“That’ll Be A Great Marriage”

March 27th, 2020

A scene you won’t see in 2020

The Buccaneers have four QB gurus on staff, and now they have Tom Brady.

Don’t worry, nobody’s getting laid off in favor of hiring a pick-a-decent-running-back consultant.

So how well Brady mesh with his new boss, 40-year-old Byron Leftwich?

Bucco Bruce Arians addressed that on CBS Sports Radio yesterday.

“I think that’s going to be super easy. They’ve already had some great conversations,” Arians said of the Leftwich-Brady relationship. “And, I mean, Tom will talk ball, and Byron will talk ball for days. That’ll be a great marriage. Between Clyde Christensen, Byron Leftwich, Tom Moore and myself, Tom’s not going to have any questions unanswered on how we do things and how we like to have things done.

“And also, give us your input. You know, ‘We run these certain routes, how did you run them?’ Do you like certain guys doing it? We like to have everybody do it.’ That type of thing, that to me is great, fun coaching because that’s collaboration with some of the greatest minds ever.”

The Leftwich-Brady marriage will be interesting to watch develop. If Brady openly loves Leftwich and the Bucs thrive, Joe totally could see Leftwich as head coach of the Jaguars this time next year.

117 Responses to ““That’ll Be A Great Marriage””

  1. LaMarcus Says:

    Leftwich is whack. Last 2 qbs he has coached turned them into bench players

  2. Formally Tampa2 Says:

    Kinda have my doubts about this perfect marriage. A 20 year veteran QB that has never had a losing season, vs a rookie OC pet project of Arians. This should be entertaining at least.

  3. View from 132 Says:
  4. D-Rome Says:

    Leftwich is whack. Last 2 qbs he has coached turned them into bench players

    Observant fans knew Jay-Miss had backup/bridge-the-gap QB written all over him long before Arians and Leftwich were hired by the Bucs.

  5. BradentuckeyBuc Says:

    Pretty sure Leftwich is being groomed to take over for Arians after our Super Bowl victory this season.

  6. tickrdr Says:

    D-Rome Says:
    March 27th, 2020 at 12:46 pm

    Observant fans knew Jay-Miss had backup/bridge-the-gap QB written all over him long before Arians and Leftwich were hired by the Bucs.



  7. El Buco Realisto Says:

    Brady had already won a superbowl before leftwich was drafted!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. tickrdr Says:

    Last post in limboland, not even in moderation.
    Same thing happened too, the last time I tried to post this.


  9. Robert Says:

    they can trade shrimp and lobster recipes

  10. ATrain Says:

    Please Get a picture of Jameis up there any time you can

    Good Lord

    By the way NFL network shows the Bucs / Seahawks game

    I forgot about the Jameis throwing the ball backwards and given the Seahawks the ball on their 20

    No one touches the ball and it jus falls out of his hand

  11. sincethebeginning Says:

    If (*IF*) we do well, Arians and Licht won’t let Leftwich or Bowles out of the building until Brady retires – unless Brady doesn’t care about Lefty staying, but I really think BA is grooming Lefty for Tampa and he’ll make that clear to our QB. I think they both stay until Brady hangs it up. Then one of them will remain to take over as HC, and the other will go be HC somewhere else. Unless Bowles pulls a Norv Turner and figures out he sucks as a HC.

    That being said, don’t be surprised to see Rah take over in ATL by about week 10. “Bold prediction”: the Bucs and Saints are going to *destroy* the Falcons and Panthers this year. None of those 8 games will be close. 2-score or more margins every time.

  12. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    Brady will bring a lot of the Belichick Offensive philosophy with him.
    It is gonna be interesting to see how much BA will embrace it.

  13. 813bucboi Says:


    ken whisenhunt never developed rosen….

    BL only had him for 7weeks….lol….

    once duff took over did you blame him for our lousy defense when smitty was fired mid season?….

    BL guided the bucs to a top5 offense…..

    if it was BLs fault JW tossed 30INTs, JW would be signed and announced as a starter by now…..

    JW IS A BUST!!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  14. Buddhaboy19 Says:




  15. 813bucboi Says:

    LaMarcus Says:
    December 13th, 2019 at 4:29 pm
    Jw has boomed everywhere. So much for that “bust” narrative.


    you’ve been wrong so many times it aint even funny…lol…

    JW IS A BUST!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!

  16. Craig Says:

    Leftwich is going to learn more than Brady will. It will be better for and with Leftwich because of it.

    Plays will still put emphasis on taking the long play, if it develops, but a lot more outlet passes will dominate the scene.

    Maybe Leftwich will even learn the proper way to use tight-ends.

  17. Joe in Michigan Says:

    I don’t know that you can pin Josh Rosen on Lefty. He was over drafted by AZ, and was also bad in Miami. He’ll be bad at his next stop, too.

