One Bad Thing

June 25th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

By the end of November, Bucs fans should know if the Bucs are a contender, a poser or if Bucs coach Todd Bowles is in trouble.

That’s the way that John Breech of CBS Sports sees it. Looking at the Bucs’ schedule, he sees one good thing (which Joe touched on yesterday) and one bad thing. The bad thing is a four-week span beginning in Week 8 at Buffalo and ending at San Francisco.

One bad thing for the Buccaneers: Starting in Week 8, the Buccaneers have to play four road games in five weeks and two of those games will be coming against the 49ers and Bills. That span could end their season before things even get to the midway point.

At the least, fans will find out how physical the Bucs are. Last year the Bucs got punched in the mouth by physical teams late in the season, especially San Francisco. Dallas absolutely mauled the Bucs in the playoffs.

Both teams had physical offensive lines.

That four-game stretch Breech mentions should be very telling in many ways, and for the 2024 offseason.

32 Responses to “One Bad Thing”

  1. Tye Says:

    Until the games are played, it can go either way…

    Anyone remember the season we were 9-3 and Monte decided to leave the Bucs..
    That season sure tanked in a hurry!

  2. BrisketBuc Says:

    Suckage is in the past. Go Todd.

  3. Tony Says:


    Well then we need to bring back Monte Kiffin. Even at like 80 or whatever he is now. Maybe we’d be able to get Brooks Barber Rice & Sapp to come back & play again since Lynch is in SF.

  4. BillyBucco Says:

    We don’t need Kiffen.
    We needed an influx of young hungry talent and we got that.
    This stretch will tell a ton about our team.
    That is if we are say 4-2 or 3-3.
    If we are already 2-4, 1-5 or winless this stretch will implode us.

  5. ATLBuc Says:

    By week 8 we will already know what kind of team we have

  6. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    By week 8, It will be reported of the Glazers secretly interviewing head coaches.

  7. Mike C Says:

    BillyBucco “will implode us” Too soon bro!

  8. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We must be 4-2 coming into those games and at least 2-3 coming out….that would put us at 6-5…….and then we need to win 2 of our remaining division games 4.. 8-7 along with one or two other games.

  9. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    It’s June not worried about it

  10. geno711 Says:

    I know the Bills are one of the best teams. Are they really known as a physical team right now?

  11. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Expectations should be low for the season…QB room at or near league bottom, head coach…perhaps the worst in the league ( a good D-Coordinator under Bruce Arians admittedly ), key players ( Evans, Jensen ( bum knee also ), David a year older )…young ones regressed in 2022…Winfield, D. White, JTS ( a never really was ).

    All of my nonsense to say…low to no expectations in 2023…but would welcome a pleasant surprise or two.

  12. Marine Buc Says:

    It won’t take 8 weeks to figure out if this team is good or not.

    Our first two games are against the Vikings and the Bears.

    If we can’t win those two games the Bucs will already be circling the toilet bowl…

  13. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Da Bucs Guy Says:
    June 25th, 2023 at 3:41 am
    By week 8, It will be reported of the Glazers secretly interviewing head coaches.
    Anybody who knows anything about the Bucs knows that the Glazers are highly secretive and the media and fans aren’t going to know about this, if it were the case…Further proof you have no idea about the Bucs or what you’re talking about.

  14. John Sinclear Says:

    The 2024 offseason?? We haven’t gotten past the 2023 offseason yet!!

  15. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    @joe in Michigan

    Then how was it reported Lovie Smith was interviewed while Greg Schiano was still head coach? Now sit back down at the kids table, while the adults talk football.

  16. Paul Says:

    Bowles should be fired asap….

    He’s the worst. Brady saved his token ass

  17. Tony Says:


    We’d bring a new term to the SUPER BOWL then.

  18. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    LOL. Todd Bowles will never be “in trouble” because Jason Licht gave him a 5 year contract. So, even if he is fired. he still gets paid!
    There was absolutely no reason to give this Man a 5 year contract.
    It was not like we were competing for his head coaching services.
    His record as a head coach was terrible, but yet Jason Licht rewards him with a 5 year contract ?
    Go Figure!

  19. Buc4evr Says:

    Honestly, I think we will know by the third game if the Bucs even have chance to become a contender. I don’t expect the Bucs to do much offensively this year. Maybe they can win 6 games? Not very optimistic.

  20. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Tony


    At least we could start talking about the draft in September instead of December.

