Bucs Get Primetime Games (That’s Plural)

May 11th, 2023

Two games under the lights.

Earlier this week sort of previewing the schedule release, NBC Sports’ Peter King wrote the Bucs would likely come up empty on primetime games this fall.

Instead, it turns out the Bucs get not just one primetime game, but two.

The first under the lights will be a Monday night matchup with Joe Buck and Troy Aikman on the call for BSPN, Sept. 25, hosting the Eagles.

The next will have put the Bucs on the road Oct. 26 at Buffalo. That will be a Thursday night game with Al Michaels and Kirk Herbstreit with the call.

So it seems the Bucs, three years removed from a Super Bowl win and two years removed from making a repeat run, still have enough buzz to warrant prime time. Twice.

And the Bucs won’t be flexed out. NFL flex rules don’t kick in until later in the season.

Get Big Storm Brewing beers iced up!

36 Responses to “Bucs Get Primetime Games (That’s Plural)”

  1. westernbuc Says:

    Peter King? Wrong? I never

  2. westernbuc Says:

    Also, nice to see us back on the early bye week schedule. No respect!

  3. Buc4evr Says:

    Wow the early bye week sucks.

  4. Usfbuc Says:

    Eagles, 49ers, and Bills are all probably losses. Bears and Vikings I’m going to lean towards a loss. The rest of the games are 50/50.

  5. rrsrq Says:

    It’s the Baker Mayfield effect…. I mean they are surely going to make commercials with Ray Jay and the pirate ship as his home…

  6. Bucsfan13 Says:

    This is an old rule. It’s no longer in effect. — Joe

  7. DingleBerry Says:

    This is an old rule. It’s no longer in effect. — Joe

  8. CalBucsFan Says:

    1) 4 of the first 6 regular season games at home-GOOD, but…

    2) Not impressed with the early BYE week happening AGAIN, especially during that 6-game run-BAD BAD…

    3) Followed by 3-sets of back-to-back road games with only 1-home game in between each set-BAD BAD BAD!!!

    The first or second pick in next year’s draft is looking more and more realistic. Damn!

    Has anyone figured out the total travel mileage yet?

  9. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    I was worried about that first game conflicting with the Jags at 1pm, on Orlando TV, when I saw we were on CBS. Thankfully the Jaguares are on fox that day.

  10. Joe Says:

    Every team in the league has to play on Thursday night so that doesn’t even really count.

    Not any more. Old rule.

  11. Joe Says:

    Has anyone figured out the total travel mileage yet?


  12. Buctank Says:

    Already got my tickets to Buffalo. Was our plan to go if schedule fell right!!!

  13. DoooshLaRue Says:

    How about some Abe’s Wings Joe?

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    The Bucs have a decent chance to start out 2-2.

    They ALWAYS beat the Bears at home, if the Bucs lose that game, you might as well just go ahead and call the season, since it’s going to be a horror show.

    Also, the Bucs TEND to always beat the Eagles at home, in particular when the Eagles are the much team (discounting the playoff beat-down of the Eagles).

    Overall, I think it’s going to be like in the Ray Perkins era, and the Bucs might even be 3-3, before finishing 5-12. I see a huge, long losing streak start @Bills and lasting until the Jacksonville game. But I could be off on what games they lose, but my initial look at the schedule says good start, long losing streak, very annoying season.

    But, maybe I’m wrong. I mean I’ve nailed the win/loss record every year from 2015 until last year, when I said they’d go 10-7, which was way lower on the team than anyone else I remember. So if I’m still overestimating Bowles, at least the Bucs would then be in the running for the #1 pick.

  15. DingleBerry Says:

    Not sure where you’re getting this information about it being an old rule, but if you go and check the Thursday night schedule for the upcoming year, every single team gets a Thursday night game.

  16. DingleBerry Says:

    Every team *except the Texans*.

  17. DingleBerry Says:

    Disregard everything I just said.

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    DingleBerry – They changed the rule this year, because Amazon is paying the NFL a ton of money.

    However, TNF is still a game that is seen as an obligation and a punishment, so they work the Bucs into prime time, but only because people expect to see a show, like when the Romans would throw Christians to the lions. People like to see beatdowns, and that’s what they’re expecting there.

