Tom Brady And Big Time Throws

June 23rd, 2023

“Tommy, let’s roast some arses today.”

Joe hears all the time that Tom Brady was a rotten quarterback last year.

This just makes Joe laugh. It’s absurd. Brady was third in the NFL in passing yards, eighth in touchdown passes and only had nine picks.

How is that “bad?”

Joe believes people think this way because of the standard Brady set the previous two seasons playing for Super Bowl-winning coach Bucco Bruce Arians.

Arians was Mr. No-Risk-It; No-Biscuit. Bucs head coach Todd Bowles, who Brady played for last season, is, um, well, more measured (ahem) in his offensive approach.

And of course, former playcaller SpongeBob was flat out incompetent. Joe is starting to think the contrast is why some fans think Brady was awful last year.

With Arians, Brady was the ultimate gunslinger, and it wasn’t even close. Even counting the play-it-safe approach of Bowles, in Brady’s three Bucs seasons he led the NFL in pass attempts that were 20 yards or more. At No. 2 is Josh Allen of the Bills. Brady had 122 more attempts than Allen of 20-yards or more. That’s insane!

And remember, Brady did this pushing 45.

So yeah, when you dial back the offense, compared to what it was with Arians, the naked eye showed Brady seemed off. It wasn’t him so much as it was the lassoed offense.

33 Responses to “Tom Brady And Big Time Throws”

  1. AtlBuc Says:


  2. AtlBuc Says:

    The chart doesn’t show how many of those attempts were completed which, according to my memory, was a small percentage

  3. AtlBuc Says:

    The chart also shows that while TB had 104 “big time throws” Baker had only 39

  4. Hodad Says:

    He wasn’t the Tom Brady of 2020, 21. He was half retired last year, age, personal issues took it’s toll. He wasn’t good enough, but so were a lot of other things from players, to coaches. Injuries were also a big problem on an old, slow team. Am I missing anything? I have hope we can turn this around with two QB’s, whoever start, that are hungry, and have some juice. Brady wasn’t rotton, but he wasn’t the same Brady either.

  5. Mikejp Says:

    He lost half of his weapons compared to the first two years.

  6. garro Says:

    Throws into the dirt (QBs have done this dating back to Johnny Unitas) were taught by his coaches and were done in self preservation of a 45 year old body because of a crap offensive line on his blindside including his center. He did not force throws ala Jaymiss. He had zero confidence in the line to protect him I’m sure. At times checking out of longer developing plays because of it. Thus the shorter YPC for his receivers. His 2.3 second average release time proves this to me. 2.3 folks is a ridiculous number. If Brady had a line that gave him 3 seconds and BA the NFL would have seen a whole different Bucs team last year. As it was do you people really think any other QB could have taken us to a division championship last year under the circumstances we had. Come on now Geez!

  7. Voice of Truth Says:

    I will never forget the sideline scene in Pittsburg last year, maybe Carolina in the first game where Brady was just begging the OLine to wake up, get some energy and they all just sat there staring into space with no reaction at all

    Last year the Brady effect lost its mojo as Toad sucked the life out of this team

    That is all

  8. garro Says:

    Narrow those stats down to last season and it might have some legit meaning to me. Bet here is that they were down signficantly from the previous two years.

    Go Bucs!

  9. teacherman777 Says:

    Cappa left.

    Marpet retired.

    Jensen got hurt.

    And we started two guys who played RT in college at center and right guard.

    We had no play action. The worst rushing attack in the history of the NFL and Tom had no time to throw.

  10. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Big time throws are completing 3rd downs and in the red zone…..

    This continued attempt to resurrect Brady’s 2022 season is puzzling. The offense sucked and Brady was part of that…..not the only reason, of course.

    Any other team with any other QB with those numbers, the QB would be blamed.

    It was what it was…..a losing season in a horrible division with an humiliating loss at home in the playoffs.

  11. 1sparkybuc Says:

    18 points a game sucks, and the QB is largely responsible. Brady was the QB.

  12. SteveK Says:

    It was a tough year. Brady still did the best he could.

    I’m co dude by Winston would have not done as well last year.

    I’ll take my chances moving forward.

    We had the 45 y/o GOAT, no regrets, and of course he was a little more limited than he was ten years prior.

    I’d sign Brady today if he wanted to play. It doesn’t matter. When you can have a Jordan, Gretzky, Russel-type player on your squad, you take it.

  13. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Tom Brady wasn’t rotten last year , he just wasn’t Tom Brady. He clearly did not want to get hit and his performance suffered. Facts are facts.

