Last Day To Get A Running Back

October 31st, 2023

Titans RB Derrick Henry.

Are the Bucs serious about making a playoff run, and perhaps winning a game or two (or more?) in the postseason? Joe will know the answer to that question by late this afternoon.

The NFL trade deadline is at 4 p.m. By 6 p.m., there should be news of any consummated trade.

The Bucs have a garbage running game and have had one once since early in the 2022 season. If the Bucs really are serious about the playoffs, the team simply cannot stand pat at the running back position.

Last year the Bucs could rely on Tom Brady to bail their arses out. Joe isn’t sure Baker Mayfield is at the point where he can handle the entire offense on his shoulders.

Joe doesn’t believe there is one person at One Buc Palace who expected Mayfield to throw 40 passes a game. Sad thing is, if the Bucs don’t throw that much, they’ll be lucky to score 14 points a game.

Unless they go out and get a running back.

How much better would a running game make Mayfield? Win-win.

BSPN insider Adam Schefter claimed the Titans told Derrick Henry they would not ship him out today. FOX Sports NFL insider Jay Glazer thinks that’s very interesting because he said Tennessee is still talking to teams about swapping Henry. So if Henry truly is not on the trade block, Glazer wonders why does Tennessee keeps talking to other teams about him?

Yeah, it would be nice for the Bucs to have Henry. The Bucs only need an average back, though. Think about it: Going from nothing to average is a huge jump.

General manager Jason Licht shouldn’t have to break the Team Glazer vault to acquire someone who can produce on the ground.

As Joe has stated several times, Joe doesn’t want to hear how the team is serious about a playoff run without addressing the run game. Otherwise, playoff talk from One Buc Palace is simply virtue signaling.

Per the video below, Joe wonders who foot-rubbing Rob Gronkowski’s source is claiming the Bucs have been linked to Henry?

20 Responses to “Last Day To Get A Running Back”

  1. TDTB Says:

    Swap evans for Henry

  2. BillyBucco Says:

    That would be an interesting trade when we play them in 12 days.

  3. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Let’s face it……picking up a RB will do little good behind this line.. The great “Playoff Lenny” only ran for 3.5 last year and we dumped him…..ends up on the Bills’ PC.

    Our line is weak….has been since we lost Jensen, Marpet & Cappa.

  4. DBS Says:

    It is not going to happen. Not until next season.

  5. Jvato24 Says:

    Please explain why the Bucs need to use a premium pick on a 30 year old declining high dollar back!?!????? 🥴😳

    This is what Superbowl contenders do, are you guys crazy?

  6. DC Says:

    lmao idiot said swap evans for henry. So you want to take away our best wr to then trade for a rb that plays behind this stink oline? haha joe where do you find these morons from

  7. Colonel Angus Says:

    Get Henry. He would absolutely make a difference.

  8. Hodad Says:

    Stay the course, we’re headed for the iceberg. Let Bowles go down with the ship. Time for a total rebuild, and he ain’t the coach to lead us. Loose the next two, I wouldn’t wait till January to fire him.

  9. SufferingSince76 Says:

    I wouldn’t hold my breath for a trade. I think the Bucs will see how the season plays out, while continuing to say they are working towards a playoff spot. Some people seem a little free with the limited money the Bucs have to spend.

  10. Proudbucsfan Says:

    What Hodad said ☝️

  11. gofortheface30 Says:

    Have we become delusional. This iteration of the Bucs is OVER. Who do we think we even are.

    1. I like Baker, great attitude/personality – is a leader, and physically pretty talented, but ultimately just good enough to get you 7-ish wins. So basically, not good enough to be that guy need to win in todays NFL. Do not reference the gd 49ers. The exception to the norm does not prove a point, and last i checked they havent won a superbowl since 94
    2. It cant be ALL of Bakers fault, as pass protection is not only adequate, but its good. Tell me – are our receivers consistently getting open? Why do we have to highly paid receivers again? Our duo is still good, but have gotten widely inconsistent, and symbolic of the fact that this team is yesterdays news.
    3. 2 Highly paid corners that DO NOT MAKE PLAYS. Devin White, whom was supposed to be the face of this defense is not great, is not good, and he is arguably not even average. Not even the same player/person from the playoffs in 2020.
    4. Trading for a Derrick Henry is a laughable idea. For what? So we can go 9-8 and lose in the first round anyway? Some of you (A LOT of you) completely lack big picture thinking. There is far more needs to address on this team than just the running game
    5. If/WHEN Todd Bowles gets fired this team will generally get rebuilt in to their own image anyway, which is needed. Get deep in the trenches like the Eagles/Lions etc, trade expensive contracts for assets. Find a franchise Quarterback. This iteration of the Bucs has gotten stale. Fans romanticize and get too nostalgic. Learn to let go and move on. The team needs to be rebuilt

  12. John Sinclear Says:

    Forget the running back. Get someone who can (gasp!) BLOCK!!

  13. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Bowles will be hc in 2024 no doubt about it

  14. Obvious Says:

    So what do you think Joe? What does your gut tell you about getting a running back today?

  15. Richard Dickson Says:

    We need to get ourselves out the mentality that just because we need a thing and another team has that thing that it’s somehow a failure on our part if we don’t get that thing. Takes two teams to make a trade, and us really wanting/needing a player doesn’t suddenly put our partner in a giving mood.

  16. Joe Says:

    We need to get ourselves out the mentality that just because we need a thing and another team has that thing that it’s somehow a failure on our part if we don’t get that thing.

    What you are saying then is success is defined as having the worst rushing attack in the league for a year and a half and doing nothing to address it. That’s very odd.

    Either you’re playing for the playoffs or you are playing for a draft pick. Not addressing the running back position (worst in the league) is sort of like admitting you don’t know what you are playing for, so you’ll just leave things be.

  17. Joe Says:

    So what do you think Joe? What does your gut tell you about getting a running back today?

    Sadly, the only time in recent memory the Bucs have been aggressive in addressing weaknesses is when they had an elderly head coach who was on borrowed time. Funny how that aggressiveness turned the team into a league powerhouse.

  18. Obvious Says:

    Yeah, it’s pretty glaring which direction this is going. I think they want Bowles out of there and they aren’t willing to give more than they already have. They’re not much for selling or making big or small moves in the future either.

    Flat line………

  19. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    They’ll get their RB in the draft. TreVeyon Henderson is a good option R2

  20. Richard Dickson Says:

    “What you are saying then is success is defined as having the worst rushing attack in the league for a year and a half and doing nothing to address it. That’s very odd.”

    What I’m saying is that we could offer the best deal in the world and the other team could still say “No.” Not making a trade doesn’t mean we didn’t try, but too many people jump to that conclusion.