“He’s Not Accurate Anymore”

August 18th, 2023

Down on Baker Mayfield.

Yes, people read your comments.

Joe has always enjoyed commenters here. Well, 98 percent of them. šŸ™‚ And trust Joe, people read your comments. Daily. Heavy hitters locally and, yes, nationally.

How does Joe know this? Well, you oughta hear and see the feedback Joe gets on comments from folks at One Buc Palace. But this site also is read by those who have large national TV platforms. Some are heavy hitters with large audiences comprised largely of the unemployed and infirmed.

Take Colin Cowherd of FS1. His sidekick, Joe’s good friend Jason McIntyre of FS1, sure does. And here is proof.Ā McIntyre used a quote from Kurt Warner in a story Joe published about Kurt Warner talking about quarterback Baker Mayfield. (Full story is right here.)

Now we all know that eight days ago world famous JoeBucsFan.com columnist Ira Kaufman, the Sage of Tampa Bay sports and the King of New Port Richey reported Mayfield will be your Bucs starting quarterback Week 1.

McIntyre read Warner’s quote as it was displayed on a graphic for viewers to read, that the Bucs’ run-first offense ought to be a good fit for Mayfield. Cowherd quickly retorted there is a fundamental flaw in Warner’s analysis.

“He’s not accurate anymore,” Cowherd said of Mayfield. “It just comes down to that. Ball placement? Not good.”

Cowherd then rattled off a string of shaky quarterbacks who struggle with ball placement.

“You have to put the ball, right there,” Cowherd said. “He hasn’t recently.”

Joe can’t say Mayfield has lost his control. Take that throw to Trey Palmer for a touchdown in the first worthless preseason game against Pittsburgh.Ā That was a Tom Brady-like throw. Mayfield put that ball where only Palmer had a shot at catching it, and the ball was just inches out of reach of veteran Steelers corner James Pierre.

Joe’s not saying Mayfield will suddenly become Drew Brees. Mayfield has never been that accurate. But he did give Bucs fans hope with that throw to Palmer that he hasn’t gone full-blown Billy Joe Tolliver.

58 Responses to ““He’s Not Accurate Anymore””

  1. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Look mom! I’m on TV!

    On the topic of accuracy, Cowherd has had it out for Baker since he got arrested right before the draft, shoot probably the crotch grab thing too against KU… He may be onto something tho if the interceptions at practice were accuracy issues. Otherwise, Colin is just taking more potshots at Baker.

  2. Defense Rules Says:

    Cowterd … ”He’s not accurate anymore’. Nothing screams being inaccurate like going 8-for-9 in your first preseason game. Has Baker thrown INTs in the past? Yup. Will he throw them in the future? More than likely. Will he last as the starting QB if he throws too many? Not a chance. But a lot of it IMO has to do with what Canales is asking him to do in THIS offense. And oh ya, probably depends somewhat on how well our OLine protects him. Whodathunkit?

  3. Aaron Says:

    I’m skeptical that we are going to be a run 1st team – we may run on 1st and 2nd down but how many times do you do that to see 3rd and 8? hopefully, we are willing to throw to set up the run…

  4. AnonymousBuc76 Says:

    I’m confused…

    When has Baker Mayfield ever been accurate??

  5. JA Says:

    Had a strange feeling that too much JBF posting might lead a man of letters to become infected with syntax degradation or anachronistic moniker making.
    From the mathematical wizardry of a Max Planck to Henny Youngmann humor, say it isnā€™t so?
    Or ā€¦ take my wife, please!

  6. K_bassuka Says:

    šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thank you @AnonymousBuc76

    I don’t get why some fans blindly follow a QB just because. I understand that the QB success should equal team success but the reality is that’s not always the case.

    I mean, Barker Maybefield is so good that he’s the only great veteran QB that still “competing” for the starting job against a career backup and some of you want us fans to get excited about it.

  7. Lt. Dan Says:

    DR you remind me of Herm Edwards – you answer your own questions! LOL.

