Friday’s NFL News Brings Joy To Bucs Fans
July 24th, 2021
Bad NFL news good for Bucs.
Joe hates to crap on other teams’ woes, but hey, who gave the Bucs any slack during The Lost Decade?
The NFL news Bucs fans read via various alerts yesterday, while awful for a pair of Bucs rivals, had to put a smile on the faces of Tampa Bay fans everywhere.
Joe doesn’t think it is outrageous to say the teams that likely stood in the path of the Bucs returning to the next Super Bowl are the Packers, the Rams and perhaps the slimy Saints.
All three had awful weeks, specifically two yesterday.
Budding NFL star running back Cam Akers of the Rams was lost for the season with a blown Achilles. Joe isn’t sure if the Rams are even the favorite now to win the NFC West.
Then yesterday it was learned that slimy Saints star receiver Michael Thomas may be lost for months due to ankle surgery. Down go the slimy Saints.
Then last night, as pointed out by the creator, curator and overall guru of Pro Football Talk, the great Mike Florio, several of our friends in the desert have taken the Packers off the board for win-total wagering. Why? Rumors are rampant that drama queen quarterback Aaron Rodgers will announce his retirement.
So before training camps are fully underway in the NFL, three giant NFC rivals may have taken major body blows (if Rodgers does indeed retire).
It was a good day for Bucs fans.
July 24th, 2021 at 8:07 am
Hell yah it was!! LFG ! Brady wants that undefeated season
July 24th, 2021 at 8:12 am
Good day indeed!!
July 24th, 2021 at 8:15 am
Joe I am proud of you for allowing additional conversations about Covid and vaccination. Just like football, there is room for a wide range of opinions. Thanks for sharing yours on this platform.
July 24th, 2021 at 8:22 am
Injuries are a fact of the game. The Bucs were pretty lucky last year but this season will be even longer. And Covid could be a huge factor. Hope most of our guys get the jab and are lucky vs Covid and injuries. Especially Brady. Don’t think we make Super Bowl without him.
July 24th, 2021 at 8:25 am
I just read that Sean Payton said that Hill is the starter going into camp. What does that say about his confidence in Winston?
July 24th, 2021 at 8:42 am
Irish, have you seen Winston’s latest workout videos? It mystifies me that neither he nor his team of advisors seem to know how bad they look. Seriously the optics are terrible. The last one was him running around like a clown using a towel to fake throwi a football while the family’s pet dog jumped around him ostensibly acting as a defender of some sort. Cute for a private video perhaps but posted to social media as if it’s a training video it just looks awful. And his others aren’t much better.
July 24th, 2021 at 8:49 am
Not sure why anyone would crap on his workout videos. Yes he threw a ton on ints for us but the guy puts in work. I would be shocked if Hill is the opening day starter.
July 24th, 2021 at 8:55 am
50, the point is the videos look silly. No one has ever claimed he doesn’t work hard. He did here for 5 years apparently. I just think it’s bad optics personally. I’m sure those who still support him think they’re great. Just my opinion. I do agree with you about Hill though. If JW doesn’t win the job what does that say about him? Peyton may be a douche but he’s definitely a good coach.
July 24th, 2021 at 9:05 am
Don’t get too excited about other teams injuries everyone.
We’re one lazy LT play away from losing the GOAT.
Don’t forget ME13’s annual hamstring injury and a weapons or drug charge against some young and dumb player too.
I hope we’re lucky again this year but don’t jinx us.
July 24th, 2021 at 9:06 am
JayMiss will always be an idiot.
It’s in his DNA.
July 24th, 2021 at 9:23 am
I enjoy TB-12 crapping on the Patriot organization. The boobs deserve it. When talking g about “keeping that mfer” he was talking about New England. Hoyer,Stiham and Scam, oh my.
July 24th, 2021 at 9:43 am
DooshLaRue … Agree with you 100%. Karma can be a bitch. Most of us have played lots of different sports in our lives & I doubt that any of us have ever taken any joy in seeing anyone get injured, teammate OR adversary. Bucs are good enough to be ANYONE’S BEST. We’ve proven that and can prove it again.
July 24th, 2021 at 10:10 am
“Putting in the work” and failing, is still failing.
July 24th, 2021 at 10:12 am
Fans may revel in other teams’ injuries, but athletes, who know “But for the grace of god go I” know better.
