Truly Horrifying Stat On Bucs Offense

July 10th, 2023

Joe was so jolted reading the following stat this morning that Joe nearly fell backward out of his office chair at the Hooters-takeout-bags-strewn, Big-Storm-Brewing-empty cans-littered world headquarters.

Those who regularly listen to the “Ira Kaufman Podcast” know Ira tends to point a finger at the greatest quarterback of all time as a source for many of the Bucs’ ills last season.

One of the Joes softly wonders where Ira gets this notion from because the same Joe had found no stats, neither advanced nor pedestrian, to suggest Tom Brady was an awful quarterback.

Until now.

Joe never, ever imagined reading the following much less typing it and is sort of reluctant to reference it because it is really unbelievable. Joe trusts the source, handicapper turned stathead Warren Sharp. So here goes.

On 3rd-and-5 or longer last season, the quarterback with the worst conversion percentage was — brace yourself — Brady.

Holy flurkingschmidt!

Joe will give you a moment to dust yourself off the floor and get back in your chair and compose yourself. (Hopefully, you were not reading this while driving. Joe’s not responsible for your insurance deductible, sorry).

Joe’s mouth is a flytrap right now. How in thee hell can you have the greatest quarterback who ever lived and have such a pathetic conversion percentage (17 percent!)?

This suggests offensive coodinator SpongeBob was running simple pass routes or predictable routes so that defenses knew exactly what was coming, and as a result, receivers were covered.

Given the fact SpongeBob couldn’t get a college gig when he personally lobbied with a coach for a job (Notre Dame — and Marcus Freeman went with his fourth option rather than hire an offensive coordinator with a Super Bowl ring, ahem) and is still unemployed sort of reinforces Joe’s idea that defenses had this SpongeBob all figured out.

For those wondering, Baker Mayfield was second-worst in the NFL last year converting 3rd-and-5 or longer at 19 percent. So there’s that. He was tied with Russell Wilson.

Nice of SpongeBob to adjust a little, huh?


38 Responses to “Truly Horrifying Stat On Bucs Offense”

  1. FirstTimePoster Says:

    At least Mayfield’s percentage is sky high at 19%. We’re doomed.

  2. DoooshLaRue Says:

    The only thing worse than that Brady stat Joe, is the ridiculous way you try to work in your sponsors’ products into your article.

    Do you upsell them on “value added” cleverness?

  3. Bucnjim Says:

    When you are constantly in 3rd and 7 or even 3rd and 10 it lowers your average. Poor early down play calling and conversion leads to 3rd and long. This is what we saw the entire season. Every Bucs fan in America could tell you because we watched it week in and week out.

  4. Chris Says:

    Is the obsession with Leftwich ever going to end?

  5. AnonymousBuc76 Says:

    Not surprised…

    3rd and long is not a walk in the park for any NFL QB in general…Especially, one that lacks mobility and also is dealing with shaky o-line play…Brady never looked comfortable last year period…Imho he stayed one year too long…

  6. Joe Says:

    Is the obsession with Leftwich ever going to end?

    Maybe when training camp starts. Certainly by the end of August.

    As always, if there is a story that deals with a subject that makes you squirm, no one is forcing you to read it.

  7. Destinjohnny Says:

    It had nothing to do with missing on Luke and Robert and continually over paying. smith?
    We had the worst line in football
    We also didn’t have a tight end or a slot receiver
    Those my friends are the causes

  8. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    We probably faced 3rd and 10ish more than any other team, and then they bring the pass rush giving Brady no time. Yeah it’s on Boron. That idiot cost us big.

  9. Boss Says:

    I bet I could have had a better % of guessing EXACTLY which play BL would call on any down.

    Imagine what opposing defenses knew.

    and that falls on toilet bowel. this year is going to be a train wreck short of TB getting fired.

  10. Dwayne Cone Says:

    So we have a replacement that is slightly higher and an OC involved last year with a QB (Geno Smith) slightly higher than that.

    TB and TB faced the most 3rd Downs in the league and it seemed like the majority were 3rd and long.

