Sharing Is Working Better Than Ever

February 1st, 2021

There are benefits and oddities to Bucco Bruce Arians having the largest coaching staff the NFL has ever seen.

One unique aspect to operations at One Buc Palace is how the Bucs handle their offensive line. The Bucs divide coaching duties on the line between assistant head coach Harold Goodwin and offensive line coach Joe Gilbert. One might think that would hurt continuity, but it certainly hasn’t.

Joe has known about this since last season, but Joe asked offensive line coach Joe Gilbert to explain the breakdown today at the virtual Super Bowl media event.

“Goody is centers and guard and I do the tackles,” Gilbert said. “Goody handles the run; I do the protection part of it. He does goal-line, I do short yardage. You know, we do a lot of the work that way in the room, and it’s worked well.

“At the end of the day, we got the same common goal: get those guys on the same page and working together.”

This is not commonplace around the NFL. It’s rare to have coaching O-line be a true 50-50 kind of effort. The Bucs essentially have two well established O-line coaches and they carve up the coaching responsibilities.

Gilbert said it allows for better study and specificity in coaching. He gave the example of analyzing the Chiefs’ pass rushers and delivering a more targeted message to Bucs offensive linemen, versus having them hear about rushers as a group from one guy.

Hey, it’s working. And as Gilbert had said previously, he and Goodwin have tried to stay away from each other this season in case one coach got The Sickness the other could cover.

8 Responses to “Sharing Is Working Better Than Ever”

  1. First Down Tampa Bay Says:

    Remember when these two were a “bad hire” and they would get Jameis killed? Or when Brady wasn’t mobile enough to last behind this “terrible” OLine?

    Yea, me too.

  2. NCFlorIdiot Says:

    That is a great photograph

  3. Listnfrmafar Says:

    I guess it’s true, two heads are better than one!

  4. PatsBucsfan4years Says:

    Whatever works… just keep the pocket clean!

    Go Bucs… Win!

  5. gp Says:

    Whatever it take to get the guy the best prep from game to game.
    Now lets git er done for this most important game of the season!
    Keep Brady standing and mahomie on his a$$!

  6. No Risk It No Biscuit Says:

    Loved this one. Thanks Joe!

  7. Reddington Neck Shores Says:

    They have done a great job. Good drafts good coaching = great protection

  8. SeƱor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    They have done a fabulous job. Even with a couple of injuries, the Bucs Oline has been clicking and performing at a high, high level.

    Go Bucs!!