  18. Phillip Says:

    Jameis must be ballin so hard that he doesn’t answer the phone when every team calls him…

    I think he has a spot in Tampa for 2021.. Just for the Vipers

  19. 2020 Year of the GOAT Says:

    brady was able to manage billy cheat and kraft i am sure he will do fine…

  20. Tampa Bay Demon Says:

    How can anyone blame Leftwich or Arians for Jameis’ turnover problems?

    or Dirk Koetter, or Lovie Smith or etc etc etc…..

    Jameis, I am pretty sure would be the first to admit, that the turnovers are on HIM… and he MUST get it fixed to have a 2nd half of a career. He is still young enough to have a really good career in the NFL. But he MUST fix this, and it is up to him to do it. I will be rooting for him.

  21. BigMacAttack Says:

    I don’t think we’ve ever had a QB that can read defenses at the line like Tom Brady. He doesn’t get fooled often and he will tee off on guys that drop the ball, because you know he’s going to put it right there. If you can’t run precision routes, you won’t survive with Tom Brady. He will light you up and he’s a perfectionist. Perfect practice makes perfect. Pat Riley coined that phrase, one of the greatest coaches ever. Seriously, Payton Manning was a coach on the field and Brady is too. This may arguably become the best free agent signing ever. We’ll see, but I’ve never been more optimistic. 💥💥💥

  22. stpetebucsfan Says:


    If Brady was running for Mayor I would definitely hold that against him…but he’s only playing QB not governing.

  23. BigMacAttack Says:

    Jameis should beg for that backup role to TB at whatever they’ll pay him. This could fix Jameis and save his career and set up a dynasty. Young guys just need to be patient. Aaron Rodgers rode the pine for what, 4 years? Yeah, look where I it got him.

  24. Tampa Bay Demon Says:

    ^^ Yknow, BigMacAttack… you are the FIRST to make this argument, where I thought to myself “Hmmmm….”

    Up until now, I have just been thinking there is too much water under the damn… and that it just couldn’t work. But you made a helluva point. I don’t think it will happen, but thanks for the great thoughts.

  25. Robert Says:

    I wouldn’t have that other guy even sit the pine at QB. he’s a headcase that has proven the inability to learn from his mistakes. he’d be a major distraction, besides the resentment-i wouldn’t put it past him to torpedo the team for misplaced spite. it’s always someone else’s fault and all….

    let FA play out and hope he plays in our division! could you imagine Brady with a +5 turnover ratio in one game. it’d be like 70-0!

  26. Lamarcus Says:

    I’m going to steal this one from 813 89302 or whatever that guy name is


  27. JimmyJack Says:

    One position of interest is our slot receiver. Bruce and Tom seem to have different philosphys. Bruce wants a guy who can do a lot of things playing that position and using the whole field.

    Brady has always seemed to use that position for short routes across the middle. & Qiuck speedy guys who can bust a big YAC play.

    It will be interesting to see who we use there and how we use them.

  28. Jim Says:

    This is part of the Winston legacy, that sour taste you have after returning that plate of bad food. This coaching staff was selected to FIX Winston. So even after he’s gone we’ll have to deal with it. Keep the faith…

  29. TampaBayBucs55 Says:


    Glad to read you are going to “rethink” the America’s QB moniker…

  30. Buddhaboy19 Says:

    If the Bucs are all in, go get Edelmen. The guy is a beast competitor.

    Maybe Gronk too.

    One thing I am worried about is the heat and Brady. Training camp up north is way different than August in Florida.

    I know he stays in shape, but man it can be a real difference for people.

  31. JimmyJack Says:

    Lamarcus…….Winston got fired hahahaha……they canned his ass hahahaha.

  32. Lamarcus Says:

    Jimmy Jack

    #noexcuses. #no Winsterception. #sborbust

  33. mark2001 Says:

    813… 32 GM’s don’t think he currently has what it takes to be a starting QB. Probably 32 coaches don’t either. You don’t…I don’t. But since we didn’t graduate from a football state university, what do any of us know?

  34. JimmyJack Says:

    Bucs55……You couldn’t be wronger. Didnt you see all the articles from today. There’s one about Winston with a American flag picture at half staff. Is that how you spell staff?

    I didn’t read that story but giggled so hard when I saw that pic. Could only imagine the comments. Watching Joe ruffle all y’all’s feathers over a tribal nickname is very entertaining to me.

  35. JimmyJack Says:

    Lamarcus how about you us words that a adult male can understand. Thanks.

  36. JimmyJack Says:

    Joe I can’t envision Leftwitch taking a job with a floundering orginization.