    Turnovers might be the Tiebreaker but Converting and Sustaining Drives will certainly be a determining factor in who takes the helm in Game 1.

  11. Dooley Says:

    Adjust from what? Our offense was miserable executing just about anything. Honestly, 3rd & 1 was just as difficult for the 2022 offense to convert as 3 & 11, that’s how off the play of our entire offense was last season. It was way more than 1 guy could screw up or fix, let’s be real.

  12. Red Skeleton Says:

    Brady missed more wide open receivers last year than I have ever seen from him. Part may be he was rushing the throw because he didn’t trust his line? The Bucs were probable the worst on 3rd and 1’s too, followed by 4th and 1’s. Just bad 3rd downs overall. Brady was still the best during crunch time though so he still had some magic in him.

  13. Defense Rules Says:

    ‘This suggests offensive coodinator SpongeBob was running simple pass routes or predictable routes so that defenses knew exactly what was coming, and as a result, receivers were covered.’

    MIGHT it also suggest that 45-year-old Tom Brady stayed 1 year too long in the NFL? Yes BL had LOTS of issues Joe, but so did TB12. And especially having that 45-year-old QB operating behind an OLine that couldn’t adequately protect his immobile butt & also considering that he had zero running game to take some of the pressure off. It wasn’t ALL on just BL to be sure.

  14. uhmmm Says:

    Brady was not great last year. The offense was worse than the Glennon/Mclown years too.

    Not sure how people keep ignoring this…..

  15. Who Says Says Can't Say Says:

    I believe it, but it would be better if you limited it to a range for like 5-9 yards to go. Because my guess is you are capturing a lot of 3rd and atrocious in there, which the Bucs had way more of because they did so poorly on 1st and 2nd downs.

  16. 1sparkybuc Says:

    Brady still racked up the yards. The biggest problem was he couldn’t get the team in the end zone. He couldn’t score points. The divorce was a distraction for him. He wasn’t focused on football. The end result would have been the same even without the distraction. We would have won the division and scored more points, but we still would have been eliminated from the playoffs early. We simply didn’t have the coaching or the players to go very far. It’s still a team game. The 2023 version will have better coaching and better players. Whoever plays QB won’t be better than Brady, but you can bet they will be focused on football.

  17. buccee Says:

    OK, so Brady’s lousy stats are on the OC, what are Mobile Moxie’s lousy stats on? 😛

  18. Mr. Editor Says:

    That is a truly shocking stat and reflects the malpractice happening on the offensive side of the ball. I’m sure BL will get another opportunity. History shows that people tend to forget history. After some time passes, one phone call from Tom Brady to any team will solve his unemployment woes. I won’t feel too sorry for BL. Knowing the Glazers, he probably has a few years left on his contract. They LOVE to pay coaches not to coach.

  19. ModHairKen Says:

    Let’s hope Canales can minimize 3rd and 5’s. Let’s hope he has a 40% play for those.

    Sponge Bob was impotent.

  20. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    For those who insist on defending Leftfoot, don’t forget how much more successful Brady was late in games when he was allowed to run the hurry-up.

  21. Bob Buc Says:

    Third down was when opposing D lines teed up to get Brady. Given the weak O’line and Brady being as mobile as Long John Silver with 2 peg legs, the results were no surprise. Brady constantly hit the deck like a crack-head who dropped his rock on the ground after not having a fix in 2 days. Brady was a different, lesser QB last season for a variety of (well-known) reasons. First sign of penetration and he made a business decision most times. Can’t blame him, I hear that sh*t hurts.

  22. Mike S Says:

    The GOAT got the ball out quick, completed high % of passes and avoided sacks. Still the Bucs struggled to convert.

    Captain Checkdown Mobile Moxie will get sacked and turn the ball over assuming the Bucs have similar struggles.

    I have to laugh to avoid the sadness. We are so doomed.

  23. Citrus County Says:

    Good work Joe.

  24. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Tom Brady had about 1.5 seconds to throw the ball last year.

  25. kyle Says:

    well thats it.. baker 19% eff it, im going to ask youtube for my sunday ticket refund and I may actually spend time with my gf on sundays this fall.

