Pointed Run Game Words From Todd Bowles

October 18th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

While Todd Bowles on Monday expressed confidence the putrid Bucs run game will find its footing — worst in the NFL (again) — that doesn’t mean he’s happy with how the running backs are running the ball.

Or how the big uglies up front are blocking.

Bowles was asked if the running backs are progressing in Dave Canales’ offense to his liking.

“I don’t care if they were in our system five years,” Bowles began. “You can make a cut better, you can make a run better, or you can block it better. That’s going to be constant through out.”

Right now, it sure doesn’t seem as if running back Rachaad White has any vision, and Joe doesn’t know why this is or if it can be corrected.

Joe noticed runs at Minnesota and at New Orleans (two road games where Joe was high above with his binoculars) where White and Sean Tucker had green turf to take advantage of if they only made a cut one way or the other. They didn’t.

The worst example was this past Sunday. There was a first-half run up the middle and White had a massive space of green real estate to run through if only he took a step to his right. Instead, White just stood behind an offensive lineman and got tackled at the line. Joe moaned in disbelief.

Can a back on the NFL level be taught to have vision? Or is that just an innate ability?

To be fair to White, Joe doesn’t know if the coaches are ordering him to head for and stay in the running lane for which the play was called.

32 Responses to “Pointed Run Game Words From Todd Bowles”

  1. Lt. Dan Says:

    Maybe it’s just me but Bowles response sounded like something Leftwich would say…it was just vague.

  2. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Rachaad White makes up for his lack of vision with his lack of speed. Dude looks like he’s got concrete shoes running through three foot deep mud.

  3. Bucs13 Says:

    Amen! I’ve never been on the White bandwagon. He was anointed the RB1 position. The guy was on every podcast known to man even thought he proved squat. All talk. No action. Remember when BA compared him to Edgerrin James? BA must’ve had too much to drink! James was a beast on the ground and passing game.

    I remember Joe wrote an article last year and BA said it was great that Leftwich dumped the running game, and he said put the ball in “Tommy’s hand.” He alluded to how maybe Leftwich was pressured to run the ball more even though it wasn’t effective.

  4. gp Says:

    If at first you don’t succeed, keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

    We are once again becoming the most predictable team in the league.

    Stubborn is as stubborn does.

    Break the cycle Bowles!!!! I WANT TO WIN!!!

  5. RagingBrisket Says:

    Once again the focus is on the backs while ignoring the culpability of the ineptitude in run blocking. One well blocked play that is cherry picked does not exonerate their getting blown up on every other run down.

  6. Shane247 Says:

    Could our run blocking be better,? Sure! To keep blaming the O-line is the easy way out. The reality is good running backs do not need huge holes to gain yardage. White is a good change of pace back. Vaughn should be released, Who knows with Tucker the sample size is too small. Either we trade for a back or we go poach someone off a practice squad (Dewayne McBride- Vikings) maybe. What’s the definition of insanity again? A good running game alleviates all that Ills this team. It opens up the passing game, takes pressure off the QB, gives us manageable down & distance, wears defenses down, eats clock. Go get a running back! We’ve known this for over 2 years now.

  7. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Either run better or get better runners. Simple as that.

  8. rickym Says:

    While it would be nice to have a back with vision like Barry Sanders, those backs who can see the open spaces are becoming very rare in today’s NFL. The best running backs in today’s game are powerful guys like Derrick Henry. The Bucks running backs are not powerful runners but more finesse guys. The bucs need a big back. Not sure where to find one, this late in the season.

  9. EricTheViking Says:

    Bowels equals failure. Dump the zero and get a hero.

    Love Smith part deux. Checking that favored box.


  10. geno711 Says:

    Earnest Graham was slow, but he saw holes and cut better than Racheed White.

  11. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Geno- Earnest and White have a .02 difference in their 40 time. Their speed is really about the same. Earnest was not only the things you said but most importantly he ran HARD. Rachaad is a flag football player. Nothing more.

  12. Pewter Power Says:

    Bowles is annoying as hell. When you have a good coach you just know it. BA was a his coach it was obvious

  13. Voice of Truth Says:

    5 games in and it looks like Byron never left

    The common denominator is Bowles

    Hmmmmmm….run plays look exactly the same as last year….hmmmmmm

    Even if we squeak out 8 wins with Toad, he is the issue

    He has replaced his OC every season he has been a HC

    None of them succeeded

    It’s not coincidence it’s a pattern

    Todd’s method castrates OC’s

  14. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Joe I’ve been seeing the same things in our run game. I’ve seen open lanes that the backs miss in most of the 5 games. Now my other question. Is it bad RB coaching, not good enough RB or both. HC’s get paid millions and most have been coaching a while and I am sure they have a explanation of some of the strategies they use but, one thing I am pretty sure of is, fans get fed up with excuses and no action being taken Also, I am not positive but I think this get a lot of coach fired

  15. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles will never take ownership of anything related to the offense. Again his focus will always be on game management that positions his defense to rank well. He’s in self preservation mode, keep doing what works for the defense to look good, that way he can still land a job as a DC somewhere else. Nothing is going to change in his philosophy, he believes his best chance at not losing is clock management. The modern game is designed for scoring/passing….that’s completely counter to his mindset. Our strengths are our WR weapons yet we’re persistently trying to feature our weakest unit.

