“That’s His Biggest Thing”

May 5th, 2019

A prominent player weighs in on Bucco Bruce Arians

So what’s running through players’ heads at One Buc Palace when it comes to the new coaching staff?

One can never be sure, though the clues are trickling out and will be important.

Big-money left tackle Donovan Smith was talking last week and the first impression of Bucco Bruce Arians he pumped out during a chat with WFLA’s Melissa Marino and Gayle Guyardo was about attitude — the one Arians brings and the one he expects.

“He brings in that fire and that compete out of guys,” Smith said. “And that’s his biggest thing, you know, he wants everybody to get out there and complete and he’s going to find the best 11 guys, 22 guys, if you count offense [and] defense, to be on the field.”

Joe sure hopes Arians is all about competition, honest competition, not the phony kind. There seemed to be too much status quo (woe?) in the Dirk Koetter regime. See Swaggy Baker and others.

Enjoy the Smith video below. He has a charity bowling event coming up next week.

74 Responses to ““That’s His Biggest Thing””

  1. Pickgrin Says:

    And that’s exactly what has been missing from this team since the day Chucky left the building. Legit intensity from the top down. Displaying, relaying and expecting competitive fire and 1000% effort every season, game, quarter, series, play…

    “Coach ’em hard and Love ’em later…”

  2. louden Says:

    competition between meeeeh-talented wanna-be-tespectable team..

    its a freaking clownshow

    Suckaneers need a guy able to evaluate talent and who is good @ building a Roster

    right now this team is rotten..

  3. louden Says:

    the problem with the Suckaneers is:

    O-line: rotten
    >> will lead to bad rushing game (especially short yardage)
    >> will lead to Jameis being in much more pressure
    >> will hurt the Passing Game

    only realy good ones that are not so easy to replace:

    Godwin, OJ Howard, Mike Evans

    rest is (easy) replaceable
    only one injury away from being less than average = WR/TE corps..

    no good depth..

    so Offense isn’t in very good shape (=SuperBowl Contender Talent)

    don’t get me started with the Defense..

    just let me tell you, that besides the QB – the two Lines define a teams backbone..

    the O line is rotten (Dotson is lacking and old, even if some dump people are still talking him up, as if he is an good RT – don’t give me sh.. it about some gradings by some sites – he’s simply just not good – lacks strengh, gets overmauled way too often in run and pass game..)

    RG: is it possible to get worse?
    Marpet: i’m good with him
    Center: pffff, meeeh @ 10 Mio per year ?!
    LT D.Smith = Dotson , maybe average, easy replaceable, could have had drafted many many better players instead of Smith back then, and time and time again

    but Suckaneers suck @ drafting.. and @ evaluating talent..

    so they even decided to throw alot of money @ Donovan Smith
    and thats one of the reasons why Buccaneers are in Cap Hell, even though they got sh.. itty Talented Roster..

    MLB’s have lower value, which means you can easily get an capable MLB per Draft or FreeAgency, while pass rushers come at premium cost (FreeAgency or generall high draft pick)

    this year – many great D-liner were available (Clemson guys, and EdOliver the DT the Suckaneers weren’t drafting, will be one heck of a player barring injurys..)

    and a good DT makes whole defense better (against the run and pass), thats why they have more value then MLB’s and this guy was a freaking sure shot of top talent, while our new MLB may have great Potential, and looks to be a okay or good player, the DT had more value >>> better prospect (pretty much best player available) and we only have/had VitaVea and McCoy as good DT’s..

    as all teams tend rotate a lot, you can be very happy to have 3 very good ones.. especially since injurys happen all the time and MCoy is nearing the End of his career…

    why is it that i can see it, but the guy getting lots of money to do it for are living is too stupid to realize all that?!

    year after year i complain about things like:

    getting rid of good players (Michael Bennett as Steve White always said he should have played more)
    Matt Bryant (one of the best Kickers in the NFL)

    and now some fans even want to cut McCoy
    (when he should easily still be worth at least a 2nd round pick)
    he is old but good – maybe not very good, thats debatetable, but he is way better than anything the Bucs have at DT besides VitaVea.. but Vea is a different type of player/DT..

    and they spend too much money on too weak players like Dotson, Donovan Smith, Jensen

    and in terms of drafting:

    very often, there is still good talents on the board, but the Suckaneers just seem to like lesser talent..

    year after year i say: draft this one if available, and the Suckaneers even get the oppertunity, but they decide to get another future Suckaneer and the player i wanted goes on to have good career…

    realy year after year the same BS..

    i am better than the whole “professional” Suckaneers Organisation @ evaluating talent..

    it’s laughable
    because i am an arm chair GM..

    fans should start to boykott this Clown-Show until the Glazers decide to sign an actual intelligent football mind that is able to evaluate talent and to build a good Roster/Team..

    this Suckaneer team is full of holes, is lacking talented players and it’s even in SallaryCapHell…
    what the hfreaking heck..