  14. Dooley Says:

    Tom Brady was basically 45 yr old Jared Goff last season. Yardage doesn’t mean what you think it means if you cannot score points and if you can’t score, you can’t win.

  15. Smashsquatch Says:

    There were lot of problems with the Bucs last year including Brady. His sparkling stats suggest he was more concerned about self preservation than sacrifice. He was unwilling to take a hit and checked down way too early.

  16. Duane Says:

    Joe doesn’t even read his own posts. Joe admits that Brady still attempted more 20+ yard throws than anybody in the league under our former OC who designed the offense and called the plays, and was still third in passing yards last season, yet Joe stll clings to the false claim that under Bowles and Leftwich the offense somehow was “dialed back”.

    The most obvious of all conclusions was that our offensive line sucked last year, consisting on most plays of either backups or first teasers who were playing hurt. Which explains the poor rushing attack and also Tom Brady’s league leading time to launch a pass, meaning he was running for his life all season long. That and the left tackle allowing the most sacks of any LT in thd league and was the most penalized player in the league last season.

    Yet Joe and others persist in blaming it on Leftwich and Bowles.

  17. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    He wasn’t as good as the two years before, but was still better than all but one or two qbs in the league. And that is largely because of the OC. So, he was still the Brady we knew, the rest of the offense wasn’t. Pretty obvious to most of us.

  18. Bucsfan13 Says:

    I’m not going to mention the name Brady because it triggers some people. I’m going to refer to him as the 45 year old QB. You need to look at him through that lens. The 45 year old QB was an average QB last season. He was below average in some games, and he played awful in a few. The circumstances around the 45 year QB were untenable and conducive to a losing season. Here’s what the 45 year old QB dealt with last season:

    -An offensive line with a LG and C who were new to their positions and never took one NFL snap. That’s who you had protecting the interior of a 45 year old QB. The results what be would your expected. A non-existent run game to support the aging QB and little to no pass protection that forced him to get rid of quick.

    -The receivers struggled with separation. The film backs it up and the data. Godwin was a shell of himself last season. We had a rookie RB and an out of shape aging RB.

    -The “take a hit people” are delusional. The OL was so bad he would’ve been taken a hit almost every pass play. He took selective hits and if a DL was closing in he would dirt it. It’s what he was taught by Belicheat. You don’t take negative plays and live to fight another down. When he did take a hit, he tore his rotator cuff. Remember him getting blasted by an unblocked defender? His camp downplayed it as a “minor torn rotator cuff.” It was BS. There are no minor injuries with a 45 year old QB.

    -Finally, the OC. Any criticism of Leftwich triggers some people. Leftwich guided the ship when we were an explosive offense in 20 and 21. He also helped sink the ship in 22. He failed to adapt to current personnel. He ran the same stale offense that relied on the receivers beating their man. We had long developing routes with a bad OL. Here are some quotes from players from camp so far:

    Lavonte David : They’re giving us great looks, something that we haven’t seen in a while. B.A.’s offense is more taking deep shots down the field, this offense is taking what the defense gives them. It’s been really competitive out there the past couple of days.”

    It’s different “There’s a lot of movement going around, a lot of different personnel [groups], a lot of different looks that they’re giving us. It gives us a chance to communicate defensively and adjust on the fly.

    Mike Evans: “I’ve never been so open.”

    Case Otton: “The offense is logical.”

    The 45 year old QB would’ve been an above average QB if the circumstances around him were better. He wouldn’t have been the great QB of 20 and 21, but our offense sure would’ve been better than it was last season. This is why some Bucs fans and other fanbases still want him their team. I’m not one of them, but those people think that he wasn’t the main problem with the team last year.

  19. unbelievable Says:

    Teacherman summed it up perfectly.

    Add all those things up with an immobile 45 year old QB going through a divorce / cheating wife, on top of an incompetent playcaller, and we saw the results.

  20. ATLBuc Says:

    I’m convinced that Brady forced BA out because he wanted more control of the offensive play calling. Without BA’s red pen he an Leftwich were horrible! It takes time to throw a 20+ yard pass so stop blaming the Oline. He missed on a lot of long passes and under threw, aka threw in the dirt, a lot of short passes. I appreciate the ring he helped us get but he got too big for his britches when he ran BA off!

  21. Duane Says:

    Brady had nothing left in the tank and at 45 when it goes, it looks like a Leftwich offense. Too bad neither of them will have a bounce back season this year.

  22. Rand Says:

    He played majority of the time like he was in self preservation mode, not allowing many plays to develop before throwing the ball. He averaged 6.3 yards a pass near the bottom of all starting QB’s.

