Chris Godwin Cited For Poor Technique On Hail Mary Miss

October 27th, 2023

Too little too late for Chris Godwin on the game’s final play last night.

Godwin ran into the end zone on the brilliant, 65-yards-in-the-air Hail Mary throw by Baker Mayfield last night with the Bucs trailing by six points and time expiring.

Godwin got two yards into the end zone and did a partial spin move on his defender and looked up for the football. It bounced next to him before he could get two his hands up and in position for a catch. Game over.

Former Bucs star receiver Keyshawn Johnson and Hall of Famer Michael Irvin broke down the play on FS1 this morning and Johnson called out Godwin for poor technique.

Johnson said he caught a couple of Hail Mary throws in his career and stated Godwin should have turned to track the ball no later than when he hit the goal line. Godwin waited until he got 1 1/2 steps into the end zone to turn.

Irvin, who loves to disagree, didn’t dispute Johnson’s claim.

Of course, Bucs tight end Cade Otton got mugged on the play by two Bills defensive players, but it’s obvious the NFL doesn’t care about the rules on those last-second plays.

Why is that? It’s a great question.

55 Responses to “Chris Godwin Cited For Poor Technique On Hail Mary Miss”

  1. Erik The Viking Says:

    Poor technique by the HC put us in the hail Mary situation.

    Start there and it will all work out just fine.

    It’s the coaching, stupid.

  2. Destinjohnny Says:

    Chris always plays hard and is a pros pro
    But why even run down there if u aren’t going to look up ?

  3. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Coaches need to all go

  4. LVMYBUCS Says:

    FOX NEWS anything to get some clicks: Buccaneers punter smacks Bills player with helmet in wild scene

  5. LVMYBUCS Says:

    How bout BREAKING NEWS please fire these retards we have as coaches!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. SBucs Says:

    Poetic justice would have been a pass interference call and ball placed at the one. Then on the untimed down for the tie and eventual win the Bucs running back (probably Vaughn) would have been tackled for a loss.

  7. David Says:

    The games are won by scoring TD’s not hail marry. Bills did not score in the entire second half and Bucs still lost with this pathetic offense with Baker. Down two scores it took the offense long time just to score once on last drive with so much lucky bounces.

  8. Bojim Says:

    Have no problem with Godwin.

  9. SufferingSince76 Says:

    It should have never come to the Hail Mary, but kudos to Mayfield for breaking free to sling it.

  10. Tye Says:

    Bowels should be the exception For the Glaziers to fire a coach in season and name interim from one of those other guys who have been HC!
    Can’t be any worse than Bowels!

  11. EternalSon Says:

    Could you feel the way the ball was bouncing at the end of the game?!

    Had magical comeback written all over it.

    So close! Some fun at the end for sure

    GO BUCS!!!

  12. EEK Says:

    Mayfield can throw the ball very far — that was impressive

    No doubt this will come into play in the future as this team will be playing desperately from behind all season

    How this game even got to a 1 play situation is more of a reflection of Buffalo’s poor coaching

  13. ModHairKen Says:

    F those losers. Easy to be a TV critic.

  14. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Irvin also said that Evans , being the tallest receiver, should have pushed and fought off the defenders who were pushing him to draw attention from the refs- oh well, the refs probably wanted to get out of Buffalo safely

  15. tbc 1 Says:

    If you seen Mayfield after the game he was beat up-he played his butt off and wanted to win the game even giving up his body to do so.

  16. Mike S Says:

    Um yeah its (Checks roster) Godwin’s fault we didn’t win.

    Not Baker’s – not at all.

    Yeah… Yeah that’s the ticket.

    God please save us from this insanity

  17. Steven007 Says:

    Alan, you know as well as I that if Evans pushed off effectively enough to get into position and possibly catch that ball he’s getting called for PI. I would bank on it.

  18. The Fighting Schianoes Says:

    I was pretty impressed with the throw honestly.

  19. Buccos Says:

    No problem with Godwin or Mayfield but as another poster said, why run all the way down there and not be looking for the ball. That was the miraculous 4th quarter comeback that never was

  20. Mike S Says:

    Buccos yes a miraculous 7 minute checkdown drive while down by 2 scores.

  21. Buccos Says:

    9 times out of 10 Godwin catches that ball. Mental lapse

  22. bucsfan2520 Says:

    Godwin was gassed and Evans was too concerned with helping up the Bills players in hopes he gets traded there.

  23. orlbucfan Says:

    GodzillaCG14 was also interfered with, but not like Otton. There is no telling how much Bills’ OLine was getting away with holding through the whole game. Refs did the usual cheating. Hopefully, the coaches will get with coaching the players to outwit the other opposing team: refs. We’ll see in Houston.

