Can The Bucs Avoid The “Loser” Label This Fall?

July 16th, 2023

Critical season.

A national NFL columnist thinks the Bucs had a losing offseason. That doesn’t  mean they cannot be winners during the regular season.

Over at The Athletic, Mike Jones named the teams he believes aree winners and losers just based on offseason moves. Jones is of the mind that any team that loses Tom Brady has lost the offseason. However, Baker Mayfield, Jones typed, has a golden opportunity to demonstrate to the league he belongs as a quality starting NFL quarterback.

Loser: Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tom Brady’s retirement very well could send the Bucs back into a long wilderness period. Prior to the GOAT’s arrival, the Bucs endured a 12-year playoff drought and largely had a revolving door at quarterback. This is a great opportunity for Baker Mayfield to try to revive his career and show that he’s more of the guy who played well with the Rams late last season than the dude who struggled and got benched and released by the Panthers. Todd Bowles, meanwhile, has even more pressure on his shoulders after last year’s struggles and early playoff exit.

Now this is sort of an interesting take: Who is under more pressure, Bowles or Mayfield?

If Mayfield doesn’t play well, he likely will not get another shot to be a starter. Bowles, if Mayfield stinks it up, well, he probably will be on thin ice and may never get another shot at being a NFL head coach at 60 years old.

So it is a bit interesting to Joe that Bowles and Mayfield are sort of joined at the hip at a career crossroads this fall. Both need good seasons.

34 Responses to “Can The Bucs Avoid The “Loser” Label This Fall?”

  1. NCBucfan Says:

    If the oline plays better, and the play calling is less predictable, alls Mayfield and Trask need to do is manage the offense. We are not asking either dude to come out and throw 35+ times a game. It’s when Baker gets too cute, that dumb mistakes happen.

  2. stpetebucfan Says:

    The Tom Brady who left was not the Tom Brady who arrived. It’s no sin to admit the truth. Even Tom Brady the GOAT cannot defeat Father Time.

    His slippage seemed to begin the year after the SB but by last year, you toss in the divorce and family distractions that cost him the preseason…when has Brady EVER let personal issues effect his football preparation. It seemed like a funk which he could never break out. He not only was losing physical skills due to age, he seemed to lose his fire and his “will” to win and it also seemed to effect his teammates. He wasn’t his usual source of energy for teammates.

    Combine that with an woeful INEXPERIENCED OL missing 60% of the starters, the 3 players right up the middle. The absolute bain of QB’s is a successful rush of a defender who gets through right up the middle.

    Today’s superstars like Mahomes are quick and agile enough to escape with their wheels…Tom Brady NEVER had wheels and last season it was painfully clear he had become an immobile statue who had taken one too many hits over his career.

    This is not a lack of gratitude for what Brady did his SB year although the whole turn around the culture bit seems to overlook what BA actually brought to the team.

    Yes losing a Brady in his prime would be cause for major concern and impossible to replace. Brady playing one year too long like GOATS before him combined with an awful OL performance makes that task far less daunting.

  3. SB~LV Says:

    It’s too hot for football practice!

  4. DoooshLaRue Says:

    So it is a bit interesting to Joe that Bowles and Mayfield are sort of joined at the hip.

    Just like Forrest and Bubba.

  5. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    When your offense only averages 18 points a game I don’t think losing your qb is that big of a deal not taking anything away from tb12 but we all seen him play last year

  6. Hodad Says:

    Hard to have a winning offseason considering what our cap situation was. Still, I like our draft, and I thought licht spent what money we had on some good players, Like Gaines, the safety from Sea, and even Baker. Everyone has an opinion on what we did, but nobody can provide a better solution as to what we could’ve done.

  7. Jeff Says:

    Survey says! No. No they can’t. This is a 3-5 win team that will probably pick #2 overall.

  8. Buc4evr Says:

    Geez, Bowles and Mayfield. The Bucs really doubled down on this season. My guess is that it isn’t going to end well. Should be an interesting and entertaining season….. Next year a new QB and new HC.

  9. Infomeplease Says:

    IMO, the Bucs can avoid being labeled “losers” if Todd Bowles starts coaching like a “winner”! Winning starts with believing you are a winner! Last season Todd Bowles did not believe that!! This season?

