now and is always smashed by the reality of having a horribly coached team with no one to lift them above their lousy coach.

    Canales might get us there. ONLY is he disregards Todd Bowels

    (and the last is no dig at bowels…just business….you gotta be willing to buck the norm and either succeed or pay the price for failure)

    Bowels is comfortable. too comfortable. even knowing his job is on the line he has zero fire. for that reason alone I would fire him. Unless the glazers just need a tax write off

  6. Since76 Says:

    If we could score more points it would be different. Don’t know if canales is being told to vanilla or he just is vanilla. Or is Mayfield not good. Trask was throwing deep in preseason. What gives.

  7. Buc off Says:

    Tampa Bay has some of the worst sports fans in the country. Look at some of these comments. We are in first place after everyone thought we’d be one of the worst teams in the league this year. It’s hilarious how some people are calling Dave Canales one of the worst OC’s. He’s been doing for 6 whole games people. Some of these fans are complete idiots and it shows with their hollow comments. Look at Detroit, they’ve been terrible for ever, and yet they have always had LOYAL fans. Some of you so called Tampa fans make me sick to my stomach. Get a clue

  8. Bojim Says:

    Support your Bucs!!

  9. DoooshLaRue Says:

    $35 is about right.
    Hell, I might actually go.
    Most people just can’t justify paying hundreds of dollars to watch a game.
    Even if Brady was playing in his prime I couldn’t justify more than $80.
    The at home experience is usually much better.

  10. D-Rome Says:

    Let’s not forget we’re in year 3 of this administration’s disastrous economic policies that is hitting the average Joe’s wallet harder than ever before. People aren’t in a rush to spend their discretionary income on a Bucs game when they have to save for basic necessities.

  11. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    I hate to say it but Atlanta beats us this weekend. And their stud running back goes off. 120+ yards. 24-10 Hotlanta

  12. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    70% (?) Of paying Bucs fans are not hardcore Buccaneer football fan(antics). They are bandwagon fan at best.

  13. Marine Buc Says:

    I wonder if we will see the Manchester Buccaneers playing the London Jaguars any time soon?

  14. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Dooosh

    I agree.

    The home experience is much better these days…

  15. Boss Says:

    yep. I would not go if you gave me tickets. would rather watch from home so i can turn it off or do something if/when they implode.

    nothing worse than wasting a sunday on a team that looks like they care less than you do. (or coach moreso)

    IF the ARE winning though…..and proven… I would pay to go.

  16. Bucfan37 Says:

    My excuse is that a VA pension doesn’t pay very much as a draftee. Like most everything else prices are through the roof. I have been to a lot of Bucs games in the past at home.

  17. Popcorn Mike Says:

    If we win the fans will come. Times are tough in Florida at this time and I am thinking people are skeptical about spending the$50 to $75.00 for a ticket just to go see the Bucs get more frustrated at not only the losing but how we are losing. As I have said many times on this site it’s very frustrating to see the Texans 3 and 3 with a first time HC and staff, a rookie QB and a questionable roster

  18. Bucnrs76 Says:

    I was at Cowboys game in 2000 when Dunn went for 200…. Half empty stadium in Dallas, next year got email from cowboys, offering cheap tickets on Thanksgiving. You win you go, and every home game has opposing fans in stands… Packers were upset about amount of Lions fans at Lambeau.

  19. DBS Says:

    Some day you will figure it out. 99% of the people there are transplants. Not born Tampa Bay Fans. More leave everyday and more move down. Thus your new gated communities. And your more different team jerseys down there. It started years ago and exploded. Most of us that were from Tampa are gone.

  20. DJB Says:

    Our record was 3-1 before facing the Lions, first place in our division by 2 games. And still, the stadium was overloaded with Honolulu blue. What is it going to take an undefeated season?

  21. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Not much to cheer about with this HC and his lifeless team.

