Tom Brady Magic Spread All Over Bucs
December 2nd, 2021
Bucs RT Tristan Wirfs explains.
With the possible exception of trading for Chucky, the biggest, most impactful transaction the Bucs made in their franchise history was the day they signed Tom Brady.
That simple yet significant transaction turned around an entire team. There is a reason the Bucs went from a team that couldn’t flush a toilet right for over a decade to almost overnight Super Bowl champions and a favorite to repeat this season.
That is because of one man: Brady.
Brady taught the Bucs to win. What it takes to win. The Bucs went from a losing team alleged to have talent to one, when Brady was finished, holding a Vince Lombardi Trophy high in the thick Tampa night air aloft in victory.
So yesterday, Bucs right tackle Tristan Wirfs was so asked what makes Brady so special.
“I think he is so detail-oriented and that kind of spreads its way through the whole team,” Wirfs said. “We’ve been having those meetings on Friday afternoons for, I don’t know how long now. I think they are paying off.
“Our run game has been improved. He just tells us, ‘I just want all of us to be on the same page. This time of year, teams can either fall off or keep getting better.’
“He said he wants us to keep getting better, and I know all of us want that. I don’t know what it is about him, but he’s pretty special.”
And if you think about it, how Brady turned around the Bucs, this should stick around for a long, long time.
Sooner or later Brady will hang up his cleats. But guess who will still be around for maybe a decade after? Antoine Winfield, Devin White, Joe Tryon-Shoyinka and others. They will pass along to new players — some who are now in high school — what it takes to be a pro and what it takes to win because they will have learned from the farm animal himself.
Brady’s winning ways and impact will last a long, long time around One Buc Palace.
December 2nd, 2021 at 9:07 am
Np question about Brady’s positive impact in so many areas – and, you are right, the legacy will live on. Great guy.
December 2nd, 2021 at 9:11 am
you guys see the fox news article about the basketball team that accidentally added SMB to a group chat and the team and TB facetimed them and went around the locker room. Great article-feel good story.
December 2nd, 2021 at 9:17 am
Brady is obsessed w/ winning not money. That’s what it is Vita. He’s Michael Jordan
December 2nd, 2021 at 9:27 am
@ Robert. Yes, great story. So cool.
December 2nd, 2021 at 9:29 am
That happened here in Michigan.
December 2nd, 2021 at 9:31 am
Still think when you have a 100 member coaching staff, TB shouldn’t have to hold extra meetings to get on the same page. But Bless him for doing it.
December 2nd, 2021 at 9:32 am
I am scratching my head, I thought it was BA that changed this team from losers to winners or at least if you ask him that’s what he’ll tell you. Hmmm Friday afternoon meetings, sounds like dedication to me. Friday afternoons you can find BA and staff bar hoping down the Clearwater strip enjoying happy hour $3.00 rum runners.
December 2nd, 2021 at 9:38 am
Brady’s winning ways and impact will last for a long, long time around One Buc Palace.-
I think that’s more wishful thinking than reality- it will depend on talent and coaching.
Patriots still had the coaching after Brady left, not so much the talent.
Now that they have talent, especially at QB, they are winning again.
December 2nd, 2021 at 9:52 am
Alanbucsfan, I would agree but Belichick once Brady left had the same record as BA without Brady 7-9. Belichick thought he had Bradys replacement with Jared Stidham (total bust). It cost New England $265 million to build a new team whereas Brady his final year took the less talented team to a 12-4 record playoffs. Riddle me this Batman, right now Pat’s are ranked 6th in power rankings and sniffing the playoffs and possible SB contender. If Brady was on the current Patriots team what would Pat’s be ranked and do you think they would most likely be the SB favorites?
December 2nd, 2021 at 10:05 am
We should all thank John Lynch who did not want Brady.
Tampa was his second choice to go to. He wanted to play for the 49ers because he is a California Boy, and his parents still live in the SF Bay area.
The 49ers chose to stick with Jimmy G at QB, and passed on Brady.
So, he came to Tampa.
December 2nd, 2021 at 10:13 am
Brady has brought many new Buc fans with him…….in particular, Women……but Men & kids also….
He is constantly on the news & wearing Bucs gear…….we are the talk of the NFL…….thanks to Brady. And then, there’s the wins….24-8 with Brady…..not to shabby.
