“High-Risk” Irony

August 4th, 2020

New personal-time conduct rules for NFL players were finalized yesterday and while attending religious services is no longer restricted, one activity ironically remains punishable.

That would be attending NFL games as a common fan.

Under the rules shown below: stadium attendance is considered “high-risk” behavior unless a player is in a limited seating luxury suite. Of course, active players are not common fans, but Joe finds it dripping with irony that the league won’t allow them to be for safety reasons yet fans attending is just fine.

Joe’s all for fans in the stands. Absolutely.

But Joe still would like to hear Bucs chief operating officer Brian Ford explain how stadium officials will deal with guys like big-beer-holding Bert from Bartow screaming “Go Bucs!” repeatedly at the top of his lungs in the stadium bathroom and at his seat — and everywhere in between — sans a mask because he doesn’t have to wear one because he’s holding an overpriced warm beer.

The Den of Depression has banked an eight-figure grant from the government to craft a virus-safe environment. More irony!

Joe has heard from a strong source that it’s “unlikely” the Bucs have fans in the stands on opening day against Carolina. But a lot can change before a decision must be made for staffing purposes.

15 Responses to ““High-Risk” Irony”

  1. Dlavid Says:

    Oh the irony ! Just like all the other edicts put on us . Fans can attend games in the usual way but not players . The elites handing down orders . Poor Bert from Bartow . Protest , funerals for public funerals for politicians quite alright but no attending games , church etc….. something ain’t jiving here …. go ahead SJW’s start the crying !

  2. Cobraboy Says:

    Brave New World

  3. Mort Says:

    Yeah so don’t attend games then Dlavid. The right kept screaming “freedom” and you got it. So go to a large event and get COVID and risk death. These guys are massive financial investments for both the owners and fans that buy season tickets and merch and other expensive NFL crap. So they’re protecting your investment as well.

    Oh, and it’s collectively bargained, so the players agreed.

  4. mark2001 Says:

    How do you enforce PPE without having security force someone not complying out of the stands? And failure to wear required PPE is out of the question. I believe if fans could be honestly expected to comply with masks and social distancing, at least a number of season ticket holders could attend the games. But it is what it is. I don’t see how we have fans in the stands this year without problems and a black eye for the game on national TV.

  5. Cannon Says:

    I’m getting my Covid done ahead of time *taps forehead while coughing*

  6. bucsfaninoregon Says:

    At least it is a good step toward herd immunity.

  7. mark2001 Says:

    Oregon… pray for Cannon… he is in the deep water with this and swimming to shore. Good wishes, Cannon.

    BTW…I’d rather get my herd immunity from a vaccine..if I’m so fortunate to be able to wait that long.

  8. Cannon Says:

    Thanks bud.

  9. Coburn Says:

    There has been a lot of rumblings that herd immunity may not be a thing. It is a virus after all. There has been talk antibodies don’t stay in system long.. also it could still mutate like the cold and flu do. The problem isn’t just surviving it.. it’s lasting damage to lungs and heart even if you’re a relatively healthy person

  10. Casual Observer Says:

    Strict but necessary rule for these times. Follow them if you want a season.

  11. BringBucsBack Says:

    Billionaires receive 10.4 million dollars of tax payers’ money to upgrade a stadium that was built with taxpayer money!? Sounds about right, no? You all want your capitalism? It’s spelled corporate welfare!

    My apologies to all of the unemployed folks who, thanks to the 45th orange, will receive $600 less per month as an unemployment benefit and to the millions who are truly needy because the system is so deleterious. This here is the irony!

  12. Roy T. Buford Says:

    Joe says: “But Joe still would like to hear Bucs chief operating officer Brian Ford explain how stadium officials will deal with guys like big-beer-holding Bert from Bartow screaming “Go Bucs!” repeatedly at the top of his lungs in the stadium bathroom and at his seat — and everywhere in between — sans a mask because he doesn’t have to wear one because he’s holding an overpriced warm beer.”

    That is all one reason of many why we won’t see fans in the stands. Suppose it were a limited amount, how exactly do we do this without social distancing, and how do we enforce it? It’s not worth the planning for extensive measures, late in the game, that may not do any good, and where fans who attend will still have to sign a release form. Way too much work (time they don’t have) and money (that they’d rather keep) for getting not much back. Add to that the PR nightmare and distraction as THIS will be the feature story:

    “Thanks Bob for that rundown on fan safety at games. After we hear from Dr. Fauci, we’ll take you back live to the divisional playoff game down there in Tampa.”

    Yup, lose the fans. Take a mulligan. And the NFL will do that.

  13. bucsfaninoregon Says:

    My prior comment on herd immunity was as sarcastic as I could be- -surprised Joe didn’t ban it. Herd immunity is a fever dream form the right.
    Cannon, I’m not religious so I won’t pray for you, however, I seriously wish you well and hope you have a full recovery.
    I feel you are in a unique position on this site to give us ALL insight into this virus’ impact on your health. I hope you feel comfortable enough to share personal info on your progress. For instance confirmed infection, age, ethnic origins, pre-existing, etc. And, most of all your condition.
    Good luck and come back.

  14. stpetebucsfan Says:


    I join the others in wishing you a return to great health.

    What’s ironic here is the conservatives have become the liberals. You can’t tell the players without a scorecard. LMAO

  15. Brandon Short Says:

    Here is a PPE at work for those of you that think masks are the key…