“We’re More Like A College Team Now”

September 13th, 2023

The Buccaneers’ head coach does not hesitate to say he needed to put his stamp on the 2023 Bucs, in part by reworking the team’s chemistry.

Multiple times Todd Bowles has said he needed to change “the culture, chemistry and camaraderie” in the wake of the Tom Brady era.

Yesterday on the Buccaneers Radio Network, Bowles explained how it’s gone and that it’s been successful and challenging with 13 rookies on the roster.

“Having all these new guys come in, you have to kind of try to change the culture a little bit; we’re more like a college team now than an NFL team from a mentality standpoint at least, with these guys coming in,” said “Big Balls” Bowles.

“So it was important for them to get around the vets that are still here and understand how to be a pro, but at the same time not take all their college youthfulness from them and make sure they enjoy playing the game. And making sure that they play the right way with the energy they bring, and not overload them with their brain cells exploded by giving them too much information.

“So that’s a lot different and that’s a lot of slippery slopes when there’s 53 guys and you’re trying to manage all the new guys. But I think the older guys have helped and the coaches have done a great job.”

After one game of mistake-free football in hostile Minnesota with several rookies contributing, including Trey Palmer catching a touchdown and Cody Mauch shining at right guard, Bowles gets an “A” grade for his new-look, new-attitude Bucs.

Ira Kaufman Shares Big-Picture Views Of Bucs’ Thrilling W In Minnesota, Talks Kyle Trask And The Jets, And Much More

20 Responses to ““We’re More Like A College Team Now””

  1. Jack Clark Says:

    Thank you Todd Bowles!

  2. DS Says:

    I like this team and I’ve been a Bowles doubter, I think buc fan are more interested in having a Qb than winning! I wanna win don’t matter how

  3. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Now DONT go out there and lay a HUGEEEE Turd on Sunday.

  4. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I’ve been a Bowles doubter….(don’t lie, most of you fall into that category)….

    But, I would be ecstatic if Bowles succeeds and Baker Mayfield balls out and earns a $30 mil contract next year…..

    The last thing we need is a crap shoot QB draftee….

  5. Infomeplease Says:

    So far TB has been a better HC this year. Playing to “win” instead of playing to “not lose”! The younger guys, and even the vets that quit to early in games last season, need to see this and play that way! It becomes contagious! So far so good!!

  6. President Canales Says:

    One game history does not warrant an intimation that there is a change in philosophy.

    As a Bowles doubter as a HC … I hope he has changed.

    He is a great DC but as a HC his history speaks for itself.

    Lord knows you got to change BBB. Your HC career depends on it.

    Go Bucs!!

  7. JimBobBuc Says:

    Devin White was fired up before kickoff, on the field, and celebrating Bakers 1st down run. Good energy and team mate. Contrast that with Mike Evan’s running off the field and not celebrating with his teammates after his TD.

  8. Boss Says:

    WTF with the big balls bowels joe???

    one or two brave calls and 500 sissy calls

  9. Boss Says:

    Huge Turd Bowels would be more accurate

  10. Nprbuc Says:

    So Boss. Tell us all the bad coaching decisions that you saw on Sunday! With so many rookies and guys playing in a real game with people they didn’t know their names a short time ago, I thought they put in an outstanding effort and came home with a W when a lot of “experts” are dining on crow this week. Probably all they can afford after losing all their grocery money by betting against the Bucs. How many calls were you able to accurately make from your bar stool? That tells you quite a bit between this team and last years. I didn’t notice your 500 sissy calls either. I am sure you can list them for us right?

  11. Boss Says:

    He coached 1 good game!

  12. RICKYM Says:

    Devin White is man in search of GETTING PAID. I love his energy and effort as well as his physicality.

  13. Power Of Pewter Says:

    Where has that ‘high-energy, high-effort’ version of Devin White been the past several years? Is this the new and improved DW, or the ‘I’ll put out the effort in a contract year’ DW? Hopefully he ‘gets it’ and it’s a permanent improvement.
    Bowles, Canales, and Mayfield , did well crafting a tough road win. But it’s one game. I think we should get a larger sample size before issuing them a grade. But we can see some hope that the season may not be a dumpster fire after all. It’s really going to come down to how well the OLine plays.

  14. Buddha Says:

    The wise guys are wagering on the Bears this week. Line has dropped to 2.5. That is concerning.

  15. CleanHouse Says:

    Yeah we really needed to change the culture from Tom Brady’s model that won 7 championships back to a college culture.

    This guy should be coaching in college and our results will soon show this.

  16. IE Buc Says:

    I was never a Bowles hater. I really believe he needed another year to really put his stamp on the team. He was hamstrung last year with one arm tied behind his back having to tolerate the dead weight of the Arians offense and offensive coaches. They wouldn’t innovate and use a successful running game.

    Leftwich half heartedly ran the ball to placate Bowles. Went through the motions of attempting to run. Run up the middle on first down. Now we got a real balanced offense with a young fired up OC who complements Bowles real well.

  17. Esteban85 Says:

    This game was obviously well coached by Bowles and his staff. It’s a long season and I hope we can keep this energy and mindset throughout. Gotta keep playing to win.

  18. garro Says:

    Thats Bowles being his own PR guy.

    They played tough, hard nosed football as they should have played last year. Youth or not.

    Go Bucs!

  19. orlbucfan Says:

    Plenty of trolls on here; they’re easy to spot. I’ve been pulling for Bowles since he got here. And what’s wrong with infusing the youth and enthusiasm all those rooks bring to the veterans? Football is a team sport. If the gamblers are favoring da Bears, good sign. Leave Bucs under the wire.

  20. Sumosam Says:

    I can’t believe you would give up Trask for a 4th rounder to go to NY.That makes no sense. We need a good back up here because Baker could easily get hurt the way he plays. C’mon man.