  22. Lefty Says:

    Buc off nailed it. Too many Johnny come lately Brady lovers pretending to be fans have filled the stadium the last few years. Many young and ignorant posters have no patience and generally no clue -as is the standard with new generations..
    Go to a game, enjoy it with family or friends. Appreciate building some tradition. The Bucs have exceeded many’s expectations so far, let’s hope it continues.

  23. Pewter Pride Says:

    These comments are depressing, almost as depressing as seeing the stadium filled with opposing fans. I’ll be there Sunday, because the Bucs are my team, not because I agree with everything the management/coaching staff are doing. I will say that Baker can’t have many more performances like he had against the Eagles and Lions. He is the next Cousins, great at 1pm, garbage against good teams. At some point, someone is going to have to realize he’s not the guy to lead us to our next superbowl. Put in Trask, we either have something with him, or we don’t, and we need to draft a QB. Or keep Baker in and he does just good enough to keep us from drafting a decent QB.

  24. HC grover Says:

    20 bucks in the parking lot at gametime….like the old days? People are broke in this inflation economy and cant afford it.

  25. HC grover Says:

    Inflation for the stuff I need is 50 percent and I get a 3 percent raise in SS check. No can go to a game. Over air Fox or radio, JBF game thread is fun too. People are saving up for Turkey Day and Christmas.

  26. Mike Johnson Says:

    Its the economy people. Truth be told, there are a ot of people in the Bay area catching hell financially. 2 people at the game is about 500 dollars with expenses and cheap seats. 2 people viewing the game at home, chaep beer, couple of dips, hot dogs and burgers? Priceless.

  27. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Again. Win and they will come

  28. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    I am hoping and waiting to see if Baker will have an NFL career resurrection of Geno Smith and/or Drew Brees.

  29. BucaneroJim Says:

    DBS is right.
    Florida is unique. Tons of folks from every other state have moved here. Lots of Michigan Lions long time supporters have moved here – of course, there were lots of Lions fans in the stands… and many from MI likely coupled a vacation, to come here for the game. Yes, almost every other team’s fans would like to come to Florida to see their team play the Bucs and soak some beach sun. Would I plan a vacation to Detroit to see the Bucs play the Lions – heck no!

  30. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    Wow!! $35 tickets?!? I would love to be there but it’s a long drive from Ohio. The atmosphere around the stadium is electric. I wish our fans would stay all 4 quarters. We might get more of those exciting 4th quarter comebacks.

  31. Crickett Baker Says:

    It’s probably cheaper to park on the curb somewhere and take a short Uber to the entrance gate.

  32. Brandonbucc Says:

    I paid $700 and something just for seats to last weeks game. I watched a horrible team lose. I’m done for the year! They can’t beat good teams. The season is over. Best case scenario, they make wild card and get slaughtered. Same thing as last year.

  33. Daniel Says:

    I travel down to multiple games a year from out of state.

    Tampa/Florida is a tourist destination. When the Bucs play large northern or national fan bases, this is what happens. No amount of winning, etc. is going to change that

  34. adam from ny Says:


    no one told you to spend 700 beans…you could have spent less…probably…

    but from the sounds of your take, there’s no point in watching your team (if they even are your team) unless they’re basically the best team in the league every year???

    you called them a horrible team yet also said they’re a potential wild card team…

    odd ass sh!t bro…

    they are certainly not a horrible team by any means – at this point…and that was a tough fought game last weekend…unless you didn’t watch closely and chugged away like 300 bucks in beer at the stadium instead…

    yes at this point they can’t beat the top tier teams (say the top 6-7 true contenders)…that is true…but they are not a horrible team at this point, barring a collapse, they are one of the better teams in the league – somewhere between a #8 to #12 team league wide…

    the season is far from over…and no two seasons are EVER alike…so it can’t be same thing as last year…

    you are a dam fool guy…and yes you should be done for the year because you are a fake bucs fan who only wants to support if they are clearly contending for the title…

    maybe you’re a brady bandwagoner….so gtfoh…

    remember shmucko…only one team win every year and 31 others go home losers in the end…

    now go chug 700 more dollars worth of watered down ale…

    sorry peoples………had to chuck this clown waaaay under the bus for his pure lack of team support