    Bucsfans, join the Fire-Licht-Tonight movement!

  4. louden Says:

    A guy like Donovan Smith talking about competition..

    he shouldn’t be on this team anyway..

    there were way better options to draft, but the Suckaneers chose sucking D.Smith..

    and then they even resigning him to big money, creating a hole at MLB..
    (could have retained Kwon – a guy who made plays you know)

    typi all Suckaneers..

    fire Licht tonight!

  5. NOSBOS Says:

    So says the new resident falcon fan that makes it her business to post on a Bucs fan site. She praised klueless all yesterday a coach that hasn’t won anything in this league but a coach who’s resume otherwise is laughable to her. She speaks louden but her words come across quite softly. Sorta like that weak mantra her favorite former HC use to try an sell to this team. No worries tho home girl we’ll beat the brakes off y’all both games next season then I’ll watch carefully to see if you have any sugary nuggets to type on here after that. I doubt it.

  6. louden Says:

    at first i wanted to write:

    Joe is writting about competition between
    wanna-be-NFL-Stars while the Suckaneers Roster is fully undrtalented…

  7. NOSBOS Says:

    I see y’all went after O-Line early in that draft,good luck wit that. They’ll be a learning curve and with as much your beloved OC likes throwing the ball (50+ time a game) that doesn’t bode well for the long term health of your QB. From MVP a few seasons ago to injured reserve in 2019. My guess is y’all will finish last in the south this upcoming season.

  8. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Stop blogging and do your homework

  9. NOSBOS Says:

    louden I bet you were stoked when that young man posted those 15 sacks weren’t you. Thought y’all had the next BIG thing in him right??? Steroids. Then you probably pumped your fist all night y’all drafted tak McKinley. So so,so far. Jason Licht about to sign an extension on yo whack @$$. But feel free to always pay us a visit whenever you like here at jbf.

  10. NOSBOS Says:

    Tell me louden,where will Devonta Freeman be traded after next season. Your crush klueless koetter clearly doesn’t care much for RBs so you know Devonta gone want out right. Right???

  11. NOSBOS Says:

    What you been saying “fire Jason Licht tonight “. Nall homegirl he about to sign a juicy extension on yo @$$.

  12. NOSBOS Says:

    C’mon man please tell me about ya dirty turds. You must not feel to about how y’all look going into next season. I mean you spending all that good quality time over here.

  13. WhatdaBUCisthis Says:

    All this hating on the team right now is petty as fu(k. This site is frowned upon by many outside of Tampa…hell, even there too. Not because of content. JBF brings it! It’s you half ass fans complaining about the TEAM every article. No solutions. Just complaints. Fu(k outta here wit that. Clowns… CLOWNS I say, the whole lot of you losers
    Go BUCS

  14. NOSBOS Says:

    louden.. louden please come out an play.

  15. NOSBOS Says:

    Whatabuc they not all fans,when analyze what they say you can kinda tell which fan base they come from.

  16. JimmyJack Says:

    D.Smith is my front runner for Comeback Player of the Year for the Bucs.

    Bruce will keep a boot up his ass and he has untapped potential at runblocking.

  17. NOSBOS Says:

    Don’t matter much tho,starting 2019 the South is our. Hmm,see if I can find some data on BA record when facing the South over the last few years.

  18. NOSBOS Says:

    Before I start my research,louden was that you stated yesterday dirty turd fans were bragging about getting “the klueless one” back??? Was that you??? The guy y’all fired and dismissed a few short years ago. Good luck with that,and we’ll see how long the second honeymoon last this time around. My money says not long.

  19. Defense Rules Says:

    louden … Hint: You’re getting to be obnoxious with your negative posts.

  20. NOSBOS Says:

    We must protect this house,we can’t stop’em from coming in here but we can d$&@ shol jump down on they @$$ when they choose to.

  21. NOSBOS Says:

    Naahh Defense,she good. Everybody knows I’m the resident anal guy. Let her do her,when I take notice I’ll do me.

  22. Defense Rules Says:

    NOSBOS … Remember the sign at the zoo? ‘Don’t Feed the Animals’. It only encourages them to come back for more food.

  23. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Quit picking on Louden…..she can’t help it…..have a little charity in your heart for the pathetic among us.

