Report: Bucs Negotiating Extension With Lavonte David

August 28th, 2020

Lavonte David is kicking off his ninth Buccaneers season, but he’s a linebacker without a contract for 2021.

It appears the Bucs have no interest in seeing him in another uniform.

David, 30, has 1,000-plus tackles and lots of mileage on him, but it the Bucs are prepared to pay him top dollar right now for next season.

Ian Rapoport of NFL Network shared the news via Twitter below. David will earn nearly $11 million this year.

This is especially interesting considering the NFL salary cap is expected to drop somewhere around $20 million next season and the Bucs have many free-agents-to-be, including Shaq Barrett, Ndamukong Suh, Chris Godwin and more.

42 Responses to “Report: Bucs Negotiating Extension With Lavonte David”

  1. SB Says:

    Arians is in some warm water evidently over speaking his mind on the ‘protests’ happening right now.
    I could almost see him wanting to get into a debate!

  2. Sarasota Garey Says:

    Interesting, I wonder If they will negotiate some kind of signing bonus, to make more cap space this year.

  3. SB Says:

    Also……..We have 9 Bucs fans so far in the “” league!
    We need a bunch more!

    It’s free. I have also noticed quite a few signed up that are not regular posters!

  4. Tampabuscsbro Says:

    LOL I love how people are actually implying Bruce Arians could be a racist. We employ more black coaches then any other NFL team. Arians and Ronde’s dad was one of the first interracial roommates at their college.

  5. Dewey Selmon Says:

    For the life of me I can’t understand why I cannot purchase a #54 pewter jersey.

  6. SB Says:

    Hey Tampabuscsbro……..It is becoming COMPLETELY ok to imply racism if you are black!
    Over 80 blacks killed by blacks in Chicago in July alone!
    8 flippin Kids under 13!
    NOW they protest? Da Fuq?
    I ain’t saying anymore

  7. yeah Says:

    Tampabuscsbro Says:
    August 28th, 2020 at 11:34 am
    LOL I love how people are actually implying Bruce Arians could be a racist. We employ more black coaches then any other NFL team. Arians and Ronde’s dad was one of the first interracial roommates at their college.

    Cmon dude. The ol “I have plenty of black friends” shtick.

    Bruce definitely doesn’t seem like a racist man. And seems to be a very genuine dude. But please people don’t start throwing the number of black people they know/hire/are friends with argument. It is so tired and dumb. Be better.

  8. SB Says:

    Hey Dewey……..I actually watched your handle play for years.
    Good luck in the Pigskin Pick’em

  9. SB Says:

    Bruce definitely doesn’t seem like a racist man. And seems to be a very genuine dude. But please people don’t start throwing the number of black people they know/hire/are friends with argument. It is so tired and dumb. Be better.

    Yeah as if it isn’t already dominated! Smdh

  10. SB Says:

    Getting paid insane $ to play a kids game and still protesting Racial inequality.
    Once Black Lives ACTUALLY matter to Blacks………….THEN More people will get on board. However I listen to my teenagers rap music and Every other song is about them killing each other, selling drugs, and pimping hoes!
    How the Puck can they say, stop looking at us as bad!???????? Glorification of crime by the black communities will NEVER help their cause.

  11. SB Says:

    Hey Big Racist……………”You People” right back at ya

  12. 813bucboi Says:

    imo, BAs heart is in the right place but his words werent….

    BA is implying we have to do more than protest…we must take action…

    and he’s right, but did he just open the door for nfl players to start discussing boycotting games regarding “taking more action”…..

    i would like to see it….hit the owners in the pockets which will force those billionaires to use their resources to help stop the madness thats going on against black people….

    GO BUCS!!!

  13. yeah Says:

    SB Says:
    August 28th, 2020 at 11:46 am
    Getting paid insane $ to play a kids game and still protesting Racial inequality.
    Once Black Lives ACTUALLY matter to Blacks………….THEN More people will get on board. However I listen to my teenagers rap music and Every other song is about them killing each other, selling drugs, and pimping hoes!
    How the Puck can they say, stop looking at us as bad!???????? Glorification of crime by the black communities will NEVER help their cause.

    Oof. Dude is literally saying them vs us? Joe, you are really going to let this racist bs fly in your comment section?