  8. gotbbucs Says:

    Get this season over with.

  9. HenriM Says:

    Mayfield’s career completion percentage is 61.4%, near the bottom of the barrel of active NFL quarterbacks. He’s never been accurate.

  10. Capeceiskaput Says:

    Did he suddenly develop a case of the yips that we don’t know about?
    I am not saying he is Ken Anderson (for any of you grey beards out there) but when I think of Baker, accurate is not the first thing that ever came to mind. What actually comes to mind is that he resembles Booger from Revenge of the Nerds, then that he won a lot of games and was fun to watch in college, then those awful commercials…I could still keep going awhile before accuracy comes into the picture.

  11. Buddha Says:

    I believe he still holds the NCAA record for QB efficiency including a 70 per cent completion mark his senior year. By

  12. HenriM Says:

    ^ Nope. Mac Jones, Joe Burrow, Tua Tagovailoa, Kyler Murray, etc., have higher college single season passer ratings than Mayfield. Trask’s best college season rating is only slightly under Mayfield’s best, and Trask did it in 2020 when ALL opponents were SEC teams (2020). Mayfield never faced an all-SEC season.

  13. Brandon Says:

    Okay… so in Mayfield’s last season he played hurt… definitely affected his accuracy. Then he was shipped off right before training camp and was on a terrible Panther team that was about to unload its terrible “offensive minded” head coach.. you don’t think that affected his accuracy? Then he was with the Rams… for a couple of days… and started a Monday night game…. where he looked fairly accurate when it mattered most… but yeah, lot’s of really good reasons why his accuracy COULD have been affected, but Cowherd… has never really known what he was screaming about. The irony here is Cowherd talking about accuracy in throwing, which is far harder to achieve than accuracy in reporting, which Cowherd has never been good at.

  14. Waterboy Says:

    As a Browns fan too, I watched much of Baker’s career. He is a very average QB. As an undersized Qb when he came into the league, he played a bit free spirited and reckless. He had some early success on a team with a great Oline and stud rbs and some decent receivers. But he started to get hit a lot, then injured and his free spirited play diminished. He is not very good when he has to stand in the pocket and make long accurate throws. The leagues D coordinators have figured out how to play him and Baker has never counter adjusted hence the alarming turnovers! His career arc is not unlike Jameis W who also had some early success, got hurt and just couldnt fit back into the league as a starting QB.

    I think Baker is likely good enough to win you 6 to 8 games in a year if everything breaks his way but is that what any team strives for? No- so we best hope he ends up being benched early- Trask comes in and either is lights out (doubtful) or flames out completely and the Bucs end up with a top 5 pick where they get another shot a highly rated QB prospect.

  15. Brandon Says:

    Waterboy Says:
    August 18th, 2023 at 8:25 am
    As a Browns fan too, I watched much of Bakerā€™s career. He is a very average QB. As an undersized Qb when he came into the league, he played a bit free spirited and reckless. He had some early success on a team with a great Oline and stud rbs and some decent receivers. But he started to get hit a lot, then injured and his free spirited play diminished. He is not very good when he has to stand in the pocket and make long accurate throws. The leagues D coordinators have figured out how to play him and Baker has never counter adjusted hence the alarming turnovers! His career arc is not unlike Jameis W who also had some early success, got hurt and just couldnt fit back into the league as a starting QB.

    I think Baker is likely good enough to win you 6 to 8 games in a year if everything breaks his way but is that what any team strives for? No- so we best hope he ends up being benched early- Trask comes in and either is lights out (doubtful) or flames out completely and the Bucs end up with a top 5 pick where they get another shot a highly rated QB prospect.


    What are you? 13? A Browns fan too? You root for more than one team? Zero credibility established here and man card revoked. Sorry, only children have more than one team.. only exceptions… someone close to you plays on a different team… and that’s it.

