Jason Licht On Joe Tryon-Shoyinka: “Step Up”

July 25th, 2023

Expectations from GM.

Joe truly believes the Bucs are one element away from having a kickarse, dangerous defense.

An edge rush.

Joe breathed a sigh of relief when Bucs sacks king Shaq Barrett got a green light to resume practice this week as he recovers from a blown Achilles suffered midseason last year against the Crows.

The general history of guys 30 and older trying to recover from Achilles injuries is not good. So Joe is holding his breath.

Another guy that needs to demonstrate he’s able to carry a bigger workload is Bucs 2021 first-round draft pick Joe Tryon-Shoyinka. So far, JTS has yet to reach Gaines Adams’ level of production.

Not good.

So asked today about JTS, Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht said he needs to see more.

“Joe has had some flashes,” Licht began. “He’s had some good games. He’s shown us why we took him in the first round.

“But he does need to take a step up. He needs to step it up this year. We’re confident he will.”

And this is coming from the man who drafted JTS.

There is a lot riding on JTS finally making an impact: the 2023 season and potentially the job security of his own coach. And then there’s generational financial security for the JTS family.

If JTS does not have a minimum of eight sacks, Joe very much doubts the Bucs will pick up his fifth-year option next spring, which would make next year JTS’s contract year.

For all intents and purposes, this fall might be JTS’s real contract year. The future is now.

27 Responses to “Jason Licht On Joe Tryon-Shoyinka: “Step Up””

  1. Marine Buc Says:

    I believe JTS will have a solid season if he stays healthy.

    If he gets 8 sacks he will earn his 5th year option…

    He was so close so many times last season. He just needs to develop better control when he gets to the QB.

    I also like the development of Nelson. He has improved every season – not bad for a 4th round pick.

  2. ATLBuc Says:

    Kancys and Veas push up the middle will flush qbs out of the pocket and JTS’ speed will lead him to a lot of sacks and TFL’s. Not his ability to beat the OT, although this will improve over the season.

  3. BillyBucco Says:

    I agree whole heartedly.
    We have been missing push up the middle.
    Hard for a DE/OLB to get around the edge when the QB can step up every pass.
    He takes himself out of gap integrity by doing it every down anyway.

  4. Dooley Says:

    Welp, he’s been working on his bend and we need to see better usage of his hands while transitioning from speed to power mid rep.

  5. HC Grover Says:

    He is practicing his double axel spin move.

  6. Brandon Says:

    Guys over 30 to recover from Achilles surgery in single digit months… Terrell Suggs, Brent Grimes, Barrett, me. It’s well documented and proven that it can happen.

  7. gotbbucs Says:

    Shaq needs to be a nickel rusher at this point. Early down work needs to be handled by someone else.

  8. SB~LV Says:

    He’ll either step up as a starter or just another rotational player, I think the latter. He has the burst and athleticism but simply can’t zero in on the target.. I hope he blossoms this year.

  9. A Bucs Fan Says:

    He was raw and hadn’t played a lot of football coming out of college, but age 24 is usually the make it or break it for most highly drafted edge rushers. Most
    of the above average to great edge rushers usually put up double digit sacks by their age 24 season with few exceptions. Hope he makes that jump.

  10. Fred McNeil Says:

    I’d sure like to see them both do well.

  11. Tap-Out Says:

    JTS steps up and the rookie Yaya Diaby (give him #56) will bring some swagger! …we coming go Bucs!

  12. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    I’m assuming we all want him to kick butt. He sure seemed if not close, definitely closer than before, to making an impact last year. Lord knows we will need it.

    Jose, you printed the open practice schedule a while back. I won’t make it from Orlando but am counting on your reports. Can you remind us how much you will be able to do so? Assuming we won’t get the detailed play by play every day.

  13. Buc4evr Says:

    I expect the Bucs will have to move Kancey to the outside at some point in the season because I don’t see JTS getting it done.

  14. SlyPirate Says:

    Licht had the “step up” conversation with Vea. Vea has been a dominant player ever since. He just had the conversation with JTS. Expect good things. JTS will be a double digit sack OLB this year.

  15. BucU Says:

    As much as I love what Shaq has done for this franchise I’m afraid he’ll no longer be the player he was pre injury.

  16. Infomeplease Says:

    We’ll find out soon, September is approaching!!

  17. Beej Says:

    If Shaq doesn’t prove effective by the end of the training camp, is there a chance the bucs would simply cut him?

  18. Destinjohnny Says:

    Bro it’s like asking me to sing like Freddie Mercury
    The dude never had the chops
    You over drafted him Jason
    Own it

  19. Destinjohnny Says:

    The sad thing is he is our best pass rusher

  20. David Says:

    No, 17 games? He needs 10 sacks. He was a first round pick in his third year, drafted as a pass rush specialist
    Plus, he has VEA in the center taking double teams and a couple fast very good linebackers behind him.

    If he isn’t much more consistent with quarterback pressures and 10 Sacks next year, he should be gone.

  21. Eckwood Says:

    You have seen some athletic flashes but you certainly HAVE NOT seen ANY dominant football player flashes ………. Big play flashes or Dominate an O lineman flashes …….. the guys cleaner than the punter at halftime ,,, no Dog at all !!!

  22. TDTB Says:

    Why is there no discussion about Logan Hall? Obviously JTS needs to improve. He gets to the backfield and then stops right in front of the QB instead of going in for the kill. As for Hall, I don’t know what to expect. He was as close to a round 1 pick as you can get and we’ve not seen anything.

  23. Crunchbuc76 Says:

    All of you are out of your minds. JTS is and will ALWAYS BE A BUST! Yet another sht pick by Licht. Count Hall among them because he i a BUST too

  24. Boltsfan17 Says:

    Destinjohnny nailed it. Way overdraft and this guy has proven nothing in his 4 years here. Hell, most of the time he’s invisible and can’t be stout at the point of attack.

  25. Destinjohnny Says:

    Boltsfan >>>
    Man i hate to be right about this bro, In 11 drafts who are his d line picks??
    But he will fix it right ?

  26. garro Says:

    Did Gaines Adams knock you down and steal your lunch money Joe?

    Go Bucs

  27. Wild Bill Says:

    I am sure JTS would look great on “Dancing with the Stars”. But where is his bull rush?