Todd Bowles Says Baker Mayfield Played With Same Offensive Line And Receivers As Kyle Trask

August 11th, 2023

“Fair and square, Kyle. Fair and square.”

Todd Bowles made it clear tonight that his quarterbacks played on a level playing field against the Steelers for Bucs coaches to judge their performance.

It was an interesting clarification by Bowles, who noted at his postgame news conference that Baker Mayfield and Kyle Trask played with the same offensive line and receivers, so they can be evaluated and compared without personnel-related variables.

Bowles had good things to say about Mayfield and noted he’d have to watch the film on Trask, who threw an interception. Bowles did say he thought Trask did some good things.

Joe already shared a more direct opinion. Mayfield was good; Trask was bad.

Bowles pledged to give the quarterbacks the same level playing field next week against the Jets (not in the scrimmages in New Jersey, in the preseason game).

Joe wonders if that means left tackle Tristan Wirfs and left guard Matt Feiler will sit out again like they did tonight? Joe can’t imagine Bowles letting those two play all of Trask and Mayfield’s snaps next Saturday night on the MetLife Stadium turf.

49 Responses to “Todd Bowles Says Baker Mayfield Played With Same Offensive Line And Receivers As Kyle Trask”

  1. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Bakers mobility makes him a better fit with this swiss Oline and style of offense

  2. Seanbuc76 Says:

    Baker was a pleasant surprise he protected the football well and looked solid throwing on the run something we haven’t seen here in a while

  3. Toad Bowels Says:

    I just rewatched the film and John Wolford should at least be the number two if not the number one QB

  4. All_da_way Says:

    Baker has the edge with the first pre season game. Next pre season game will be very important or a deciding factor for QB1 battle.

  5. RGA Says:

    I did notice that it was pretty much the same offensive line for both QB’s, for whatever reason they stopped pass protecting with Trask. The duress Trask was having to endure was totally different then Mayfields protection. Mayfield does have more mobility and if the O’line can’t hold a pocket, pass protect worth a damn then he may very well be the best option with his mobility.

  6. Beej Says:

    It was a conspiracy I tell ya

  7. Dave Pear Says:

    The Kyle Trask mob is loading their Whinepistols. Lookout! Trask is the man because his followers want and hope he’s the man.

    Yeah, try to last 5 minutes in any business with that philosophy.

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    Remember under Dirk when every year Ryan Griffin would lead the league in preseason passing.

    The NFL should have a legit preseason MVP award. They could broadcast the ceremony during the bye week before season starts. I’d draw more viewers than an NBA playoff game.

  9. Mike S Says:


    Its the first preseason game under a new OC.

  10. Since76 Says:

    I’m up in Washington state right now but recorded the game for when I get home. What I’m hearing is doesn’t matter about one or two Qb we are going to be in the running for a high round draft pick. That’s what I’m hearing from the chatter.

  11. Flashybuc28 Says:

    With the first pick of the 2024 NFL draft the Tampa Bay buccaneers select….

  12. Steelers fan Says:

    You know who Baker didnt play aginst? Nick Herbig

  13. Steelers fan Says:

    Trask is better than Baker and will prove it.

    The Baker mob will be searching for an absolution that will never come.

  14. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I’m now convinced Bowles will be out by week 8

  15. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Trask was 6 for 10 with 3 drops and 1 pick. The drops were Kieft, Warner and Palmer, I think. Were all three first downs if caught? I’d have to check. I’m not sure that is all that bad.

  16. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Actually the drop on the sidelines was taken away due to PI. But that mihht have been declined with the catch.

  17. Trask is Trash Says:

    Trask suckers need to pull it out and realize the kid ain’t got it to be a starting QB. He’s a career clipboard holder. He won’t be on the team next year at this time.

  18. JD Still Says:

    Trask was six of ten for 99 yards which comes out to 16 yards per completion , Mayfield was 8 of nine for only 8 yards per catch , his touchdown was also only eight yards and I’m not real sure he wasn’t trying to throw the ball away , the difference was the pass rush, and Trask was given longer routes to try to throw longer passes to , that put him under great pressure by Herbig and others that our line performed poorly against, it seemed Pittsburgh’s defense was in the backfield before Trask could even set up , ( that for some reason that pressure was not applied to Mayfield, maybe because of the little short dunks Mayfield was throwing ) , Wolford did play well but it was with our second team line against Pittsburgs second team , all in all , first game preseason sloppiness, We’ll see how much they improve next week .

  19. Oneilbuc Says:

    Man who cares it ain’t a real competition anyway and it never was so if I’m Trask I wouldn’t care. I will have my agent on the phone right now trying to get me out of this quarterback killa franchise. Next year who ever they draft their going to destroy his career just like all the rest of the quarterbacks they drafted. Joebucs knew the whole time it wasn’t a competition so the coaches the GM and this site didn’t do nothing but lie to us about a quarterback competition. I wasn’t surprised that it wasn’t a competition I knew that Baker Mayfield was going to start as soon as they snig him and I think Baker knew it to. And the crazy part about it is Jamies got killed by the people on this site but yet some how Baker Mayfield is a good quarterback lol 🤣🤣 this is his 4th team in 6 years lol 🤣🤣 . The bucs are back at the bottom again I really hope they don’t draft a quarterback next year and ruined another young quarterback career. I told y’all once and I will say it again Tampa Bay is where young quarterbacks careers come and die. Facts!!!