  16. WyomingJoe Says:

    Letā€™s face it, Bakerā€™s reputation for accuracy has taken a terrible dive over the last two years for a variety of reasons. But letā€™s not confuse accuracy with being overly aggressive at times. When at Cleveland, Baker HAD to take more chances because his team was usually behind late in the game despite having Nick Chubb in the backfield. Take for example the media storm about the 64 INTs heā€™s thrown so far in his 5-year career. But INTs only tell part of a QBā€™s story. The great Kurt Warner, for example, threw 53 INTs in his first three years starting in the NFL, and he became a starter when he was 28. So, thereā€™s still time for Baker to become better version of what he was in 2020 when he threw 28 TDs with only 8 INTs. And for all you Baker haters out there, Iā€™m not saying that Baker is Kurt Warner, yet, lol. Go Bucs.

  17. HenriM Says:

    šŸ˜‚ Mayfieldā€™s fan club is out in full force this morning making excuses for his career low accuracy.

  18. WyomingJoe Says:

    Oh yeah, I stopped watching Cowherd years ago because heā€™s become irrelevant. Plus he canā€™t accept the fact that heā€™s now a Tier Three media personality whoā€™s known for his inaccuracy. I almost feel sorry for the creep.

  19. buccanstopit Says:

    Mayfield=Mediocrity, Trask at least can get experience and grow into something special, or not, and we move on.

  20. confido75 Says:

    Isn’t this the same guy who literally said Dwayne Haskins will not win a Super bowl and the poor man is deceased. Dwayne Haskins death was very tragic and it was all over the news and continues to pop up in the news cycle periodically. Talk about being insensitive and out of touch. This is one of many examples why no one listens to Cowherd anymore.

  21. BucsBeBack (Artist formally known as: BringBucsBack) Says:

    What are you? 13? A Browns fan too? You root for more than one team? Zero credibility established here and man card revoked. Sorry, only children have more than one team.. only exceptionsā€¦ someone close to you plays on a different teamā€¦ and thatā€™s it.

    Dilly Dilly! Here Here!

    Brandon, what if Waterboy is actually a Watergirl? Does she still have to turn in her man card?

  22. #99 the big fella Says:

    Why even give this turd writing space?

  23. HC Grover Says:

    He is great at the up the guts handoff though.

  24. PbnJ Says:

    Dear Brandon,

    Believe it or not, the world doesn’t conform to any single man’s opinions. It isn’t just possible that individuals may not conform to your extreme vision of fandom or manhood. Myself, I’m diehard Buc fan who grew up in Brandon (the place, not the commenter revoking man cards in chat) and as a seven year old in ’76, I’ve grown up with the Bucs. I’m also a fan of the Steelers. There’s zero doubt when they play each other the Steelers may as well be the Saints to me but when it’s over, as it was last season, the sting of defeat doesn’t linger with seething disgust as it does with NO.

    It happens that I no longer live in Florida. I live in the Steeler television area. Every game is broadcast here and I don’t pay the ransom for Sunday Ticket. Most of the time on a Sunday I have the Steelers on TV and the Bucs on my tablet. I enjoy multitasking.

    So, the world is not a fishbowl. It doesn’t conform to the walls that surround us even when we aren’t surrounded by actual walls. This is really easy when the two teams someone likes are rarely matched with each other. One caveat, anyone who attests to being a fan of both Tampa Bay and NO are subject to your judgment IMO. That’s simply unnatural.

  25. Craig Says:

    I don’t usually pay any attention to that loudmouth, butt…

    Baker has lost some accuracy on passes when he is running around. That is where most of his interceptions come from.

    He would actually be better as a pocket passer, but that eludes him. Maybe it is an injury fear, I don’t know.

    The pass to Palmer looked like a world class fluke to me, another but, Canales might be preaching something that Baker had lost, proper footing, even while running.

    The biggest problem to me is that Baker has a one year contract. If he actually did turn over a new leaf and does pretty well, say 9-8 or such, he will turn Jameis on the team and want 40 million to keep the Bucs in mediocrity.