    Something tells me that Bruce preaches to his staff(and probably players) the value to not jerk at the immediate opportunity and wait for the perfect one. And for Byron succeeding Bruce would be the perfect opportunity……..Think about it. He could step into Bruce’s shoes on a established team with a QB that has been prepared for him and a place where he does not have to establish a set of standards. He will just have to maintain what has already been set.

    If Byron has that opportunity in front of him I think he would be crazy to go try to fix a losing team like the Jags.

  37. 813bucboi Says:

    Lamarcus Says:
    March 27th, 2020 at 2:30 pm
    I’m going to steal this one from 813 89302 or whatever that guy name is

    Too bad you cant steal so knowledge!!!!!….LMAO!!!!

    JW IS A BUST!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  38. 813bucboi Says:


    i agree….

    BL sees the opportunity here….just like josh mcdaniels….

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  39. Tampabuscsbro Says:

    Can someone explain to me why the bust of a QB has so many unironic shills?

    He hasn’t done anything to deserve the following these outright shills are giving him. We are an infinitely better football team with Tom Brady then Winston.

  40. Tampa Bay Demon Says:

    Buddhaboy19 Says:
    “One thing I am worried about is the heat and Brady. Training camp up north is way different than August in Florida.

    I know he stays in shape, but man it can be a real difference for people.”


    Really good points.
    But a possible BENEFIT to the warm weather could be on Tom’s arm. That cold, biting weather can take a toll on an older QB’s arm. I think the warmth could actually be really good for Tom in that way.

  41. Kansas95Buc Says:


    Can someone explain why multiple grown men resort to name calling? Name calling= you cant articulate you’re argument

  42. StonedBuc Says:

    Leftwhich is draft8ng hjis qb to groom for when bruce leavea in 2 years…

  43. Lamarcus Says:


    Because they’re grown and never grew up and spoiled and want their opinions to matter. So name calling is child’s play

  44. geno711 Says:

    Did you guys hear Chris Simms call Mike Evans – Tim Evans?
    Hilarious. These national guys who supposedly know so much.

  45. JimmyJack Says:

    Bucbro…….What the shills fail to understand and will never address is the effects of keeping Winston………We have been reading stories that have brought Winston’s leadership into question. This is a big deal for a QB. You have to be a leader at that position. And every 52 other man must all be your follower.

    Do you think it’s out of the realm of possibility that some of our older talented players might not wanna follow this guy no more? Dudes like JPP, Suh……they probably want to end their career with a real chance at a ring……..They absolutely do have to believe in their leader. That’s how you get them to play their very best!!!!! Yet the shills will never consider that.

    Guys like LDV, Evans, Godwin……..very real chance they can get tired of losing. Might start to think they can make plays to win games(see LVDs heroic strip week 17) but just aren’t with a leader who can take them there.

    There very well could be a cost of bringing back a Winston. It could cost you JPP and Suh……now ya gotta restart all over again on defense…….with a freaking rookie secondary and nobody upfront……..It could mean a Chris saying let me play out my rookie deal and get the heck out here……..Now we are stuck scrambling drafting WRs and not getting the trenchmen we need.

    The cost of keeping Winston could be a huge one and it could very well lead to another decade of 2-6 home records.

    Winston’s gone and there’s a darn good reason. And if leadership is truely the biggest reason it should suprize nobody………….And when do the shills ever talk about leadership? Right, that’s never.

    GO BUCS Dangit!!!!

    ***END RANT****

  46. MadMax Says:

    If JW was smart, he’d try to come back as our backup for what little we can pay him, sit behind Brady for 2 years, be humble, dont rock the boat – just shush and observe…be ready to go in if the team needs you AS OUR BACKUP….and then see what happens. The kid already has millions, so the low pay isnt what its about anyway. Its about the chance to learn behind the best and maybe, JUST MAYBE, step in and prove yourself after Brady retires, and MAYBE then get a big contract.

    I wonder what that would cost us, 3-6 mill?

  47. Tampa Bay Demon Says:


    Chris Simms is a pretty solid analyst, and he watches the BUCS a lot.
    I think he just misspoke.
    Even those guys that talk for a living, constantly misspeak names.

  48. 813bucboi Says:


    great post…..

    i agree with everything you said….

    addition by subtraction….

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  49. JimmyJack Says:

    Demon kinda honesty I think it’s silly to worry about weather. Can understand where it comes from but also remember Tom has great numbers in bad weather. I bet a big reason is most that bad weather comes at the end of season……When the games mean more. That’s just determination if ya ask me.

    Tom has fire inside his belly. I don’t see heat taking him down.

    Now, Jason Peters that’s a different story. Dudes probably 350. Probably never had a lard- free meal since he was a toddler.