  16. Greg Says:

    It’s got to be coaching. It doesn’t seem to matter who we get they fall flat. How is that possible? Even a blind squirrel etcetc. Common ground is coaching.

  17. Jack Clark Says:

    “I don’t care if they were in our system five years,” Bowles began. “You can make a cut better, you can make a run better, or you can block it better. That’s going to be constant through out.”

    That’s the right attitude coach! No excuses from anyone is acceptable. Do your job, and do it well

  18. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    Last year we spent banging our heads over lack of OL mid-season transfusion of talent. This year it’s RB. I don’t expect mid-season upgrade from Buc management. That’s for teams like the 49rs. (See last year’s acquisition of Macaffery- -a running back no less!!!)

  19. Jvato24 Says:

    White looks like an All-Star compared to Vaughn, Vaughn offers nothing truly

  20. Hodad Says:

    I’ve seen enough White, and Vaughn to know they are not the answer at RB. Haven’t seen enough of Tucker yet to tell, but from the little I’ve seen not impressed. Noticed this weeks depth chart, and Tucker was listed behind White instead of Vaughn. It was be nice, pardon the pun, if Tucker takes this opportunity, and runs with it.

  21. gp Says:

    he believes his best chance at not losing is clock management.
    Not disagreeing with your post but can you explain why we left FOUR unused time-outs on the board Sunday?
    AND the fact that the lions had the ball almost an entire quarter longer than us?
    I’m not sure he understands what ‘clock management’ is.

  22. Sly Pirate Says:

    Do the same thing for the sixth game but this time do it better … INSANITY!

  23. BigMacAttack Says:

    When White keeps his head up, he occasionally finds the hole. He literally runs with his head down into the back of his blockers all too often. Sunday there were holes that you truly could drive a truck through but he couldn’t find it. Neither could the other backs. I think this is huge Coaching problem and they are coached black and white, run as planned and no changes allowed. RB Coaching ego problem

  24. MelvinJunior Says:

    I like that Sweet Baby Ray Davis’ running style (and being from the south, I’ve bought that bbq sauce for years, too). I noticed it’s a lot like Austin Ekeler’s of the Chargers… They both, hit the hole HARD and QUICK, with a PURPOSE, & no such ‘stutter-step’ or even any type of hesitation at all, THEN they make their ‘cut’ and if it’s not there, they then take and get what they can. I’d loooove to see the Bucs get his a$$ nine the next draft… I love his style and he’s a GAMEBREAKER, and hasn’t appeared to have had (at least not recent) ANY ‘injury history’ whatsoever yet, so the durability is there, as well. Plus, my Dad is a UK donor/booster & I know they ALL, just love the kid and are VERY high on his character, Etc. He does seem to be a true LEADER, & “Team FIRST” guy all the way, at all times too, and ALWAYS says the right thing(s)!!! Sure would be nice to have a ‘Back’ like THAT.

  25. BucU Says:

    How embarrassing this team is. Let’s cut to the chase. The run game is GARBAGE AGAIN. Why can’t you fix it Todd? You should be fired if we end up last in rushing again.,

  26. Fred McNeil Says:

    I agree the blocking could be better, but only rarely do I see any any suddenness in Whites cuts. Only rarely do I see genuine fight for YAC. He’s talking a good game…if that counts for anything.

  27. Fred McNeil Says:

    I don’t really want to spend a draft pick for a rental. A team like Atlanta or Tennessee are bound to have a back or two on their practice squads we could poach.

  28. matthew veal Says:

    Cap room has got to be an issue here. Maybe a small deal gets done at the trade deadline, but lower your expectations imo

  29. BillyBucco Says:

    Look, we can’t keep ignoring RB in the draft and FA.
    If Canales has any input at all in the 1st three rounds I’ll be amazed.
    Bowles has owned those rounds for his defensive mindset and yet Good passers still carve us up blitz after blitz after blitz.
    The only way to win that game was a shootout and we didn’t have the mindset or horses to do that.
    Give me Ray Davis regardless of what round and our rushing attack will get better.
    They better start looking now because these backs won’t get it done all year.

  30. Optimist man Says:

    The Bucs so desperately need a running back to help get the pressure off of Baker . How about Derrick Henry?????

  31. garro Says:

    I feel like White knows he needs to be more decisive and stop dancing around in the backfield. He did look better against the Lions in that regard. However you are correct about his lack of vision on the play you described. He left some yards out there on at least one other run play as well. But only seven carries is strange to me.

    Go Bucs!

  32. Esteban85 Says:

    The movement of the line on a lot of these plays, including Otten, is atrocious. Too many moving parts! I know it is an outside zone scheme but we need to simplify the run game and be more north and south until the defense is expecting north and south then get wide. This team has a lot of rookies and second year players on it and will need some time to gel. Atlanta should give us a better example of a run game considering the lions are #1 against the run and the eagles are #2.