  35. adam from ny Says:


    swerving back here for one last sec…

    do you even realize bro…….they were predicted by most to be one of the worst 3 teams in football this year…do you even remember the prognostications going into the post-brady season ???

    ok i will leave this alone now

  36. orlbucfan Says:

    H3ll, if I was 30 years younger, and the weather cooperated, I would be there. I remember $35 tickets being SOP. I also remember Bucs playing Falcons in Tampa Stadium back when Atlanta was hot sh1t. Bucs were heavy underdogs, but they came out and popped them. This was back in the NFC Central days. I sat in the end zone but midway up. Good seats actually. Hopefully, Bucs will pop them again.

  37. shark coast tactical Says:

    Who says we are required to go to that hot as F Stadium? I’m a bad fan if i want to watch it at my house? if we implode and we do often, I can go chase my wife around. Look, we’ve sucked for a long time. We get good for a couple games or a season and then we suck again. The glazers are lucky anyone goes. They do the dumbest sh** sometimes. How can rick folk be so dumb? How did we let Brady hustle us into all that dead cap money? How do we not have a running back? Who TF told Jason he should pay those DBs all that money and not worry about them getting injured? Who told Bowels he could beat a decent team with that offense? How is our strength and conditioning department an embarrassment every year. How is JTS still on the field? Etc Etc. Field a decent product and seats will sell. i should buy their product even if they suck? Hell No. Fans should buy seats and make the Glazers richer because of our commitment to the Team? GTFO with that nonsense. It’s 2023. That stadium is hot as balls. Tickets, Food and gear is so expensive. Parking sucks. Traffic sucks. It’s so hot at 1 even in October. Hell yeah opposing teams outnumber us. Their teams field decent product and their fan base travels. You want sold out seats? Win or at least try. Are the Glazers committed to Tampa and the community? Absolutely, they spend a ton on that stuff. But, they accept mediocrity when it comes to winning and they have done it for decades. Thus, 20k seats left for sale.

  38. Joe Says:

    1. No Star Power. TB12 is gone and so is Gronk, JPP, Suh, 4Net, and BA.
    2. 6 Points. Fans like scoring. The 3-4 worst scoring offense is a bad product.


  39. Buccos Says:

    I watched the Bucs play the Patriots in New England and watched them play NY Giants at the Meadowlands. Both games were in December and they were the 2 coldest days of my life. And they got curb stomped in both games. I will stick with my 1pm games at Ray Jay any day of the week. With tickets being this cheap I almost have to go

  40. Irish Laughter Says:

    I left Skibbereen on Saturday and arrived in Tampa Bay by way of Miami. I wanted to see Tom Brady play and cheered my ass off for the Bucs (who I still root for today). The stadium was packed to the rafters and even though Brady and the Bucs were struggling, it was a great chance to see the best of the best. Thanks Tampa Bay Bucs. We did win the game and the fans that were there were loud and proud. I’ll never forget how great it was. Go Bucs.

  41. Jeff Says:

    Falcons 27 Yucs 13

  42. Brandon Says:

    Star Power….I pity the fools that came to games to watch JPP. Fournette, BA, and Suh. You clowns realize that all but Brady were gone last year, yes… Fournette was gone… his speed, gone. Power, gone. Balance, gone. But all that has been gone since his rookie year in Jacksonville and maybe two games in a Bucs uni.

    This team is better than last year’s fraudulent group led by the secretly retired Brady, who allowed Giselle to play QB in his place as part of the divorce and tickets were expensive. Seems people would rather see noodle armed old men audible to screens and check down on every play than a better team with far more potential. I’m a huge Bucs fan but no fan of our low IQ fans. We’re 3-2 right now. Right where j predicted before the season. We’ll be 4-2 soon. Like I predicted. Fans know their team and I know they’re getting 10+ wins

  43. Marvin Says:

    Last I checked a 3 and 2 record counts as winning. Most of the idiots here are bandwagon fans anyway. No loss there!

