
January 22nd, 2021

Nothing gets NFL fans in an uproar like “distractions.”

Some teammate has a mouthy wife; another one parties on a big boat; still another hangs with deplorables; that GD reporter keeps asking questions about practice fights.

You name them, fans and coaches invent the wildest possible situations and label them distractions and claim they’re worse than global warming.

Well, the Bucs have a distraction alright. A real one.

Sara Walsh of NFL Network (herself a legit distraction of another sort) reports how the Bucs may have the biggest distraction of any football team since the merger. The Bucs are preparing to play in the NFC Championship game. And in their view at One Buc Palace with virtually no way to ignore it, stands the Stadium on Dale Mabry Highway all decked out and dressed up for the Super Bowl.

That, friends, is a real distraction.

See (and hear) Walsh’s report on the Super Bowl distractions seen from One Buc Palace by the Bucs in the NFL Network video below.

Joe will just repeat what his old high school coach said about distractions. It is as true then as it is now:

“Distractions are distractions if you let them be distractions.”

21 Responses to “Distractions!”

  1. Darin Says:

    Sounds like a goal to me. Go Bucs

  2. Mike C Says:

    Let’s F$@#!^& GO!!!!

  3. PSL Bob Says:

    Can’t let it get into your head guys. Extreme focus on the Packers. But she’s right. It’s hard not to ignore what you see all around you.

  4. JP09 Says:

    Motivation not a distraction, only the weak get distracted. Bucs by 17!

  5. unbelievable Says:

    Someone needs to tell Sara to chill with the makeup… yikes.

  6. Casual Observer Says:

    Motivation sounds a lot better.

  7. Formally Tampa 2 Says:

    That’s not a distraction. It’s the ultimate Prize!

  8. TampaTown Says:

    I commented on this yesterday. The stadium is literally across the street from One Buc Place. There is an army of people working there all day every day building the NFL Experience and adding signage on the stadium. I live in the area and drive past it every day myself.

  9. Mike28277 Says:

    So near and yet so far….one game at a time.

  10. BA4President Says:

    AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Bucs games aren’t supposed to have such consequences. I’m not ready for this!

  11. bojim Says:

    Rachel is beautiful.

  12. SB : Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    IF we beat the Packers we WILL win the Superbowl

  13. 813bucboi Says:

    LETS GO!!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!

  14. Devinwhiteshorse Says:

    I dont know. IMO it could be a great motivation tool for them. LFG!!!

  15. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    Sara looks fine but she could learn from Casey Phillips who knows how to accentuate the positives. Take it from an older guy that as the years go by you look at the subtler things that make a woman who is not “ravishing” look fantastic!

    Speaking of fantastic, I look forward to seeing the Bucs play at home in a couple of weeks. I have all the confidence in the world in our guys this week. 😷 🤩

    Go Bucs!

  16. David Says:

    That seems like motivation to me

  17. Infomeplease Says:

    The players can see the BIG SIGN on the side of RayJ!!! That’s what their whole football career is all about!! That’s what the games being played on Sunday are all about. IT’S DO OR DIE TIME BUCS!! YOU GOT THIS!!! GO BUCS!!!!!

  18. Clean House Says:

    Pretty cool, I believe Minnesota got beat by Philly and had to taste the SB in their home stadium.

  19. Mikadeemas Says:

    Pretty good motivation! GO BUCS!!!

  20. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    Wonder how horrible it would have been for the logistics of it all if the Bucs were playing the NFC championship game at Ray Jay?

  21. Tom M Sumner Says:
