Is Kyle Trask A Todd Bowles’ Kind Of Quarterback

August 5th, 2023

Bucs QB Kyle Trask.

There is an old football cliché that a team often takes on the personality of its head coach.

With Todd Bowles, he’s not the kind to flame anyone (at least publicly) and he’s almost always even-keeled. Almost laid back.

Is Bucs quarterback Kyle Trask a Bowles kind of quarterback?

Trask extended his streak of practices today without an interception to six. Trask didn’t have any splash plays. And in parts of some practice periods he was ineffective. But Trask, who like Bowles is laid back and doesn’t ever appear to get excited, didn’t make any mistakes. Or at least he didn’t make any major mistakes (like turnovers).

So Baker Mayfield had another practice with a pick while his competitor, Trask, had another practice without an interception.

While Bowles has given Mayfield props for his “moxie.” Joe wonders if Trask is starting to develop into a Bowles-like quarterback — a guy who rarely gets too up or too down and consistently avoids a major mistake.

30 Responses to “Is Kyle Trask A Todd Bowles’ Kind Of Quarterback”

  1. Statguy Says:

    Trask might not be Mahomes but he can be at least Kirk Cousins

  2. Craig Says:

    Trask really wasn’t Tod’s QB. The Bowles cleaner was not HC when he was drafted and you know the story.

    Since this practice started he seems to have grown on Tod. I think he is now seen as the kind of consistent QB that rings the Bowles bell.

    Though Tod was probably a major player in grabbing Baker, his flaws are starting to show, while Trask’s current flaws can be worked out, mainly the touch on long balls with his new mechanics and upgraded body.

  3. Marine Buc Says:

    Training Camp interception count as of today –

    Kyle Trask – 1

    Baker Mayfield – 7 + 2 fumbled sanps and several blocked passes.

    I would say – YES.

    Trask is the type of QB our head coach is looking for.

  4. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Marine buc. Baker really has thrown 7 ints ? I haven’t bin keeping track but didn’t think it was that many

  5. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Remember when Mariota threw 0 training camp INTs? Tracking training INTs is a waste of time.

  6. kyle Says:

    statguy, please back your post with credible stats? kirk cousins is a quality nfl qb.. trask looked like he was pissing his pants against atlanta for his 3 passes?

  7. FrontFour Says:

    It’s way too early. That said good to see Trask playing well.

  8. kyle Says:

    baker mayfield should start period… if he he fails, bring trask in.. either way, we need to go get one of these kids in the draft. im saying tank for caleb or may

  9. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Yeah, Baker has 7 actual picks including one today, and 3 dropped Int’s (Defined as hit the player in the hands/chest).

    My concern at QB is that Trask may be playing too conservative or safe. Will know more this coming Friday.

  10. kyle Says:

    i remember cousins.. “you like that” game….

  11. Sly Pirate Says:

    Trask threw 4300 Yards, 69% comp, 43 TD, 8 INT his last year at UF. His brand of football is high percentage comp and low turnovers. It will work in this offense and result in complementary football.

  12. Marine Buc Says:


    If Joe’s eyes are to be trusted – according to the notes Joe has released so far – the count is:

    Kyle Trask – 1 (INTs)

    Baker Mayfield – 7 (INTs)

    And by the way – I am not a Florida Gator fan. I am not a Trask “fanboy”.

    Unfortunately – I am a frustrated USF grad and fan… lol

    So I don’t have a dog in this fight. If Baker is the man let him show it.

    But if Trask turns out to be the man – give him the respect he deserves…

    That’s all.

  13. gotbbucs Says:

    Why is it so hard for people to believe that Trask might be a better NFL QB than a guy that’s been on four NFL teams in the last calendar year?

    Mayfield won a Heisman trophy in college and Cleveland was dumb enough to use the 1st pick in the draft on him. None of that means anything at this point. He’s still a physically limited QB with accuracy issues and previous shoulder problems. This isn’t someone that you try to build a franchise around.

  14. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Sly Pirate

    I agree 100%.

    Put on the Georgia V. Florida… It’s on YouTube and pretty easy to access.

    Trask put on an amazing exhibition and tore up the best defense in the SEC and probably in the NCAA at the time.

    Don’t hate the guy because he was a Gator.

    Kyle Trask is now a Tampa Bay Buc.

  15. Mike S Says:

    Hey wait a sec…

    I thought Bowles was a Baker guy…

    Now that’s changed?

  16. D Cone Says:

    Have to look back to determine that.
    Bowles’ Jets drafted Sam Darnold with the 3rd pick in 2018. Was Darold a Bowles type QB or was Baker Mayfield a Bowles type QB and Cleveland got him first?

    Bowles always says he’ll have to look at the tape.

