Former NFL Coach On Odell Beckham-To-Bucs Rumors: “I Love It”

March 9th, 2021


This whole story is just so bizarre and weird and upside down, Joe is starting to think this is a “Twilight Zone” episode.

A rumor, largely pushed by BSPN, is that if the Bucs lose receiver Chris Godwin in free agency, that somehow, in some way, mercurial Browns receiver Odell Beckham will wind up on the Bucs roster.

Why? How?

Well, we know why, apparently. The rumor on top of the rumor is that park-violating, home-invading, NFLPA-ignoring, down-forgetting, handshake-stiffing, jet-ski-losing, biscuit-baking, tequila-shooting, waffle-grilling, trophy-throwing Bucs Super Bowl-winning quarterback Tom Brady likes Beckham and wants to play with him.

You know, what Tommy wants Tommy gets?

Well, this rumor was put in front of a former coach of the Jets and the Browns for his reaction. And former Belicheats assistant Eric Mangini was effusive.

“I love it. I love it,” Mangini told Colin Cowherd, seen and heard on FS1 yesterday. Why did Mangini love this rumor? Hold on to your chairs, Bucs fans. It’s because the Bucs have become the hot destination for veteran players (just ask Gerald McCoy) because, Mangini said, playing with the Bucs means you will win and likely win a Super Bowl.

“Look, Tampa Bay is a totally different situation than everywhere else. And Tom Brady is in a total different situation than everybody else has. And guys that may struggle in other organizations or may not reach their peak in other organizations, with Tom it is not going to be like that.

“You know, if you are going [to Tampa Bay] you are going to have a chance to win the Super Bowl. And you know you are working with the greatest quarterback of all time. And you know if you do the right thing, he’s going to get you the ball. So the level of motivation with every player is the highest it is going to be.”

Say that Mangini quote to yourself and try to remember this is about the Bucs.

“You know, if you are going [to Tampa Bay] you are going to have a chance to win the Super Bowl.”

How wild is that? That just gets Joe stoked before even finishing a first mug of Community Coffee Breakfast Blend.

Now how the hell are the Bucs expected to pick up Beckham’s contract if the Bucs cannot sign Godwin or have enough Team Glazer loot to keep their own free agents? Will the Browns offer to eat part of Beckham’s contract?

Joe’s not a huge Beckham fan. Sure, he’s talented as can be but he is always hurt and then there are his shenanigans. Imagine this guy having easy access to a boat each day?

Then, if Godwin leaves, who plays slot? Not sure Beckham would want to do that. Antonio Brown might but Joe suspects he would get antsy after a while. Scotty Miller could do that (he did in college in the MAC) but Joe suspects the little guy would have the s(p)it beat out of him.

Joe, would take Godwin over Beckham in a heartbeat.

Joe guesses the cool thing about adding Beckham to the roster would be the prop bet on when Beckham and Brown would throw down on the sidelines fighting over who gets targeted the most.

At least that would add drama and wrestling-like vaudeville to the game.

26 Responses to “Former NFL Coach On Odell Beckham-To-Bucs Rumors: “I Love It””

  1. buc15 Says:

    We do not need that diva here. We are stacked at WR

  2. August 1976 Buc Says:

    So it looks like Odell is the current president of the ring chaser club, lol. Do not be surprised if somehow OBJ ends up catching passes from Brady as a Buc within 2 years. And yes Joe, the Twilight Zone is what happened to the Bucs entered into the moment Brady signed last year and until Brady retires. The Bucs From Dumpster Fire to World Champions in 10 months. Yep, that’s the Twilight Zone baby!!! GO BUCS!!!!

  3. zzbuc Says:

    Is not gonna happen…….If you bring OB you have to trade and pay him a high salary right? How much do the Bucs will have to give? Good draft picks right? If we retain CG we just have to pay, and don´t give any draft picks……doesn´t make any sense in the world………..

  4. Swampbuc Says:

    Not going to happen period. Stupid crap thrown against the wall by ignorant dbags of the tv hype machine.

