Baker Mayfield And Throwing Too Much

July 2nd, 2023

Throwing a lot has meant losing a lot for Baker Mayfield and Bucs quarterbacks of years past.

The typical NFL team averages about 33 throws per game. The number actually was higher 10 years ago, so things haven’t changed much.

Joe brings this up because of Baker Mayfield’s record in games in which he throws the ball 35 or more times.

Mayfield has a 6-19 record (.316 winning percentage) when he attempts 35 or more passes. Deeper inside those numbers is Mayfield’s 1-8 (.125) record when the pass-attempt tally hits 40 or more.

For perspective, during the Bucs career of Mr. Interception, Jameis Winston, he had a record of 11-30 (.367) when attempting 35 or more passes. Josh Freeman wasn’t much better during his pewter years as a starting quarterback. He was 6-15 (.400) when throwing 35 or more passes in a game.

The moral of the story, Joe supposes, is that those guys aren’t Tom Brady, who can win when he throws a ton of passes, or the kind of quarterback that can win without a rushing attack providing strong support.

If Mayfield’s top-three receivers are healthy this season, then Joe is confident someone will be running open on a high percentage of plays. That means the Bucs will be tempted to throw often, but the numbers say the Mayfield record says the Bucs might want to resist some temptation.

36 Responses to “Baker Mayfield And Throwing Too Much”

  1. Hail2dabucs Says:

    If a play is there , TAKE IT . If baker can not hit an open receiver joe , then he has no business being the starting QB .

  2. Alanbucsfan Says:

    The QB and Running game effectiveness have been, are and will be correlated with the performance of the OLine.

  3. Beej Says:

    More than likely, Cleveland’s game plans were to NEVER throw that much, and they only WOULD have if they were getting curb-stomped

  4. Buc50 Says:

    If your defense sucks, you will throw a lot, and it doesn’t matter what the offensive philosophy is.

  5. FrontFour Says:

    Seems like an ignorant stat. Nobody game plans to throw 35+ times a game. When you’re a weak team, chances are you’re behind a lot. You can put it on the QB only so much.

  6. unbelievable Says:

    Yet another Mayfield stat that is eerily similar to Jameis…

  7. CrackWise Says:

    What are the chances of us playing from behind and needing to throw that much?

    Slim to none right. So, Baker is going to be A STUD for us, no doubt, any dolt can see that?

    And if we are having to play from behind a bunch. Like JW and JF it will be because the D sucks. If only Baker had a D like TB everyone will say.

    Moral of the story, everyone will know, it’s not Baker’s fault for having to throw that much and Kyle would just suck that much worse cause Baker out practices him.

    Paty Cake Paty Cake…. Baker’s *ay…

  8. Buc4evr Says:

    All that stat means is that the defense is being worked and you have to go to a pass only game because you are so far behind on points. How many years did Jameis have a terrible defense? Not defending his boneheaded plays, but in truth the Bucs offense was often put between a rock and hard place because of the lousy defense.

  9. CrackWise Says:

    “If your D sucks”

    You know what makes a D suck more than anything? A QB who turns the ball over a lot.

    You know who is on pace to turn the ball over more than JW in their career? You guessed it, it’s America’s Cook Baker Mayfield. His numbers CURRENTLY are worse than JW over the same period of games. HMMMMMMMM

    In comparison, JW only had one bad season and Baker road the coat tails of a franchise poised to turn things around after years of struggling.

    This after FACE PLANTING, having done nothing with a LOT at Oklahoma and 3 subsequent NFL Teams.

    You don’t give up on a guy that is so good for a guy that has a million law suits against him JUST CAUSE!!!

    Check Your SHEET.

    Oh and BTW, while JW had a hassle with an Uber driver. Baker was cheating on his wife with fans. Guess Baker wins that comparison. LOL Go Baker, Yahhhh!!!

  10. HC Grover Says:

    Mayfield, Oh Well.

  11. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I’ll say this; the Bucs will be entertaining especially when they go in ‘chuck and duck’ mode.

  12. Duane Says:

    Throwing the ball a lot can mean several things, and the results will vary. Sometimes a team throws the ball a lot because the opponent’s defense is playing mostly to stop the run and is not a good pass defense team. “Do whatever the defense allows you to do” is common game execution.