  23. stpetebucfan Says:

    Brady clearly stayed a year too long! He is fortunate not to have totally destroyed his reputation. Thankfully he bowed out this season. I’m a Brady fan don’t need to see him end up like Joe Namath…final season 3TD’s 5INTs for the Rams.

    Or worse still for old timers like me…Johnny U who just played like total sh!t his final season with San Diego. That hurt me almost as much as watching the Greatest Boxer of All Time hang on for the needed money and adulation only to lose to guys who wouldn’t have lasted a few rounds with Ali in his prime.

    At least Brady did not suck his last year but he was certainly not his former self.
    No way to tell how much the breakup of his family figured in. Clearly cost him a ton of preparation missing the preseason…and most here like to zero in on Gizelle…it was a FAMILY…the loss for Brady was also the effect on his kids from the split. Divorce is ALWAYS hard…with kids it’s just that much more difficult!

  24. RustyRhinos Says:

    Brady is GONE! And he aint coming back, not in this lifetime, no matter how many clicks every post may get. Brady is GONE, GONE, GONE! He’s GONE!!!

    Hey Joe(s), do you cry yourself a rainbow river when you spill a “Bromosa”, or do you build a bridge or swim to the fridge or swagger up at your local ‘Bromossa” watering hole, and get over it?

    Last year was the last year for Brady, Thanks, Tom.
    This left us with our 2nd Trophy and back-to-back NFC South Championships and playoff games that go with those NFC South Banners.
    It did not end with what Tom and all of us would have liked.
    Enjoy that time we had with Tom and move on!

    The 2023 season is quickly approaching.
    What does matter is who is the 23 QB and what will his 20-yard attempts and completions be. Hoist the sails and sharpen the swords and be ready to work those cannons!!!!!

  25. RustyRhinos Says:

    Moderation again. I don’t know what I did, to be in JoeBucFan Moderation. Again…

  26. RustyRhinos Says:


  27. RustyRhinos Says:

    Brady is GONE! And he aint coming back, not in this lifetime, no matter how many clicks every post may get. Brady is GONE, GONE, GONE! He’s GONE!!!

    Hey Joe(s), do you cry yourself a rainbow river when you spill a “Bromosa”, or do you build a bridge or swim to the fridge or swagger up at your local ‘Bromossa” watering hole, and get over it?

    Last year was the last year for Brady, Thanks, Tom.
    This left us with our 2nd Trophy and back-to-back NFC South Championships and playoff games that go with those NFC South Banners.
    It did not end with what Tom and all of us would have liked.
    Enjoy that time we had with Tom and move on!

    The 2023 season is quickly approaching.
    What does matter is who is the 23 QB and what will his 20-yard attempts and completions be. Hoist the sails and sharpen the swords and be ready to work those cannons!!!!!

  28. RustyRhinos Says:

    Brady is GONE! And he aint coming back, not in this lifetime, no matter how many clicks every post may get. Brady is GONE, GONE, GONE! He’s GONE!!!

  29. RustyRhinos Says:

    Hey Joe(s), do you cry yourself a river when you spill a “Bromosa”, or do you build a bridge or swim to the fridge or swagger up at your local ‘Bromossa” watering hole, and get over it?

    Last year was the last year for Brady, Thanks, Tom.
    This left us with our 2nd Trophy and back-to-back NFC South Championships and playoff games that go with those NFC South Banners.
    It did not end with what Tom and all of us would have liked.
    Enjoy that time we had with Tom and move on!

    The 2023 season is quickly approaching.
    What does matter is who is the 23 QB and what will his 20-yard attempts and completions be. Hoist the sails and sharpen the swords and be ready to work those cannons!!!!!

  30. RustyRhinos Says:

    Last year was the last year for Brady, Thanks, Tom.
    This left us with our 2nd Trophy and back-to-back NFC South Championships and playoff games that go with those NFC South Banners.
    It did not end with what Tom and all of us would have liked.
    Enjoy that time we had with Tom and move on!

    The 2023 season is quickly approaching.
    What does matter is who is the 23 QB and what will his 20-yard attempts and completions be. Hoist the sails and sharpen the swords and be ready to work those cannons!!!!!

  31. RustyRhinos Says:

    Hey Joe(s), do you cry yourself a river when you spill a “Bromosa”, or do you build a bridge or swim to the fridge or swagger up at your local ‘Bromossa” watering hole, and get over it?

  32. HC Grover Says:

    I would trade Traskfield for a 46 year old Brady right now.

  33. Bucswin Says:

    Where is the stat for missing wide open receivers, And throwing interceptions in the red zone in the playoffs?