“Outstanding Anticipation”

August 31st, 2023

After nine seasons as a backup NFL quarterback for 11 NFL teams, J.T. O’Sullivan found his way into the online analyst realm breaking down QB film.

His latest subject is Buccaneers starting quarterback Baker Mayfield.

Specifically, O’Sullivan, a 2002 sixth-round pick of the Saints, dialed in on Mayfield’s final preseason showing Saturday against the Ravens. Every throw was dissected down to the play design and the decision making. It’s a quality watch if you’re into the fine points of the game.

Yes, it’s preseason, but O’Sullivan is confused by what he considers odd, senseless or muddy play design by Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales. However, O’Sullivan balances that out by detailing and illustrating why he loved the play design and execution of Mayfield’s 11-yard-touchdown pass to Chris Godwin.

That was Mayfield’s final throw of the night, ending his final preseason game work 6-for-6.

“This is outstanding anticipation. And red zone anticipation is the best kind of anticipation because this is when the windows are going to get tight,” O’Sullivan said of the touchdown. “This is an oustanding throw. This is how you get another opportunity to play. Big time touchdown pass.”

Mayfield did flash red zone precision this summer, which for Joe speaks to confidence and talent. Mayfield has both, but his consistency is the great unknown.

Again, if you’re a film junkie, the link above is worth your time.

Join Ira Kaufman and Bucs fans on opening day at the Big Storm Brewing Co. taproom in Clearwater, on 49th St. just south of Ulmerton Road. It’s a 1 o’clock kickoff and Ira will be hanging out starting at 11:45 a.m. 

Beautiful covered patio with strong sightlines and audio. Indoors, too! Cocktails, Florida’s best craft beer and more. 

28 Responses to ““Outstanding Anticipation””

  1. Beeej Says:

    Like the guy said, 3 of the completions were more like screens. Lil bitty Thompkins made a GREAT block that gave us 10 yards on the one

  2. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Let’s Get Baked, Tampa Bay!

    I believe in the resurrection of Baker Mayfield and his possible path to Redemption in the NFL as a legit starting QB and maybe even Franchise QB.

  3. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Good analysis by O’Sullivan. What many already commented about herein as a lot of check downs to no where. Which is predicted by many for the Bucs.
    I certainly hope not.

  4. DBS Says:

    I stand behind him 100% until he gives me reason not to. It’s time to get this season going. With positive attitudes. Salty sulking losers we do not need here.

  5. RGA Says:

    Curb the enthusiasm just a bit, let’s see and hope Baker can be successful against a first string defense.

  6. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Dave Canales will get it dialed in and The Bucs will be ready for the Vikings. Keep an eye on the weather tonight, looks like a low is moving into the Gainesville area. Weather man predicts 100% chance of tears.

  7. Buddha Says:

    If you read the pre-draft analyses of Mayfield, you find absolute consensus on one trait: Baker’s extraordinary anticipation. He throws receiver’s open.

  8. PassingThru Says:

    OK, so if Mayfield gets lifted during halftime, will Joe write a headline like:


  9. Tye Says:

    Going into the season hopeful…
    Seen a breakdown about how many HCs and OCs Mayfield has had since he was drafted…. Watched some film study on him and now this….

    Maybe he can be THE GUY… Hopefully so, so the Bucs can have a legit qb for several years….

  10. Joe Says:

    OK, so if Mayfield gets lifted during halftime, will Joe write a headline like:



  11. matthew veal Says:

    Excellent article

    Obviously we need to stay realistic though.

  12. garro Says:

    Umm …Who?

    Go Bucs

  13. garro Says:

    Preseason against truck drivers and future anyists? Wow gonna be All Pro for sure!

    Go Bucs!

  14. unbelievable Says:

    He loved that touchdown throw / play design, but otherwise was EXTREMELY critical of our offensive scheme and the other play designs.

    Of course it’s just preseason… but “muddy” and “congested” are not what you wanna hear.

  15. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    i pretty much agree with him on our spacing, but it’s possible those seemingly idiotic routes and whatnot are setups for future routes

  16. Defense Rules Says:

    I like O’Sullivan’s breakdowns. Reminds me a little of the way Baldy breaks down plays.

  17. August 1976 Buc Says:

    We can only hope that Canales is throwing a total Vanilla smoke screen out there, because the biggest take from JT is about the the play construction. Baker looked very much the same as he has for his short NFL career. Is it play construction or just the way Baker throws to recievers, making a throw to be caught by the WR versus leading them. Brady and some others will lead the reciever normally. Will Baker be like Jameis was with the Bucs, Jameis normally was throwing balls that were just to be caught, like when he was throwing to the backs and WR’s, normally the backs had to stop forward momentum to make the catch. All in all Baker is alot like Jameis, as far as accuracy, which is why the backs and WR’s usually had to break momentum to catch the pass from Jameis. We will see, starting very soon.