  26. kyle Says:

    cowherd is almost as bad as that idiot that used to scream with stephen a

  27. kyle Says:

    craig^^ you should submit your resume to the bucs as the next qb coach??? idiot takes…

  28. WyomingJoe Says:

    CRAIGā€¦ the pass to Palmer was no ā€œworld class fluke.ā€ Iā€™ve seen Baker make that throw many times. Also, if you take a look at one of his highlight reels youā€™ll see a lot of pass completions and TDs when heā€™s in the run. So give us all a break. Go Bucs.

  29. DFW Buc Says:

    Well said Craig…..

  30. Capt2fish Says:

    Baker had one of the better long ball completion percentages in the league when in Cleveland despite not having good long ball recievers (Jarvis Landry is a 10 yd a catch guy and obj was either injured or running the wrong route. With Evans and Godwin and even a mediocre TE….Bakers comp % will be in the high 60s.

  31. unbelievable Says:

    I genuinely do not understand how cowherd has a show or has anyone who listens to him. He is consistently wrong about literally everything.

  32. m milligan Says:

    I could give 2 shts about anything Cowherd says. I look for Bucs to win division.
    Hope they can stay healthy and again hope that both QB’s are ready to go. I’m
    afraid we are going to need both through the course of the season, not due to poor play but injuries and nicks.

  33. Student of the Game Says:

    Baker not that accurate?? How do you think he was the no. 1 pick? He threw 4 of 5 into a 55 gallon drum at 35 yards on OU pro day if I recall correctly. Equal accuracy at other distances. Now, running for you life from huge linemen with equal speed to yours maybe not so much, but who is? None of the posters for sure!

  34. Smoothbayrider Says:

    Some of you people are so freaking clueless. Baker Mayfield has elite arm talent, always has. Heā€™s got a cannon for an arm and he can fit the ball into the tightest of windows. Heā€™d probably win a skills challenge of hitting targets. Anybody who thinks mayfield is a bad thrower of the football needs their eyes and their brains checked out. And Im telling you this as somebody who has no allegiance/fandom for Baker Mayfield outside of me being a Bucs fan.

    It doesnā€™t make sense to me why, because you think theyā€™d hate Trask more l, but it almost seems like the Baker Mayfield haters are the same guys that were Winston apologists.

    Heā€™s a Buccaneer. Root for him until he starts sucking.

  35. Donā€™t tell me itā€™s raining Says:

    I love how the Baker haters are such Cowturd lovers.

    Baker was injured and the Browns had a bromance with Watson. So Watson ended up playing 6 games in 2022 and threw for 1102 yards, 7 TD and 5 INT. With a QBR of 79.1 and a 3-3 record. He was guaranteed 530 million for 5 years. His overall record is 31-29 record.

    Mayfield finished 2022 with a QBR of 79.0. His overall record is 33-39. Baker was with two bad teams and Watson was with one of the ā€œgreatestā€ teams ever. (Thatā€™s what you haters say about the Browns when trashing Mayfield). But the two still had the same QBR last year. The difference is the Puppy Pound spent 132 million a year and the Bucs spent 4 million for a year. If you canā€™t see the difference then your hate has made you as blind as Cowturd.

  36. Student of the Game Says:

    Sorry. Low football IQ posters got to me today. Just try to watch the game, not the camera focus to see what is going on. Blocking, routes run, etc. There is a whole game most of you are missing. Football truly is the ultimate team game.

  37. Donā€™t tell me itā€™s raining Says:

    Hi Joeā€¦

  38. captivajim Says:

    mayfield will never play in a SB……..

  39. JD Still Says:

    Itā€™s great that you guys are fans of Mayfield and go to great lengths to defend him , very commendable, but I have a few questions. You say he is an ā€œeliteā€ quarterback, How many ā€œeliteā€ quarterbacks have there been who have been passed from three teams and is now on his fourth in as many years? How many ā€œ eliteā€ quarterbacks have there been who have more turnovers , (interceptions and fumbles), than touchdowns in his career? How many elite Quarterbacks have lost more games in their pro career than they have won? Now , Iā€™ll admit that puts him in a unique category but I would not call it ā€œeliteā€.