  19. adam from ny Says:

    somehow we’ve gotta find a way to go 2-2 to start the season…

    a 1-3 start will cause a real spiral effect…

    just ask those people from the weather channel

  20. Hunter Says:

    Nothing sucks worse than…CBS broadcasts

  21. adam from ny Says:

    and fast forwarding thru the first 8 games…

    we’ve gotta find a way to be 4-4 thru 8 games…

    you can almost pencil in losses vs philly , no, detroit and buf…

    so to be 4-4, we must beat minn, chi, atl and hou…

    so if we are 4-4 midway thru the season we are hangin’ tough

  22. adam from ny Says:

    fast forwarding again…

    we’ve gotta find a way to be 5-5 thru the niners game

  23. Bucs2Yucspart2 Says:

    I don’t see their first win until they see the Lions at home 😳 Wow they have a tough schedule and doesn’t help most of the team went to Kansas City, but just watch it will buy another year for Licht and Bowel Movment and will leverage the schedule of why they aren’t achieving 1-7 .. Yuck

  24. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Bucs better have their throwback unis game early or else they’ll also have throwback crowds.

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    Hunter Says:
    May 11th, 2023 at 10:09 pm
    Nothing sucks worse than…CBS broadcasts


    CBS, the only network to have never broadcast an NFL game in 4K.

    BUT, CBS does broadcast games in 1080… just 1080i, while Fox and ABC/ESPN broadcasts in 720p.

    No idea what Amazon broadcasts in.

    Anywho, I was looking to see if I bought the Sunday Ticket package on YouTube, if they were finally going to all 4K broadcasts, and apparently, they are not. So I’ll just stick to paying for Redzone for another year.

  26. Rod Munch Says:

    Pelsbuc61 Says:
    May 11th, 2023 at 10:35 pm
    Bucs better have their throwback unis game early or else they’ll also have throwback crowds.


    Good call, I wasn’t even thinking about that.

    Eagles game on MNF would be the perfect place to do it.

    It’s been so long since they’ve worn them, it will get a ton of buzz.

  27. Bucswin Says:

    Oh boy those early season Sept Oct 1pm games in the Florida sun. That stadium will be empty. It’s like the NFL doesn’t really care about the fans. Oh right…When is the big sail over the stadium coming to Rayjay to give us some shade? You know like the one in la. Naaa nevermind it’s just Tampa. Craft beer problems for us all. Go BUCS!!

  28. Joe Says:

    Anywho, I was looking to see if I bought the Sunday Ticket package on YouTube, if they were finally going to all 4K broadcasts, and apparently, they are not.

    Apparently, they are. You can get FOX, NBC and BSPN in 4K on YouTubeTV. Not sure about NFL Sunday Ticket.

    Here are the details.

  29. adam from ny Says:

    hell yeah…eagles…monday night…orange unis for the win !

  30. Fred McNeil Says:

    Last year I had prime video during the season. Comes in handy for getting gifts from Amazon delivered free. After Xmas got rid of it till next year. Got NFL+ for the Seahawks game and couldn’t get it to work on my TV so I watched it on my phone and canceled it.

  31. adam from ny Says:

    no prime time games in the 2nd half of the season…

    does that mean the nfl figures our record will be bad enough at that point to not be an attractive offering to fans on a sunday or monday night in november & december

  32. Crickett Baker Says:

    I think Amazon did a great job televising the games and I enjoyed the camera work and commentating. I am NOT looking forward to the orange unis. I just saw too many losing games in those. I am hoping Bowel Obstruction has learned a lot after last year. Maybe this year he really will have to rely on 57-yard field goals.

  33. Alden Sullivan Says:

    We were a “Prime” embarrassment last season with Brady. Looking at prime opponents is this a prime setup for a sure repeat without him? Just asking.

  34. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe Says:
    May 11th, 2023 at 11:32 pm
    Anywho, I was looking to see if I bought the Sunday Ticket package on YouTube, if they were finally going to all 4K broadcasts, and apparently, they are not.

    Apparently, they are. You can get FOX, NBC and BSPN in 4K on YouTubeTV. Not sure about NFL Sunday Ticket.


    Thanks Joe! I was googling that earlier and all the stories I saw said no, they’re just getting the network feeds like usual, and as such, it’s just going to be 720p or 1080i. If they are in fact doing something, I might go ahead and get this for the first time in a long time.

  35. Rod Munch Says:

    Crickett Baker Says:
    I think Amazon did a great job televising the games and I enjoyed the camera work and commentating.


    The Prime view, or whatever they called it, where you could see the entire field and watch all the plays in real time develop was fantastic.

  36. unbelievable Says:

    I’m sorry but TNF games are not primetime.

    They’re garbage. Always. And just a legacy requirement. The Lions are actually lucky they’re not being forced to play one this year.