No More “Rip Your Face Off Heavy Metal Music” For Tristan Wirfs

July 4th, 2023

Tristan Wirfs

Joe’s been known to fire up Pantera or Slayer before recording the Ira Kaufman Podcast.

(That’s Pantera, Ira, not Panera.)

For Tristan Wirfs, that kind of metal music was pregame ritual for him during his stunning rookie season. He was trying to fire himself up as much as possible before kickoff.

But no more “rip your face off heavy metal music” before games, Wirfs told the Vikes Verified podcast. That was phased out by last year in favor of staying even keel at all times.

Wirfs is a monster of a player at just 24 years old. The two-time Pro Bowler is arguably the best Buccaneer and Joe’s not going to quibble with anything Wirfs does. But it is interesting that a young guy goes from blasting metal before a game to more of a meditation mode.

Joe thinks that shows how detailed Wirfs is, even thinking about how music might be affecting his play.

Joe suspects that kind of music still flows at times in Wirfs’ ears in the One Buc Palace weight room, where he’ll be setting up shop until training camp begins.

20 Responses to “No More “Rip Your Face Off Heavy Metal Music” For Tristan Wirfs”

  1. MadMax Says:

    gotta step up your game….Slaughter to Prevail “Bonebreaker” and “Demolisher” …the live versions on yt.

  2. MadMax Says:

    Killstreak “no scope”

  3. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    From I’m Broken to “Someone I used to know”

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Emotion tax you. Being even helps lower stress, preserve energy, and be present. If developed it is a very useful in many different high pressure situations.

  5. Fred McNeil Says:

    5 Finger Death Punch and System of a Down for me. Pretty Reckless ain’t bad either.

  6. DR. POPS Says:

    You guys are really knowledgeable I havent a clue what this **** is go Buccaneers.

  7. garro Says:

    What? No Zeppelin?
    Jimmy page would have got him All Pro as a rookie! LOL

    Go Bucs!

  8. Hodad Says:

    Can’t wait to see Wirfs doing some serious run blocking this year. We haven’t seen the full 345 pounder getting out into space smashing people. We got some tudes up front who are finally getting to go after it. Goung to be a fun change.

  9. Jason eddy Says:

    yall welcome

  10. Lt. Dan Says:

    Stick to the classic, tried and true “Thunderstruck”. AC freakin DC!

  11. BuddhaBuc Says:

    Suicidal Tendencies, Rage Against the Machine, NIN or Motorhead has always been my go-tos for getting ramped up.

  12. BuddhaBuc Says:

    @Fred McNeil – Great choices!

  13. FortMyersDave Says:

    @ Buddha Buc; I hear ya on Trent Reznor/Nine Inch Nails as well as Rage Against the Machine. Black Flag as well.

  14. Rayjay1122 Says:

    I bet Wirfs and Cody M. Are gonna be jamming out to some Motley Crue.

  15. Cobraboy Says:

    As long as he doesn’t earphone Kenny G before a game.

  16. LOL Says:


  17. Joebucsfanfan Says:

    This sounds not good. His position is extremely aggressive. Not even keel. Someone is giving him bad advice. Teams with energy seem to do better.

  18. LongSeason Says:

    Maybe Tristan could try some positive metal from Lovebites. Something like When Destinies Align, Holy War, Glory to the World, Rising, Golden Destination.

  19. MadMax Says:

    “Rwake” ….nice!!

  20. ABucAway Says:

    I love all you guys!! Lol. Bring it Joes. Tristan is the best!!