    On the other hand, a team that passes a lot may be running behind on the scoreboard, especially in the second half, and gives up on the run in order to maximize plays and yardage. Like the Bucs in most of our losses last season.

    The Bucs had the lowest rushing yards total in the league last season, but not necessarily because our rush attempts were the worst, but rather, our coaches tended to give up on the run because we were usually trying to catch up, and with the GOAT under center it was always easy to fall back on that.

    If the Bucs play better defense than last season, and if our offense is effective, we’ll undoubtedly run the ball more often, and teams that run a lot also tend to run stronger when they do run, so I would expect to see a much better rushing attack this season … but only if the defense plays better and our offense is effective when we do run the ball.

    The offensive line is a humongous key to the success of both rushing and passing.

  13. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    Yea, let’s jump on Mayfield because he didn’t light up the world with the eternal losers – -the Browns. He was more than adequate his rookie year and then went went bust in an injury year.
    Note to Trask Fans: Baker is going to beat him for the job and be the better QB. He may not be All-Pro but he doesn’t have to be.

  14. ScottyMack Says:

    Trying to compare Winston and Mayfield, is nonsensical at this point, since Winston had better receivers to throw to than Mayfield (and no, one whole season with an uninjured OBJ and Jarvis Landry isn’t the same as Godwin, Evans and others). Let’s see what happens this year with the Bucs and then decide which won is/was truly the worst.

  15. David Says:

    Baker is interception machine once he rolls out and throws while is more exposed to injuries. He still failed with two of the best running backs in NFL and above average receivers with Browns.

  16. unbelievable Says:

    Did someone just say “Jameis only had 1 bad season” ??

    Too much crack for you, it appears.

  17. CrackWise Says:


    If we can jump on Baker because the Browns organization stinks. Then why was it fair to do the same to Winston? Considering that the Bucs organization has stunk just as bad and actually MORE than the Browns.

    Maybe the reason the Browns stunk was because of Baker? Just like most think the Bucs stunk because of Winston.

    The point here is not to trash an already trash QB. The point is to say, this is the reason the Bucs have stunk so much over the years. They make poor decisions, like handing the keys over to a proven QB who is worse than your #1 overall pick QB that you just let walk for the same freaking reasons.

    ALL WHILE HAVING A QB THAT YOU JUST DRAFTED to sit behind the GOAT and another former #1 overall pick for 2 years.

    I was all for a competition until it became clear there was never a chance for Kyle to start. If I was Kyle, I wouldn’t be trying to look better than Baker. That would only make Kyle look worse. If I was Kyle, I would be looking for another team that was going to give me a fair shot after years of sitting behind the GOAT and former FAILED #1 picks.

    Besides that, if I was Kyle, I would be looking at Baker and thinking, what kind of leader CHEATS ON HIS WIFE with fans in the Parking Lot of a Cheese Cake Factory!!!

    In fact, all of the Bucs should be thinking about that.

  18. westernbuc Says:

    Browns receivers were no good when Baker was there. They were a run-team. So if he had to throw that much, odds are nothing was working

  19. CrackWise Says:


    Reading is a skill, its unbelievable that you have yet to develop it.

    Compared to Baker over the same time period. Yes, JW only had one bad year.

    Although JW threw for more yards, with more attempts and TDs. The point is not that JW was great. The point is that why is he being projected as the Bucs starter.

    Would any of us be excited about JW coming back with a guy like Kyle waiting for his opportunity???


  20. teacherman777 Says:

    Great defense and a great running game took the Eagles to the Super Bowl.

    The Eagles had the best defensive line in the NFL. 8 guys deep. With Suh. (Who should have been a Buc last year).

    We also need to copy the Eagles “rugby style” short yardage play.

    The NFL hasn’t banned it yet. But they will.

    So we need to use the Eagles “rugby” play in short yardage situations.

    We were AWFUL on 3rd and 1 or 2 last year.


    The worst interior offensive line in the history of the NFL!

  21. Fake name like the rest with the exception of Dave Says:

    Calm down all you cackling hens. Pre season hasent even started. Support your team and lead by example,or not

  22. An Erection for Sacks Says:

    Each and every one of those uniforms should be destroyed.

    Joe, can you help with this?