  50. Kansas95Buc Says:

    So men cant learn to become leaders? How many of you guys at Winston age was a leader of men, don’t worry I’ll wait. Fun Fact: Evans would never have 6 consecutive 1,000 yard seasons if it wasn’t for Winston, Brate wouldn’t have been one of the top TE for TD’s if it wasn’t for Winston. Winston has broke all most all QB records at Buc One Place. Nobody has ever been cool with the 30 INT’s but educated fans also knew that wasn’t a norm. I wish some of you people would just say you don’t like Winston personally and leave it at that. Then again, Tampa has NEVER groomed a QB they drafted so why would things change now lol

  51. tickrdr Says:

    test Jaboo

  52. tickrdr Says:

    test Jabooboo

  53. Defense Rules Says:

    Some of you really do need to get over Jameis Winston. I’m all for ‘learning from history’, but danged, we don’t have to re-live it EVERY SINGLE DAY. Let it go.

    And with the (pending) signing of Ryan Smith, it looks to me like the Bucs TEAM is fleshed out nicely with the exception of (1) backup QB; (2) veteran Safety; and (3) our rookie hole-fillers. We can always improve the roster, but with where we are salary Cap-wise, I’m starting to think that the Bucs may not make any more FA moves (other than possibly QB & Safety) until after the draft. We’re sitting in pretty good shape IMO. We can afford to sit back and see who gets released after the draft, then pick & choose how to fill in the missing pieces.

    Pure speculation: Bucs season-opening roster will look like …

    o Offense (26): QB (3) … RB (4) … WR (6) … TE (4) … OLine (9).
    o Defense (24): DL/OLBs (10) … ILB (4) … CB (5) … Safeties (5).
    o Special Teams (3): K (1) … P (1) … LS (1).

    Not that hard to plug in names now for all but about 10 roster spots based on who we’ve already re-signed.

  54. Adrnagy Says:

    Wow … the Brady bunch is out and about. !

  55. Adrnagy Says:

    This guy is a joke.
    So now … Bruce establish our team. ? He drafted Evans , marpet. David. Godwin etc.
    he signed jpp. Suh. Nassib last year ?
    Wow !
    Stop being or trying to be father god of football !

    JimmyJack Says:
    March 27th, 2020 at 3:09 pm
    Joe I can’t envision Leftwitch taking a job with a floundering orginization.

    Something tells me that Bruce preaches to his staff(and probably players) the value to not jerk at the immediate opportunity and wait for the perfect one. And for Byron succeeding Bruce would be the perfect opportunity……..Think about it. He could step into Bruce’s shoes on a established team with a QB that has been prepared for him and a place where he does not have to establish a set of standards.

  56. Adrnagy Says:

    All Bruce has done is swap QB. He has not set expectations or standards.
    He had a losing season. And led the league in penalties. It’s all on him. The HC.

    Stop it right now.

  57. Leighroy Says:

    Kansasbuc: Josh McCown and Ryan Fitzpatrick called and they both disagree with your Mike Evans comment. 26 year olds lead all the time in sports and by that age we can tell when they’re worth 2 sh*ts in the real-world work force too. The records were there for the taking w this franchise and he set some other records no one would want to have either.

    31 other franchises must have a personal vendetta too, just like us Bucs fans tired of the Jameis roller coaster. It’s about his play, bc if all the personal stuff never got him run before, then it was never about all that.

  58. Allbuccedup Says:

    Brady had the permission in new england to change plays at the line of scrimmage that will make the offensive coordinator look much better than he actually is. So no worries BA is absolutely going to give him the same opportunity here.

  59. JimmyJack Says:

    Kansas that’s just unfair…..I’m talking intangables bud……you can’t come back with 1000 yards this and 6 consecutive seasons that.

    Numbers have little to do with it.

    If we are talking leadership it get more complicated. You just can’t cover up a leadership issue with yards and points. It goes beyond that.

    Once you start talking leadership it’s not just about Winston and what he has accomplished. It becomes much broader. The effect he has on every other player on the team now matters. That’s how leadership works. It’s doesn’t matter if Winston throws 3 TDs……if he throws one pick to seal a loss and just one good player becomes fed up it’s a freaking problem man. It’s a problem that needs to get fixed. And if the same thing happens the very next week the problem don’t get fixed it gets worse…………..this is all speculation and all I’m pondering is how big did this problem get? Did it get so big that JPP and Suh said we are free agents and we want to play for a new leader? We don’t know. But you and I both know there’s a chance it did. We also k ow there is a reason Winston is gone and talent is not why.

    Just let me ask you this. If you could keep Winston right now but it means I’m taking away your key defensive players are you willing to do it? Or if I can give you Brady and you can keep all your players do you take that option.