  18. JA Says:

    Stop it with the preseason hype or failures. Other than showing rookie potential, it means nothing—-nothing!
    For its finest Bucs example I harken back to 1983. The Bucs had just acquired Jack Thompson, the “Throwin Samoan.” After a short, unproductive stint in Cincinnati, the Bengals let him walk after selecting him as the third player overall in the 1979 draft.
    Bucs fans were pumped after a 4-0 preseason where Thompson shined as the Bucs were blowing opponents off the field. It must be remembered; in those days starters played far more often in preseason games, so things looked great for the year ahead.
    This was the last of the 14 game regular season years. As a starter when things mattered, Thompson went 2-11 with 18 TDs and 21 picks.
    So let us sit back and see what happens. For both Mayfield, and for that matter, Trask, gave us some preseason excitement, but all meaningless excitement come next week when the toe meets the ball and the real action begins.

  19. D Cone Says:

    I suppose a guy that has 11 years of playing against back ups is more than qualified to break down preseason play.
    It should be pretty simple. If your star receiver has a corner covering him with a ‘deer in the headlights look’ that’s where you are going’. If your OC is worth his salt he knows the weaknesses on the opposing defense. He knows #17 iis the rookie and eighth on the roster at corner and that’s your go to. It was on Godwin’s TD and the near miss deep shot in the 4th. That weakness at corner was the reason Trask got the green light to go deep on 3rd and 5 late in the 4th.

    I like Canales as he tried to deliver the knock out blow knowing he had 3, that the Ravens would need a TD, and trusted the Defense could close it out.

    Game 1 and 2 are against 28th and 29th projected defenses this year. Could be better but are not 3 and 4 by a long shot.

    There will be weaknesses to attack. Looking forward to seeing if Canales can expose them and the offense can execute his plan.

  20. August 1976 Buc Says:

    JA dont forget the immortal Micheal Morton who had a few long runs that preaseaaaon also lol

    In week 1, they lost to the Lions, after losing 3 starting O lineman in the game, it was down hill from there, and we all saw why Cincy traded the Throwin Samoan to the Bucs.

  21. Dwayne Cone Says:

    Tye Says:

    Seen a breakdown about how many HCs and OCs Mayfield has had since he was drafted…

    I understand the point you are trying to make.

    Now he has another new one. Are we to give him a pass this year and wait until year three for everything to sink in and gel?

    An outs an out. A slants a slant. Half Back lines up in the same place. Defense has 11 men. Cannot praise the skillset that gets him 24 of 30 for 300 yards constantly and turn around and blame coaching when he struggles. Rodgers has a whole new coaching staff except his OC which Sean Payton thinks is worthless. He will preform just fine. Hopefully Baker is just as much a professional whether he is equal in talent or not. Some think he is and maybe even better.

  22. Beej Says:

    That pick we traded for Thompson ended up being Chris Collinsworth. THEN, we spend a #2 for Deberg. THEN, yet another #1 for Vinny. All of which could have been avoided by giving $800k to Doug Williams, but NNNNNOOOOOooooo

  23. BucsBeBack (Artist formally known as: BringBucsBack) Says:

    High-school-Harry!? Uhh-oh.

    The “Throwin’ Samoan”; Micheal Morton, the Bucs 1st pre-season MVP? Let it be known that the geriatrics unit is open for visitors!;)

  24. BucsBeBack (Artist formally known as: BringBucsBack) Says:

    Beeej, this shows that racism is expensive.

  25. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Beej Says:
    September 1st, 2023 at 8:50 am
    That pick we traded for Thompson ended up being Chris Collinsworth. THEN, we spend a #2 for Deberg. THEN, yet another #1 for Vinny. All of which could have been avoided by giving $800k to Doug Williams, but NNNNNOOOOOooooo

    1000% percent correct, and the massive division it caused among the players. the next 4 years 1983 2 wins, 1984 6 wins 1985 2 wins 1986 2 wins
    12 wins in 4 years yep Thanks Hugh Culverhouse

    Thank God we had the Tampa Bay Bandits from 82-85, They were everything the Bucs were not. A winning team that was fun to watch BANDIT BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Fred McNeil Says:

    Little Michael Morton. Mr. August.

  27. Bucsfan13 Says:

    Baker dink and dunked downfield. Fans complained constantly about Brady and his so-called short passes. Fans don’t seem to have an issue with Baker.

  28. D1 Says:

    Buc fans,

    Read thru the comments, a lot of comments are complaining about dinks and dunks. Why, if that’s the play design . This offense uses more short passes that are basically a run play