“This Is Hilarious”

August 21st, 2023

A Todd Bowles fan and former player is getting a lot of laughs from his ex-coach, a man he loves.

Joe is referring to Tampa’s own Leger Douzable, who played defensive tackle for Bowles with the Jets and is busy working for SiriusXM NFL Radio and CBS Sports. 

He’s not one of those blubbering morons that considers the Bucs an afterthought on a national scale.

Co-hosting on SiriusXM NFL Radio today Douzable was asked about Bowles not announcing a starting quarterback and saying a decision hasn’t been made. Douzable wishes Bowles would stop the comedy routine but he thinks he knows why it’s happening.

“I love my guy Bowles but he’s got to stop it,” Douzable said. “He knows who the quarterback is for Week 1. This ain’t nothing but some gamesmanship and we know it. He just wants the Minnesota Vikings guessing in Week 1. I would not be surprised if he took this all the way up to Week 1.”

Could the all the Bucs know who the starting QB is but try to keep it secret until game week against the Vikings? Douzable doubts any team could avoid a media leak like that, but he said Bowles might give it a shot.

“This is hilarious,” Douzable added. “This is Baker Mayfield’s job.”

One thing helping the Bucs keep the charade going, Douzable said, is Kyle Trask’s improvement. Joe has to agree with that. The fact anyone believes it’s still a competition between Trask and Mayfield is a testament to Trask’s development.

31 Responses to ““This Is Hilarious””

  1. Hunter Says:

    Would be legit be hilarious if these quotes by Evans and others about wanting a decision made is a purposeful smokescreen.

  2. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    This Mayfield conspiracy is an insult to fans and to Kyle Trask.
    Even Brady is probably outraged.

  3. Mr. Editor Says:

    The gamesmanship might also include all the talk about running the ball.

  4. gp Says:

    After 20 years under Belicheat, I think Brady knows a little about gamesmanship. If he’s upset about anything it would be how amateurish Bowles is.

  5. Zwak Says:

    Not a good look, this guy is a clown..

  6. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    This Mayfield conspiracy??? Relax my pillow guy.

  7. Duane Says:

    Of course all the morons believe that Bowles is lying. There is zero benefit and a very large cost to the team to hiding a decision already made. Obviously the Vikes will be prepared for either quarterback.

    What a bunch of buffoons y’all are. LOL!

  8. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Nobody will be laughing when the Bucs are 0-4

  9. IrishTony Says:

    Here’s hoping that Mayfield executes the offense as designed, that receivers get open, that the team moves the ball, that the defense performs well and pressures Cousins, getting at least 2 picks a couple of sacks maybe 3 turnovers and wins 20-17.

  10. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    One thing I have noticed is the radio silence on Trask’s performance today.

    It’s like the word has been given to not bring attention to it.

    You’d think with the current media circus following the Jets someone other than Chris Simms would have something to say – and that show basically said “Politics”

    For anyone who thinks propping up a QB who sucked out loud last year is funny, then well nobody is laughing but the people who will be looking for jobs next year.

  11. Pewter Power Says:

    It all seems pointless. If you are waiting until preseason to scout your well one opponent you won’t have a job for long. They’ve had like a month to come up with a plan for both. I mean how much do you have to scout Trask anyway he’s done nothing to this point

  12. Defense Rules Says:

    Douzable … ‘This ain’t nothing but some gamesmanship and we know it. He just wants the Minnesota Vikings guessing in Week 1.’

    Seriously? The only thing hilarious is Douzable’s reasoning. I’m sure that the Vikings are shaking in their boots wondering whether they’re gonna be facing Mayfield or Trask. Got a hunch they’re a lot more concerned about how THEIR OFFENSE is gonna fare against the Bucs’ defense.

    No one seems to give this any credence, but wouldn’t it be ‘hilarious’ BTW if Bowles chose to start Trask against Minnesota.

  13. Sly Pirate Says:


    I rewatched the preseason games and I saw something interesting. If you recall, the Bucs couldn’t convert on 3rd/4th and short in Game 1. The coaching staff went hurry up on 3rd/4th and short in Game 2 and converted 100% into firsts. Nice to see the coaches improving based upon what the players can and cannot do.

