Tight-Lipped Todd Bowles

August 17th, 2023

Head coach Todd Bowles wasn’t in much of a giving mood this morning with reporters after practice.

He wasn’t interested in talking about who will and who won’t play Saturday against the Jets (expect few projected starters), and he wasn’t commenting on whether he wants to name a regular-season starting quarterback after that game.

Also, Bowles wasn’t saying (admitting?) that the canceled practice with the Jets on Thursday put a major hiccup in team plans, preparation and hopes for this week’s work.

Bowles said yesterday that the Bucs would get great work in today and make up what they wouldn’t get against the Jets. Today, the head coach said the team got that work done. However, Joe saw a Bucs team having an extremely light practice this morning that was short overall and blown dead with 8 1/2 minutes remaining in the final practice period.

Players Joe talked to yesterday lamented the lost session against the Jets, and a couple of non-players told Joe it was “unfortunate” as it relates to the quality of Thursday’s practice.

Bowles also was tight-lipped on who shined on film against the Jets.

(That made Joe chuckle. After practice, Bowles says he has to watch the film to assess what happened. So then he’s asked the next day about “the film” and doesn’t say much.)

Joe was among those who questioned Bowels about who stood out Wednesday, and Bowles shied away from naming names. Joe Tryon-Shoyinka was the only player noted. No surprise there.

Lots of intrigue about how the Bucs will handle the remainder of preseason. But Joe expects little to change until Monday, when Bucs are sure to shift to regular-season, game-week mode with a starting quarterback named and a schedule that mimics the regular season.

26 Responses to “Tight-Lipped Todd Bowles”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    What is he doing?

  2. SlyPirate Says:

    Joe, You know you spelled coach’s name “Bowels”?

    Freudian slip.

    JTS, Shaq, and Mauch shined at practice against the Jets. Those are the names we need to hear. All we need is Goedeke and Hall to turn the corner at any point in the camp.

  3. A Bucs Fan Says:

    The second day being canceled definitely messed up their evaluation of players and for who to sit this week on game day.

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Goedeke did not have that bad of a game on Sunday and he will grow.

    I am more worried about Hainsey who I do not think is strong enough to play center in the nfl. He is always blown backwards and rarely gets any push in the line

  5. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Goedeke was a turnstyle last Friday.

    He needs to get better.

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    By staying ‘tight lipped’ Todd Bowles took the high road. Bucs salvaged what they could out of the Jets’ screw job.

    BTW read that the Jets also cancelled the 2nd practice last week against the Panthers (because of bad weather they said), then they went on to hold a full practice that day. Classy.

  7. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @ Mostly Peaceful Trask – not according to Tristan Wirfs, Ronde Barber, and other publications who watched the tape and graded all 47 plays. I’m not saying he will be a great tackle but his play is not nearly as bad as it was made out to be.

  8. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    He had a few rotten series and a few bad plays where DEs just ran right by him literally standing still.

  9. BucU Says:

    So no Jensen Indefinitely. Rookie RG. Geodeke at RT. Gage out hurt. We time traveled back to 2022!

  10. Cobraboy Says:

    Only casuals who watch pron instead of actual game film, not to mention know what they see on said game film, think the RT was a “turnstile.”

    Goedeke was not perfect, but he was no disaster.

  11. Buddha Says:

    The New York papers reported that Saleh was upset about the fights and so he cancelled the practice. I don’t blame Bowles for being upset. They had no practice facility reserved in advance. The Jets were crying all afternoon and evening about how the Buccaneers defense line had dominated them and the weakness of their offensive line. Jets are a bush organization.

  12. firethecannons Says:

    so what happened to Gage?

  13. William Walls Says:

    Re: Goedeke
    As has been shared previously on this site, it’s irresponsible to evaluate any individual O-lineman’s play without knowing each specific player’s blocking assignments for every play that’s run.

  14. Hodad Says:

    You know how you make up that missed practice time? By playing in the friggin preseason game! After all, that’s what preseason was supposed to be for, getting players ready for the season. Now instead coaches say they get better work with joint practices, bullspit! Starters are dropping all over the league at joint practices, and regular practices. That’s football. Gage’s injury was non contact, like so many. Play the starters a series, or two against the Jets. Before you do that tho, name the starting QB for the season to get those starters reps with the ones. Sorry Trask, you get the next three quarters, with Wolford getting the 4th. This would give the Bucs starters two real game series before the season. I would hate to see the first game they all play together actually be the first game.

  15. DBS Says:

    Wasn’t the second practice cancelled before the first even took place? So it had nothing to do with the fighting.

  16. Pickgrin Says:

    So the JETS at the last minute cancelled pre-scheduled 2nd days of joint practice with BOTH the Panthers and the Bucs….

    What a bunch of Jersey puss pusses.

    Hopefully the repercussions will be that other NFL teams don’t want to have ANY joint practices with the JETS in the future.

  17. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I guess I’m just biased against Bowles’ coaching…..thinking it’s poor…..but, I agree….play some payers in the game to make up for missing practice.

    And, Injuries can happen anytime players are on the field and off the field.

    On the field in practice…..Jensen & Gage (out for seasons)

    Off the field….Kendall Beckweth, Conner Barth . JPP (twice)

  18. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @William Walls Fair. Take Tristan Wirfs words on Goedeke then who said the following “Putting up 45 good or great plays with only two negative plays, that’s actually pretty good day for anybody.”

  19. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @DBS yes the practice was cancelled before the Bucs travelled to New Jersey. However Saleh said he cancelled it because of safety concerns because usually the team that gets beat the first day starts fights the second day… the quote is out there. I think Defense Rules put the entire one in a comment on another story on JBF.

  20. DBS Says:

    @A Bucs Fan. Thanks. I didn’t see that story anywhere before.

  21. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … Just stumbled across a very cool video on YouTube about the Mayfield-Trask competition (called ‘Below the Surface’ episode 4). Worth watching.

  22. Seanbuc76 Says:

    If I was Todd bowles I’d tell saleh and the jets to stick it next time they offer joint practices

  23. WyomingJoe Says:

    Anyone seen any notes about today’s practice?

  24. RGA Says:

    Todd Bowles is strategically playing guys in the preseason that need to be seen. The left side of the offensive line is apparently set with Feiler and Wirfs, center and the right side is a concern and needs work or maybe needs to be seen what they have. Apparently they feel pretty good about the starting defense and don’t want to put them in harms way in a preseason game.
    The upside to this strategy, besides keeping starters healthy, is the back-ups get starting time and experience in real game action. Which can bode well with injuries during the season.
    The downside is the team gets completely demoralized if they take a beating and take on the mindset of losers.

  25. Bucfan Says:

    My wife & I had season tickets since the Bucs second year. After 41 years we decided to not renew our tickets a few years ago. As long as this clown is head coach, I find it hard to even want to follow the team.

  26. TombsEN Says:

    Bucfan, you and your wife have had season tickets for 41 years and you decided not to renew a few years ago because “Bowels is a clown”??? I call bs, there have been way worse coaches over that time period than Bowles, come on now and Bowles wasn’t even the coach a few years ago lol. You don’t have to lie to make yourself seem bigger haha.