    Personally I’m done with rebuilding the dam football team every two years. If I can only have it one way give me this team back instead of keep trying to build around Winston…….Cause something just hasn’t been working and my best guess is leadership.

  60. Adrnagy Says:

    Leftwhich sucks.

    If any , is Todd Bowles that will take over.
    We already had the #1 scoring offense and passing. So on offense nothing has change.
    Standards are the same from the days of Shiano. Raheem.

  61. JimmyJack Says:

    Adnargy……Did you not even saw the season all them players had?

    You’re a clown. Tell me the last time Jensen cussed out the sideline for trying to take him out? That would be never.

    Bruce set a standard that you do to never give a freaking inch. That’s why we made so many goalline stops last year…………You tell me the last time this team made a goalline stop. You going back a decade bro.

    Please. You are kidding yourself. Also, you’re a fool.

  62. JimmyJack Says:

    Ardgaryy……and way to cherry pick one sentence from that whole paragraph I just wrote and still come up dry. Pathetic. You lose with flying colors.

  63. 813bucboi Says:



    BL guided that #1 scoring offense and passing….

    so how does he suck?….lol…..

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  64. 813bucboi Says:



    but you and i both know 30INTs wont land you job in the NFL….

    GO BUCS!!!!!!

  65. Lamarcus Says:

    The Brady Bunch 😂

  66. Tampabuscsbro Says:

    Thanks Jimmy Jack, It’s amazing how sensitive so many people in here that they cannot handle being called a shill (also I am not directly calling anyone this I don’t know why Lamarcus and Kansas were so offended)

    I am just asking why so many people for some reason don’t think Winston is a massive problem with even ignoring his Interceptions his complete lack of leadership and wavering respect (look at the looks on the other players as the season went on when Winston turned the ball over more and more)

    Also I don’t understand why the fact that someone interprets me calling them a shill as name calling and calling me a man child because of it. Are you seriously so sensitive you cannot handle a little banter?

    Anyway all I want is for the football team to be good also if you tell me I don’t articulate my arguments you haven’t been paying attention.

  67. JimmyJack Says:

    And through it all I was a Winston supporter. And I still do believe in the guy. And I do feel bad for him on a real level.

    But at the end of the day the NFL is a business of winning. The Bucs gotta find a way to win. I though it could be with Winston. They don’t agree. And I can understand why. And if you cannot understand why your really just being dumb.

    But as a fanbase the great part for us(bad for Winston) is that Jameis doesn’t even look like hell get a chance to lead a team this year. He will be an irrevelant backup. That will for sure help all of us focus on our very relevant Bucs while not looking over our shoulder to see what Winston is doing. I am sad for him but at the same time elated for our fans that we can all move on and worry about just the Bucs while Winston is a clipboard holder affecting nothing. A much needed scenario for our psyche after five years of endless heated debate.

  68. Tampabuscsbro Says:

    Yeah honestly then again at the end of the day this is mainly on Winston. I feel bad for him too I supported him til week 6th against the panthers from the second he was drafted here.

  69. El Buco Realisto Says:

    It’s sad to see the sheep, shills and buffoon argue about things they should have years ago!!!!!!!!! Now they “realize”!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again, The Buc Realist told all of you way back when!!!!!!!!!!!! Its time for the much requested “Realist Repost”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Buc Realist Says:
    April 19th, 2018 at 11:11 am
    Joe needs to start posting about the “give a-ways” by the offense that negate takeaways!!!!! The offense has been at the bottom of give-a-ways for the last 3 years

    2015 (28) tied 22nd
    2016 (27) tied 24th
    2017 (27) tied 26th

    the offense has literally dropped the ball in protecting the rock!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. Lamarcus Says:


    I dont get offended when I get called a childish name. It just knows that I got exactly want I wanted….. to get under the skin. So when it happens i know I peed off ppl. That’s a W for me

  71. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … Just saw the latest 7-Rnd mock draft from CBS Sports. Oh how I wish we could actually just take who they said we’ll get and move on. Close to the perfect draft for us.

    Rnd 1 – Mekhi Becton, OL (Louisville)
    Rnd 2 – Cam Akers, RB (FSU)
    Rnd 3 – Jonathan Greenard, Edge (FL)
    Rnd 4 – Jake Fromm, QB (GA)
    Rnd 4 – James Proche, WR (SMU)
    Rnd 5 – Darryl Williams, OL (MS State)
    Rnd 6 – AJ Dillon, RB (BC)

  72. Lamarcus Says:

    Jimmy Jack

    You wish. Jw is way too talented to be a backup. Since QBs are so delicate they will never sign JW and have a more talented Qb than your starter

  73. Kansas95Buc Says:


    I’m not offended, I’m just wondering why there cant a be a difference in opinions without calling each other names, I like a healthy argument but when a person starts with the ad hominem attacks, the persons point isn’t made

  74. ATrain Says:

    Right tackle will be gotten in the draft, as well as help in the defensive backfield.

  75. Go Bucs 72 Says:

    Why are you idiots still arguing about Jameis, move on already.

  76. Lamarcus Says:

    MYOB Dude.

  77. JimmyJack Says:

    Lamarcus……I have a rebuttal……….hahahahaha Winston got fired from the Bucs bro…….hahahahaha canned on his ass. Go suck a lemon hahaha.

  78. geno711 Says:

    @Defense Rules Says:
    March 27th, 2020 at 5:43 pm

    Personally, I tend to like Fromm sitting behind Brady for two years.

    The Patriots have one 1st round pick and two late 3rd round picks.
    I did see a draft where they took Fromm with one of those 3rd round picks.

  79. Defense Rules Says:

    Geno711 … Becton is the Tackle I wanted us to draft all along (he’ll be a beast IMO). Akers should be fine, but also getting Dillon would be awesome. Fromm is intriguing, but I still see him as more of a game manager type (not all that bad BTW if the Bucs offense is structured that way).

    The others I really don’t know much about, but apparently Proche has good potential as a slot WR. Walter Football was pretty high on Greenard (#5 DE prospect). Had a good 2019 with Florida (although missed some time due to injuries) & a solid Senior Bowl. Missed all of 2018 with an injury. Sounds like he’s got a great motor though.

  80. Steven007 Says:

    Lamarcus, I’m curious. Why is that your thing? Pissing off people? Seriously that’s your thing… Does it actually suck to be you that much? You’re sliding into trollmax territory my friend.

  81. BigMacAttack Says:

    Im glad TB is here and all I have to do is sit back and watch the show.

  82. BigMacAttack Says:

    It’s pretty good times for Buc Fans right now after a short drought lol. I don’t get all the hate towards each other. Can’t some of you act like men and let things go. The past is the past. Onward and Upward. Attack that hill boys!!!

  83. JimmyJack Says:

    Winston being talked about after he was gone was to be expected. There is a right way to do things and a wrong way .

    I really can understand the frustration but it’s clear the Winston nugglers have decided to trash the orginization(mainly coaching staff) as their recourse.

    I, for one, will not idly stand there and take it. They wanna trash our team they gonna hear from me. I will stick up for the team the same way I stick up for the fanbase.

    Don’t trash my team don’t trash us fans and there won’t be no problem. Don’t start no ish there won’t be no ish.

    This reminds me of Gerald McCoy……..who I didn’t never think was all that great but I certainly liked the guy and rooted for him………Then the clown on his way out trashes the team and tells me how hard he works and I read about it while my back is aching and now, quite frankly, I can’t stand the guy.

    McCoy turned me into a hater on the way out and now it looks like the hugglers are trying to do the same with Winston……..because they trash our team as a sounding board. They can all bite me. And as I have always said they do more harm then good to the fanbase and now they only proove it…….as their little opinions will get smothered in irrevelance about a backup QB…..,…..that is what he is gonna be ya know……..cause we fired his weak ass hahahahahahahaha

  84. ATrain Says:


    Hey LaTool

    Your awesome QB and You have something in common


  85. Marine Buc Says:

    @ defense

    Agreed. That is a stellar draft.

    Also agree that only need about 10 more spots filled. Should be 3-4 more depth players/free agents signed plus draft picks.

  86. Patrickbucs Says:

    Yeah Lamarcus you are winning this and every thread.

    Asked you on another thread, what do you do in the medical field? Maybe I missed your reply. I am in the medical field so just curious.

  87. Patrickbucs Says:

    Yeah Lamarcus you are winning this and every thread.

    Asked you on another post, what do you do in the medical field? Maybe I missed your reply. I am in the medical field so just curious.

  88. SB Says:

    Kansas95Buc Says:
    March 27th, 2020 at 4:00 pm
    So men cant learn to become leaders? How many of you guys at Winston age was a leader of men, don’t worry I’ll wait. Fun Fact: Evans would never have 6 consecutive 1,000 yard seasons if it wasn’t for Winston


    LOL Josh McCown and Mike freakin’ Glennon proved that your argument is LESS THAN WORTHLESS

  89. Lamarcus Says:

    I work in a Business Development field in medical. Marketing

  90. Lamarcus Says:

    What do u do Patrick? And thank you for your service in this troubling time

  91. SB Says:


  92. Lamarcus Says:

    Jimmy Jack

    The Bucs are pure boring without JW. We have Brady but JW debates still reign in these parts.

  93. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    Byron Leftwich has only been coaching in the NFL four years now. If he were to to get a head coaching job next year that would be a dramatic career ascension.