  24. tmaxcon Says:

    3-13 talent is 3-13 talent regardless of hope or faith… it is enjoyable watching the delusional optimists spew their nonsense year in and year out while glazers collect basement titles with no desire to field a competitive team…. hell they have proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt with two franchises on separate continents… its one thing to embarrass a small market irrelevant Buccaneers franchise but to destroy a worldwide powerhouse like man u that took skills

  25. WhatdaBUCisthis Says:

    @Defense Rules
    We gotta stay on they heads!!!
    This is Tampa!!!
    Go BUCS

  26. SenileSenior Says:

    NOSBOS Says:
    May 5th, 2019 at 2:49 pm

    What you said!! 😀

  27. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Actually, I’d like to thank Louden……she has accomplished something that many of us have been unable to do……bring us together as fans…..nothing more could make us want to succeed than to have a despicable character from another team’s fan base taunting us.
    Thanks, sweetie!!!

  28. WhatdaBUCisthis Says:

    9-7… 10-6 better yet!!!
    Delusional? Don’t care what yall think. The culture will change for us. With this schedule…8-0 this year as home well mean more to us this year. B.A. well get the TEAM to understand this.
    The walls cannot fall!
    Go BUCS

  29. SenileSenior Says:

    Go Bucs!!!!!!!!

  30. NOSBOS Says:


  31. Eric Says:

    Arians is the most accomplished coach we’ve had since Chucky.

    He knows what he’s doing. I expect great things. All you yahoos jumping on his case before his first training camp are pathetic.

  32. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong…..but when we went to the Superbowl…….I think we won.
    What happened to the Falcons?……didn’t they have a lead?……I think they choked……very, very, badly……how embarrassing.

  33. NOSBOS Says:

    Whatabuc don’t let no one deter your belief. I firmly believe we about be H3ll next season. We may very well be the fastest overall team in the league. We’ve complained about coaching but now have a proven staff in place. It’s not like there are dynasties all over the league standing in our way. This team will be as good as they want to be. Early signs say they buying inn. That’s all I need to know. So in my mind we going to Miami.. And we gone win tha b$&@.

  34. AlteredEgo Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    He brings in that fire and that compete out of guys,” Smith said. .
    Gag me….trite tripe
    next come the rookies…”everyone is fast here”….2nd years players….”the game has slowed down for me this year”
    bet NONE of this crap is spewed in play off cities …..
    for us it is every new HC and every offseason

  35. NOSBOS Says:

    Bucs fans being pessi is not that Big a deal to me,kinda aggy but I get it. It’s when my spidey senses tell me that’s a rival that is posting is when I have a problem. louden a dirty turd man.

  36. Kobe Faker Says:

    “No competition without depth

    During the season, every team faces injuries

    When 1 or 2 of our starters misses games is when we head toward the cellar

    45 year old Kobe lives in his moms basement…

    He knows what he is talking about”

    Kobe Faker

  37. Mikadeemas Says:

    NOSBOS! You ROCK! Glad you’re back, bro!

  38. AlteredEgo Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    NOSBOS Says:
    May 5th, 2019 at 2:13 pm
    So says the new resident falcon fan that makes it her business to post on a Bucs fan site. She praised klueless all yesterday a coach that hasn’t won anything in this league but a coach who’s resume otherwise is laughable
    so…are you saying Koetter is trolling JBF ?….and Joe for all those yam intro’s followed by Dirk this and that

  39. AlteredEgo Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    show me !

  40. NOSBOS Says:

    A yo thanks Mikadeemas. And Kobe folks get on yo case sometimes but you do know what you speak. Touch on what you just said real quick. I notice the better teams in the league seem to avoid the injury bug. Maybe it’s better training camp you know break the body down and build it back up for the season. Not that they don’t get dinged up here and there but nothing like the rash of injuries we’ve seen with the Bucs in recent years. I’ll be paying close attention come next season.

  41. NOSBOS Says:

    And the basement a H3ll of a lot better than a bench at a neighborhood park bro😊.

  42. BucEmUp Says:

    Louden I have a feeling you wont be spewing so much bull sh!t after they win some games. Can’t wait to see your posts once Arians turns this around

  43. Don_RyJo(e) Says:

    Re: The bowling video

    So…Donovan Smith is a colossus of a man performing in the top 0.01% of athletes nationwide, and he is afraid of moths and loves to bowl. Who IS this guy????

  44. Steven007 Says:

    Oh please, Louden it’s nothing more than a silly troll. Even one note trollmax is more entertaining. Okay, not really.

