Report: Antonio Brown And Mike Edwards Tried To Con The Bucs/NFL With Fake V-Cards
December 2nd, 2021
Busted for using fake V-card.
It was believed in Adam Schefter’s Twitter that furniture-tossing, bicycle-throwing receiver Antonio Brown and defensive back Mike Edwards were suspended for trying to pass a fake V-card, but it wasn’t fully clear.
After all, it was Brown’s chef who sang to the Tampa Bay Times that Brown was attempting to buy a fake V-card. There was no evidence in that story that Brown actually used a fake V-card in order to dodge NFL/NFLPA COVID protocols.
Now we know that is exactly why Brown and Edwards were suspended. Per Mark Maske of the Washington Post, he confirmed that’s why Brown and Edwards have been sentenced with a three-game suspension, each.
Antonio Brown, Mike Edwards and John Franklin III all submitted fake vaccination cards and all three are now legitimately vaccinated, according to a source familiar with the findings of the review that led to the players’ three-game suspensions.
— MarkMaske (@MarkMaske) December 2, 2021
Now Joe is seeing a bunch of folks asking why Aaron Rodgers was only fined for not following NFL/NFLPA COVID protocols. Rodgers never tried to pass a fake V-card to get around NFL/NFLPA protocols. He simply was busted for not wearing league-approved Antifa masks. Nothing more.
Rodgers in fact attempted to claim he was vaccinated by using altrnative vaccine methods which the NFL told him did not meet NFL/NFLPA protocol guidelines.