  23. Wild Bill Says:

    Getting real. An average defense and a lousy O line doomed the Bucs last year.
    Will new faces on defense and O line make either Baker or Trask a winning qb? Just being real I doubt the Bucs will win much more than half their games with a retread or a rookie at qb unless the running game can be dominate and the defense very very solid. Neither qb is good enough to carry the team. But either qb can hand off to a really good run game. And either qb could hit the Bucs excellent receivers if opposing defenses have to focus on defending a very strong run game. The Bucs will only get as far as a strong defense and a strong run game can carry them.

  24. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Mayfield has a 6-19 record (.316 winning percentage) when he attempts 35 or more passes. Deeper inside those numbers is Mayfield’s 1-8 (.125) record when the pass-attempt tally hits 40 or more.

    What is his winning percentage with 1-35 passes?

    Bet it’s nearly as bad!

  25. Hodad Says:

    Well, we’ll see soon enough. Baker can be a Geno Smith, Rich Gannon story, or not. The betting money is Baker will start, and most likely so, but will he finish? Trask has always been best waiting. Sometime this year whether injury, which Baker has had many, or playing bad, we will see Trask. Fans who are arguing Baker, or Trask will probably both get their wish.

  26. shankasorous Says:

    What a waste of a season to start Moxie Mayfield. Find it hard believe the Bucs are actually going to start him. His stats get worse and worse the more he throws because he’s not an NFL quarterback, just a sandlot runaround quarterback.

  27. Oneilbuc Says:

    People forget we had a top 5 offense every year and only one of the years we had a running game. The bucs defense was trash and lost a lot of games for the bucs but the fan base hated Jamies so much he got blame for every lost. And I also believe he was hated by Gator fans than anything and now FSU fans hate Kyle Trask. Jamies was hated so bad that even some of the bucs fan was hoping we lose . The Glazers need really to think about moving the bucs out of Tampa because this is the only fan base I’ve ever seen or heard that will call you a Kyle Trask fan or Jamies fan just because you hope that they play well because the team drafted them . The city of Tampa is a college town you guys care more about your college teams than the bucs. This is the only fan base I’ve seen in my life that does that.

  28. Craig Says:

    He doesn’t really like to lose and therefore tries too hard.

    When he is down he forces stuff and his happy feet get rolling and the line loses his positioning.

    Nothing wrong with throwing more than the NFL average, just make them count by taking what they give you.

  29. Tap Out Says:

    J Winston has not had any influence on this team since the day The Bucs cut him! …now can you people please move on! There is a QB competition going on and the winner gets to start and the runner up needs to stay prepared to step in at any time! ….that’s the way it works!!

  30. KFrye Says:

    but a lot of that was he never had elite type te or wr ever he threw 40 times every game in collage also he has never had a mcvay payton he has had one that had cordinator and head coach the rest never were above position coach not even OC

  31. garro Says:

    Yet another ridiculous stat Joe.

    We all know that we passed for two reasons last year. Because we could not run and because we were behind alot.
    Brady is one of the very few QBs who could even remotely pull off the 40+ pass attempts. It’s a shame he had to. Especially in the manner he had to.

    Go Bucs!

  32. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I think the Bucs got baker at a good price.
    Let’s see where this goes this year.
    If changes to the o-line turn for the best, everyone was saying goedeke was an ot instead of a left guard, and Jensen appears ~100%
    And the Swiss cheese secondary solidifies, with a few replacements, Who knows….
    This years outcome.
    There’s bound to be a few good surprises, there always are you know….

  33. Bosch Says:

    This is a meaningless stat if you closely examine cause and effect. If Tom Brady is your QB, you pass a lot because that is what works. If you have a balanced or run first offense, the games with more passing means you were playing catch up late. Naturally record will be worse in those games.

  34. SlyPirate Says:


    If you are throwing that much, it means you’re behind in points. Obviously, you’ll have a losing record if you’re behind in points.

  35. Brian Hand Says:

    Another thing that isn’t being said is when any QB is throwing 40 times or more they are usually playing catch up and are liable to throw interceptions or even lose the game? Am I wrong? So that’s a tough Statistic? Unless you are Brady so let’s give Mayfield his chance and stop bashing him.give him a shot! Now he’s got a proper camp and training and isn’t being passed around? We will see what he can really do and if he falls this one. Then I would say he’s a bust but do to his pass circumstances I understand some of his proformance was due to him not having a camp and solid coaching outside of Cleveland.

  36. kaimaru69 Says:

    @Buccaneer Bonzai

    25-19 (.568), so you would be very wrong