  10. NEfan Says:

    When a defense can call your plays at the line if scrimmage and your #1 WR can’t catch a ball Pop Warner players wouldn’t drop & your studd LB gets bored in 4th quarters along with the leagues most pathetic running game and half arse line and most of all your HC that blew any SB opportunity the prior season plays not to lose instead of to win and your GM makes absolutely NO moves to help the team, ya it’s the QB’s fault. Mayfield doesn’t stand a chance and Bowles will be bagging groceries at Walmart with BL & BA. Mayfield will be the head cashier.

  11. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles is no Shula. He is a natural born loser. Go ahead and surprise me by not starting 0-4. We will know at the Bye.

  12. DoooshLaRue Says:

    I agree Hodad and am looking forward to a Brady-less season and hopefully badazz defense.
    Let’s build it!

  13. HC Grover Says:

    I think we will only be in the Wilderness 3 years, This year the worst, Next year the start of the New Bucs with a new coaching staff and a few good players left over. 2027 look out for the Bowlesless Buccaneers. Something to enjoy after this year and The Bowles Curse.

  14. NEfan Says:

    Doosh you had 12yrs prior without Vrady, how’d that work out for ya? It’s sad to read how many of you Bucs fans are so complacent with losing. Kind of sad!!

  15. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    StPeteBucsFan is spot on. Last year Bucs had a below average OLine which contributed to Brady’s decline. Leftwich was abysmal and the defense was nothing special. Throw in a horrible Special teams unit and it seemed all season that the team was underachieving. This year the Oline should be better, Mayfield is mobile and the defense should be faster. Let’s hope the ST unit improves although I’m not counting on it.

  16. Mike Johnson Says:

    The only way we shake this Bad season Label put on us from sports outlets around the world is for Mr Mayfield or Mr. Trask to step up and lead this team. Defense will do their part. Batter up sir…Its all on you Mr Mayfield.

  17. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    If the secondary plays better than 4 used lawn chairs, then the Bucs can do pretty good overall. But if they play like they did against the cowboys in their last game played; it’s 3-14 all day long. Because in the nfl, Swiss cheese secondary, complete with all the holes on it just won’t get it done….

  18. SufferingSince76 Says:

    I don’t think very many Buc fans are happy with losing. The next few years will determine if the Glazers are serious about fielding a consistent winner or just getting a Super Bowl every now and then. Most of you guys whining were the same ones that wanted the team to get out of cap hell. What did you think would happen? So, please let it rest.

  19. Fred McNeil Says:

    This season is a last chance for several people. Mayfield and Bowles are the most obvious. JTS won’t get his fifth year option if he doesn’t double his sack output. Gage won’t get another big contract if he misses a bunch of games this year. DW45 probably never gets his desired guaranteed huge money if he plays inconsistently this year.

  20. Fred McNeil Says:

    What did I do to get put on moderation this time? I haven’t said anything remotely controversial or NSFW.

    [Fred McNeil:

    Please read this for Joe will not address it again:

    You. Did. Not. Do. Anything. Wrong.

    Joe. Is. Not. Persecuting. You.

    For some reason, your IP addresses are triggering the software that monitors spam. Joe cannot write software code. And TRUST Joe, this is significantly more of a pain in the ass for Joe to dig these GD comments out of the moderation cue than it is for you to wait for your comment to appear.

    Something on your end is triggering your comments to go to moderation? Did you or someone using your IP address at one time do something naughty? Are you using a smart phone as this uses a different IP address almost each time you comment because different cell phone towers/hotspots pick your up signal?

    There are several factors that could be causing your comments to be in the moderating queue but JOE IS NOT DOING IT ON PURPOSE!

    If you know how to write WordPress software code, then contact Joe. Otherwise, this is going to be a common if not expected occurrence. And it is a major pain for Joe because Joe has to constantly check the comments queue 20 hours a day while he’s trying to do more important things like write content or just live life.

    Joe values your commenting and if you notice all of your comments are (eventually) published.

    Joe has answered your questions about this several times. Joe will not respond again to this. If you don’t want to believe this or don’t like the answer, Joe cannot help you — Joe.]

  21. NEfan Says:

    If the Glazers were serious they wouldn’t have signed Mayfield. He is no good without a running game behind him. That’s the only reason he succeeded in Cleveland. He also had OBJ and Landry. Pretty good offensive tools.

  22. DoooshLaRue Says:


    I appreciated Brady 2 of the 3 years he was here, but last year was just bad. Not totally his fault, I give Leftwich the majority of the blame, but Tom was done.
    I’ve been a Bucs fan since 1976 and although we have a bad record overall, I’ll take my lumps and enjoy being one of not too many teams that have 2 Super Bowl victories.
    Oh, and no SB losses.

