Ali Marpet Evaluates Each Offense Lineman

September 28th, 2023

Retired Bucs guard Ali Marpet (2015-2021) now chimes in on the Buccaneers Radio Network.

This week he was talking offensive line play. Surprise!

Marpet likes how the Bucs are mixing in different types of run blocking (pulling, “side zone,” outside zone) and not relying super heavily on power running. But he admitted that little worked against the Eagles on Monday night.

Marpet noted it’s always ideal to attack a team’s weaknesses “but [the Eagles] didn’t really have much deficiencies,” he said.

As for Bucs’ offensive linemen individually, Marpet was all positive. Frankly, that’s what Joe expected to hear Marpet say on the team radio network, but Joe hasn’t heard enough of Marpet yet to know if he’s a total homer or was just being candid.

Here are his comments:

On Tristan Wirfs: “Tristan, I feel like gets glossed over making that switch from right to left. But my gosh. He’s kind of crushed that transition which is not easy to do but is still worth acknowledging.”

On Luke Goedeke: “Luke, I think, really has done a nice job out at right tackle. That’s a difficult transition to make and he’s gone against some really good players.”

On Matt Feiler: “Feiler’s been super consistent. That kind of surprised me that he’s much he’s bounced around [the NFL] as much as he has considering how consistent he is.”

On Robert Hainsey: “Hainsey, gosh,  … when you talk about expectations of third-, fourth-round picks, that range, you don’t expect them to play as well as Hainsey has, honestly. I mean, sometimes they far exceed those expections.”

On Cody Mauch: “Answered the call.”

Overall, Marpet said he is impressed by how the line has played as a new group with many “question marks” and he expects them to improve steadily.

36 Responses to “Ali Marpet Evaluates Each Offense Lineman”

  1. Marine Buc Says:

    No more magical NFL “go-go juice” for Ali Marpet…


    Hopefully Cody Mauch can get some.

  2. Marine Buc Says:

    So Marpet thinks the Bucs Oline is “golly gee super!”

    While PFF says they are some of the worst in the NFL…

    Who do you really believe?


    Outside of Wirfs playing OK this line stinks – especially at run blocking.

    This offensive line group overall is far below mediocre.

  3. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Hainsey translation: He doesn’t have the push or anchor to match up with NFL’s elite.

  4. DS Says:

    Ali such a great buc glad he had a good transition post football

  5. Durango 95 Says:

    Just made an appointment w/ the optometrist. My vision must be failing me. I just read someone use PFF as an authoritative source.Maybe I just need to lay off liquor.

  6. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    I’ve only heard Marpet speak glowingly (over-the-top) about every single Bucs subject he’s commenting on. Total homer to the point of not even necessary seeing/ evaluating things with a clear objective mind.

    Nice guy, though.

  7. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    *necessarily… I will say that I don’t think the O-line has been a problem this year. WR drops and a lackluster RB1 has hurt our offense more than anything, IMO.

  8. Defense Rules Says:

    Marine Buc … Not sure it’s so much that our Oline ‘stinks’ but more that they really are a work in progress. And being as young as they are, I would hope that once the light bulb comes on as a unit, we could well end up where it looks like the Eagles are today (quality experienced OLine that’s used to playing together).

    Bowles got rid of over half the offensive coaching staff this past off-season, but kept a couple of BA loyalists (Goodwin – Run game coordinator & Asst HC; Joe Gilbert – Offensive line coach). Hired Dave Canales as our Offensive Coordinator, hiredBrad Idzik as our WR coach, hired Skip Peete as our RB coach, hired David Raih as the Senior Offensive Analyst and moved Thadeus Lewis to be QB coach then hired Jordan Somerville to be Asst QB coach. Last year he moved John Van Dam to be the TE coach and hired Jeff Kastl to be Offensive Quality Control Coach.

    So Goodwin & Gilbert seem to be the last 2 standing from BA’s regime in their original positions … the Run Game Coordinator & the OLine coach. Hmmm.

  9. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    Marpet is basically a male Bucs’ cheerleader at this point.

  10. RagingBrisket Says:

    What powder puff nonsense. Guy isn’t going to speak the truth like Sapp so what’s even the point? Nothing to see here.

  11. BootyLover Says:

    Skinny Ali looks kinda like a Manning. Oof

  12. DBS Says:

    People use PFF depending on if at the time it agrees with their view or not. Been seeing that ever since they started that site.