  14. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Todd Bowels…this eras Dave Campo. Decent D-Coordinator/Defensive Backs coach elevated well beyond his skill set. It’s the real sham/farce…not the imaginary QB controversy.

  15. Craig Says:

    The joke is going to fall flat on its face by the bye week.

    I have this strong feeling that this season of Duh Baker will look remarkably like the last season at Carolina.

    I hope I am wrong, but the omens and portents all point in that direction.

  16. Jack Clark Says:

    Everyone knows Todd Bowels is going to start Baker Mayfield’s sorry as because Bowels a big fat scardy cat that doesn’t like taking any risks

    RIP no risk it no biscuit

  17. Mike S Says:

    It could be true. But if it is true, that’s not going to carry well with players – especially Trask who is working his tail off or anyone else who expects the team to be straight with them.

    That’s OK Trask is openly auditioning for entire league.

    Currently he wouldn’t last 2 minutes on the open market if he was let go.

    Is this how a head coach of a professional team conducts himself?

    Its not like video of Mayfield doesn’t exist. Playing peek-a-boo not going to help much here.

    Let me help Bowles out here on what teams are going to do against Baker Mayfield whether he hides him or not.

    He’s going to see a bit of a shallow zone / zone match and the defense give up the underneath stuff which Baker will eat up – dink dunk dink dunk. If they fail to establish a run game – which is a real possibility – the defense will creep up more and dial up pressures. They’ll move the safety around to bait an errant throw. Baker never sees the safety.

    Meanwhile Kirk Cousins will get his points. If they can keep a lead Baker will be passable, if they have to play from behind the wheels will come off.

    The game Baker plays is the short passing game, waggles, QB sprint out – its not designed to be a high flying passing game. Short high % passes. Its ball control, backs & TEs, and try to make a play here and there. If your defense is stout and if you can dictate the line of scrimmage in the run game you can win games. Maybe.

    I’m just some ham are egg ish-poster on joebucsfan and even I know this.

    Mayfield has thrown 10 300 games in his career (since 2018).

    In the same time frame Kirk Cousins has thrown 23 – Tom Brady 37.

    All this smug stuff about Baker being the guy and how funny it is Trask is in the conversation is ridiculous bad form and Mayfield isn’t all that to be getting this hype.

  18. DFW Buc Says:

    Joe, Assuming Mayfield is the starter for the beginning of the season, what kind of leash do you think he’ll have on him? Money interceptions, losses, or some other Factor will he be given? Some combination of wins/losses and performance, and what the rest of the division is doing. –Joe

  19. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles outsmarts Bowles again.

  20. WyomingJoe Says:

    Mike S … I’m amazed how little you know about Baker Mayfield. It’s really laughable. Please keep underestimating him. And like I said in earlier posts, Trask put up 13 points against a high school defense. Give it a rest.

  21. MadMax Says:

    Screw with them all….Baker first half, Kyle second half, then reverse the next game….get a gameplan together to work both….THATS what would be HILLARIOUS!

  22. D Cone Says:

    Minnesota Defense is going to be pretty simple. One guy you contain to the pocket and get to him as quickly as possible.
    One guy you contain to the pocket, give him all day and you’ll either bat it down or he will throw it to your linebacker.

  23. ATLBuc Says:

    DR but wouldn’t it be ‘hilarious’ BTW if Bowles chose to start Trask against Minnesota.

    Perhaps after Trask’s performance Bowles is starting to lean in that direction. Bowles said in his interview that he had planned to play Baker against the Jets but wanted to see Trask in the two minute offense at the end of the second quarter. He also said that the reason he didn’t put Baker in after Wooford got hurt was that he didn’t think it was fair to put a cold QB in behind a third string line.
    So that article about Mayfield being rested with the starters is just like all this other misinformation that Baker has already been selected to be the starter; jibberish!!

  24. gp Says:

    Armchair QB’s, coaches, and GM’s…
    All have strong(sometimes defendable) opinions that are usually wrong

  25. Mike S Says:

    Wyoming the guy hasn’t thrown for 300 yards in nearly 2 seasons – before that 2-3 times a year at best.

    This is who he is. Yeah he makes a throw here and there – he has a game here and there. Yeah he’s got stones and he’ll charge in hair on fire, but everyone acts like he’s a made man in the NFL. The guy has a losing record and turns the ball over. I don’t get it. I have seen the film. I would love to buy in – but he ain’t the guy.