  40. Stanglassman Says:

    šŸ® šŸ’© is an idiot šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø

  41. Smoothbayrider Says:

    @JD Still. It seems to me that you are referencing my post regarding Mayfield. What I said, was that he had elite arm talent. Donā€™t confuse that with elite QB play. I donā€™t think anybody on here is calling him an Elite QB.

  42. Smoothbayrider Says:

    This guy gets it !!!!!

    Student of the Game Says:
    August 18th, 2023 at 12:04 pm
    Baker not that accurate?? How do you think he was the no. 1 pick? He threw 4 of 5 into a 55 gallon drum at 35 yards on OU pro day if I recall correctly. Equal accuracy at other distances. Now, running for you life from huge linemen with equal speed to yours maybe not so much, but who is? None of the posters for sure!

    Anybody who thinks mayfield isnā€™t a good thrower of the football doesnā€™t know ball.

  43. David Singha Says:

    I’m not necessarily a Baker fan, but he got a raw deal in Cleveland. Changes in coaches every year. Has he ever had 2 consecutive years with the same coach or system?

  44. HenriM Says:

    Student of the Game Says: ā€œBaker threw 4 of 5 into a 55 gallon drum at 35 yards on OU pro day.ā€

    How many prizes did he win at the carnival?

  45. Optimist man Says:

    Look you wedge heads, Baker or Trask. It’s not brain surgery. Brady went 8and 9. WOW. He Shud retired 2 years ago. Leave Baker alone and he’ll do his best to revive this sinking ship. In other words, give him a chance.if he can’t cut it then get you a q,b next year. Trask is not the answer. He’s still picking splinters out of his ass for the last two years.

  46. Donā€™t tell me itā€™s raining Says:

    JD Still Says: Itā€™s great that you guys are fans of Mayfield and go to great lengths to defend him.

    Well JD I would say the same about Trask fans. You go to great lengths to defend a third year player who has done absolutely nothing in a regular season NFL game. You guys love to create a straw man and then attack it. But the Bucs have two QBā€™s competing for QB1. You can speculate how great Trask is but if he were really that great, wouldnā€™t the folks a One Bucs Place have already made him QB1? Jason Licht picked him high in the draft. Donā€™t you think he would love to be the guy who selected the next TB12? So the guys who make millions of dollars accessing and evaluating his performance, havenā€™t named him QB1. And who is his competition? Baker Mayfield. The worst QB to ever start in the NFL. So if Baker truly is the absolute worst of the worst, what does that say about Trask? I know, I know, you guys know more about his performance from reading Joeā€™s practice notes, than the guys paid millions of dollars to watch him day in and day out and evaluate his performance. Wow, it must feel awesome to have that ability.

  47. Infomeplease Says:

    I can’t defend BM too much. I’ve only seen him in 3 or 4 NFL games. That said, He is only as good is he plays, when he where’s that Buc uniform.

    What I do know is that he was a number 1 draft pick. Some NFL team scouts , NFL owners, and coaches thought he was pretty good! Several other NFL teams wanted him too, including 2 recent super bowl winners. That’s a lot of scouts, NFL owners, and coaches that brought him in. I will defer to their knowledge of him!!

    Let’s let him suit up and play for us!! See what he’s got or hasn’t got!! Then decide if he’s a keeper or not!!! In about 3 weeks, we’ll only have our first look at him and this team. Let this team play 4 or 5 games then see what’s what!!

    Every team is different!! Speculation is useless!

  48. Rod Munch Says:

    Oh man, when I read about comments, and Kurt Warner, I was hoping it was my comment about Kade Warner getting notes from his dad about what it’s going to be like to be a bag boy at Publix when he gets cut.