    Trask 2020 tape would show. 4000+ yards. 40+TDS and less than 10 INT’s
    Gators went 8-4. Lost 3 by a total of 12 points A&M (-3) LSU (-3 and some idiot threw a shoe costing FU a chance to get the ball back)Bama (-6).
    Fourth loss was to OK in Cotton Bowl where his weapons all opted out in fear of injury before the draft.
    Can’t say he folds in the big games because he gave Bama all they could handle in the Championship game and won the Orange Bowl in 2019 finishing 11-2.
    FU punted 29 times in 12 games in 2020 so he finishes drives.

    I think that Bowles is comfortable with what he has in Trask yet uneasy because of the way the offense struggled last season.

    If he’s not a Bowles type he is someone’s and may get his first start on another team.
    According to Bowles he will have to see him in the preseason games before he makes a decision. Could always trade him to San Francisco for Sam Darnold.

  17. Ray Says:

    Statguy, we haven’t seen anything from Trask for you to put him in the same room as Kirk Cousins. Cousins is a damn good QB, I wish he was here “competing” for the position. I don’t see the BUCS giving Trask a real opportunity here, only time will tell. Go BUCS!!

  18. Ray Says:

    To be honest, I’d actually like to see Jameis in this mix, I think I’d probably start him over these guys.

  19. Joe Says:

    To be honest, I’d actually like to see Jameis in this mix, I think I’d probably start him over these guys.

    Oh, he’s better than these two, no question. But Todd Bowles is turning into Lovie Smith with the quote last week, “The No. 1 job of a quarterback is to not turn it over.”


  20. Eric Says:

    Lots of guys had great games in college, then flame out in the pro

    totally meaningless.

  21. Brandon Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    August 5th, 2023 at 6:26 pm
    Remember when Mariota threw 0 training camp INTs? Tracking training INTs is a waste of time


    That’s a pretty accurate reflection of Mariota, no INTs in practice, he took no chances as an NFL starter and made few plays with his arm. That’s his problem, he’s always played it too safe.

  22. Oneilbuc Says:

    Well at least we know all the people that’s going to hope we lose if Trask is the starting quarterback. I’m sick of hearing about the quarterbacks in next year draft. I can remember hearing the same thing about the 2018 draft class and only 2 of them became good quarterbacks . One went to a winning organization in Baltimore at 32 pick in the draft which means he went to a winning team already. And the other one looked like a bad quarterback the first 2 years of his career and the team was just pation with him and they developed him . If Josh Allen would have came here just about everyone on this site would have said draft a quarterback next year just like some of yall are doing Trask. I’m going to ride with the one that’s playing the best and right now it’s Kyle Trask.

  23. kyle Says:

    love the gator fan boys.. go dawgs by the way!! bucs fan in georgia…

  24. garro Says:

    Let the competition commence!

    Go Bucs!

  25. Roc Says:

    A HC and A QB who both play not to Lose ummmm

    Sounds like a Long Season Fans


  26. G-Buc Says:

    No turnover machine at QB! Only a moron would start QB with turnover issues.

    See Winston and how his career panned out! I rest my case.

    Take care of the ball is priority #1!

    With comfort and confidence the splash play will come.

  27. BigMacAttack Says:

    Regardless of who starts at QB, Trask has obviously improved in a big way, and that’s a good thing. At some point this season Trask will see playing time in a game. I’m not opposed to occasionally doing a QB switch like the Suckain’ts did with Taysom & Jameis. I wouldn’t do it often like they do, but an occasional wrinkle to disguise a play. No Benn’d arounds though lol.

  28. William Walls Says:

    I have a strong feeling that both guys have gotten bum raps from theit critics. I think Mayfield is a much better quarterback than his reputation suggests. It’s hard to hold it against any player who fails to thrive in Cleveland. And I also believe that Trask is capable of developing into a rather solid and capable starter if given the tools and the opportunity, just based on his history. Do either of them have a high ceiling? I have no idea. But I’m eager to see how each of them handles this competition.

    I do know that a lot of players take chances in OTAs and training camp that they would never take in an actual game because that’s how they test themselves and make themselves better. Mayfield certainly strikes me as the kind of player who would do that, so I don’t count his off-season INTs as highly as I would if it was live football. What would count against him more (in my opinion) would be if the fumbled snaps are attributed to Mayfield when the coaches look at the tape. As for Trask, I’m pleasantly surprised at the pace of his development. At the very least, he’s demonstrating high-value backup talent and could develop still more.

    I don’t know which of these two will get the nod, but whichever QB gets it, I wouldn’t be too surprised if we wind up with someone at least as good as, say, Johnson or Garcia when they were Bucs, and I’d be pretty pleased about that.

  29. D Cone Says:

    Eric Says:
    Lots of guys had great games in college, then flame out in the pro

    Absolutely Right. Some guys come in have a good year and then find themselves on 4 teams in under two years.

    Certainly they don’t all use the Ouija Board like Cleveland and have 20 QB’s in one offensive lineman’s 10 year career.

    Most of the time they look at what is one tape. Of course if your subscription to the Psychic Network is better at predictions than the Ouija Board perhaps you might be a percentage point better than Mel Kiper.

  30. Rod Munch Says:

    So he’s Mike Glennon II.