    If he busts out and becomes Drew Brees this season – I will treat him and his wife to a dinner at Berns. I will mail the gift card right to OneBuc – signed anonymous. I’m broke. I wouldn’t blink.

    I just don’t think it’s going to happen.

    Here’s the problem:

    This is a put up or shut up year for Baker.

    Its also a make or break year for Trask.

    Right now Trask is playing good enough to win games in the NFL and could blow up sky high before this season is said and done if given the opportunity.

    What else does Trask need to do to get a shot?

    This is thunderdome man – 2 man enter 1 man leave.

    I think the takeaway here is if you are a QB the very last place you want to get drafted is Tampa.

    You can do everything they tell you to do and then have a preseason throwing 68% and 8.3 yds/att and still they’ll bump you for a guy on his 4th team.

    So if you’re interviewing for Tampa give them bad answers. Skip their workouts – snub them. Unless you’re Tom Brady its going to end up badly – and even then they trash talked him on his way out the door. TOM EFFEN BRADY.

    Now we got a BS story about a fake QB competition with head games being played with everyone…

    Who in their right mind wants to get done like Trask has been done?

    I’m pretty disgusted by the whole thing. Feels classless.

  26. Mike S Says:

    I’m NOT broke is what I meant to say.

  27. Onetrickpony Says:

    Excellent post, Mike S

  28. Defense Rules Says:

    Mike S … ‘Now we got a BS story about a fake QB competition with head games being played with everyone. I’m pretty disgusted by the whole thing. Feels classless.’

    You MIGHT be right Mike, but what if you’re not? WHAT IF this whole competition has been real from Day One? Up until we signed Baker Mayfield, Bucs had exactly ONE QB … Kyle Trask. Your superstar QB Tom Brady had retired and Trask’s experience at that point? He’d thrown exactly 9 passes in the NFL & completed 3 for a whopping 23 yards. And oh BTW, you have no money to go out and ‘buy’ another superstar QB, you’re drafting #19 (no QB for you), and oh ya, you’re sitting on a very hot coaching seat.

    But Licht & Bowles manage to convince Mayfield that this is an opportunity to revive his career, maybe his last opportunity. Given his recent history however, Baker will have to EARN the starting gig. No big deal obviously, since Kyle Trask has been warming the bench for 2 years now & hasn’t shown anything to indicate that he’s the answer for the Bucs. Enter the FAIR COMPETITION. And that’s exactly what Licht, Bowles & Canales have all said was going on from Day One. In reality Baker started off with a definite experience advantage over Kyle, but hey, such is life.

    But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum apparently: Kyle Trask actually believd it was a fair competition. This was HIS CHANCE to START his NFL career, and he took full advantage IMO. Did he perform perfectly? Heck no. But for a quasi-rookie, he’s performed very well IMO & demonstrated as best the situation allowed that he MIGHT be a BETTER FIT for the offensive talent still on this team.

    So MAYBE there was no deviousness on the part of the Bucs’ hierarchy at all from the very start. MAYBE all it is is that Kyle Trask threw an unexpected monkey wrench into this whole thing by rising to the occasion and capitalizing on the opportunity that presented itself. And MAYBE that’s exactly what the HOPE (intent?) was from Day One. What’ll it take to make that whole possibility prove true? Licht & Bowles & Canales announcing that Kyle Trask will be the starter against Minnesota. Still a possibility, but only time will tell.

  29. Fred McNeil Says:

    Look, we are stuck with Bowles this year. Let him do what he’s gonna do. It’s his head on the block

  30. Fred McNeil Says:

    Look, we are stuck with Bowles this year like it or not. Let him do what he’s going to do. It’s his head in the block. Personally, this is silly. We already know the answer.

  31. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    DR we’ve got Ira and the Joes telling us since March this is playing pretend. It’s Mayfield no matter what. Outside a miracle, Trask wouldn’t be the guy.

    What’s the truth?

    If this is a real competition then right now the job is Trask’s for the taking. He’s got to seize it this week and cap it off with an excellent performance against Baltimore.

    If he does all that and they give the ball to Baker then you know the fix was in.