Chris Godwin Explosion Coming?

July 7th, 2023

Strong resume with receivers.

Longtime readers of Joe know this here Joe typing this here piece doesn’t give two craps about fantasy football. Not even one.

This Joe’s idea of “fantasy” has absolutely nothing to do with football and everything to do with a bronzed, buxom lass on an isolated island in the Bahamas. (Yes, you are welcome to insert Rachel Watson’s name here if you prefer.)

Still, some things can be gleaned from fantasy football that apply to real football — which of course Joe is all into.

Gambling guy and apparent fantasy football sympathizing Vic Tafur of The Athletic, the longtime Raiders beat writer, thinks a Bucs receiver is in play for a big fantasy football season. And if that’s the case, it could mean wins for Tampa Bay.

Free fantasy football tip … New offensive coordinator Dave Canales has big plans for Chris Godwin, whose knee is fine and will be lining up outside and inside and running more deep routes.

Now this is a subject that unnerves famed columnist Ira Kaufman. Ira believes Chris Godwin’s best years in the NFL came as a slot receiver. Ira is correct, but the following is where this Joe and Ira differ. Just a little bit.

Yes, this Joe is of the mind you don’t fix something not broken. And Godwin playing in the slot was not broken. However, new offensive coordinator Dave Canales skillfully coached and developed receivers for eight seasons with Seattle.

Can you ever remember Seattle not having at least one top-shelf receiver?

So Joe is willing to see how this plays out with Godwin lining up much more on the outside. Joe believes Canales’ resume for working with receivers earns him the benefit of the doubt.

14 Responses to “Chris Godwin Explosion Coming?”

  1. A Bucs Fan Says:

    It all depends on who is throwing and how well they do it. If the Bucs get consistent play at QB I can see monster years for both CG and ME13.

  2. sasquatch Says:

    Perhaps Joe forgets the stats that you and Ira presented a few months ago on the podcast that showed Godwin played PLENTY of snaps outside in the last few years, so the notion that this is really a position switch is kinda bunk.

    Also, Godwin’s best years may not have just been because he was playing more in the slot. There were other variables: maturation as a player and a head coach who knew how to attack a defense.

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    The Tom Brady and Kim Kardashian news could be huge for the Bucs. If she can quickly empty his bank account, he might need a job by fall – and the Bucs could be back in playoff contention! Exciting times!

  4. stpetebucfan Says:

    The key word for me in this post is “move”. Imagine if the Buc’s offense was not one dimensional and predictable? What a concept eh? Canalas likes to get guys in good matchups where they have the best chance to win 1 on 1. I agree that this will benefit Godwin but ME13 should also benefit as should Otton and White.

  5. garro Says:

    Joe I’m not sure about this move either.

    However I don’t know how much more pounding Godwin could endure in the slot. Last year he got his clock cleaned alot playing out of the slot.

    We need someone else to step up and take alot of those snaps.
    I know Canales wants Mike to play some slot but who else can man that spot when we run 11 personnel with Mike, Chris and???…

    Gage is out of the picture as of now at least. I’m hoping that maybe Warner can fit there.

    Go Bucs!

  6. Hail2dabucs Says:

    Now Rod munch , we all know that Kim k would drive him to drug addiction and he’d be stuck in rehab just like all her other victims !

  7. ScottyMack Says:

    If I remember correctly, Russel Gage was extremely effective as a slot receiver for Atlanta – better than he was out wide. That may be the new plan, providing Gage can stay on the field, something even harder to imagine if he’s going over the middle all the time. Of course, the Bucs have more slot receiver-types on the bench than flyers, so an injury to Gage over the middle wouuldn;t be as devastating as losing an outside WR.

  8. Hodad Says:

    It’s a different offense so comparing how the slot receiver is used will be different too. In Arians offense the slot got a lot of targets, and also took a bit of a beating. In Canales’s offense the outside receivers might get more targets, and big plays. It’s silly looking at what we did last year, and trying to apply it to this up coming season

  9. Lt. Dan Says:

    I was like Joe..couldn’t give a crap about fantasy football. I held out for about 12 years. Then my son talked me into joining a family league (not strangers online). It actually turned out to be a lot of fun.

  10. PewterStiffArm Says:

    Uh Joe, you’re not the only person out there that doesn’t give a rats a$$ about fantasy football. I treat it as a modern day leprosy. Keep it away from me and isolated, to me it serves no purpose.

  11. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    I think Dave Canales is the real deal. If Bowles let Dave Canales run the show on offense without too much input, then I think the Bucs can be descent, even if the Bucs are average at QB.

  12. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    TBBF knows Joe is itching to see Gage in the slot.

  13. BillyBucco Says:

    Trey Palmer is probably a guy Canales can see taking snaps from Gage if he isn’t healthy.
    Maybe Kade Warner ends up being a Wes Welker or Edleman.
    Even an Adam Humphrey is an upgrade over Scooter.
    If he excels with Atlanta, that is just another turd in Leftys cap.

  14. bill Says:

    the bucs will be in 12 personel in base offense. in that alignment Godwin has to be wide although when they go 3 wide reciever sets they should motion him a lot.