Keith Armstrong Reflects On His Epic Tirade

July 29th, 2023

Special teams chief Keith Armstrong.

Joe’s been hard on special teams chief Keith Armstrong on these here pages. But it’s not personal.

Joe just doesn’t think the Bucs have been good enough on fourth down. That doesn’t mean Armstrong is a bad guy or a coach going through the motions.

Not until this week did Joe see Armstrong’s epic, heartfelt and profane tirade caught by Hard Knocks cameras when he coached for the Falcons. The 2015 video is linked here, and it’s an eye-opener and not for young children.

The scene is a film room with Armstrong letting a various players know exactly where they stand and why their play is deplorable and disrespectful — sometimes just a foot from their face.

It so moved Joe that Joe felt compelled to talk to Armstrong about it yesterday after practice.

Armstrong explained that while he’s not proud of the video as a standalone piece, he stands behind the messages and fans should know that his delivery was a “last resort.” Armstrong said he’s a teacher first and it takes a lot to get him to the point of exploding and telling players they don’t care about the game.

However, Armstrong said he feels it’s his responsiblity to get all over players that are repeating mental mistakes because that kind of play is disrespectful to teammates.

Has that kind of eruption happened at One Buc Palace? Joe was told by someone other than Armstrong that it has, though it’s rare.

22 Responses to “Keith Armstrong Reflects On His Epic Tirade”

  1. DoooshLaRue Says:

    He’s still an inept coach and continues to be responsible for one of the worst ST groups in the league.
    So what if he loses his sh#t from time to time?
    I’m still amazed he’s employed.

  2. Allen Lofton Says:

    He needs to get in White’s face.

  3. Beej Says:

    There’s something the Bucs see in this guy. It’s a results-oriented league, and he hasn’t been getting them, yet he’s still here

  4. HC Grover Says:

    Get him out!

  5. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    He’s the Byron Leftwich of special teams and he shouldn’t be coaching. The results say it all.

  6. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    I don’t think that type of eruption does anything with these type of players. I would think you let them go. When they do that crap that he was harping on, it’s time for them to hit the road. I would think the fear of unemployment would be huge. You saw it in a couple of their faces.

  7. Cobraboy Says:

    Pelsbuc61 said:

    He’s the Byron Leftwich of special teams

    Now that is funn-nee…and true.

  8. BucU Says:

    Our special teams have been a stain on this franchise for a long time. It was a terrible mistake not to have replaced him.

  9. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We rely totally on our kickers & punters…….need touchbaks & hangtime……..we have zero coverage…..and our kickoff & punt blocking is awful.

    I used to think it was the players….but we’ve gone through so many losers, it has to be coaching.

  10. Voice of Truth Says:

    This comment makes 9 for 9 that Keith May be a nice guy but he is a pathetic STC

  11. Defense Rules Says:

    Wow, 10-for-10 on negative comments, close to a record. Yup, he probably needs to be replaced.

  12. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    Joe Marciano is a GREAT Special teams coach , you would see immediate improvement with him in charge. Fire the non producer.

  13. Dooley Says:

    Keith Armstrong isn’t going anywhere and to be quite honest, special teams is getting phased out of the game year by year anyways.

    How many of you even know they tweaked the fair catch rule to where if a player fair catches it anywhere behind the 25 yard line it’ll be ruled a fair catch. Meaning if a return guy wave a kick off for a fair catch, makes the catch at the 5 yard line, it gifts the offense 20 yards via being ruled a “touchback” and it’s 1st & 10 at the 25.

    Absolutely changes the field position battle that’s a game within the game, and makes an offenses job easier while not even giving the defense the benefit of their kicker pinning a team deeper in their territory. Stinks, but Goddells’ gotta protect the shield and keep that revenue flowing

  14. EternalSon Says:

    😂 “You’re not good enough to be an asshole!”

  15. Stanglassman Says:

    Kieth has been getting the short end of the stick for years. The Bucs have been filling up the backend of the roster with semi retired vets who don’t play special teams. The Julio Jones so to speak. This is the first year in awhile that he’s going to have some decent depth on special teams. This year will be big for him as a coach because he should have the players to get it done.

  16. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    Surprised Keith Armstrong wasn’t fired when Byron Leftwich was let go. He has to rank as one of the worst ST coach in the NFL. What Bowles saw in him, we can only guess.

  17. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    Rule change was made to decrease the number of kick off returns thereby decreasing concussions.

  18. Since76 Says:

    Since he’s been here specials have been below average. Sometimes terrible. There is only one constant from the beginning.

  19. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Good point 76.

    If your guys aren’t motivated or don’t know what to do, what does that say about the coach? Unprepared players and poor results = poor coaching.

  20. Frontproof Says:

    Not a fan of Armstrong at all. Thought he would be the first ousted when the team started letting coaches go. Special Teams is such an important part of the game, and consistent poor play is inexcusable.

  21. unbelievable Says:

    Well apparently he can’t even get his point across when he yells, cuz his special teams have STUNK OUT LOUD FOR 5 YEARS STRAIGHT!!

  22. garro Says:

    Hate to break it to ya but a coach who does not crawl all over his players occasionaly probably won’t be a coach vvery long.

    Go Bucs!