    The season is over! Its a bucs life!

  26. kyle Says:

    im hearing little orphan annie substitute bucs for hard knock in her song… all you millennials are clueless with this im sure….

  27. Danny Husak Says:

    Seems no matter what the topic, old stat, or, team comparisons, Baker is to blame. Mind as well add THESE. Cold in the winter. Baker’s fault. Too hot in the summer. Baker’s fault. The American economy. Baker’s fault. Brady growing old. Baker’s fault. I’m sure all the losers that really don’t know the whole story will list even more.

  28. nicholas houllis Says:

    doesn’t help the 10-20 times they GOT a 3rd down conversion that you heard “HOLDING, NO 76″… you know, the 21st century version of Kenyatta Walker (who also BTW has a Super Bowl trophy lol)

  29. JD Still Says:

    It is interesting, Brady is the greatest of all time , no doubt , but he wasn’t much on developing his backups , it could be because he started out as a sixth round, fourth string rookie backup , to Drew Bledsoe, the highest paid QB at the time , and he was never really expected to do much , but he got the opportunity when Bledsoe was injured and never looked back, so , maybe it was because of where he came from and was always looking over his shoulder to see who was backing him and was maybe a little too cautious, but his record with backups is what it is, no rookie backups and no development to the career backups who were there, it could also be why it seemed he threw away a lot of balls instead of risking standing and taking the hit and getting injured.

  30. PowerOfPewter Says:

    3rd and 5+ are obvious passing downs. And longer pass routes take extra time to develop, that extra time being generated by the OLine’s blocking. If the OLine fails to block, the play fails to convert the third down. Buc’s OLine troubles last year are well documented… free agent losses, poor free agent signings, no draft help, injuries and more injuries, and even veteran player making a major regression. The big question is not why did the Buc’s offense suck , but why did Brady even bother unretiring? After the 2022 draft and free-agency it was already apparent the Bucs OLine was taking a big step backward, and it only got worse from there.

  31. Brandon Says:

    Sure, blame it all on everyone except for the sackless QB who was throwing the ball. Brady was garbage last year. Led the league in lowest sack percentage (2.9%) because all he cared about was not getting hit.

  32. 80forBrady Says:

    Fournette showed good speed here

  33. stpetebucfan Says:

    I still don’t comprehend why everybody gives Brady a pass on play calling and put it all on BL?

    Do we really believe that Brady didn’t have the most control over play calling of any player in the entire league? The scripted plays that start each game were most assuredly done with Brady’s APPROVAL and likely HIS suggestions.

    I have no problem with that…Brady’s the GOAT and BL was not BA an older coach who not only had already made his bones but had no problem telling anybody including Brady how it is! Think BL had that kind of clout?

  34. Mike Johnson Says:

    I beleive with all of my heart, this team is going to suck bigtime.

  35. Citrus County Says:

    Hmmm…I just had a thought. SpongeBob ( as Joe affectionally refers to you know who ) was a quarterback of lesser talents. Could he have been so jealous of Brady and emotionally wounded by some “dressing downs” that number 12 no doubt delivered from time to time ( as evidenced by the cameras ) that he wanted to make the GOAT look bad ?

  36. Citrus County Says:

    I think the elimination of the carbuncle (Leftnut) could be just the stimulus this team needs to prove they can be winners without Brady. Now it is all on them with no superstar and no sabotage. By the way, thanks to whomever it was that branded Byron with that moniker.

  37. garro Says:

    Don’t need Warren freaking Sharpe to tell me that we sucked on third and five or more.
    Brady was getting rid of the ball way too fast to be successful on third downs. NO O-LINE Joe. He was checking down to all those quick screens we saw. Or getting it to Godwin (nearly getting him killed) about three yards short of the marker. Some times I wonder what people are watching during the game.

    No doubt BL was part of the problem. His game plans sucked and he refused to alter them till we were down multiple scores. That’s when we saw Brady bail us out despite a piss poor O-Line.

    Go Bucs!

  38. Jack Says:

    I would love to be able to sit down and have a straight conversation with Brady behind closed doors just to hear his take on the real issues of the team.