  20. Steelers fan Says:

    What NFL team has the lowest win % of all teams right now?

  21. Eric Says:

    But if 5 yard dink and donks is the new standard round here. Baker threw short routes and check downs he had only one throw that was NFL caliber (every other throw a good high school QB could make) also an excellent catch. 7.6 yards an attempt that won’t cut it you can hide behind the completion percentage and say he was good in the end we will see the same type scores as last night he never pushed the ball down the field fools gold!

  22. Oneilbuc Says:

    Steelers fan. It’s the Bucs and you see why don’t you??

  23. kyle Says:

    Gator fan boys whining commence in 3, 2, 1….. btw.. go dawgs!!!

  24. Stormy Says:

    Baker should be starting next week, so he can build his chemistry with the ones. Trask is garbage, and has looked like he has for three years. He is a bust.

    They played WITH the same players, but Mayfield played against Pittsburgh’s starters. Trask looked like the third string scrub he is against their backups.

    With Mayfield, this team has a punchers chance. With Trask, this team will win the Caleb Williams sweepstakes.

    ONiell – quit blaming the coaches. At some point the QB himself has to actually take responsibility himself for his failures. I doubt they teach them to eat sacks or throw picks.

  25. Voice of Truth Says:

    The fans are already speaking to this mess

    It was a home game for the Steelers last night at RayJay – more yellow than red in the stadium

    Another item we should expect this year- we are every teams vacation week for their fans…you know like we are the Homecoming opponent for everyone

    They pad stats and get right when they play us

    It’s 1983-1996 again

  26. Oneilbuc Says:

    Stormy. Baker Mayfield suck bro we ain’t winning nothing with him I know you are a Trask hater and 1 pick don’t mean nothing. Ko Keif drop a pass that hit him right between the numbers. And Baker Mayfield did not play against the staring defense stop with pumping up Baker Mayfield this is his 4th team in 6 years lol 🤣🤣. We are the only team in NFL history that never developed a quarterback so I can’t keep blaming the quarterback. And when they draft a quarterback next year I will bet you that they will fail him just like all the other quarterbacks they drafted.

  27. NEFan Says:

    Relax girls, Baker went 8 for 9 for ONLY 63yds, back to the NO WAY RISK IT DON’T WANT A BISCUIT offense of play not to lose Blows. Stinnie, Hainsley & Godeke ALL started at one point the last 3 seasons. Stinnie & Hainsley played in the SB. 3 maybe 4 wins top. 22 carries for 41 yds? How’s the new O coordinator doing. This is ALL on Bowels, he should not be a coach in the NFL. Some of you claim he’s a D genius. D didn’t look so good since GB game last season. P.U.!

  28. NEFan Says:

    Oneilsucyall at it again, he refuses to accept reality. If Brady or Baker throw a pass the receiver drops those are incomplete on the QB. When Trask does it, it’s the WR’s fault. You sure do have a man crush for this stiff. He looked the same last preseason with far less practice snaps. Wake up Oneil and smell the coffee, Trask is NOT good.

  29. ScottyMack Says:

    RGA said: “The duress Trask was having to endure was totally different then Mayfields protection.”

    Well, Mayfield was rolling out of the pocket by design or necessity and Trask didn’t seem to know what to do when the pressure came. That’s why Trask looked like he was under more duress – at least that’s the way I saw it.

    Mayfield is probably much more used to leaving the pocket due to his lack of height. Trask, because of his height and ability to throw over the line, is probably accustomed to just sitting in the pocket.

  30. Stormy Says:

    “Well, Mayfield was rolling out of the pocket by design or necessity and Trask didn’t seem to know what to do when the pressure came. That’s why Trask looked like he was under more duress – at least that’s the way I saw it.”

    This – right here. Trask looked worse behind the same oline because he has no pocket presence and limited mobility. He’s just not a good qb.

    And ONiell- it’s different coaching staffs (and even owners) through the years. It’s not that they can’t develop a qb, the Bucs are just really good at picking crappy QBs – Trask is just the latest one in a long line of bad picks. The only QB they truly screwed the pooch on was Steve Young.

  31. D Cone Says:

    Looked like two different scheme though.Looked like Roll Outs for Baker and In the pocket for the other two. Perhaps Mayfield broke out immediately because he knew he would be toast from the pocket.
    Third an 20 you don’t force the throw. Take a sack and punt.
    Look where your receivers are and make sure they are where they are suppose to be. Illegal formation twice in less than a minute? At least they were not fumbled snaps.

    Quarterbacks made some plays but the Devil is in the Details.