    I see Harold Goodwin and Todd Bowles in line for other head coaching jobs in the not too distant future too. Perhaps, a couple more guys on BA’s staff will soon also get an opportunity.

  94. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    With a lot of posts here today some @sshole will inevitably bring politics into the discussion.

    Personally, I don’t care if you are a right wing moron or a left wing moron you are still a moron.

    I come here to read and discuss the Bucs and football.

  95. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Jimbo

    Guess who was the only person to actually bring up “politics”?

    I will give you a hint. His name starts with Jim and ends with the first name of the biggest draft mistake in Bucs history.

  96. DerrickBrooksGOATLB Says:

    Won’t this just be like some of Peyton’s years where he was basically his own OC? I know Colts had Tom Moore but Peyton pretty much called what he wanted and had free reign to audible whenever he pleased. This seems like us this year. BL calls a play, Brady likes it he runs it. He doesn’t and he has free reign to audible or switch.

  97. Adrnagy Says:

    Suddenly … Bruce is the “one “ or reason our defense improve the last 4-5 games.

    Jpp return I guess did Not make a impact .. or Todd Bowles being undermined in this website is beyond nuts .

    A lot of Bruce bunch and Brady bunch josh Mccown , mike glennon fans . I guess a lot of you wear white color jerseys that you cannot see and give credit where credit is deserve.

    You keep trashing a man. Who work hard and gave it all. Not considering he was part of
    Pro bowl
    Pro bowl receivers
    #1 offense 2-3 yrs
    Develop weapons in brate. Hump etc.

    Move on … Brady is not better yet. He hasn’t done nothing in a Bucs uniform. But so far he’s money off you. Leave it on the field. We shall see soo.

  98. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    Defense Rules, geno711, Marine Buc, et al., 

    Hear, hear! That would be a fine draft.  

    The Bucs have positioned themselves to have some good choices and opportunities no matter how things play out after this great free agency so far. 

  99. Bird Says:

    Adr nagy

    You whiling dog 😂
    And Way to play the race card
    Pretty sure most fans would have loved deshaun watson , russel wilson or patrick mahommes as a bucs QB

    And When did bucs have #1 offense for 2-3 years? Or ever ?

  100. Adrnagy Says:

    2-Ross Blacklock
    3-Cam Akers Or Clyde Edwards-Helaire
    4-Ben Bartch
    4-John Hightower
    5-Jonathan Garvin

  101. Defense Rules Says:

    I’m excited about the upcoming draft. We’ve positioned ourselves nicely IMO to fill our remaining holes via the draft; I can’t remember thinking that since our SB victory.

    We all know that the draft can swing in any direction based on who’s picking in front of us, but danged this draft looks to be deep in a number of position groups. And especially QB, OLine, RB & apparently WR … ALL positions that we need. Doesn’t look to be especially strong in the area of defense, but fortunately we’re in reasonable shape there after last season & after our FA re-signings. Could definitely use DEPTH in DLine, LBs & Secondary guys but I’m fine with mostly focusing on offense this year.

  102. SB Says:

    You are a Racist P.O.S Adernagy
    I will no longer read your posts. Carry on though. People still enjoy laughing at you.

  103. adam from ny Says:

    yes joe…

    he will bounce to the jags after inflated success in tampa, primarily due to others, only to go 3-14 as a debut coach in jacksonville

  104. Ndog Says:

    For everyone that argues with me about Jameis please read the article below and you will see what I am saying all in one nice package. Please read this and then we can all just move as I just want you to see what I am saying from someone other than me.


  105. Adrnagy Says:

    QB Jerseys I owe, I skipped brad Johnson. Also will skipped tom Brady.
    Steve DeBerg
    Trent filter
    Jeff Garcia
    Josh freeman
    Jameis Winston.

    Way before you was born. So bird and Sb ask me again ?

  106. REDZONE BA Fan Says:

    Damn – Just clicked on JBF from earlier afternoon, and same post. @JOE – We Need your insights, Dude! MORE!!!

  107. REDZONE BA Fan Says:

    Just joined this post tonight and did not read all earlier comments. With respect to earlier posts — My comments:

    There is NO WAY that BL will dictate plays for Tommy via headset. Tom is the OC. Accept that reality, Bucs Fans.

    Tom Brady is the defacto OC. Not a bad option given Tom’s incredible experience/success – but NOT ideal situation to have your QB being the decision-maker… Tom had Josh calling plays in NE for many years, based on situations/etc. and experience. Tom will leverage his experience and knowledge. Learning Bucs WR/TE tendencies will take some time.

    JW HATERS – Feel free to PILE ON to this comment — Had BA been calling plays in 2019, like he did for Manning, Big Ben, Luck — instead of giving “on-the-job-training” to BL as a brand new OC with a turnover-prone QB in Risk-it offense – one can speculate that results might have been different for the Bucs Offensive team in 2019.