  14. 813bucboi Says:


    obviously you’re still missing the message….

    the blacks that were killed in chicago weren’t killed by those who have badges and took an oath to protect and service….that is what this movement is about…social injustice…cops killing blacks…not blacks killing blacks or whites killing whites…

    and its clear you dont know anything about rap/hip hop because rappers are artist…story tellers…ive heard some hard core rock music talk about killing, using drugs, and pimpin/disrespecting women too….

    blacks respect and love themselves….if we didnt, no one would march… no one would protest….no one would care….

    once black lives matter to folks like you, then this country would start to move forward…

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  15. 813bucboi Says:

    regarding LVD, make him a BUC for life!!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  16. webster Says:

    What do you idiots not understand? All races kill each other SB. 89% of murded white people are killed by white people. What does chicago have to do with anything regarding the protest? It is heavy gang activity in chicago just like it was heavy gang activity in the 80s early 90s in LA. But when white civilians kill other whites or the blacks in “chicago” kill other blacks, they are caught, put on trial and sentenced to prison as the law dictates. That is a different issue than government appointed officials ie cops running around killing black people for sport without punishment. People who have sworn to uphold the law/protect and serve not write up false police reports/plant evidence/murder unarmed citizens. If you dont understand that then you are a even bigger idiot than i thought.

  17. Mitch Says:

    Biting my tongue so hard here because I want this place to be about football. Buc football. I’ll just say neither side of the aisle really knows what they are talking about. Only those who have taken special interest in the truth buried in history, economics, and psychology will really understand what we are facing today as a country.

  18. Brandon Says:

    Godwin and David are up and will command more than $10 million per season. Gronkowski is up as well… he’s more of a wait and see anyways, but that’s a lot of money due for some really good players.

  19. All lives matter Says:

    …and by the way locking up David for the future is a great move. He’s been good for TB and it would be great to watch him retire in a Buc uniform.

  20. El Buco Realisto Says:

    Since we are having an “open dialog” and discussion, I need to bring this up!!!!!! I am not black but support “BLM” !!!!!! But earlier this week I was driving around Saint Pete and witnessed two American’s driving extremely recklessly, at the light I caught up and saw the two driver’s were black woman!!!! Please someone in the “black” community spread the word to stop this very dangerous situation!!!!!! “Black lives Matter” and that also includes driving down the street!!!!!!!!! They are going to kill themselves, or worse, kill others due to their reckless driving!!!!!!!!!!!

    go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. ClodHopper Says:

    We obviously are putting ALL our eggs into the the next two years basket and for good reason but if LVD was smart he’d ride out his contract and get the eff away from this team. IF aww doing anything this year we’ll be basement dwellers again for a decade as soon as Brady retires.

    It would help him in money, pro bowls and possibly HOF to go to greener pastures.

  22. ClodHopper Says:

    *aww = we

  23. Joe Says:

    and by the way locking up David for the future is a great move.

    No idea how the Bucs are going to afford Lavonte, Shaq, Godwin and Howard and still shed salary.

  24. ClodHopper Says:

    24 examples of unarmed white people being killed by the police in 2019 alone.
    All were either fighting the cops, were caught in the crossfire while being with someone fighting the cops or were reaching for something that was a blind spot for the cops. Sound familiar? Stats and facts don’t fit the narrative.

  25. Buczilla Says:

    David is one of the best players in Buc history, but there’s no way that I’d give him a long term big $ deal at his age. Short term, team friendly deal or he can walk. Competent linebackers are ez to find and Licht has a knack for it.

  26. Sarasota Garey Says:

    David doesnt want to leave Tampa hes been here his whole career, Hell probaby give a hometown discount.

  27. cgmaster27 Says:

    @Tampbucsbro It’s not surprising to me to see people claiming Bruce might be racist. It’s what the left does now when someone has a differing opion as them.

  28. cgmaster27 Says:

    @Bucboi If you think a few players sitting will hit the owners pockets, you’re delusional. They’re BILLIONAIRES. The only pockets getting hit will be the players not getting paid for sitting. Guarantee the players are the firts ones to budge.

  29. Joe Says:

    It’s not surprising to me to see people claiming Bruce might be racist.

    That’s out-and-out horsesh!t. He’s the opposite. Guess Bruce was supposed to spell it out in simple terms for the simpletons: Get active and involved with organizations that help the community and vote.

  30. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Regardless of what sides ppl are taking on the Arians issue…..he was stupid for even bringing it up.

    In a hyper sensitive social media landscape just focus on trying to win games coach. Keep politics out of your team.

    Learn a thing or 2 from Bill Belichick and focus on Cincinnati.