  49. #99 the big fella Says:

    Rod Munch, that was cold! Lol

  50. JD Still Says:

    Guys , you are basing your defense of Mayfield on emotions , not facts, my reasoning was based on his performance and results to date , ( and I didnā€™t even mention him having the lowest QBR in the league), So far , outside of him being able to throw footballs into a barrel a few years ago and your opinions that he has a great arm, ( ok, State your statistical evidence) , and you are correct Kyle has not been allowed to perform in regular season games , but, he has outperformed Mayfield in the preseason and threw for more yardage against the Steelers ,(9 yards per attempt vs 7), and in joint practice with the Jets , ( Kyle had 106 yds on 14 throws , Mayfield 30 yards on 13 throws, those facts we can debate , I cannot debate you on him being a number one draft pick years ago or some scouts and owners thought he was pretty good , and finally ,what part of ā€œ creating a straw man ā€œ is statement of facts?

  51. Darin Says:

    Heā€™s not accurate. Not gona say anymore Iā€™m not sold he ever was. Trask will be your qb before long. Not that heā€™s gona do much better, but wonā€™t do worse.

  52. Mike Johnson Says:

    Nobody still cannot give me an answer as to why Licht picked up Mayfield. There were several better options available out there. The only thing I can think of is..We are tanking. Because I do not see more than 5 or 6 wins for this team this year.

  53. Wild Bill Says:

    Cowheard= cow pie. Nuff said.

  54. Wild Bill Says:

    Funny that anyone would call Baker an elite qb. And Trask, we barely know ye. What the Bucs have is ????? marks. BUCS defense will have to play “lights out” for the Bucs to get anywhere. Number one issue on offense is will they have a strong run game? If not a strong defense might get them 8/ 9. Or worse. If the run game is the same as last year the Bucs will struggle. And who knows how Baker will do under pressure if pass blocking sucks too. The whole season will be depend on the offense. Both the run game and the pass game. Hard to be highly confident in either.

  55. m milligan Says:

    Johnson, ur an idiot. Buc’s coming out hot, taking down vikes and bears, 2-0.
    One hellava game monday night with eagles. 90% of u don’t know shit about Mayfield. He’s gonna light it up.
    I’ll repost after Buc’s 3-0.
    Only thing correct herein, if OL doesn’t show, all of above is cancelled and revoked.

  56. garro Says:

    Lets see.
    Warner who as far as I know doesn’t do the ridiculous look at me takes and is far more versed in playing QB than most anyone. Or his polar opposite in Cowturd.

    Although I am no fan of Warner I will take his opinion on this one.

    Accuracy from Mayfield is not on Brady’s level for sure but who’s is. Mayfield is not an elite QB. Period. Can he not turn the ball over and manage the offense? Absolutely. Put the team on his back? No way. For me it’s not the question of accuracy it’s his decision making and holding the ball too long.

    With our young but promising O line we are gonna have to get the ball out quickly and avoid third and longs. They will eat Bakers lunch or we will see alot more check downs.

    Getting the ball to play makers while staying on schedule. This is where Canales comes in. We shall see.

    Go Bucs

  57. BillyBucco Says:

    Buddha saysā€BYā€ at the end like a retard mic drop.
    Why donā€™t you spell it ā€œBIā€ next time you are on your trangender site.

  58. LongSeason Says:

    Accuracy is something that can be improved. Coaching, film study and practice. Through that process a hitch in delivery or poor footwork could be identified. If something like that is identified and corrected then accuracy can be improved. Maybe it is concentration or vision. If a QB is not seeing the field clearly due to concentration issue, that too can be fixed. Vision does not mean eyesight as much as scope of what a person can see across and down field. That is something that will be much harder to improve.
    So, it depends on what is causing the inaccuracy. Maybe hand placement on the ball or a long delivery could be to blame. It might also be a timing issue between QB and receivers. Knowing route trees v. coverages and how individual receivers will run the routes is important. Since leaving Cleveland, Baker hasn’t had the steady home to develop a repour with a corps of receivers. Maybe he will never be able to over come whatever issue he has. I am hopeful that Mayfield and Trask will both develop enough in training camp to be effective and give us a chance to win some games, or at least be exciting losing them.