Every guy knows they are one injury from that beer or UPS truck Joe talks about.
July 24th, 2021 at 10:13 am
So many rays of sunshine here this morning. Geez. Do you guy get excited over anything? On second thought, don’t answer. Any negative news regarding regarding your rivals is good news.
July 24th, 2021 at 10:29 am
Brady wants that undefeated season, that is a given.
But, it is not easy, one reason why Miami is the only team to ever do it.
As for the Rams, I think they got hosed giving up all they did for Matt Stafford.
Matt Stafford has never won anything, and let’s not forget, for many years of his career he had Megatron!
It is my opinion that Detroit flat fleeced the Rams in that trade.
July 24th, 2021 at 10:29 am
Sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug
July 24th, 2021 at 10:34 am
Since 2014 the Bucs lead the league in plays over 15 yards. Brady is great, but he is not responsible for the majority of those plays. Jameis is likely responsible for the most turnovers as well, but for most of those years, he was the only bright spot we had on offense. We had a bad team with poor coaching. Jameis was part of the problem, but not ALL of the problem. If we had Brady for the last six years, our record would definitely be better, but we’d still be lucky to have even one Lombardi in the trophy case. Show a little class and appreciation for the effort Winston showed in a really bad situation. He busted his ass and he never once quit on his team.
July 24th, 2021 at 10:53 am
How is cam Akers considered a “budding NFL star” and rojo is a fullback? Akers had 650 yards, a 4.3 ypc and 3 total tds. Yes, he could be really good but he has not proved to be better than rojo at this point. And now he has a major injury on his legs… The FSU bias is leaking thru.
July 24th, 2021 at 10:54 am
Oh, please.
I don’t applaud effort. I *expect* effort.
I applaud results.
Many Buc fans, like an insecure incel, set their bars waaay too low and “settle” for the fat chick.
July 24th, 2021 at 10:56 am
JW will get the opportunity to show that with a great coach like Payton tutoring him , he can win consistently in the league. Hey Doosh , what exactly did you mean when you said it was in his DNA?
July 24th, 2021 at 11:12 am
Dooshalrue…It’s not that he lazy, he’s just not worthy. When he doesn’t get beat on the edge it’s because he’s tying the league in penalties. And even with Ali and Jensen next to him, Smith crumbles like a hotel on Miami Beach.
July 24th, 2021 at 11:15 am
@BFS1976: turnovers and bone-headed decisions are in his football DNA.
It’s who he is.
No coach, even in college, has changed him.
Winston has been given every opportunity to show he’s not a bonehead, and he’s failed. I suspect Payton has even less patience than past coaches.
July 24th, 2021 at 11:49 am
Hey guys, you are making a great point. These stats do show Bowles and his coaches are making solid adjustments as the game goes on. Thanks.
July 24th, 2021 at 1:25 pm
If the Bucs play up to their potential they’ll be able to beat anyone, even with no injuries, and that’s my wish. I don’t hope for injuries in other team’s so they’ll be weaker.
Kansas City with an improved offensive line this season will be the biggest challenge IMO and there’s a good chance we’ll be playing them in February for a rematch. What we’ll be most memorable is if we play them when they’re at full strength this time and best them again.
July 24th, 2021 at 2:03 pm
” Never confuse activity with results.”
July 24th, 2021 at 6:52 pm
I wish BA would fine any player $10,000 if they even TOUCH another player till the season starts hahahhaha
July 24th, 2021 at 9:21 pm
uc50 Says:
July 24th, 2021 at 8:49 am
Not sure why anyone would crap on his workout videos. Yes he threw a ton on ints for us but the guy puts in work. I would be shocked if Hill is the opening day starter
Prepare to be shocked.
July 24th, 2021 at 11:26 pm
Rodgers will go into movie’s. He’s way to fcking handsome. 😉
July 24th, 2021 at 11:44 pm
MP I never thought of that! That makes the most sense!
You know you guys only focus on his negatives which are admittedly a lot but you ignore all the good he did which was more than any other qb ever did on this team. You people call him stupid and an idiot but best believe none of you could ever do his job better. A lot of his mistakes happened under duress. Sean Peyton is a great coach, if anyone can help ATM it’s him and you all are gonna eat your words mark mine