  32. Pewter Power Says:

    It’s per simple actually. The o line was trash, baker has experience playing behind suspect lines and trask don’t have the game reps to handle it.

  33. Who Says Says Can't Say Says:

    This just does not feel like a team worth having any confidence in, starting at the head coach.

  34. Beej Says:

    “Eric Says:
    August 12th, 2023 at 6:20 am
    But if 5 yard dink and donks is the new standard round here. Baker threw short routes and check downs he had only one throw that was NFL caliber (every other throw a good high school QB could make) also an excellent catch. 7.6 yards an attempt that won’t cut it you can hide behind the completion percentage and say he was good in the end we will see the same type scores as last night he never pushed the ball down the field fools gold!”

    Mahomes averaged 8.1 per completion last year

  35. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Brady’s d sucker is back

  36. Give it a Rest, Trask Bridge Says:


    That’s how I saw it, and rewatching QB breakdowns of Trask and Mayfield, it looked like Mayfield handled the pressure and Trask floundered

  37. NEFan Says:

    Jeff’s Grandpa, more words of wisdom from a man with a 5th grade education.

  38. Oneilbuc Says:

    I don’t care about Trask or Baker Mayfield because it’s not a real competition anyway. The play calling was different and plus Baker Mayfield has been gifted the starting job anyway this is a tank year unfortunately. This franchise and most of people on this site wants to tank and lose on purpose anyway. Baker Mayfield is not a good quarterback so I’m not expecting anything from him.

  39. Gerald Says:

    Trask fans cut the excuses stop crying 😢 you sound and look ridiculous. He didn’t play well and looks skitish at best when not playing against his friends in camp. Baker commanded the offense. There’s more preseason to go its not over. I dont see Baker fans on on here crying like yall.

  40. David Says:

    Baker will continue playing dink and dunk safe plays to avoid throwing picks to win the qb1. WATCH OUT IN REGULAR SEASN THOUGH WHEN HE WILL BACK AT BEING THE LEAGUE LEADER IN THROWING PICKS.
    I do not think Mike E. will have his 1000 yards with this garbage qb.
    Trask throws were NFL throws as he was posed and relaxed. The OC should have never had him throw on third and long in a pre season game for a pick.

  41. Oneilbuc Says:

    Gerald. I think people on here is a Trask fan maybe some of the people who like UF but I think some of people just really want him to suseed because he was drafted in the second round. Me personally I have given up on the bucs ever developing quarterback because they just can’t do it. I hope Baker Mayfield plays well this year so we can’t draft a quarterback in the first round next year. But I think they’re going to tank to draft a quarterback so they can sale tickets that’s part I hate about this situation.

  42. Oneilbuc Says:

    I don’t think

  43. Frederick Warren Says:

    Bunch of Mayfield haters on here. Fourth team in six years – ok, the first was the team he was drafted with. The second he was brought into a crap team to just set a a fire under and challenge Darnold who they wanted to be their QB. Neither played well and the o-line was horrible. Then he was brought to St. Louis due to the Stafford injury. He wasn’t going to be the guy, Stafford was and everyone knows that. So stop the BS. Most of you want Trask because he played at the UF!

  44. Steelers fan Says:

    “They played WITH the same players, but Mayfield played against Pittsburgh’s starters. Trask looked like the third string scrub he is against their backups.”

    Steelers didnt play starters on D

  45. Oneilbuc Says:

    Frederick. I have never seen a player that get excuses for being on his 4th team in 6 years regardless of the position. Baker Mayfield is the first player people gave excuses for being on his 4th team in 6 years. Jamies got laughed at talked about for being on his second team but Baker Mayfield is in his 4th team and he gets a pass for it ?? Lol 🤣🤣🤣 you must be a Baker Mayfield fan just like some of the people on here ..

  46. Oneilbuc Says:

    I hope Baker Mayfield does well enough that we can’t draft a quarterback because I know the bucs can’t develop him and we can keep building our defense and o linen so we can run the ball and play good defense and we can still win a Superbowl that way with a average quarterback rather it’s Baker Mayfield or Kyle Trask or who ever at quarterback. But the bucs need to stop drafting quarterbacks.

  47. garro Says:

    Offense same same but the defense was throwing everthing at Trask and the O-line did not handle that little detail worth a flip Joe!

    Of course Trask ddin’t either. Best thing to avoid what they did is to get into the right play and get the ball out quick niether of which happened.

    See Tom Brady last season for further details.

    Go Bucs!

  48. Mike Says:

    Mayfield mobility helped him a lot with the way the O-line played. Trask was sacked twice before he even finished his drop back and hit when he tried to throw to the tight end over the middle. Might have been the same line for both but I don’t trust them, like I didn’t last year. Yes I want Trask to win but again if Baker does and most likely will. I hope he can stay healthy with that line play amd their penalties. May have the weapons at running and wide out. But no line is the ultimate killer of offense

  49. Mike Says:

    Oh yeah. Please find a right tackle. That guy was a joke