  13. Marine Buc Says:

    @ DR

    I agree with your take.

    It’s easy to overreact after a loss. But this line wasn’t very good against the Vikings or Bears and got totally exposed against the Eagles…

    I hope they are able to improve as the season progresses but I’m going to keep my expectations low.

  14. Jeff Says:

    Trash interview. The only player worth a damn on the offensive line is Wirfs.

  15. unbelievable Says:

    I don’t care what round Hainsey was taken.

    If you’re a starter, you need to perform like a starter. Hainsey is without question the weakest part of our o-line, with the 2 guards not far behind him.

    They need to improve a lot to have any chance against the defensive fronts of teams like Philly, San Fran, Dallas… and possibly New Orleans and Detroit too…

  16. Bobby adams Says:

    I remember reading reading about him and Gerald McCoy going at it in trying camp. Glad he got paid and walked away perfect career in my opinion

  17. Craig Says:

    On the whole I would say our O-line is progressing better than our D-line.

    They are not all world by any means but are better than average among NFL teams. The Saints would die for our O-line because theirs just plain sux.

    The Eagles demolished us, but who haven’t they? Most of their team was there last season and this is just continuous play.

    Hainsey is a light year better than last season at this time, his push is much stronger and the running game would work better if Rachaad put some effort into helping create holes.

  18. Bobby adams Says:

    Can’t comment about Gerald ban me now

  19. Buc4evr Says:

    Omg, total trash. The Eagles man handled this Oline. I can think of one maybe two guys that came out of my high school that were far better in college than Godeke or Mauc are now. These two guys are turnstiles with concrete feet. Hainsey just flat out gets beat and can’t recover. Wirfs gets overwhelmed on occasion and isn’t as good as Donnie. Overall the O line gets a D in my book. Can’t run block and can’t protect. I don’t care who the RB is, nothing is going to help them with this O line.

  20. Pewter Power Says:

    On Robert Hainsey- I have nothing I can say about his play on the field so I’ll just talk about the round he was drafted in.

  21. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Its still a work in progress in all facets, including Canales scheming to take best advantage of what the young guys can do. I still think that Hainsey is outmatched at the point of attack, and that puts a ton of stress on both sides of the line. Not saying Hainsey is garbage either. He is maximizing his talent and definitely plays hard. He is also smart enough to get the line calls right, and disciplined enough to snap the ball. He just is not executing there. I bet Hainsey is a solid guard, but unfortunately for all of us, he is the most serviceable center we have. I can see a line change coming to shake things up.

  22. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Ol’ Magic Marpet…a pretty charmed NFL life and retired on top more or less. He’s being generous to say the least about his former Buc brethren. He’s also quite svelte. Lots of O-Lineman remain plump upon retireman. A handful have slimmed down.

  23. Rod Munch Says:

    Here’s the thing… you got an offensive line that is much better at pass blocking than run blocking. Hainsey, for example, is a good pass blocking center, but isn’t a good run blocking center. Cody I think has played well, but he’s still a guy coming from a small school and will take a while to get NFL strength, and while he holds up blocking, he doesn’t get much push. Feiler, I don’t get the praise for him, I’ve seen him blow more assignments than anyone else on this line – he might do well a lot of the time, but he’s had more wiffs than everyone else on the line combined. He is moving from tackle to guard, so maybe he still improves, but he’s been the weakest link on this line. Finally I think Luke has done just fine and should only improve with more reps.

    People need to remember that on this line, only Hainsey is playing the same position as last year, and it’s going to take some time to come together. But even if they improve, I doubt they’re going to suddenly become bulldozers for the run game.

    So here’s what you do…


    It’s 2023 and there’s nothing that says you need to meet some imaginary run quota. It’s the same thing as with Leftwich, use the passing game to open up the run game. Once you prove you can throw the ball, teams won’t stack the line as often, which will in turn, let you run the ball. And guess what, if that still doesn’t happen, then don’t run it.

    The offense is scoring 15 points a game. That’s pitiful, and it’s almost all on Bowles for demanding the team run the ball when that’s literally it’s weak point.

  24. Hodad Says:

    Next year Mauch will be playing center. Hopefully for years to come. One year learning the NFL, next off season Cody gets NFL strong, moves to center. He’ll be a beast there. Easier to draft a RG than a center. Our O line can take off running with him in the middle. He’s the next Jensen.

  25. Bucs13 Says:

    Ali said nothing of substance. He was lying. If you want fair and unbiased OL analysis, follow Brandon Thorn’s sub stack.

