“They Are Raving About Him”

August 9th, 2023

Rookie OLB YaYa Diaby.

Yes, YaYa Diaby, the Bucs’ rookie outside linebacker, is a guy Joe hopes succeeds.

Obviously, Joe wants him to succeed in Tampa. If he gets sacks, the Bucs have a much better chance of winning. But Diaby is one of those guys who Joe wants to succeed because he’s a good dude.

The guy never seems to quit smiling. Joe always likes good things to happen to good people.

Diaby was the subject of a feature on “Good Morning Football” yesterday, seen weekday mornings on NFL Network. It seems Diaby’s path to the NFL wasn’t smooth.

He struggled to get into college due to grades. He went to a military school to get his grades up. When he didn’t get college offers, he worked at the Atlanta airport pushing wheelchairs for travelers with special needs.

Then, when he did get an offer to Louisville, The Sickness hit. Diaby finally put up good numbers for the Cardinals last year and now he’s on the cusp of making the Bucs.

Peter Schrager did the standup for the feature on Diaby. Joe knows exactly who Schrager talks to with the Bucs and Schrager said of his Diaby feedback from his Bucs source, “They are raving about him.”

Joe doesn’t expect a lot from Diaby this season, only because rarely do rookie edge rushers do anything. For every Bosa brother who rocks the NFL in his rookie year, there are 20-30 Sackless Kyle Moores.

You can watch the “Good Morning Football” feature on Diaby in the NFL Network video below.

20 Responses to ““They Are Raving About Him””

  1. teacherman777 Says:

    Diaby And Ramírez were brilliant picks.

    Let’s pray they stay healthy.

  2. Tim Says:

    Thank you Joe for not rehashing the whole chicken restaurant reference when mentioning Diaby.

  3. #99 the big fella Says:

    I agree Tim, it’s funny once then it gets really childish

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    I didn’t realize he was 24. That’s the same age that JTS is this year. That’s a pretty late start. Both Yaya and Mauch are grown men at this point… makes me wonder how they’ll develop.

  5. BucU Says:

    We need a Micah Parsons hit with one of these guys.

  6. Stanglassman Says:

    Dude jacked up Wirf at practice yesterday. His speed to power is sick. Great bull rush but like yesterday allowed Wirfs to reset and didn’t have his 2nd move ready. He will be fun to watch develop. He’s going to push JTS for playing time. This competition could be good for his development too. One has all finesse but no power and the other is all power no finesse.

  7. Buc4evr Says:

    Great story about YaYa, great name. He will probably replace JTS sometime this year.

  8. Cobraboy Says:

    I’ve heard nothing about Ramirez. How is he doing in camp?

  9. Longtime Says:

    I hope we find a way to keep Ramirez and Gill. We will need fresh young pass rush legs and resources all throw season.

  10. Joe Says:

    I’ve heard nothing about Ramirez. How is he doing in camp?

    Stuck with the scrubs and camp meat.

    Always remember and never forget if you don’t “hear” about a player in camp, he’s not giving people a reason to be “heard.”

  11. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    YaYa Diaby wrecked practice.

  12. Boss Says:

    rooting for this guy…AND JTS. we need fresh blood at the edge.

  13. View from 132 Says:

    Glad he kept working, but he didn’t have the grades to play college football? How is that possible? Did he attend class st all?

  14. garro Says:

    Love the story. Old School hard work and perseverance pays off for good people.

    Go Bucs!

  15. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    I’m pulling for JTS, also. I just think the curtain is closing on him rather than opening.

  16. Joshua porter Says:

    I watched his presser and he didn’t stop smiling the whole time really hope this dude has tons of success. Go bucs

  17. Joe Says:

    Thank you Joe for not rehashing the whole chicken restaurant reference when mentioning Diaby.

    Very brief omission. (Joe told Diaby about the nickname and he thought it was cool — he wants to do commercials for them.)

  18. Old Sombrero Says:

    Go get’m kid. Great story.

  19. Crickett Baker Says:

    It would be odd if such a small chicken chain did a TV commercial. I also didn’t like comparing Yaya to a flaming chicken. It always seemed derogatory to me.

  20. Suggiefresh Says:

    “Glad he kept working, but he didn’t have the grades to play college football? How is that possible? Did he attend class st all?”

    Inner city Atlanta or anywhere, high school isn’t about the students, it’s about the teacher’s and their union. The schools administratively promote these kids to their detriment.