  5. Gofortheface30 Says:

    Yeah – some of you dweebs can say all you want about Odell, “we don’t need that diva here” et cetera ET CETERA. Bet you said the same thing about Antonio brown too. Am I personally the biggest fan of them off the field? No, of course not. You know what I care about more than what some of these annoying guys do off the field? Winning, and being the first team to go back to back since 03, on TOP of already being the first team to win a home Super Bowl. I want the Bucs to have ALL the records. Provided Odell keeps his head on right (he will with Brady) then it’s over. It’s simply over. On top of that you’re talking fans flooding out of the stadium every week, even higher ratings, and the entire NFL losing their collective shi with Odell, Mike Evans, Gronk and on and on. If they can come to a deal that’s palatable for both sides, then the idea of saying no to Odell is asinine, you make it happen

  6. Davenport Says:

    I can think of 10 other guys that i would rathee have. Great talent but a fragile, head case.

  7. Cobraboy Says:

    The more the media talks about WR’s thriving with Brady, the more Godwin knows leaving would be a huge mistake.

  8. JA Says:

    With the operating word being “mercurial,” why deal with his crap?
    Brady is already a shrink for AB. Is he seeking a full time job in that profession?

  9. Chris Thomas from Heaven Says:


  10. Pittbucfan Says:

    I understand Godwin wants to be paid. But if he’s willing to give up playing for a team who is favored to win the Super Bowl to play for some crap team just for money, they let him go. There are good receivers in the draft and on the free-agent Market. Shaq Barrett is a higher priority Imo. And a big NO to OBJ.

  11. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I would not be a fan of this move. OBJ defines head case and diva.

  12. SB : Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Not a snowball’s chance in He!!

  13. Adrnagy Says:

    Make it happen.

  14. SlyPirate Says:

    The comments here echo the pre-arrival talk of AB … He’s a head case. He’s cancer. He’s a prima dona … but how did that turn out?

    AB was a good addition. AB caught a touchdown in the Super Bowl. AB gave the other defensive coordinator problems. It worked out well.

    OBJ would be a welcome addition.

  15. Alaskabuc Says:

    AB was a big enough gamble and we lucked out with him behaving and not acting a fool. OBJ is some special kind of diva A**hole that we need no part of. Let Scotty and Tyler go, maybe look at bringing back Perriman if it’s an option.

  16. Alaskabuc Says:

    *Scotty and Tyler grow not go

  17. Tampabaybucfan Says:


  18. PSL Bob Says:

    I wish you’d stop with discussion of which FA is likely to land with the Bucs. It’s just print speculation to fill the space until actual news arrives. The only FAs we need to worry about are our own. We already have the talent to win a SB. Proof? Take a look at the name on the last Lombardi Trophy. Let’s keep what we’ve got, not replace with unknown on- and off-field commodities.

  19. Magicbuc Says:

    This sounds like a leak to put pressure on Godwin.

  20. windbaggery Says:

    This idea makes me sick. Let’s not pour more fuel on this. I don’t have any reason to think the Bucs would pursue this cancerous turd. But hearing others put it out there is enough to make me wanna throw this computer out the window.

  21. Joe Says:

    I wish you’d stop with discussion of which FA is likely to land with the Bucs. It’s just print speculation to fill the space until actual news arrives.

    Joe has zero intention of shutting his site down until “news” arrives. And who decides what is news? That’s rather 1990s-ish newspaper arrogant. If you don’t want to read a story, no one is putting a Ruger Mach IV with a suppressor to your noggin to read it.

    If the Bucs are being talked about on a national TV show with hundreds of thousands of viewers (nevermind how many listen to the same show simulcast on radio or via podcast), then Joe is going to write about it. Joe would be stupid if not irresponsible to ignore it.

  22. Bucsfanman Says:

    Not likely! Although, even with all the drama, you have to admit that it would be something to behold.

  23. Buc1987 Says:


  24. adam from ny Says:

    dude is a divider…

    no need for dividers in a stout and solid locker room

  25. Mr. B Says:

    We don’t need this clown. Divas are not welcome here. We have a nice nucleus of receivers . Guys you like to root for. Resign our own and we’ll be fine.

  26. View from 132 Says:

    Diva. Hard pass.