  44. Bradybucs Says:

    Brandon The divorce ruined the season. Gisele mind screwed Brady. Brady never thought Gisele would leave not matter what he did. Gisele was aware of the things Brady did. She knew and she was okay with it. She just told Brady not to embarrass the family. The nanny wearing Tom Brady super bowl rings on Brady’s private plane well Gisele was mad but she got over it. She always threatened to leave him. When she left in August the season was over. Brady never had a noodle arm. He arm last year was great right now at 46 its still great.Brady is not playing this year because I cant prove it but I believe Brady made an agreement with Gisele telling her he would retire after season. That helped the divorce go smoother

  45. garro Says:

    Its OK Glazers.
    Atlanta fans will pack your free stadium, spend their money and embarrass the City of Tampa by outnumbering the real Bucs fans who can afford to attend.

    The 35 dollar ticket holders/resellers need to be banned from any future purchases of Buc tickets. The Glazers need to find a way to attract real, average income Buc fans to purchase tickets they will actually use.

    This is beyond ridiculous!

    Go Bucs!

  46. Lynn Says:

    I agree with Buc off!! This fan base is pathetic!! Look at the Trop during the playoffs!!! The Rays have been in the play offs for the past 5 years!! You mean to tell me when the schedule comes out and the fans see it’s a weekday afternoon game you don’t make plans to show up for your team?? Rediculous! Same with the Bucs!!! Why is it that every home game feels like an away game?!Times are hard everywhere for everyone!!!! I bet when the Bucs play the Panthers you will see a lot if Panther fans in the stadium and they are 0-6 right now!!!!!! It’s embarrassing!

  47. Mike Alstott Jr. Says:

    Thanks for this joe, I just got tickets for me mom and dad!!

  48. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Is everyone serious here. I can tell you exactly why the stadium doesn’t sell out.
    THEY DONT TAKE CASH. Where the hell is the customer experience in that. It’s a 2 way street.
    It as simple as doe ray me, one two three.
    You see when you push away 1/2 of their potential customer base, what do you expect?

  49. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    You know not everyone has a latest iphone or newest android to download apps. To get tickets.
    Technology has gone way stupid with mlb and nfl. Way stupid. But don’t listen to ole lawnchairs, keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Brilliant.

  50. Joe Says:

    Way stupid. But don’t listen to ole lawnchairs, keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Brilliant.

    If sports owners — some of the best businessmen in the world who have reams of data to back up all their moves — thought they could make more revenue with a cash option, they’d do it.

    It would not shock Joe one iota if sports teams get kickbacks from ticket services and brokers for going all-digital.

    Not saying this is happening, but if the Wall Street Journal uncovered such a scheme, would it surprise you? Not Joe.

    (Joe thought of this last night in an unrelated subject: There is a chain of coffee shops in New Orleans that does not accept cash. At all. No cash? No service. You either pay with a card or Apple/Google. Given the crime rate of New Orleans, it is a very good bet that no-cash rule cuts down on burglaries — can’t rob a place that has no cash — but also cuts down on insurance premiums. If a place is robbed, good chance someone is getting hurt, or worse. So the no-cash policy probably more than makes up for whatever little business is lost from the luddites.)

  51. Monty Says:

    Mayfield was a ok backup choice,stroud would have been better qb plays scared & confused,can’t see over the linemen or visualizes entire field when throwing,he has no fake double pump throw,he’s scared to run,hesitates, a ok back up qb at tough blocking for run& pass game.rbs hesitate & can’t improvise to find open holes.recievers dropping lots of passes .bad play calling oc,hc.stop (eliminate)throwing quick out pass plays behind line of scrimmage,or 2n 3 yard pass plays.just hand the b all off.special teams are horrible.watching the bucs on the beach& fishing or go to the bucs game. You better bucs!bucs fan since 76