  45. Buc believer Says:

    I bet Lorenzo brings out the dog in the players…

  46. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Falcons traded up and reached for two Olinemen to replace the loser they already invested a fortune on…..trying to keep Matty upright…….won’t work…..Devin White will cover Julio with his “near Julio speed”…..4.39 vs 4.42…..

  47. tmaxcon Says:

    you people blame louden he is not the one winning basement titles and embarrassing the sport of football for nearly 40 years that honor is soley on the minor league bucs franchise. you guys sure like to ignore reality and shoot messengers…

  48. SenileSenior Says:

    Culture change by the team will lead to culture change by the fans
    Culture Change, Team=>Fans
    Go Bucs!!!!! Win Now!

  49. louden Says:


    yeah exactly, all while Devin White will play press man coverage against julio hahahaha

    but yeah, i expect better defense by sheme

    call me very doubtfull that this players will get it done


    Suckaneers gonna suck this season again

  50. JimmyJack Says:

    TBBF from what I heard Bunting excells at covering the deep zone and taking away deep threats.

    We’ll see how NFL ready he is but my guess is the plan with him is too keep guys like Julio Jones in check.

  51. NOSBOS Says:

    There she is 👋🏾 louden. Tell me,why exactly did y’all change the gameplan when up 28/3 in that Super Bowl??? I can’t come up with a reasonable explanation maybe you can help me.

  52. Mike Johnson Says:

    *am Louden, I thought I was a sometime critic of my Bucs. But you sir..are you even a fan?

  53. NOSBOS Says:

    Oh an Licht gonna sign a juicy extension. All this Licht hate as if picking and choosing players is a guaranteed thing is comical. If that were case many of these jbf gm’s would have gigs in the NFL. This past draft will prove to be his best. It’s this draft that will earn him a mountain of extra money.

  54. NOSBOS Says:

    M.J. she is a fan. A falcons fan.

  55. NOSBOS Says:

    This class is about to be known as his best class Joe. And as a result of this class he will sign an extension.

  56. BringBucsBack Says:

    Cutie: “Donovan, how has your off-season been going?”

    Donovan: “My off-season has been going great! My agent got Gump to give me twice as much money as I deserve for taking plays off and being perfectly average!”

    Gayle is suuuuch a lovely lady!

  57. NOSBOS Says:

    Like,maybe some don’t have an eye for talent. I’m no expert but when you draft what seems to be the best players on teams in college and provide competent coaching you set yourself up for success in that league. Now,which draft picks exactly do y’all feel won’t live up to expectations. I’m so curious.

  58. Barack's Crack Pipe Says:

    Kobe Faker Says:
    “45 year old Kobe lives in his moms basement…”

    Be careful you don’t get wet, bruh. There’s a reason not too many basements in FL. LOL

  59. NOSBOS Says:

    So,I guess folks here feel only Belichess is capable of fielding a winning program. Like the pats were the definition of winning prior to him getting there. Phsst. Organization can be garbage for decades,they usually are prior to a HC coming inn and changing the culture. I gave a few examples yesterday. Chuck Knoll,Bill Walsh,Jimmy Johnson,Bill Belichess Marv Levy (who wasn’t a spring chicken either). See when you’re critical with out taking into account the new guy has nothing to do with the prior culture then you’re just an @$$hole.

  60. NOSBOS Says:

    BA I got nothing to do with the porous attitude in Buc country or the loser mentality that gushes from the fan base. My belief is because of his track record he had a solution.

  61. NOSBOS Says:

    Like the 9ers of the 80s were looked at as a dynasty before Bill Walsh made them one. Him and Eddie Debartlo. Add in Carmen Policies. Some of y’all sound like this s@&( should simply just be magic. Poof volia. No work involved. If you make good money like that in your personal life won’t give ya boy pointers.

  62. NOSBOS Says:

    Like it didn’t take winning @$$ Jimmy Johnson and JerryJones desire to get cowboys back right after fallen off map once the 70s were over. Phsst. C’mon man.

  63. Barack's Crack Pipe Says:

    Buc believer Says:
    “I bet Lorenzo brings out the dog in the players…”

    That should be bringing rotten vegetables and eggs out of the fans. The Glazers should keep their Babylonian wet dream in the closet instead of shoving it in front of children and families.

  64. NOSBOS Says:

    I’m not all that smart. But some of y’all be sounding Stupid.

  65. NOSBOS Says:

    The Bucs history of being trash. WTF that got to do wit Bruce Arians.

