Richard Sherman Signing Adds Off-Field Value, Too

September 29th, 2021

Bucs CB Richard Sherman.

Of course, when you sign a player, it’s for his value on the field of play. If a guy cannot play, then what’s the point?

And with the Bucs in a win-now mode (they ought to be since they brought back all 22+1 starters from a Super Bowl winner and their quarterback is 44), a guy better be able to contribute with solid play.

Joe likes the Richard Sherman signing for a lot of reasons. The first obviously is that you cannot have enough good players.

Beyond that, Joe loves Sherman’s wits and intelligence. The guy is a very smart man. With his smarts and his experience, you don’t think that will rub off on Carlton Davis, Sean Murphy-Bunting and Jamel Dean (whenever the latter two return?). Sherman has been around the block a few times, played in three Super Bowls.

Now with the Rams having the edge as the team to beat in the NFC, Sherman has played those guys twice a year forever. Don’t think he doesn’t know some tricks about slowing down Cooper Kupp? Or has an idea how Sean McVay calls plays?

Not only is this a savvy move by Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht, it will pay off with performance where the Bucs sorely need help right now, and wisdom off the field.

25 Responses to “Richard Sherman Signing Adds Off-Field Value, Too”

  1. August 1976 Buc Says:

    He will help this Secondary grow a pair.
    He brings Swag, and like you said Joe, he is smart.
    Time to actually get up in the receivers face and chuck them at the line.

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  2. SteveK Says:

    Intelligence, heart, swag, and accountability are all brought by the addition of Sherman. Love it! He’s a dog and we need some presence in the back end.

    Now trade RoJo for another DB/pass rusher and sign Adrian Peterson as our kickoff returner and #2 back. He would ball out hard for that ring.

  3. Jersey buc Says:

    Love it!!
    Sure he’s not the same player as years ago. Much needed help in the back end. Hopefully he can get out there Sunday night. Am sure he’s had a playbook in his hands weeks ago

  4. mike Says:

    Will he face any suspension for his domestic violence arrest?

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Our secondary was the only group on this team without proper veteran presence. With Sherman that is solved and I believe you will see the effects of it on Davis, SMB and Dean

  6. bryan childs Says:

    Mike. I say this in an article in the SF Chronicle from 9/28/2021:

    “Sherman, 33, pleaded not guilty in July to five misdemeanor charges after he fled a single-car crash and allegedly tried to break into the house of his in-laws. Last month, his lawyer asked for a continuance at his pretrial hearing, which is set for Friday. It’s not known if Sherman will face NFL discipline related to his arrest, but the league often waits to hand down a suspension until the legal process is complete.”

  7. Chuck T Says:


    Probably not. He actually went out and seeked therapy for his mistake. I highly doubt the league will suspend him for that.

  8. Joe Says:

    He actually went out and seeked therapy for his mistake.

    He mentioned that in his video too.

  9. D-Rome Says:

    Good signing. All I have every asked of the Bucs year in and year out for 20+ years is to try. Try on the field and try in the front office. Every season should end with me believing that the team did everything they could to improve. This signing is one more sign that the team is trying.

  10. Don’t make a scene 35 Says:

    Time to step up D

  11. LVMYBUCS Says:

    You guys think Licht will sign one more CB besides the those practice guys? I have watched Dean play and he just looks scared to tackle sometimes I mean how did he make it on this team.

  12. Francisco Guzman Says:

    Still have to get to the QB. I feel the lack of pressure is why this team has given up these big plays. Barrett has to start showing up.

  13. Defense Rules Says:

    @Joe … “Not only is this a savvy move by Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht, it will pay off with performance where the Bucs sorely need help right now, and wisdom off the field.”

    Have to agree with the ‘wisdom off the field’ rationale Joe (after all, he is a 5-time Pro-Bowler), but not sure about the other two points.

    ‘Performance where the Bucs sorely need it right now’? Seems like a reasonable probability that it’ll be several games for even him to grasp Bowles’ defense (and for our defense to adjust to him?). He’s bound to be better than our subs right off the bat, but only time will tell how much his 33-year-old body has left in it.

    And why does JL get the credit for ‘another savvy move’ (other than him being the GM of course & signing the final papers?). Sherman was out there for quite awhile, and yet no one signed him. But then he visits the ‘hurting Bucs’, Tom Brady calls .. and voila. (Got a hunch that BA & Bowles might have also called?).

  14. Bird Says:

    Pat on back. I was one of first to call for bucs to sign him. Jk

    He is is still on the west coast
    West coast of florida baby

    Im guessing he still had some wheels at his workout today
    Go bucs!

  15. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Showed some really good ball skills in that video. Great signing potentially…secondary needed help. He’s hungry knowing this may be his last chance. I like it.

  16. Adrnagy Says:

    As long he does get injured the first game playing we good. He adds alot of experience.

  17. Stat guy Says:

    The league already came out and said they are taking the three games he didn’t play as satisfying any suspension

  18. Buc king Says:

    You guys talking bout he’s old or lost a step n sound real slow in the head….bradys 44 proving you wrong
    … Sherman is a elite cb has been n will be better then what we have on stagf..a Stanford education with wealth of football knowledge… he will be a great #2cb for us…which then forces dean n smb fight for the slit role when both are healthy….if you doubt Sherman is now are best cb yes including Davis who will be cb1 the your football in is one of lacking insight

  19. Buczilla Says:

    Well said Joe’s!

  20. Bucshot Says:

    He “Gets His Weed From California”…..

  21. Biff Barker Says:

    Good player even at his age. Not much downside, if any, to this signing. We had to do something.

  22. MadMax Says:

    @Luv, Yeah I’d still like to see us go after Patrick Peterson.

  23. Buxszntkt Says:

    @ Bucshot, I’m sure he’s gonna start shopping at Trulieve now that he is here. Maybe he will run into medicated Pete there ? Which location do you go to Pete ?

  24. Al Says:

    Brady will be happy. Sherman drove him nuts.

  25. teacherman777 Says:

    @Buc King

    You nailed it.

    He is not a #1 CB anymore.

    But he could be a great #2 CB.