  23. Dewey Selmon Says:

    I’ve been moderated over 100 times in the years I’ve come to this site. Not once have I complained because I know something I triggered something and it was just a matter of time. I think it has to do with your reputation to, The Joe{s} know I would not post anything inflammatory on here so it’s coming from the software. Or certain words or names. PS. If you get moderated during a game it will take longer.

  24. Dewey Selmon Says:

    And I just got put in moderation. lmao!

  25. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Dewey Selmon Says:
    “I’ve been moderated over 100 times in the years I’ve come to this site. Not once have I complained because I know something I triggered something and it was just a matter of time.”

    LOL @ “over 100 times!”

    Half of what I say prompts the Goo Gal to complain to management. Permanent moderation. I don’t bother changing my name, because it won’t help me for more that a few days. 🙂

  26. Statguy Says:

    I’m worried more about the running back depth we have for this system more than I am the QB

  27. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Hunter, if you would change your name does it show the same isp if you’re using the same device? Thankfully it hasn’t come to that. I’m more active during the season. The beer is cold and the joints are rolledQ Go Bucs!

  28. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Dewey Selmon Says:
    “Hunter, if you would change your name does it show the same isp if you’re using the same device?”
    Most likely. I use a VPN, so I can change my IP address any time by selecting a different VPN server. Without a VPN service, some internet service providers offer a non-static IP address, which will assign a new one at various times. The sure-fire way to change your IP address is to power cycle your Wi-Fi router, making sure you disconnect the power cord AND the coax cable (or DSL line) and leave it off for a couple of minutes before reconnecting it.

    Smoke one for me!

  29. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    If you have a modem that is separate from the router, power cycle it too.

  30. Defense Rules Says:

    HC Grover … ‘I think we will only be in the Wilderness 3 years’.

    Interesting take, but it’s nothing but a pure guess & speculation. Fire Todd Bowles as HC after this season as you propose & you’ve also lost one of the top DCs in the league. Folks talk about our 12 year playoff drought, but it was actually much worse than that because from 2002 until 2020 we were never really a valid SB contender, even though we made the playoffs in 2005 & 2007 under Jon Gruden (got eliminated in Rnd 1 both times … same as we did with Bowles last season).

    Be careful what you wish for. Chucky went 45-51 in his 6 yrs as HC after the 2002 SB year. We replaced him in 2009 with Raheem (17-31 in 3 yrs as HC), then Schiano (11-21 in 2 yrs as HC), then Lovie (8-24 in 2 yrs as HC) then Koetter (19-29 in 3 yrs as HC). So since firing Chucky after 2008 we’ve had 4 HCs with an incredible 55-105 record until BA arrived in 2019 … WITH TODD BOWLES AS HIS DC (don’t overlook that critical part). And even BA’s first season here was a losing season until Bowles got the defense turned around and Tom Brady arrived to QB the offense.

    Are you really willing to ASSUME that the next HC will be the one to lead us out of your self-described ‘wilderness’ WITHOUT even knowing who it is? Are you also willing to ASSUME that he’ll bring with him a DC BETTER than Todd Bowles? Like I said, be careful what you wish for.

  31. Oddball Says:

    Can The Bucs Avoid The “Loser” Label This Fall?

    Yes, don’t lose.

    Your welcome

  32. garro Says:

    Pressure Joe.
    That is something to worry about. (pun intended)
    Both should be worried about perfecting their craft and let the chips fall where they may.
    For Bowles the label is already there in New York. For Maybefield in Cleveland.

    Go Bucs!

  33. Mike Johnson Says:

    The Bad thing about winning becomes addictive to the fans. The love it and want more of it.I get this feeling we are gonna be let down considerably this year. Fans are gonna be miserable. We should have gone all out for a QB and we did not. Here’s to heartbreak Hotel guys.

  34. Kobe Faker Says:

    “The key to the Superbowl was orchestrated my GM Tom Brady by acquiring hot receivers to move the chains and defeat helpless defenses

    last year AB went awol and there was no one replaced him. TB12 with AB could have won another Superbowl

    TB12 never had athletic ability and never will

    TB12 can still beat the rush and throw the ball accurately and move the chains. and probably still can

    last year TB12 didnt have the targets”

    Kobe Faker