  66. 1buc4u Says:

    Never say never…..Every one wants to blame the GM but he doesnt pick the players himself….We will see ….Go Bucs !!!!

  67. NOSBOS Says:

    They hired Raheem,everyone “he too young”. They hired Schiano everyone “college coach that ain’t won nothing”. They hired Lovie everyone “he trying to bring the Tampa 2 back”. Fire him hire klueless everyone “was excited”. Fool hadn’t did anything in this league. They finally hire someone wit some bonafide credentials and many wanna “blame him for years of sucking in the league” that’s some funny ish right there.

  68. 1buc4u Says:

    NOSBOS Says:
    May 5th, 2019 at 5:50 pm
    They hired Raheem,everyone “he too young”. They hired Schiano everyone “college coach that ain’t won nothing”. They hired Lovie everyone “he trying to bring the Tampa 2 back”. Fire him hire klueless everyone “was excited”. Fool hadn’t did anything in this league. They finally hire someone wit some bonafide credentials and many wanna “blame him for years of sucking in the league” that’s some funny ish right there.

    Yep….you got it right…go bucs

  69. tmaxcon Says:


    I respect and appreciate you passion but please pufff puff pass… you’ve had enough…. the glazers are not even trying to field a winner and they haven’t since sapp walked out of the doors. You can give them a free pass if you like but those dirtballs made their own bed. Until they prove it on Sunday’s the are the bad news bears without a heart…. SCOREBOARD is all that matters. Glazers have earned every ounce of criticism they receive on 2 continents

  70. Christopher Schiefen Says:

    My god Louden…good effort I guess.
    You’re beginning to sound like Joe in your antiquated notion of Simeon Rice (& neither Sweat nor Allen nor Ferrell are Simeon Rice) being the most valuable addition of a modern defense. Does Bill Belichick agree with you? That should end the argument, but CJ Moseley’s new bank account disagrees with you, and he’s nowhere near the modern ILB that Devin White is (I’d say Todd Bowles strongly disagrees with you, but who cares what the brilliant architect of the new defense thinks).

    Devin White doesn’t play MLB. He plays one of the ILBs, something Joe and yourself never, ever mention.

    And finally, Devin White is akin to a culture change like Baker Mayfield was in Cleveland. Not anywhere near the most talented player in that draft, but the worst team of the last decade needed an on-field dynamic, contagious leader in the worst way. The second worst team just got that in Mr. White.

  71. TOM Says:

    The Bucs Suck. As Ronde would say it is what it is.

  72. Defense Rules Says:

    TOM … I disagree with you about the status of the Bucs, but I do understand WHY you’d feel that way. IMO we don’t know right now what we have … yet. Personally I think we’re a lot better off than I anticipated that we’d be when last season ended.

    Todd Bowles said something Wednesday at his media call at One Buc Palace that IMO applies to BOTH sides of the ball. He was talking about talent & coaching, and here’s what he said …

    “It doesn’t matter how old you are or how young you are, it’s a combination of coaching and talent. It goes hand in hand, you can’t have one without the other, so we’re going to coach these guys up the best we can. We’re going to get them to play hard and we’re going to play tough.”

    I’m sure that every new coaching staff says exactly the same thing, BUT … this coaching staff has a track record that says they’ll make it happen. Just about ALL of them are very seasoned coaches who’ve demonstrated success in terms of getting results. BA is very demanding from everything I’ve read, and I’m sure that goes for not just his players but also for his coaches. High expectations are essential, and ‘good enough’ doesn’t seem to cut it with BA. A man after my own heart.

  73. NOSBOS Says:

    Tmax,honestly I was right along with you in regards to the Glazer son’s. SB and I had a private conversation over the phone about it. I was piping hot wit those guys until after work one night my partner told me “oh yea Mike I forgot to tell they hired your guy Bruce Arians”. He said “your guy” because a month or so earlier in a chat over the phone I was like “Diggy,they need to go get Bruce Arians man”. He broke the news to me that night,I oblivious at work that day. I said to myself okay these dudes finally are attempting to give the fans what they so strongly desire… Hope.

  74. Barack's Crack Pipe Says:

    Christopher Schiefen Says:
    “And finally, Devin White is akin to a culture change like Baker Mayfield was in Cleveland. Not anywhere near the most talented player in that draft, but the worst team of the last decade needed an on-field dynamic, contagious leader in the worst way. The second worst team just got that in Mr. White.”

    That is the value that I see in White, also. Let’s hope! White does need a lot of work on technique and play recognition, but we have good teachers now, and White has only been a linebacker for a couple of years, so that leaves a lot of upside. Go Bucs!