  24. power sweep Says:

    Oh, please stop with the Hail Mary pass. Good teams don’t need them.

  25. Tony Marks Says:

    David Says:
    October 27th, 2023 at 12:36 pm
    The games are won by scoring TD’s not hail marry.


    I could have sworn all I was reading about the last few weeks is how baker can’t throw the long ball and can only dink and dink. Now its that long balls well within the QB’s range to throw with direction don’t matter. Everyone with an IQ above 0ne gets it. IF it were thrown by another player that shall remain nameless its a great throw but because its Baker it doesn’t matter.

    Brady Rental Syndrome

    the irrational illogical notion by a group of people ( usually among a fan base) that they will or should go to the promise land again by getting or replacing one player.

    Severe Brady Rental Syndrome

    the illusion you will get such a player or in extreme cases when you delude yourself he’s on the bench

  26. adam from ny Says:

    i don’t know what game y’all were watching…

    because we were never ever really in this game…

    wake up

  27. Rod Munch Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    October 27th, 2023 at 1:31 pm
    GodzillaCG14 was also interfered with, but not like Otton. There is no telling how much Bills’ OLine was getting away with holding through the whole game. Refs did the usual cheating.


    I’m normally the first to chant ‘burn the refs’ in the stands, but this was not one of those games. On that 2nd to last series, where the offense took 35 minutes off the clock, the Bucs repeatedly got bailed out by the refs to keep that drive alive. It’s almost like someone had big money on the Bucs +9.5 and needed to make sure the Bucs got into the endzone to cover. Not that I’d ever impune the refs by suggesting they’d do anything like that.

    But at the end Evans is being held by 3 guys, Otton is being tackled, Godwin was being held, which is why he was spun around – but that always happens on these plays and its never called. Frankly the Bucs wouldn’t have been in that situation had the refs not kept the previous drive alive on a couple of things they rarely call in the Bucs favor.

    So in this particular game, I’d not whine about the refs. Save it for next week when I’m sure they’ll legit cost the Bucs the game.

  28. HC Grover Says:

    mayfield missed him by a yard….ROFL

  29. HC Grover Says:

    Mayfield blew it….He should of bounced the hail mary off of a defender helment to Evans.

  30. Rod Munch Says:

    You guys are all missing the big picture here.

    Sure, we lost the game, I’ll be the first to admit that.


    As we know from the Winston years, it’s not about scoring points, it’s about winning the turnover column on the stat sheet! AND WE GOT A W WHERE IT MATTERED!

    So stop your whining already. Who cares about points and standings, what really matters is TURNOVERS, and WE WON that battle!

  31. PassingThru Says:

    PIs are called on Hail Marys, though some of the offseason baseball fans here don’t seem aware of it. The problem is that Hail Mary PI calls are very inconsistently called, ditto with O Line holding during those plays. Sometimes you see a flag, more often you don’t. I get the “let them play it through” approach, but when it’s a blatant mugging like last night, it needs to be called… or you turn the game into a farce.

    Again, this shouldn’t have been an issue had the Bucs not foolishly bled the clock during their previous possession. When you’re down 2 TDs with 10:05 left in the game, you do not take 7:21 off the clock when marching downfield. That was stupid time management on the part of Mayfield, Bowles, and Canales.

  32. Rod Munch Says:

    PassingThru Says:
    When you’re down 2 TDs with 10:05 left in the game, you do not take 7:21 off the clock when marching downfield. That was stupid time management on the part of Mayfield, Bowles, and Canales.


    Wait, so you’re telling me it’s not a good idea to run the clock down to 1 second over and over and over again when you’re playing behind by 14 points with 7 minutes left?

    I don’t get it.

  33. Jack Sparrow Says:

    If Mahommes or Allen were the ones throwing that Hail Mary pass, refs would have thrown the yellow flag for PI….. just saying…….

  34. power sweep Says:

    PassingThru Says: “PIs are called on Hail Marys.”

    No they’re not. Hail Marys are generally considered free-for-alls by refs. As CBS Sports says: “A pass interference flag thrown on a Hail Mary has only happened twice over the past 15 years.”

  35. Jeff Says:

    Yucs fans, it’s time to admit that Evans and Godwin aren’t that great. They’re just good. That’s it. Evans has always had suspect hands and Godwin lacks elite speed. He’s your classic possession receiver who can beat safety’s and linebackers, but can’t shake a Cornerback to save his life. Evans is just a big target who blocks well.

  36. Rod Munch Says:

    power sweep Says:
    October 27th, 2023 at 2:21 pm
    PassingThru Says: “PIs are called on Hail Marys.”