  31. 813bucboi Says:


    the nfl generates billions of dollars in a year….

    if the players decided to sit out games this year just like the nba players did this week the owners will lose big time….they wont be able to get “replacement” players….product wont be as good….whos going to watch or pay to see the ravens without lamar jackson?..or the chiefs without mahommes?…or the texans without jj watt or d.watson?…that not only hurts their pockets but hurts their image….it’ll be like watch the AAF or XFL….lol….

    if nfl players threaten to sit, guarantee you the owners will start to make things happen….its happening and working right now in the nba….nfl owners are watching whats going on…hell some of them own both nfl and nba teams….

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  32. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Say what you want about Dirk Koetter but distractions like this never affected his team…..just bad play.

  33. January1979 Says:

    Pretty clear to me this will be a team friendly deal. Probably reduces his cap hit this year.

  34. Sarasota Garey Says:

    @tbbucs3 You mean like his qb getting suspended for groping Uber drivers

  35. Miller5252 Says:

    If the salary cap is supposed to drop this next coming year the Bucs might need to do some Bobby Bonilla contract for a few players to keep them. Haha

  36. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Sarasota, wasn’t referring to player distractions.

  37. Bird Says:

    People talk more politics on here then bucs football Smh

    No safe spaces anymore

    People checking out as you can see

  38. SB Says:

    813bucboi Says:
    August 28th, 2020 at 12:03 pm

    obviously you’re still missing the message….

    the blacks that were killed in chicago weren’t killed by those who have badges and took an oath to protect and service….that is what this movement is about…social injustice…cops killing blacks…not blacks killing blacks or whites killing whites…

    and its clear you dont know anything about rap/hip hop because rappers are artist…story tellers…ive heard some hard core rock music talk about killing, using drugs, and pimpin/disrespecting women too….

    blacks respect and love themselves….if we didnt, no one would march… no one would protest….no one would care….

    once black lives matter to folks like you, then this country would start to move forward…

    GO BUCS!!!!!

    Hey I like you man. I like your points.
    I have been to War and had my best friend who was black die in my arms as I shot him up with double morphine doses cause I knew he was a gonner.
    After war I spent 8 years selling coke and walking through Liberty City at night.
    I spent 6 years in prison as a minority. ( dam sure ain’t no ‘white privelege there) All due respect bro you have ZERO insight into me.
    If the black race cannot understand WHY they are profiled and try to change it then stop asking for EVERYONE ELSE TO CHANGE.
    It has to come from within.

  39. teacherman777 Says:

    Same as the original deal.

    5 years. 55 million. First 3 guranteed.

    Last 2 seasons?

    If cut, the finally 20 million should be paid out 1 million per year for 20 years.

    Bobby Bonilla type contract.

  40. Bush's Coke Spoon Says:

    webster Says:
    “… cops running around killing black people for sport…”

    Part of the problem we have is people who are willing to believe stupidity like this.

    White Americans killed by US police officers in 2019 – 370

    African Americans killed by police officers in 2019 – 235 (nearly 40 per cent less)

    African Americans killed by other African American civilians annually – about 8000

    Unarmed whites killed by police 4/10,000 arrests

    Unarmed blacks killed by police 3/10,000 arrests

    These are facts. The reason everyone thinks that only blacks are ever killed by police is because the press hides all of the cases of whites being killed by police, in order to create a false narrative and a false cause for people to rally around in their quest to create a racially charged atmosphere. They want us to fight and hate each other. Unfortunately most of us on both sides are willing to be lied to and fooled by the talking heads.

    If any problem exists, it is the need to hire better police candidates and train them better. It’s got nothing to do with race at all.

    Just about every unarmed man, black or white, who gets killed by police have one thing in common. They resist. If you resist arrest and put police in a dangerous situation, then you are an idiot for putting your own life in danger.


    It’s better to live to enjoy another day. Stop teaching your children to act like fools around police, and teach them to respect authority, speak politely and use their head when dealing with police. Teach them to stay alive.

    You want to be stupid and fight with police and jump into a car grabbing for your knife when being asked not to, and you get what you ask for.

  41. Bush's Coke Spoon Says:

    El Buco Realisto Says:
    “I was driving around Saint Pete and witnessed two American’s driving extremely recklessly, at the light I caught up and saw the two driver’s were black woman!!!!”

    Victims of female drivers lives matter! LOL

  42. unbelievable Says:

    813 that first comment summed it up perfectly.

    Def don’t think BA is racist, and his point about doing more in addition to protesting has been echoed by many.