Players Emotionally Tied To Devin White

August 9th, 2023

Devin White

Telling revelation from a superstar Buccaneer.

Devin White is an excellent football player with the accolades and the stats to back it up. However, it’s unlikely that he’s a top-5 inside linebacker, which enrages some fans because White was a No. 5 overall draft pick who had that elite status early in his career.

And there’s that little detail of White asking to be traded this offseason.

(There’s a debate at world headquarters. One Joe thinks Lavonte David currently is a better player than White. The other Joe heartily disagrees.)

Regardless, White is the heartbeat of the Tampa Bay defense. That was the picture painted by David during his recent sitdown with WDAE radio.

David was asked what fans might not know about David.

“Devin, oh man, he gets everybody going,” David began. “His energy, like I said, man, if he comes out and he’s flat, everybody notices. You know what I’m saying? And it throws everybody off because that’s not the way he is.

“And as a leader, you know, no matter how things are going outside football or whatever it is, you have to come in and be the same way. Because a lot of people are looking up to you. A lot of people are having those down days, as well, but they’re looking up to you to pick them up. As a leader, there’s a lot of responsibility.

“It’s unfair. But it’s a lot of responsibility on your plate when guys label you as a captain, label you as a leader of a football team. And he’s one of those guys. So I think he understands that. So that’s why he just try to always have a positive light. Like he said yesterday, you know, the thing that he did go through was very selfish and not like him, so he definitely rebounded from that.”

Joe wonders if White will be voted captain again by his teammates prior to opening day. Joe assumes so, though it would be telling if he wasn’t.

It seemed David was saying White is so high energy and passionate, he can’t ever take a step back without it sending up a red flag.

Joe still wonders how much White’s father dying unexpectedly in midseason last year affected his play.

18 Responses to “Players Emotionally Tied To Devin White”

  1. Dlavid Says:

    Time to be a leader and prove you are what you think you are 45 !

  2. ATLBuc Says:

    I hope he plays like he is in a contract year. He can single-handedly wreck the game for opposing offenses. He looks like he’s lost some weight so perhaps he’s a little quicker the year.

  3. fred Says:

    Man I don’t remember which game it was Saints or maybe the first game last yr against the Cowgirls he gave a hellva pregame speech I was even ready to jump thru the TV So i agree with David he’s the heartbeat of our D

  4. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Those helmet protector things looks like my afro in the 1970’s.

  5. BucU Says:

    Ball out Devin! Kirk Cousins will be first on your hit list!

  6. Scott Says:

    They will build chemistry with a new guy. That’s overrated.

  7. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Everyone knows and expects Devin White to be great….including Devin White…

    It was the same with Myron Lewis….

  8. sasquatch Says:

    This is why having a loudmouth boob as your leader is a bad idea. You can’t have the team following the vibe of one guy who may or may not be on the upside that day. Find the most stable, reliably positive, non-idiot. Make that guy the captain.

  9. Cover deuce Says:

    The Joe that believes LVD is better is right

  10. Fred McNeil Says:

    This is his audition. Since he can’t cover let’s blitz him.

  11. Richard Says:

    Anyone who thinks White is a better ” football ” player than David is delusional!!!! How can anyone who watches …really watches the game and the game films EVER think that? DW is an athlete, LD is a football player!!! There’s a big difference ” the other joe “. Your perception is so wrong….go back and look at game film, concentrate on 45 and you’ll come away with a different opinion. Hopefully he will reach his potential this season but he ain’t there now….

  12. teacherman777 Says:

    Tom Brady went through one of hardest things a man can go through.

    He lost his family. His family was his foundation.

    Devin White lost his father.

    Jensen lost his passion.

    And we lost JPP, Suh abd Whitehead. 3 intense football players. 3 fiery players.

    And we lost Ali Marpet: arguably one of the best guards of this past decade.

    And easily the best guard in Bucs history.

    It was a rough year.

    But anyone who has lost his father, or mother, will understand what Devin White went through.

  13. 1#bucsfan Says:

    LVD is a better player overall but you can’t deny white’s abilities. Whites faster stronger and a better blitzer but LVD is a lot smarter and even played smarter in his younger years. If white can get his brain at the same level as LVD then white will be a lot better but upstairs has a lot to do with it. Look at Winston dude had all the talent in the world would make some of the best plays I’ve ever seen up there with mahomie but dude made some of the most boneheaded mistakes too. His decision making was terrible. White is kinda like Winston but of the defense

  14. Wild Bill Says:

    When the game begins both bucs linebackers will kick ass. They are PRO’s They will be eager to hit opposing players for real instead of boring repetition of practice. The only question is how long will they play? 1st half probably. The 2nd half will be the usual mishmass of backups and rookies. The big question is will they risk Trask with the scrubs in the second half. Or will they test the FNG new guy. haha A real test would be to have Baker play the whole game and do the same with Trask in week two. Then let the guy who played the best start game three.

  15. Larrd Says:

    I would say he has been disappointing but is still a top five inside linebacker.

  16. Beeej Says:

    WHEN is some dude gonna take his fro and have it cut like one of those funny helmets?

  17. garro Says:

    Love LVD! But he should be the leader of the D no questions asked. Why? because he is Veteran of some pretty bad teams and has been consistently a Pros Pro, and a better player. Not just running his mouth without backing it up!

    If our guys gravitate to a dude who has shown us to be all talk and very little walk then someone needs to take a look at that and perhaps we need a drastic change in the culture of our team. Question then becomes who are the real leaders here who will step up!

    Go Bucs!

  18. Lakeland Steve Says:

    I know these guys aren’t robots and having a parent die can be devastating. I have been one of the guys in the get rid of White group. But let’s give him a pass because of what happened in his personal life and see what he does this year. If he comes out and balls let’s give him his contract and keep him on the team.