December 2nd, 2021 at 10:28 am
Listnfrmafar … The Patriots are the tale of 2 teams this season IMO. For the first 6 games (2-4) they were adjusting to a new starting QB (Jones) & re-learning how to win. They had trouble finishing drives (had 11 TDs & 11 FGs in those 6 games). They’ve won their next 6 games though, and have gotten quite a bit better at finishing drives (20 TDs & 17 FGs).
Their Turnover Differential is also MUCH better in their last 6 games. Pats had 11 giveaways vs 8 takeaways in the first 6 games (MINUS 3 Differential), but have only 4 giveaways vs 17 takeaways in this recent 6 game winning streak (PLUS 13 Differential). Included in those 17 recent takeaways are THREE Pick-6.
So their defense is kicking ass and their offense is not giving the ball away, controlling the game with a lot of rushing & short passing, and punching it in better. Wow, what a concept for winning football games.
December 2nd, 2021 at 10:46 am
DR, you mean NO no risk it no biscuit offense? What you failed to mention that 2 if their loses came from Bucs & Dallas and both went down to the wire. Some of that could’ve been both teams took Pat’s to lightly but nevertheless they gave both a game. Your stats maybe true but if Brady was on that same team, right now they would be ranked #1 and the SB favorites.
December 2nd, 2021 at 11:37 am
Listnfrmafar … Belicheck’s been using the same formula for winning football games forever. His priority is always defense, but his offenses have long been built to take advantage of opponents miscues & control the game. You wait, Mac Jones will end up being a clone of Tom Brady.
Patriots aren’t even close to being the most talented team in the league, but they do play solid football with sound fundamentals. They don’t beat themselves IOW. Jones for instance is currently throwing at a 70% completion pace; not too shabby for a rookie. He doesn’t have the weapons that TB12 has at his disposal, but he is getting it done with what he has. My suspicion is that he’ll be ROTY.
December 2nd, 2021 at 12:10 pm
DR, like Mahomes and Jackson, DC’s will figure Jones out and how to get to him. That’s a bit premature don’t you think, clone of Brady? What made Brady was not his rookie year it is the test of time that’s made him to compare him to a rookie because they run the same offense is an insult, I would rather read the Jamais lovers compare him to Brady at least he’s played more than 2/3 a season.
December 2nd, 2021 at 12:39 pm
There is only one GOAT, Tom Brady .
Mac Jones is a talented rookie QB who plays winning football.
The future is que sera sera.
HOF or even winning performances don’t just rub off. Winning teams need talented, smart players and good coaching.
December 2nd, 2021 at 12:44 pm
Listnfrmafar … An insult to Brady? Hardly; it was a compliment to Mac Jones. Been a Bama fan longer than I’ve been a Bucs fan (and that’s a long time on both). Mac Jones is the real deal & I couldn’t believe that he lasted until the Patriots’ pick. He was great at Bama; prototype pocket passer, reads the field quickly, accurate as all git-out. Yes, he will end up being a Brady clone.
December 2nd, 2021 at 12:58 pm
Not if McDaniels leaves. We’ll see.
December 2nd, 2021 at 4:52 pm
The Bucs offense (or defense) in a meeting in 8-10 years: “Ya’ll remember back in 2021, when Brady said “Let’s get better each week?”” This is the legacy a Brady-type of person leaves on a franchise. For us Bucs fans, here’s hoping he leaves this type of legacy in future teams/players.
December 2nd, 2021 at 6:01 pm
Trask pick look a bit better now? I’m sure Grasshopper Trask is sitting at the feet of his master. He’ll have at least three years to learn. When it’s time for master Tom to leave, hopefully Trask can take the pebble from his hand.
December 3rd, 2021 at 9:39 am
Who is “Chucky”?
December 3rd, 2021 at 12:50 pm
The Brady effect last year leading to a
Dismantling of the Chiefs in the Super Bowl is the stuff of legends. Absolutely incredible.
December 3rd, 2021 at 11:14 pm
Great story.
December 4th, 2021 at 11:27 am
Brady is goat of all sports Gretzky was dominant in Edmonton couldn’t do sane in n.y. Jordan had plenty of backup but stunk up the joint with wizards brady didn’t even have time to really practice w/bucs cause of covid new new system turned them into champs goats make everyone around them better.