  26. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Rod

    Mostly agree with your take…

    Sometimes when your O-line has weaknesses you need to help them out a little bit…

    Where are the RB screens?

    Where are the WR screens?

    Where are the TE middle screens?

    Where are the draw plays?

    Where are the jet sweeps?

    Where are the reverses? – Not very often but at least run one in three full games… Gesh,

    How about running off tackle instead of right up the gut? We have an All-Pro left tackle BTW…

    Come on man.

    I like certain things about our new OC but he needs to get more creative and intelligent in a BIG hurry.

  27. 757Buc’em Says:

    Bias take. Could care less what his quitting Yale has to say…….. yes I’m still hurt he retired early, I love Ali just still hurt by his decision

  28. Statguy Says:

    Spot on marine

  29. SlyPirate Says:

    I think the OL would be solid with Jensen at center. Hainsey is the weak link. Time to upgrade.

  30. Dave Pear Says:

    I love Ali Marpet. Miss that dude. Obviously the Bucs miss him. Of course is is a 110% homer as a Buccaneers marketing employee. So with all due respect to Ali, even dead and blind Ray Charles could see that the Bucs run blocking wouldn’t be worse if you stuck the female lead cast from 80 for Brady as the Bucs offensive line. It’s the worst I’ve ever seen, run blocking wise. Inept would be a compliment.

  31. Beeej Says:

    Schmeigols have SEVEN first round picks on their O line…..SEVEN

  32. gp Says:

    Ali didn’t lie, he may be a bit of a homer though.
    He basically said that each of our O-line starters are producing at or above their expected ability.
    He did NOT specifically describe just what those limits of ability are or how they rate against their competition.
    As I see it, Wirfs is winning the vast majority of his battles, as expected. Goedeke seems to be holding his own, no-one expected him to be as good as Wirfs. Mauch is a work in progress, Hainsey is a back-up, and Feiler is a band-aid.
    As a whole, our O-line was hopelessly out matched.
    And I’m really getting tired of those who are blaming our lack of a running game Monday on White. I don’t care how beastly you are, you ain’t gonna run through a brick wall. And at the end of the ‘safety’ play, I’m willing to bet that Feiler and Hainsey were underneath White in the pile.
    Think about that.

  33. Dave Pear Says:

    The safety play.

    The Todd Bowles coaching legacy all wrapped up into one play. Only a Todd team would call that. Baker needs to audible out the next time that boneheaded type stupidity is thrown out there because of principle and ego. This OL couldn’t run block successfully if they had Jimmy Brown and Barry Sanders in their primes. They’d be lucky to combine for 700 yards. But, also, White sucks. He’s used to running in college. This ain’t that. I’m done with him as a runner. Get Lenny off his couch, at least he knows how to get two yards through a brick wall. Although he asked to be released from his contract because he knows there is a historically awful run blocking group in Tampa.


  34. Rob Says:

    He’s not going to say anything bad about his former team. Goedeke is playing well at RT. I think we should draft the best LT or RT in the draft and move him inside to RG. Move Mauch to LG. Draft a center and allow Hainsley to become the primary backup c/g.

  35. Rod Munch Says:

    Marine Buc – Well I’m giving Canales some slack since it’s only his 3rd game calling the plays, and, in the first 1 game and 3 quarters of the 2nd game, I liked what he was doing, it was a good mix of run and pass, it wasn’t super obvious what would happen next.

    I clearly think Bowles told him to just run the clock out in the Bears game with 14 mins left – a really stupid move. And I absolutely think Bowles was telling Canales all week we have to run the ball – and so he’s doing what Bowles told him to do.

    As for your suggestions, I agree on running more screens, but disagree on reverses. They almost never work and seem to be drive killers. I’m not a fan of them and end arounds, etc. But I do think the offense will get more creative as we get more into the season — but none of that matters if Bowles is insisting that the Bucs must run the ball regardless of the results.

    You got Evans and Godwin, your two superstar WRs, and not much else on offense, and the team should be feeding them the ball, not running just to meet a made up quota.

  36. garro Says:

    “Overall, Marpet said he is impressed by how the line has played as a new group with many “question marks” and he expects them to improve steadily.”

    This is the one thing quoted that I can definately buy in to. It takes time together and with a new scheme these guys just need more reps.

    Funny to me how Marpet is talking way now that he is retired.

    Go Bucs!