    Does not matter now.

    Tommy is our QB. Wins should be at least 10-6/11-5. Tom has Quick Release/Reading D’s. better than any QB. And Bucs D WILL BE MUCH BETTER in 2020.

    GREAT MARRIAGE per JBF headline. No argument here. Get into the playoffs – go Bucs!

  108. REDZONE BA Fan Says:

    @JOE Regardless of Bucs signing the GOAT – Bucs fans are severely divided, for many reasons. Your opinion of the community temperature, based on comments from your posters, would be insightful. Please share insight, @JOE.

  109. Joe Says:

    Your opinion of the community temperature, based on comments from your posters, would be insightful. Please share insight, @JOE.

    The move seems to have largely united the Bucs fanbase (Jameis was a polarizing figure) and the hardcore Jameis fans wondering if the gamble of giving up on a gifted passer for a 43-year old QB will work or blow up forcing the team to start from Square One with a new GM, new coach, and still searching for that franchise QB.

    Bucs quarterbacks history is the dark shadow over this team.

  110. REDZONE BA Fan Says:

    oe Says:
    March 28th, 2020 at 12:04 am
    Your opinion of the community temperature, based on comments from your posters, would be insightful. Please share insight, @JOE.

    The move seems to have largely united the Bucs fanbase (Jameis was a polarizing figure) and the hardcore Jameis fans wondering if the gamble of giving up on a gifted passer for a 43-year old QB will work or blow up forcing the team to start from Square One with a new GM, new coach, and still searching for that franchise QB.

    Bucs quarterbacks history is the dark shadow over this team.

    @JOE Thank you. My Net inference – Bucs have a united Fanbase. And that is a good outcome.

  111. REDZONE BA Fan Says:

    @JOE Thank you. My Net inference – Bucs have a united Fanbase. And that is a good outcome.

    @Joe – my correction – MOSTLY united fan base. No intent to misquote you.

  112. stpetebucsfan Says:


    That would be a perfect draft. I think we need to get lucky to have Bechton drop that far in the first and Dillon to drop that many rounds.

    I’d love that draft..Bechton, Cam, and Dillon would do it for me…the extra help on the DL is nice but I’m just hoping we nail those first three for sure.

  113. REDZONE BA Fan Says:

    @Joe —Agree there is a split in fanbase regarding JW. I am on the “JW Fan-Team” who was hopeful that Bucs would give JW a YR2 in BA offense. Did not happen. I accept that fact and why. I am moving on.

    Brady decision SCREAMS out loud that BA is looking at WIN NOW, and BA does not care about Bucs LONG-TERM sustained success. Brady is done in in 1-2 yrs w/Bucs. Maybe 1 yr/pending injuries.

    PATS tend to let go of STAR players a year prior to their impactful effectiveness. Brady does not fit that mold; hopefully!

    BA -68 yr old Coach, who wants to WIN NOW, is not interested in coaching/teaching a QB for long-term. Brady is PERFECT Fit for BA! Win now – cards on the table!

    BA wants to pad his resume with a Superbowl win as head coach! BA is banking that Brady can deliver, AND is the “missing” piece in his puzzle.

    As Bucs Fan – I want SB win NOW, too. But also would love to know that Bucs strategy includes building a team that can compete annually for conference championships, playoffs and SB based on our foundation.

    Long-term winning strategy does not happen with a RENTAL QB.

    Win SB or BUST is current strategy, Bucs fans. If we win SB in 2020/2021 – AWESOME — We good!

    But if not, YIKES…. Rinse and repeat….

  114. TOM Says:

    IMHO I know its early but I would rather see Bowles as next HC before Leftwitch. But thats at least two years away. I hope BA does more of the play calling this year with TB12. I’m not sure how much of Leftwith’s crap TB12 will put up with. Has forgotten more than Lefty will ever know. Of course BA has a lot of input as to the play calling. And so will Tom.

  115. richbucsfan Says:

    That photo confirms my theory that #3 is uncoachable. He can’t integrate what he’s been told into the game. He is too self-willed and either stubborn or incompetent. It seems to be his way, not the coach’s way. That won’t work at any level.

  116. WestChap Says:

    Ndog, the comparisons to Peyton statistically seem so at odds to his inability to even get a nibble… Peyton would have had a line out the door if he hit FA in year 6, no? The fact that so many teams changed QBs with Jameis still on the sidelines would imply the “professional” assessment is not anywhere near Peyton-like. Fair or not, league offices seem to view his weaknesses as uncoachable?

  117. MadMax Says:

    @DR, i’ll def take that…but just Clyde instead of Akers at RB.