  21. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Da Bucs Guy Says:
    June 25th, 2023 at 11:09 am
    @joe in Michigan

    Then how was it reported Lovie Smith was interviewed while Greg Schiano was still head coach? Now sit back down at the kids table, while the adults talk football.
    Did you hear about it when it was going on? No, you heard about that years later, well after the fact.

  22. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Da Bucs Guy Says:
    June 25th, 2023 at 11:09 am
    @joe in Michigan

    Then how was it reported Lovie Smith was interviewed while Greg Schiano was still head coach? Now sit back down at the kids table, while the adults talk football.
    This was Mark Dominik running his mouth several years after it happened. You’re dumb enough to think that’s current news, though.

  23. View from 132 Says:

    San Francisco and Buffalo should be worried about playing the Bucs. Incredibly negative point of view for a team that has a lot of playoff and Super Bowl vets on it.

    The Bucs fanbase suffers from the same thing as the Rays. Every year the Yankee and Sox fans get loud because of legacy teams. But it is our local teams that have actually been relevant recently. What has San Francisco done since Montana and Young? LOST a Super Bowl and not made it back.

    Same with Buffalo. They have a talented QB, but where are the champs on that roster? The players that actually won?

    Our D beat Mahomes. The D that is coached by our coach. Tired of all this negative crap like without Brady we’ll never win again.

  24. Go Bucs Says:

    View from 132 has it spot on! Well said

  25. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    ATLBuc Says:
    June 25th, 2023 at 3:00 am
    By week 8 we will already know what kind of team we have

    I believe that within the building at One Buccaneer Palace, they WILL know what kind of team they have by week 8.

    It may not be so obvious to us fans and may not be reflected in the win-loss record.

    Back in 1996 (Tony Dungy’s first year as HC) the Bucs started off the season by going 1-8. But most who passed judgment on where the team was heading
    were dead wrong. The Bucs finished by going 5 – 2 over their last 7 games and it was obvious they had turned a corner. And even earlier in the season, it was already obvious to some of the players they were heading in the right direction, at least a number of players who I had come into contact with. They KNEW the team was going to be OK even before the record reflected that.

    The Bucs are really in a rebuilding mode in the present to a large degree and with a new QB, a new OC, and some players in key positions, it will take some time for them to reach their potential. My point is that it may NOT necessarily be obvious by week 8 as to what kind of team we have. IMO, we brought on some players this year who will be great, but they need to be developed. So have some patience.

  26. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I’m not clear on the Bucs fan base.
    I’m as ignorantly as ‘Billy ray valentine’ on the matter.
    But I can tell you a little about the rays.
    You could go to the rays stadium with 50- $100 bills and not get into the stadium.
    They don’t except cash.
    You cant park using cash.
    You cant buy a ticket using cash.
    Rite there, ~50% of all customers are locked out. especially poorer fan base customers. Ones with bad credit, or no credit at all. And ones that just like using cash.
    It sickens me that this fact is lost on all media outlets when talking ray’s poor attendance levels. They put that on their own ‘credit only’ arrogance.

  27. HC Grover Says:

    I already know. Awful.

  28. Joe in Michigan Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    June 25th, 2023 at 1:59 pm
    I already know. Awful.
    Okay, now go follow a different team.

  29. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Bring back the lawn chairs Says:
    June 25th, 2023 at 1:30 pm

    “…I can tell you a little about the rays.
    You could go to the rays stadium with 50- $100 bills and not get into the stadium.
    They don’t except cash.”
    I have the ability to pay with a card but not a fan of those who prefer a cashless society.

    If they don’t accept cash I doubt I’ll be going to any games.

  30. Tony Says:


    Yeah possibly & if they have to draft a QB I think I take Maye over Caleb. Yeah some people are gonna think it’s insane but between USC, Florida, Michigan, Ohio St & Alabama no QBs make it out of there. Those schools have been around forever & the only ones to come out of those schools that actually did something were Palmer, Brady, Theismann, Starr & Namath. That’s not that much. That’s why I didn’t want Trask from the beginning.

  31. Sly Pirate Says:

    “Starting week 8 the next four weeks … the Bucs season could over before the midway point.”

    Um, Math?

    Season is 17 games. Week 8 +4 weeks is 12. 12/17 is not midway.

    I’m West Coast. I’ve heard FL are retarded but wow!!!

  32. garro Says:

    LOL Seeing as the Bucs never have enjoyed a real home field advantage, I really don’t pay much attention to home field for the Bucs. Although travel I’m sure does take a toll on teams. These days I think they have figured out how to minimize it.

    Go Bucs!