    No they’re not. Hail Marys are generally considered free-for-alls by refs. As CBS Sports says: “A pass interference flag thrown on a Hail Mary has only happened twice over the past 15 years.”


    Yeah, it’s very very rare that PI’s are called on hail marys.

    But not to worry, I’m sure the NFL will make it up to us by flagging the Bucs defense on one of these soon.

    Of course that would mean the Bucs have a lead at the end of a game, so it might be a while.

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    Jeff Says:
    October 27th, 2023 at 2:22 pm
    Yucs fans, it’s time to admit that Evans and Godwin aren’t that great. They’re just good.


    You’re boring. Do me a favor and go drive into a bridge embankment doing about 90mph.

    God bless.

  38. jay adams Says:

    Yes a mental lapse, maybe he was gassed. But the play calling is only going from a D with Leftwich to C + with our new OC. How many pass routes do we ever see that are either a long drag, a double move like zig in,zig out, a 8-10 yd hard stop, short curls, quick slants, etc? No sir, we get down and in, down and out, post, streak, seam, these are all basic patterns that are well known, easy to cover for most DBs, no imagination!!!

  39. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Hard to catch a ball while being mugged. Seen a lot of hail Mary’s in my day (old enough to have watched Flutie toss the namesake), never saw that kind of flagrant horsecrap pass interference. Ever

  40. D Cone Says:

    Godwin looked to be playing the rebound.

    Let’s say he does turn and catches the ball, looks up field and there is a flag for Offensive the 50. Game Over and no time on the clock. Same results.

    For every PI call that could be made on a Hail Mary there is an Offensive Holding that is not called. I am pretty sure Illegal Contact could have been called before the pass also. Would have given Tampa another shot but not from the 1.

    On to Houston.

  41. David Says:

    😂 😂 really? Criticizing a receiver on a Hail Mary?
    Focus on almost every single other offensive play that was run and the penalties.
    If you are focusing on the Hail Mary, you already lost

  42. Big Wally Says:

    And theres munchkin still spouting the story that godwin was held and spun around. Time for you to watch the tape like you love to say each week.

  43. Buccos Says:

    That was one of the best Hail Mary throws of all time. He put so much air under it that it was on radar at the airport. And it came exactly where Godwin should have been without any defenders blocking him out. Honestly I think I would have caught that pass. And yet it falls to the earth without even being touched. Too little too late

  44. Beej Says:

    Most passes aren’t a matter of accuracy. Almost any NFL quarterback can throw a ball through a tire at 30 yards. When passes miss. It’s usually because the ball was thrown well before the receiver ever made his break and the timing is off on one end or the other

  45. Rod Munch Says:

    What the Bucs should pratice is a play where Mayfield just skips the ball off all the offensive players helmet to get it to the endzone – like skipping a rock on a lake. That was just about the only way the Bucs could score last night as some lucky bounces, and an amazing all-hands catch by Godwin.

    But wait, Godwin is the issue. Right.

    Not the QB throwing 4 yard passes three times in a row when you need to go 80 yards in 15 seconds.

  46. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    It’s Baker’s job, to sling the ball.
    It’s the other players job, to figure out how to catch the thing.

    By week 16 the Bucs will report: “We kinda think, we are not a passing team”

  47. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Godwin didn’t even see the ball until the last second…it has nothing to do with technique.

  48. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    People need to stop being sore losers. Bench Mayfield and move on.

    If Bowles doesn’t bench him immediately, I’m done with him.

  49. Mike Johnson Says:

    Poor technique? What about the lack of technique of our O linemen or the lack of Technique of our pass rush? Our Bucs got beat by a better team Period! Cut it out and knock it off. And if we don’t improve next week? The Texans are gonna beat us too. They are no longer the laughingstock of the NFL. They are like Detroit on the upswing. And their Rookie QB plays smart while completing many passes. No pity in this NFl. You are what your record says you are. Play better Bucs or fall deeper behind.

  50. WyomingJoe Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai: Sorry to see you go, but Baker isn’t going anywhere. Oh, and please take Mike S and Munch with you. Thanks again.

    P.S. Trask can stay…

  51. Bucschamp Says:

    Bowles is the one with poor technique

  52. tbc 1 Says:

    does anyone think if the roles were reversed Buffalo would have gotten the call? Of course they would have. As far as needing a hail mary to win the game that can be said about a million plays during the game.

  53. Statguy Says:

    If we are going to have any chance with White out there at RB we need to get him at least 10 targets coming out the back field similar to some of what they did that game and how the saints use kamara . We make that a staple and have success it will open up more on the rushing attempts

  54. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Start Trask so the Bucs can lose all the remaining games, pick a real quarterback and running back next year.

  55. Brandon Says:

    Bucs lead the league in fan stupidity